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Aug 3, 2023 9:22 AM

Nov 2011
Sagara Sanosuke got a lot of history and background storytelling. This was a solid way to show his past, character, origins, personality, etc.

More importantly, it also shows his relationship with Sozou, his childhood friend. It's these type of episodes that made me feel more invested into Sanosuke. He may be a bit hot tempered but Sanosuke has a very strong fighting spirit. 
Aug 3, 2023 9:22 AM

May 2020
One may give Sanosuke some chance after glancing over the weapon he yields, and that is fairly right as well, but then again it’s Kenshin he’s up against. Not even a minute into this “anticipated” battle, and Kenshin overpowered the hell out of Sanosuke, to the point where he literally started living the flashbacks lol… the flashbacks when he used to be a part of the Sekihoutai. 

Sekihoutai might be working with the imperial army in the era of conflicts, but we know no one would want to share the credits of goodwill with another party in politics, and indeed that’s what happened, the imperial army framed sekihoutai. The group lost everything overnight… Sanosuke lost everything and we know what became of him in the present. So yeah he indeed has a good reason to bear a grudge against Kenshin, an imperialist in his time.

Though man still got humbled by Kenshin, after whatever interruptions from the clown brother. A fierce fight till the end, which didn’t go Sanosuke’s way but hey he did learn something at the end of the day, so we good on that front. Zanbato’s in half by the way:( 

Jine mini-arc from next episode.
Softhenic03Aug 3, 2023 9:26 AM
Aug 3, 2023 11:34 AM

Jun 2015
The zambato really fits Sano's personality like a glove. You know why im enjoying the anime im also enjoying the history lessons that are imparted in the narrative as well. Being turned on by your allies really was quite the bitter pill. Sagara sounded like he was a decent person. Still in this case the injustice that they suffered really served to make the fight between Kenshin and Sano that much tension filled. Kenshins speech after winning though was a great one. Nice to see that after the fight that Sanao decided to change his life path. Curious to see what nefarious villain is up next for some thrashing.
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Aug 3, 2023 11:37 AM

Jul 2017
The backstory stuff and history elements were solid but this definitely felt like an older shounen anime episode, was pretty slow overall to get through alongside the dialogue, at least it was nowhere near as annoying to watch as something like Demon Slayer and definitely felt more authentic since Sanosuke did have a fiery rant about his feelings towards the Imperialists to Kenshin and was not in control of himself. Sanosuke's great so love the addition here so can't complain too much. Action isn't the best I've seen but it did the job decently. Overall, a decent showing but one that definitely shows its age.
Aug 3, 2023 12:09 PM
Aug 2022
Yeah, this series has aged quite a bit. It feels way too shonenesque for today's standards. Still, I've got no complaints as far as production goes, animation is decent, music is really good, the story is finally picking up as well so the pacing isn't bad by any means.
Aug 3, 2023 12:14 PM

Oct 2017
Tragic backstory for Sanosuke and it makes sense why he'd misunderstand Kenshin but after fighting him and thanks to Kaoru he now knows Kenshin is not the type of guy he hates but the same type of guy as Sagara whom he looked upto. It'll be fun to have him around from now on. Kenshin though once again taking care of his opponent with ease.
Aug 3, 2023 12:15 PM

Dec 2021
The battle between Sano and Kenshin was truly spectacular. Sano's connection to the Sekihotai and the sorrowful history it holds added a layer of tragedy. His motivations, intertwined with memories of that period and what transpired with Sagara, served as his driving force. The wounds of the past certainly leave their mark. It's heartening to witness his progression beyond those trials following their duel. The entire group has gathered!

Observing Kihei and his somewhat foolish sibling engage in their playful activities once again was a sight to see. There was a certain satisfaction in witnessing them receive a well-deserved defeat. Perhaps this experience will impart a valuable lesson to them.

Excitingly, it seems we're on the verge of encountering Kurogasa in the upcoming week.

Aug 3, 2023 12:24 PM

Dec 2008
Best episode until now! 🙏🏼 Sano finally joins the team!
Don’t forget to watch the after credits scene!
Aug 3, 2023 12:30 PM
Oct 2016
Sanosuke had a very rough childhood. Growing up in the waning days of the revolution being under the care of this ragtag army whom was part the revolutionary forces. Sanosuke really looking up the the captain of this army and admiring his philosophy to create a great new era. It is an absolute tragedy what happened to those men, the new revolution government reversing what they had the army tell people that their taxes would be cut just to save face. The new government needed more money so they just made this army a scapegoat and said they lied about the tax reforms. Truly awful display by a newly formed government who had preached about making this equal for everyone. Sanosuke hatred for the imperialists is completely justified, they took everything from him just to save themselves. From then onward participating in street fights and jobs to become stronger Sanosuke can even take multiple hits from Kenshin reverse sword. Sanosuke thinking that Kenshin was another of those vile imperialist but through their fight seeing that Kenshin philosophy is very similar to his old captain philosophy. I'm glad that they could resolve things between Sanosuke and Kenshin while putting those dumb brothers down a second time.
Aug 3, 2023 12:47 PM

Aug 2020
Great episode, I really enjoyed everything, it’s more than just the fight.

