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Nov 3, 2023 5:28 AM

Nov 2011
Naofumi and the party needs to be more careful while on the road, but I suppose it can't be helped when not everything is predictable. Getting attacked almost feels natural in their world.

Fohl and Atla are also taking a more active role now ever since Naofumi helped them. Even Eclair is getting some spotlight so Naofumi has plenty of allies.
Nov 3, 2023 5:35 AM

Dec 2021
Ah so Murder Pierrot did have some importance then eh?

Naofumi and his group are attacked by a mysterious duo on the main road. Their opponents easily deflect Raphtalia's attacks, nullify Naofumi's support magic, and even prove to be quite skilled in manipulating a massive meteorite. Naofumi and his comrades find themselves cornered. As the enemy's attack approaches the group, Murder Pierrot suddenly intervenes and rescues her. The stranger conversing with Murder Pierrot discloses that she is a wielder of a vassal weapon from a world that no longer exists. When the enemy attempts to flee, Murder Pierrot swiftly dispatches him before he can escape. Strangely, the enemy's body fades away. With gratitude, Murder Pierrot introduces herself as S'yne. Feeling a sense of obligation towards her, Naofumi welcomes her to stay in the village.

Raphtalia was debuffed by the enemy, which ended up removing her curse. I'm not certain if it was stated in the episode whether the cure was permanent or not, but does anyone remember? In any case, it didn't take long to unravel the entire mystery with Murder Pierrot. And S'yne certainly proved herself to be quite capable. There is a lot of potential in her character, and I hope we get to see more of her in the future.

Shit is starting to ramp up I can feel it. The enemies are starting to get stronger and stronger, especially if they can send a meteor down out of nowhere.

Nov 3, 2023 5:54 AM

Aug 2020
another good ep

what happened to Ren...
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Nov 3, 2023 6:03 AM

Feb 2021
0:28 Tan (たん) is intended as an even more cute or affectionate variant of -chan. It is exclusively used by otaku for female characters.
I'm guessing they didn't just run away from the meteor because it is homing in on Naofumi. Or maybe running would've been useless because, well, it's a meteor.
Kinda surprising how they killed those guys so nonchalantly.
17:47 "Onii-sama" "desuwa" She's talking like royalty?
More of those "heroes" next week. What is Ren doing this time?
Nov 3, 2023 6:55 AM

Dec 2022
Spear's antics never end, do they? We got some more info on the clown girl, who ends up helping Naofumi in a fight. Of course, we know from Glass and friends that Vassal Wielders aren't necessarily to be trusted. Eclair gets some good screen time, and Naofumi is progressing nicely with his slave army. What should I call those two guys who attacked Naofumi on the road? Trash 3 and Trash 4?

Hope Naofumi knocks some sense into Sword next week.
MALoween 2024 Candy: ///
Nov 3, 2023 7:13 AM

May 2015
Sh'y Lock seems to be the new cool character pf this season, nice.

However, more Ren and Motoyasu content, great... (no)
Nov 3, 2023 7:27 AM
Oct 2023
This episode is so sweet for my heart :3
Nov 3, 2023 7:27 AM

Mar 2012
Reply to Embient
0:28 Tan (たん) is intended as an even more cute or affectionate variant of -chan. It is exclusively used by otaku for female characters.
I'm guessing they didn't just run away from the meteor because it is homing in on Naofumi. Or maybe running would've been useless because, well, it's a meteor.
Kinda surprising how they killed those guys so nonchalantly.
17:47 "Onii-sama" "desuwa" She's talking like royalty?
More of those "heroes" next week. What is Ren doing this time?
@Embient It was heavily hinted in the past episodes (and a bit in the few words of the king this ep) that she seems to be the descendant of the royals the king (at the time the staff hero) pursued to free his sister.

