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Oct 5, 2023 9:21 AM

Nov 2011
A lot of focus on Yahiko this episode and his devotion to become a better swordsman. Even at someone his age, I have to admit that his determination is admirable.

As usual, Kenshin had words of wisdom. Yahiko is very lucky to have found him. This episode also had that eerie feeling where danger looms from the dark. A pretty good one imo. I got more respect for Yahiko after seeing how determined he is to prove himself.
Oct 5, 2023 9:22 AM

May 2020
First OP atleast gave a basic idea of up to what point this first cour will cover but damn lol, this second one… no spoilers the opening.

Anyways, I liked how only Kenshin believes Yahiko would do something as noble as practising swordsmanship during the time he’s out of the house without telling anyone. Kaoru and Sano on the other hand… though that was the reason too they were kind of baffled when they saw what Yahiko was ACTUALLY doing lol. He a kid but he knows you need to work sweats to eat your food, and that’s why he was working with Tsubame at that place Kenshin and co. frequently visits to eat out.

Tsubame, being someone who has known Yahiko since ages, had a kind of similar circumstances as him, or more like what Yahiko used to have before he met Kenshin and Kaoru. Smugs ganging up on her to get the information about the money safes within the restaurant, was just the kind of trigger Yahiko needed to become a more better swordsman and beating the shit of them. He might not have packed their whole gang, but he did beat their main man, so that in itself will count as an achievement.

Good deeds do get rewarded, and for Yahiko it's Yahiko-kun and not -chan from Tsubame, not sure for how long though lol.

ED with great visuals is a banger by the way.
Softhenic03Oct 5, 2023 9:26 AM
Oct 5, 2023 9:27 AM

Nov 2007
Both new OP and ED were ok.

25:15 JST next
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Oct 5, 2023 11:29 AM

Jun 2015
Kaoru's opinion of Yahiko sure wasn't a good one. Getting a part time job is always a good experience for a kid as it allows them to gain valuble life experience. From honourable samurai to petty thieves man these guys sure had fallen far. Still using the alley as a bottleneck really was good strat and even with the gang there to back him up im glad that they let Yahiko win this battle himself. Overall this ep felt like a filler but one of the roles of a filler is to serve as a vehicle that can be used to expand upon its main focus and here Yahiko had some nice expansion of his character that im sure he would strive to build upon. The new opening sure was a curious one but really liked the new ending theme.
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Oct 5, 2023 11:33 AM

Jul 2017
The 2nd Cour's OST is fine, not like the 1st Cour, but passable.

Yahiko's on his own, and Kenshin, Kaoru and Sanosuke get suspicious of his actions, and instead, found him as a day laborer alongside the frail girl that is Tsubame. But she does have a place to return to, and it's the same bastard royalty that the Edo era has seen many of its kind, with Akabeko. And while Yahiko came to her rescue, he's been training his swordsmanship as well. And though the trio are in the watch, this is essentially his own battle that he needs to outgrow to become stronger, as Kenshin has surmised.

The next day, Yahiko devises an improvised tool to help him, but that alone is useless because of human swordmanship. And turning to Kenshin for advice, he gave Yahiko practical tips, especially for someone embedded with the Kamiya Kasshin-ryu swordmanship. But Kenshin and Sanosuke showing their faces for awhile, and that defines the one-on-one fight with Yahiko vs. Mirio Nagaoka. Sure, Yahiko did find Kaoru and both Kenshin and Sanosuke acting like cicadas in springtime (which this is hilarious), but the overall matter is settled with Yahiko's win.

Yahiko, congrats, you have leveled up!
Oct 5, 2023 11:47 AM
Handler One

Jan 2023
New OP is good but the new ED is farrr better than the last.

I like how Yahiko is more fleshed out with this episode, and that fight being an opportunity for him to not only learn but also demonstrate how far he’s gotten with his training. It’s refreshing to see more into Yahiko and his determination rather than just a kid in the group with a rather loud mouth.