Nothing to complain for this remake…
otakuweek (100k Followers) on insta for News /best recom etc

just have a look, you won't regret it...

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Aug 3, 2023 1:04 PM
Feb 2021
Man, this episode got me really emotional... I always think of Sanosuke as a really good friend of Kenshin but seeing this fight again reminded me how he looked up to him and that's the sole reason why their relationship started in the first place. Loved this one, definitely my favorite so far. (We also got a teaser of our next villan, Jin-e. His fight with Kenshin will be SICK. He's the first person they'll encounter who could seriously take on Kenshin in a fight. )
Aug 3, 2023 1:17 PM

May 2015
Sanosuke is a really cool guy, his story was very good.
Aug 3, 2023 1:45 PM
Jan 2021
The animation for this Kenshin reboot has surpassed my expectations, and the fight scene between Sanosuke and Kenshin was perfect!! The beginning of a beautiful friendship!!
Aug 3, 2023 4:24 PM
May 2011
Was that Sugita as Jin-e at the end? Not sure how I feel about that, haha.
Otherwise it was another very good episode, I like how they added Katsuhiro to the flashbacks.
Aug 3, 2023 4:36 PM
May 2008
Man, I didn't expect them to actually include Sagara-taichou's beheading for Sano to witness, I thought they'd dance around it. It really sells his anger and trauma over why he ended up warping at such a young age and why he sees Kenshin that way. Ultimately though, he is just heated and venting, so it was good that Kenshin settled it with something to snap him out of it than more fighting. Now the bromance begins! The raw fury of Sano getting back up after recalling his past is hype. But I love how he sees Sagara in Kenshin after hearing him out and realizing he fights for the true vision of the Meiji Era than Imperialist officials parroting lies. 

And finally he is here at the end. 
Aug 3, 2023 6:22 PM

Dec 2018
First off, not sure what a few posts here are on about, this episode didn’t seem to be aged to me at all, in fact I’d say Shonens haven’t strayed far from this to this day lol. But man it was a good one, the fight between Kenshin and Sanosuke ended up being a lot more personal after seeing Sanosuke’s backstory, really loved the history there too but it was really unfortunate, it almost had me rooting for Sanosuke lol.

And even after Kihei pulled out not one extra gun, but two extras and nearly caused a very bad situation, Sanosuke still continued the fight but was ultimately defeated, and at the same time realized Kenshin isn’t the villain he thought he was which was nice to see. And going back to Kihei, man he got fucked up, his plan was full proof too but he didn’t realize he was trying to shoot the protagonist so of course it failed lol. I’m guessing we won’t be seeing him again this time.
Aug 3, 2023 6:58 PM
Jan 2018
Great episode, loving the remake so far.
Aug 3, 2023 7:33 PM

Apr 2022
lidenfilms just keeps killing it. visually and the music, once again nailed it. sanosuke's backstory and that battle with kenshin popped off.
Aug 3, 2023 7:48 PM

Mar 2007
Great fight, Zanza is completely defeated (physically and philosophically).

And now they are going to be friends!

Aug 3, 2023 8:30 PM
May 2023
This isn't really what I usually watch but I always wanted to watch some of these classics. Hope some more of the 90s anime get adapted too!
Aug 3, 2023 9:06 PM

May 2022
The remake has really been nailing it. I like how they handled Sanosuke’s backstory. What’s coming up next is going to be great.
Aug 3, 2023 9:11 PM

Jan 2020
I can understand if people who are new to the series may not like this. However, as a fan of the original, this is a great remake so far imo. Art, animation, VA, and music is great
Aug 3, 2023 10:49 PM
Feb 2016
Me gusta muchisimo este remake

Aug 3, 2023 10:58 PM

Jan 2021
That backstory was sad
How they can kill and expose heads like nothin'
Things from those ages
Aug 3, 2023 11:18 PM
Oct 2019
Now that was a great episode.
Sanosuke backstory was tragic, fight scene was good, and i really like the OST.