Not sure if daughter/granddaughter of the kidnapped sister alas GoT treatment with Ned's sister or just a full descendant that escaped the destruction of the family emulating the legend of Anastasia Romanov.
Waifus only represent ideals
Nov 3, 2023 7:29 AM

Apr 2022
atla really is getting better quick.
Nov 3, 2023 8:14 AM

Oct 2017
Random npc summoning meteors? What? Good to see S'yne again and glad she joined them. The tiger siblings were so adorable. Happy for Atla. Now what's up with sword trash? He's with the bandits?
Nov 3, 2023 8:34 AM

Jun 2015
Funny that the spear hero went from a hero to a vagrant and now a stalker. That ambush of theirs really was well executed. Thankfully Sy'ne was here to stop them. Still being the lone survivor of a destroyed world sure is a harsh reality for her. Its nice to see Naofumi actually knows the people of his village though. Seeing the kids make their choices was a nice touch. Keel being amazed by all the gear kinda reminded of how i was when i played my first JRPG. Atla's growth though really has been surprisingly rapid. Seems her affection for Naofumi is serving her well as a motivator. What a fight for Naofumi to run into as part of his bandit hunt.
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Nov 3, 2023 8:58 AM
Feb 2022
That garbled speech from Syne is driving me nuts with curiosity! What is she? An AI? From the Matrix? Gah!
Nov 3, 2023 9:04 AM

Apr 2018
Damn that meteor xD Good that Syne is here and Atla progressed a lot, that's nice to see
Nov 3, 2023 9:24 AM
I like water

Feb 2020
S'yne seems like he'll be a good character, as well as important. But in the end I didn't understand, Ren is the bandit that Eclair talked about? Why Motoyasu and Ren were fighting? I guess next week those questions will fade away with the next episode.
Nov 3, 2023 9:25 AM

Sep 2013
The Shield withstand the meteor was interesting actually. 😎
Starting to like Atla more and learns a bit of Hokuto no Ken.😊
Ren is on a bad side now...
Nov 3, 2023 9:36 AM
Oct 2020
boring ahh ahh. What happened to their strength man and the fighting is terrible.
Nov 3, 2023 10:00 AM

Sep 2014
What happened to beast folk aging according to their level? Was that only a gimmick to give us loli raphtalia? Because the childs are still.. childs.

Cant really tell if the random attackers were strong (summoning a meteor definitely seems OP) or if the MCs party is super weak now? I understand they were cursed last season but arent they a little too weak?

Oh and who is the pink haired women? Am I supposed to know her?
Comander-07Nov 3, 2023 10:06 AM
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Nov 3, 2023 10:24 AM
Sep 2020
So, dude really went full "yo iré sólo porque soy bárbaro"? Damn 🤣🤣🤣
Nov 3, 2023 10:26 AM

Dec 2013
I can't wait to see the siblings kicking butt, specially Atla, S'yne is now part of the team under supervision, I miss Kizuna.
Nov 3, 2023 10:46 AM

Jan 2015
Reply to Comander-07
What happened to beast folk aging according to their level? Was that only a gimmick to give us loli raphtalia? Because the childs are still.. childs.

Cant really tell if the random attackers were strong (summoning a meteor definitely seems OP) or if the MCs party is super weak now? I understand they were cursed last season but arent they a little too weak?

Oh and who is the pink haired women? Am I supposed to know her?
@Comander-07 for pink-haired woman, you can skim through the first episode of s2, she definitely was there. But they kinda rushed stuff with her, so no doubt you forgot her.
Nov 3, 2023 10:53 AM
Jan 2023
Ren thinks he is John Smith
Nov 3, 2023 11:59 AM

May 2020
Hold up bad guys, I'm pretty sure y'all must not have been programmed to perform a high class attack of crashing meteorite over someone, so how lol? Though talking about bad guys, I really don't want to suffer anymore with this sword guy. Hope Naofumi puts him in place, and while at it, bitch too.