He’s very lucky to have Kenshin and the others for both wisdom and support, Kaoru being his teacher, Kenshin giving advice as a fellow swordsman, and Sanosuke as someone to bicker with haha. Good on him for the job too, even a minor one will help in the long run with experience.

Good episode, ED visuals with the paper and ink looks so cool and fitting for the Meiji Era.
Have a terrific Thursday :)

"You fought to the end. You survived. That's why you're here now. I think that's something you should be more proud of."
- Vladilena Milizé
Oct 5, 2023 11:58 AM
May 2021
The opening is acc quite engaging & love how it focuses in solely on Kenshin.
Oct 5, 2023 12:07 PM

Dec 2021
The new OP is pretty good, or at least good enough.

Ah, it's the Yahiko episode. Not the most thrilling, but it's amusing to see him trying to be a good boy. Even when he's trying to be good, he still has a bit of an edge, haha. I feel for the little girl. And those D-tier troublemakers? Good luck with that "threat," buddy. It's nice to witness Yahiko's progress. Kenshin, you might want to jump in and lend a hand. I understand your perspective, Kenshin, but it does seem a bit impractical. I do appreciate Kenshin's advice to Yahiko on handling multiple opponents. Way to go, Yahiko, putting in the effort. And it's great that Sano and Kenshin showed up. That guy has a real sword and he's still backing away, what a coward. Smooth move, Sano and Kenshin, sneaking up like that.

While not the absolute best, it's good to see some Yahiko development. And hooray for the sweet, kind girl getting saved. It's fun to learn he's doing all this just to save up for a sword like Kenshin's, haha. Not the most groundbreaking, but still enjoyable.

Oh, and that ED is a real banger.

Oct 5, 2023 12:31 PM
Jan 2021
This episode is full of that hard-won Wisdom that clearly distinguishes Kenshin from other shonen, that it is!
Oct 5, 2023 1:28 PM

Feb 2019
Second cour is here! OP didn’t do much for me. Song might grow on me, but seems a little underwhelming compared to the first cour.

The ED on the other hand is by Kid Phenomenon from Exile who are one of my fave Jpop groups rn. Love their song “wheelie”

Felt like a proud big brother watching Yahiko do his thing in this episode. Only way he’s going to grow up and become his own person is by making decisions like he did today, helping people, pushing himself beyond his limits.

I like that Kaoru, Kenshin and Sano gave him enough space to operate on his own, but also couldn’t help but look out for him in the end lol. They’re all so protective and I love how much of a family they have become.

He claimed it was to buy a Sakabato, but there’s definitely a little more to it than that lol. I think he’s a little sweet on the young lady. That’s always a good motivation to get stronger as well.
Marinate1016Oct 5, 2023 1:34 PM
Oct 5, 2023 1:37 PM

Jan 2009
I was really warming up to the first OP/ED πŸ˜…
The new OP had a more distinct style, the ED I thought was very forgettable.
Tsubame's voice was waaay to shrill
Looking forward to Raijuuta finally next week, where we have the first real departure from the 96 anime.
Oct 5, 2023 2:24 PM

Aug 2020
it was a good episode

time to shine for the little child

the outro is really great
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Oct 5, 2023 2:34 PM

Feb 2012
Cour 2, new OP and ED.

Interestingly, it's by Masaki Suda (Phillip in Kamen Rider W) and Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra (OP for Kamen Rider Saber)

Kenshin Himura was portrayed in the live action movies by Takeru Satō (Ryōtarō Nogami in Kamen Rider Den-O).

Yahiko figured out how the ex-Samurai would attack from his blunder in the first fight, combined it with Kenshin's wisdom on how to fight multiple opponents, and he triumphed. Kenshin and Sanosuke also briefly (and independently) give him a psychological edge from their appearances alone.
Fortress_MaximusOct 5, 2023 3:36 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Oct 5, 2023 2:44 PM

Jul 2021
op and ed not as good as the firsts
Yahiko spotlight episode was very well done
Oct 5, 2023 3:18 PM

Apr 2020
Good to see Yahiko growing as a character. I need more time to get used to the new OP, but I liked the new ED, especially the song.
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
Oct 5, 2023 3:22 PM

Oct 2016
Hey, an opening I can listen to. The ending, not so much.
Oct 5, 2023 3:33 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
I like the new OP and ED although I liked the previous ED. We got a Yahiko character development episode that turned out he was just saving to buy a Sakabato, but swords are very expensive.
Oct 5, 2023 4:58 PM

Jul 2013
The second cour finally arrived.

