Maaki's MAL Profile
Hi! I'm Maaki, sometimes also known as Ena Jane.
Non-native English speaker. Lazy (which is obvious in this profile). Irregularly busy. Thus, rarely start a talk/build my profile/post anything.
Haven't come up with anything to introduce, maybe just lazy XD.
Okkkk I always loved to read other profile pages but kept being too lazy to write my own. But feel free to talk to me!
I'm not a native speaker, so plz correct and forgive me if I make mistakes when I talk too passionately(tho talking passionately might be unlikely for me...
Anime History Last Anime Updates

Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo 2nd Season
Mar 12, 7:35 AM
· Scored
All Comments (88) Comments
You're tackling the sequels of Kusuriya, 100 kano, and Dr. Stone? Impressive! But let's be real, your watchlist isn't so little and light compared to mine. I'll keep the eye rest in mind, but when the anime calls, i must answer!
Ah, the triumph of procrastination and laziness—a true masterpiece in the making. Lie down, relax, and let's chat more. Your English is spot on, by the way. It's all about the good vibes, and you've got them.
Keep enjoying your hobbies , watching anime and conquering laziness, like the badass you are. R-San out
Any new anime you are looking forward to this winter 2025? I'll be watching over 30 new seasonal as always so it's difficult for me to cherry pick them, haha. Take care my friend.
I would love it if you were less busy, I like talking to you a lot.
Your words are very poetic and I love how they make me feel better
> 我前几天也在赶DDL还感冒了,连圣诞节都没想起来登录留个言
> 不过HHGG确实是他最出名的作品,anyway feel free to read it by anytime.
okok我晚点回去的路上可以读读看,刚好出发前塞我包里了。不过Dirk Gently我之前没听说过欸,刚刚搜了一下看到了那个电视剧,有个地方有点像那个The Grand Budapest Hotel的一个电梯片段。嗯,那我先把hhgg看了,喜欢的话也顺便把dirk gently也看了
> 我写论文那会和你一模一样hhhh
哈哈哈,我假期的拖延症又犯了,而且流感还给我添加了个不写作业的理由。现在还有差不多5天的时间做一个ppt,和两个research essay,然后finals也都在十几号。感觉有一点点要祭
> 但是经常觉得还有正事要干不应该花那么多时间看番,结果该干正事的时候反倒花了更多的碎片时间刷短视频)
Dungeon Meshi
Oct 12, 3:21 PM
Reading 53/102 · Scored -
> 最近誓要向所有人安利道格拉斯亚当斯
oo, 我现在就有一本他的那个hitchhikers guide to the galaxy但摆在那好几年了hhh。从高二听我一个老师的推荐买的,但一直没有读。不过我也好久没看书了,上一次读好也得半年前读了个1984。呃...我看看这几周能不能抽出点时间把那本读了。
> 目前最大的阻力是上周不慎点开Alan Becker主页,一口气看完AvA、AvM和短篇,发现掉进了有生之年大坑,之后一直心神不宁
哈哈哈,不慌,我最近也沉迷于短视频了每写个一百来字就得doom scroll个一小时,均每天ins时长都得有个4小时。可以明显的感觉到自己的智商在慢慢的下降hhh。还有我番也有点看不下去了,近几个月看的越来越少了
As for the VPN, tech issues can be such a hassle. I'm so grateful that you Imaged that sky atmosphere sounds lovely, though. Sometimes, it’s those little moments of natural beauty that put everything else into perspective. I wish I could Enjoy those sunsets with a special friend like you maaki who love mysteries as much as me.. and take your time getting back to the anime grind.
I tried uploading the pics I took on a different site. Hopefully you can see them now