Also, can we stop with these masked subtitles whenever that one girl from other world speaks?? It's unsettling honestly.
Nov 3, 2023 12:53 PM

Apr 2023
Nicolas_Rudra said:
Ren thinks he is John Smith

Lmao 😭 This comment took me by surprise 😂
Nov 3, 2023 2:40 PM
Nov 2019
I see the clowns are fighting now.
Nov 3, 2023 3:04 PM

Sep 2007
This episode was boring as hell, and we are almost at halfway of season 3...
Some random NPCs summoning metheor and fighting "on par? (?) with MC? What happened with power balance or something?
Avenger Ren, please give me a break, I facepalmed literally.
At least there was no B*tch this episode...
Motoyasu is just stupid annoying.
Why after leveling up so much beast kids didn't grow up?
Now I miss L'Arc and co. they were at least very likeable.
Nov 3, 2023 3:34 PM

Jun 2015
Now thats a cliffanger of an ending
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Nov 3, 2023 3:34 PM
Oct 2022
Why is Ren trying to be knock off Batman?
Nov 3, 2023 4:42 PM
Oct 2016
Naofumi trying his best to balance out taking care of his lands and getting ready for the upcoming Phoenix battle. Elcair left her post of looking after the place to go train which is important in its own right but can't take up too much time away. Keel and some more of the demi human kids reached their max level to class upgrade which is great. Following that most recent attack on their village it's easy to understand why many of them would want to become stronger. They can all better protect the village now with these upgrades. We got lots of slice of life type content such as that this episode. The vassal hero from a destroyed world with the broken speech we saw at the colosseum returns since she put a tracker on Naofumi. Synne coming in clutch to help stop even more people from another world. She comes off very sweet and just wanting to help but I can see why Naofumi wouldn't trust her right away considering his past with other heroes. The hunting expedition they go on leading to said heroes, learning of some bandits running around that makes for the perfect opportunity to keep everyone in fighting shape. Naofumi running into Motoyasu fighting Ren who's wearing a mask and looking haggard.
Nov 3, 2023 5:28 PM

Feb 2014
It would have been better to introduce those new enemies when Naofumi was with S'yne Lokk, it doesn't make sense some random dudes to jump out at Naofumi and they manage to summon a meteor and remove a curse from Raphtalia that Naofumi wasn't able to remove.

TBH I don't care about the other 3 heroes, the author goes over and beyond to make them unlikeable.
Nov 3, 2023 5:45 PM
Jul 2022
Damn that meteor straight out of nowhere had me laughing, that guy had it moving that slowly it would've been a landing not a meteor strike, he could get a job at nasa. Where was he when the dinosaurs needed him? XD

And what's with Motoyasu going after Filo? The guy is acting like Araragi around Hatchkuji. God forbid if he get hold of her.

That being said, it was an alright episode.
Nov 3, 2023 6:05 PM
Aug 2018
It finally got lively and it looks like we'll have action from now on.
Nov 3, 2023 6:18 PM
May 2017
Another very good episode! Atla is getting more and more cute and lovely each episode.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Nov 3, 2023 6:19 PM
May 2017
Reply to Gl0rp
That garbled speech from Syne is driving me nuts with curiosity! What is she? An AI? From the Matrix? Gah!
@Gl0rp S'yne may be a cousin of Max Headroom...
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Nov 3, 2023 7:20 PM

Jan 2017
Damn enemies powerscaling goes crazy, random mobs can just spawn in meteors out of nowhere
Nov 3, 2023 8:02 PM
Apr 2023
It looks like the Sword Hero just became the chuunibyou character he dreamed to be.
Nov 3, 2023 8:13 PM

Jan 2021
Lots of stuff happened in this episode. Cool things, we literally got the scissors sword from kill la kill thanks to a girl from another world. Ren digging from the trash made me chuckle. Same with that stupid mask of his.

We also got some other developments like, other "other" worlds existing where heroes are being forced to kill each other. I know we vaguely knew this from the first season and the second season. Surprisingly this still doesn't feel very touched up upon despite the second season being about that. Was really hoping for more information.