We got lots of focus on Yahiko this week. His change in character development so far is quite formidable. Saving the poor girl and also stopping these wannabe-samurai from robbing Akabeko's on his own shows enormous courage. If Yahiko keeps up his training and listens to what Kenshin, Kaoru and Sano tell him he definitely will become a great sword fighter. Like we could see all 3 of them already trust Yahiko enough, to let him operate on his own, even if they obviously were present if things had gotten out of hand.

I just love the fact how much they grew together as a family.

Interesting. So like Kenshin he's saving his money to be able to buy a Sakabato one day. This won't be cheap :D

Other than that the new OP sound great, but I'm actually in love with the ED. Sounds absolutely beautiful. Not to mention the wonderful art that was on display along the way.

Can't wait to see what Rurouni Kenshin still has to offer in the upcoming episodes.

Oct 5, 2023 5:35 PM

Jul 2016
Really liking how prominent the OST has become in this last couple of episodes. Excellent Yahiko-focused episode.

Also Saitou in the ED. Let's go!
Oct 5, 2023 5:39 PM

Dec 2018
First off, new OP and ED are both very very good, I think I might actually like them both more than the first two, they were bangers as well but I think they did even better with these, very good jams, I’m especially into that OP, it’s a unique sounding song and I’m already excited to hear it again next week, kinda surprised some folks above think it’s not as good as the previous one lol, music taste be like that sometimes.

And this was a good episode, it’s definitely due time Yahiko got some focus after his initial introduction arc, here we got to see him hold his own (mostly) against some goons that were tormenting his cute coworker and trying to steal from the establishment, and the fact he won the fight means one of two things, the first being these guys were just not very skilled or Yahiko has leveled up, could be a mix of both too lol, either way it was nice to see. And you also have the new plot of Yahiko trying to save up for sakabato which is a respectable goal, it’s like when I tried saving up for a PS5 but actually cool lol. The 2nd half to the show is off to a good start, looking forward to the goodness to come!
TheColonel76Oct 5, 2023 5:44 PM
Oct 5, 2023 5:59 PM
Oct 2016
Very wholesome having a Yahiko focused episode. After tagging along for the Oniwaban fight but not being able to help, hearing Kenshin declare Yahiko as the heir to the Kamiya sword style. It's all a lot to process for Yahiko, now looking up to Kenshin even more than he already did. Skipping out on his normal training with Kaoru more and more often is definitely out of the ordinary though, leading to a fun investigation by Kaoru, Sanosuke and Kenshin trying to figure out what Yahiko is doing all the time now. All three having their different ideas of what it could be was funny. Yahiko having a job at the modern restaurant they always go to, seemingly for this girl who's also working there. Yahiko finding out she's being used by a guy from a family that used to rule over her family during the previous eras. Yahiko is very brave for trying to fight off all those guys but being surrounded is tough. Finding out a way to fight multiple opponents from Kenshin. Yahiko applied that idea very well and whittled them down until Kenshin and Sanosuke had a great assist scaring away the underlings. They were also great as cicadas. Leaving just the boss controlling Tsubame for Yahiko to deal with. Whom then proceeded to knock that sucker out. Kaoru offering from great advice to Tsubame about how she shouldn't be shackled by the past since they're in this new era and more equality for all the social classes. Yahiko working at the restaurant to save up so he can buy his own sakabato was very sweet. Kenshin setting a great example for Yahiko.
Oct 5, 2023 6:46 PM

Apr 2022
new OP and ED are banging, the visuals are even better. solid yahiko episode, like how every fight in this remake so far has been well animated and yahiko's last battle was no different. his step on the sword was so hype. tsubame is also here, i liked her before and i like here as well, W there. gotta see more of their development.
Oct 5, 2023 6:52 PM

Feb 2016
This episode was amazing, Yahiko is really cool, he ends up as an amazing swordsman so is good to have episodes like this.