Also dude says we can't trust her just yet but takes away everyone except granny/freshly trained kids to defend the village. Your leaving them alone with a strong woman that previously attacked you. Why does Naoufumi only have one brain cell this season. BRUH
Nov 3, 2023 8:26 PM
Nov 2023
so, drama becane steps again.
Nov 3, 2023 8:52 PM

Sep 2007
962 Motoyasu found so quick again? It's actually kind of funny if you consider the fact he appeared to be looking for/tracking down Filo and instead found Ren again.

And where random glowy spear come from? Unless that's just a skill...Unless I looked at it wrong and it was Ren's

....but about quick turnaround for being brainwashed/becoming "evil" GUH....His stupidity is pissing me off all over again.
Nov 3, 2023 9:06 PM

Feb 2019
Ren looks like he's aged so badly. Either that or he is under some kinda spell, which I'm thinking he is given how he easily believes B!tch. Now, are Fohl & Atla related to Trash (aka former King lol)? I believe so given his reaction and his comment.
Nov 3, 2023 9:10 PM

Jan 2021
Ren can you be more stupid than you're now?

Nov 3, 2023 9:20 PM

Jul 2016
Was Eclair always this devoted to Naofumi? Can't really remember...

Also Ren has reached "chuunibyou" levels I thought were impossible. I just can't with this dude.
Nov 3, 2023 9:39 PM

Mar 2007
Not sure why after a good start this episode kind of felt like ... filler, which is not a good sign.

Nov 4, 2023 12:51 AM

Feb 2019
My wife Atla getting more and more focus on the anime finally 😩 with how the pace of things is going, we won’t get the best stuff with her until the next season. I really like that they’re taking their time and giving these volumes the love they deserve.

The king’s backstory should get going pretty soon and man, it’s going to do his character so much justice. Such a tragic character who I think a lot of people will change their opinions on.
Nov 4, 2023 1:10 AM

Dec 2011
It is painful to watch this good started anime...
Nov 4, 2023 1:24 AM

Jul 2022
Nov 4, 2023 3:05 AM
Sep 2021
Ren is acting suspicious and motoyasu and naofumi gather together and are checking what is wrong with him.
Nov 4, 2023 3:23 AM

Dec 2018
dude what the hell happened to their animation budget
Nov 4, 2023 3:26 AM

Dec 2018
Reply to leonardobarba
@Gl0rp S'yne may be a cousin of Max Headroom...
@leonardobarba idk if kids these days know who that was
Nov 4, 2023 5:27 AM

Dec 2008
Too much is going on the point of being nearly completely unnecessary.
Why are random street robbers stronger than our dear party, that faced so many strong enemies before.
You could create a more reasonable approach to let Syne join the group.

It's a shame that the other heroes are still selfish idiots acting dumb like that, even when they have a different agenda than Naofumi
doesn't mean they have to be such bad people in the end. I hope they either get their act together or will die in the next few episodes.
It's like Naofumi is the only sane person in the entire country, it should not be like that.
I also would like that the female cast raising their voice when Naofumi acts like a jerk.

The show is not really bad, but some things are handled in a not so good way.
I really hope that the show will stop getting any more cringe than it already is.
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Nov 4, 2023 6:13 AM

Aug 2019
Reply to Ikano Motoyasu found so quick again? It's actually kind of funny if you consider the fact he appeared to be looking for/tracking down Filo and instead found Ren again.

And where random glowy spear come from? Unless that's just a skill...Unless I looked at it wrong and it was Ren's

....but about quick turnaround for being brainwashed/becoming "evil" GUH....His stupidity is pissing me off all over again.
Ikano said: Motoyasu found so quick again? It's actually kind of funny if you consider the fact he appeared to be looking for/tracking down Filo and instead found Ren again.

And where random glowy spear come from? Unless that's just a skill...Unless I looked at it wrong and it was Ren's

....but about quick turnaround for being brainwashed/becoming "evil" GUH....His stupidity is pissing me off all over again.

The studio cut out stuff, again... The Motoyasu vs Ren wasn't supposed to happen this episode.
The random glowy spear is the dildo spear from his Curse Series: Lust Spear.
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