The new ending is great too. I'm still sad that we don't have Sobakasu, I hope they put that song at the end of this adaptation.
Sorry if my english is bad (γ£Λ˜β–½Λ˜)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Oct 5, 2023 8:38 PM

Jan 2011
Jahiko episodes were the most uninteresting ones back in the OG series imo, here i was just as bored NGL
Oct 5, 2023 10:21 PM

Mar 2019
First OP was significantly better. I prefer the second ED over the first.

Kind of bland episode, but I guess you have to build Yahiko up a little given he did a whole lot of nothing near the end of the last cour/arc.
Oct 5, 2023 11:36 PM
Sep 2016
Good EP, but sadly, whilst it was still unlike the mess that is EP 13, it still doesn't measure up to the first 11 EPs. The first 11 EPs managed to surpas the old adaptation. EP 14 however is sadly somehow weaker than how the old adaptation do this Yahiko x Tsubame EP. Also the gig with the cicada sound... Yeah, that part was just bad... real bad. A shame really.....

Although, I have to give it up to them. Whilst the EP in general doesn't measure up to the old adaptation, they actually managed to create Yahiko's character dev better in this EP, compared to the old adaptation de gozaru.

Raijuta's next.
Python is the best programming language ever. FIGHT ME!
Oct 6, 2023 12:34 AM

Mar 2019
Yahiko only brings pride, that's my boy! β–¬β–¬ι═══════ﺀ
Oct 6, 2023 4:49 AM

May 2015
It's good to see Yahiko's evolution and devlopment.
Oct 6, 2023 7:08 AM

Jul 2016
Reply to AcD4c
Good to see Yahiko growing as a character. I need more time to get used to the new OP, but I liked the new ED, especially the song.

So close to some of the best characters finally jumping into the show.
Oct 6, 2023 7:21 AM

Feb 2014
I prefer the first OP tbh.

The scene with Kenshin and Sano at the roof was funny. It just had me giggling how they were glaring down at Yahiko's enemies and then immediately hiding. πŸ˜‚
Oct 6, 2023 8:02 AM
Jul 2023
Reply to uncleqrow
Good EP, but sadly, whilst it was still unlike the mess that is EP 13, it still doesn't measure up to the first 11 EPs. The first 11 EPs managed to surpas the old adaptation. EP 14 however is sadly somehow weaker than how the old adaptation do this Yahiko x Tsubame EP. Also the gig with the cicada sound... Yeah, that part was just bad... real bad. A shame really.....

Although, I have to give it up to them. Whilst the EP in general doesn't measure up to the old adaptation, they actually managed to create Yahiko's character dev better in this EP, compared to the old adaptation de gozaru.

Raijuta's next.
@uncleqrow I guess this new yahiko's episode surpasses the old one. Because here is a proper meaning of doing staff. Just like doing work at the restaurant for sakabato and it is not for the love. also the practice session where there was no use of doing that kind of multi-attack practicing while there is no action like this. in this episode, it shows properly that it is completely useless for newbie.
So, i like the depths of this episode than the previous one. But also I respect your choice because everyone has different taste.
Oct 6, 2023 10:00 AM

Jun 2017
Congrats to Yahiko for levelling up, that was some decisive cheerleading right there in the end for him to get over the line xD. My man reacted in the split of a second, that speaks for his potential?

Kaori-san telling the little girl to grow out of tradition amidst the changing times was a nice touch, it’s up to the people to make a change after all.

2nd Op seems fine, might need some more time to appreciate it like the 1st. On the ED end though, I think I’m already converted, lol.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Oct 6, 2023 12:16 PM

Oct 2022
That ending with Yahiko swinging his sword felt kind of ominous.
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"Oh no"
Oct 6, 2023 5:58 PM

Jul 2022
Yahiko is stronger then those 'adults'
And thanks to Kenshin's advice he also won the battle with a good strategy.

Great episode!
Oct 6, 2023 6:06 PM

Feb 2020
Meh op, ed is decent but straight up not good enough to be a better ed than the first. But i do appreciate this little Yahiko focused on episode. Rurouni Kenshin back at its chillin rando episode slaying more villain on the ground, but here by Yahiko. Kiddo really doing his best to be a Kenshin. But sorry to say, Sakabato cost so much to the point that i feel bad Yahiko might not working part time again for the next. He needs to work full time leaving the dojo!

All in all, i wish Tsubame become a permanent member of cast not just this sole 'filler' purpose...
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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Oct 6, 2023 8:36 PM

Nov 2021
im digging the new OP and ED even though its hard to beat the first one
Oct 6, 2023 9:53 PM

Apr 2008
Finally, an ep that outshines the OG series.
They packed in much more nuance and character into Yahiko this time around, and the slower pace benefits the lived-in feel of the series.
Oct 7, 2023 12:03 PM
Apr 2009
Oct 7, 2023 12:21 PM
Aug 2022
hope Yahiko will become more relevant in the next episodes, i guess i will prob have to check the manga to see it happening after the show finishes airing
Oct 7, 2023 6:18 PM
May 2017
decent ep, nice to see how yahiko's progressing with his life giving blade

Oct 7, 2023 11:16 PM
Sep 2021
The opening & ending were cool and nice to see yahiko get his spotlight, and the quality of the animation & art style have been improved for this cour.
Oct 8, 2023 3:50 AM
Oct 2019
Maybe i already used to but first OP and ED is better imo.

Yahiko focus episode, i like it.
Oct 8, 2023 9:33 AM
Mar 2015
Little Yahiko is protecting little girls
Oct 8, 2023 10:13 AM

Mar 2014
Just average I guess
Oct 8, 2023 12:25 PM

May 2019
this episode is interesting bcus it also hints at the end of the manga where

for once i actually think the new ending is a banger. the op is still mid
Oct 10, 2023 10:19 AM

Mar 2007
Love the Yahiko episode.

  1. He's been disappearing. Kaoru thinks it's food. Sanoisuke is sure it's a girl. Kenshin belives it's to practice swordsmanship.
  2. They follow him and he's working at a restaurant!
  3. There's a girl there, and he's training his legs, so maybe all 3 are right?
  4. The girl, Tsubome, is vassal to a samurai lord who wants her to make copies of the keys so they can rob the restaurants. The Meiji era's class divisions disappearing has caused a lot of strife to the old Lords, who are now equal with their vassals
  5. Yahiko sees this, tries to stop her and gets gang beaten by the thugs. She gives the key molds up to save him.
  6. Kenshin stops Kaoru from interfering, saying it's Yahiko's fight, he needs to deal with it alone to get stronger. If he needs help, he will ask.
  7. That night Yahiko asks them tactics for fighting large groups, Kaoru says not possible to train in a day, but Kenshin says "pretend to run away" then fight them 1 at a time slowly.
  8. Yahiko does this, luring them into a narrow alley where they can only come at him one at a time, 300 style! It works
  9. The rest turn tail and run when they see Kenshin and Sanosuke on the roof.
  10. Kaoru stops Tsubone from interfering in the 1:1 between Samurai leader and Yahiko.
  11. Yahiko wins, then confronts all 3 of them. He knew they were there.

Loved this Yahiko episode, good comedy, good action, a good story all around. I do however remember the original being funnier, but this was still awesome.

Oct 12, 2023 2:25 PM

Oct 2017
Nice Yahiko focus episode, guy was brave and didn't try to rely on Kenshin. New OP/ED are both nice. Suits the series much more than the first OP.
Oct 19, 2023 1:58 PM

Nov 2011
new opening animation rocks! and the music was so intense this episode
Nov 1, 2023 12:59 PM

Apr 2016
Regular Yahiko´s adventure!!!
Transition episode!!
Nov 22, 2023 5:04 AM

Apr 2011
Tsubome appears and she's cute. Yahiko likes her.

New ED rocks.
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