We definitely gonna see Sanosuke friend again in the future.
Aug 4, 2023 4:28 AM

Aug 2022
He was defeated a lot easier than I thought he'd be.
Aug 4, 2023 4:53 AM
Mar 2020
The art and animation weren't as high-quality as the episodes before, but I hope it will be good for the next episode again.
The other episodes did a bit better job adapting the source material.
Aug 4, 2023 5:52 AM

Apr 2023
Sanosuke's backstory was so sad, though him recognising his captain in Kenshin made me really happy. Can't wait to see their friendship grow!
Aug 4, 2023 6:11 AM

Dec 2018
My most anticipated episode, best character is here and they delivered with the fight. Really good arc coming up. Best episode of this week from my point of view.
Aug 4, 2023 6:15 AM

Jul 2017
Kenshin vs. Sanosuke, the hyped fight is about to begin.

Even with his Zanbato, Kenshin's attacks are swift and agile against Sanosuke, though the former wants to shut down the farce as quick as possible. Sanosuke's backstory as a kisd, following the Revolutionary warrior Sozo Sagara of the Sekiho Army, he wants to progress and take his namesake for the future. But upon learning that the Sekiho Army is a false Imperial army by being framed, moves were made to kill the army. and Sozo was beheaded to the resounding loss of the Sekiho Army. Forced out of wits, the siblings force a hand on Kenshin, though he easily survives the gunshot.

The score, settled with Sanosuke's full spirit, Kenshin goes for another round, though even with centrifugal force, the former's Hiten Mitsurugi hits the latter for all his might, though he still stands strong. Instead, Kenshin teaching Sanosuke the real spirit of what Sozo Sagara fought for, he finally learns the sober truth and admits a crushing defeat, though he's the toughest that Kenshin as ever faced. Despite being injured fairly bad, Kenshin, Kaoru and Yahiko poke fun at him a bit, though he's just the plain ol' Sanosuke Sagara.

Kurogasa is next, and he's a fearsome one.
Aug 4, 2023 9:37 AM

Feb 2016
Best episode so far.
Now Sanozuke will enter his BEST BRO phase, that's great.
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Aug 4, 2023 10:09 AM

Mar 2014
Ooof that beheaded head is so brutal but back in those days it was a common thing, okay so with Sagara is done and next episode a worthy opponent that can truly challenge Kenshin
Aug 4, 2023 12:02 PM

Aug 2022
Honestly I fell asleep watching this episode. It wasn’t incredibly boring I just was running on zero hours sleep so I was incredibly tired.

Re-watched the episode when I woke up and moderately enjoyed it.

I honestly don’t know what I think of this show. Idk I was expecting a bit more from it. It’s been decent so far and I’m curious to see how it progresses.
Aug 4, 2023 1:05 PM
Apr 2019
Zanza's past is sad.
Aug 4, 2023 1:54 PM

Jun 2015
Mmmhmm nice eps. Following netflix movie well, although the anime is way better
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Aug 4, 2023 3:08 PM

Feb 2012
Didn't realise how much of this was skipped in Origins.

Cool to see actual historical figures and factions like Sagara Sōzō and the Sekihōtai.
The Meiji government betrayed their own because they couldn't fulfil empty promises. The fact they cleaned up their mess in a sickening way, it's no wonder Sanosuke is bitter. The man who lent him his surname, and admired for his outlook on the revolution had his decapitated head graphically displayed.

Sanosuke and Kenshin magnificently get the brothers for interfering in their fight and involving Kaoru and Yahiko. It took Zanbato grazing Gohei and Kenshin unleashing his techniques on Kihei.

That Kenshin has an outlook on the revolution, that he says it's still ongoing, reminds Sanosuke of Sōzō.

Going by the eyes, is that Jin-e in the post-credits? Is the other guy just a nameless victim or related to the drug dealer guy?
Fortress_MaximusAug 4, 2023 3:12 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Aug 4, 2023 3:11 PM
Nov 2019
this fight age poorly its too shounenesque sanosuke (idk if the spelling is right) vs kenshin. as a kids we automatically takes the main character side in the fight however as an adult knowing the context of the fight and the history of both character. sanosuke hatred for kenshin is justifiable even if kenshin isn't an imperialist anymore that doesn't undo the damage that kenshin did in the past(not directly but by supporting imperialist movement). the conflict was handled poorly that's what i want to say.

the animation is good at best not great but good enough to justify it being remake

waiting for the better arcs to come become this arc is too shounenesque
Aug 4, 2023 6:15 PM
Jun 2013
lmao you gotta love people unironically criticizing one of the biggest 90's classic shounens for feeling like "a shounen series" as if modern shounen series like MHA, Black Clover, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kimetsu no Yaiba and others weren't literally the same thing during their first arcs xD
Aug 4, 2023 8:12 PM

Feb 2020
Yep its all just a misunderstanding. So its his captain that got scapegoated because the corrupted government can't handle their own bullshit and decide to blame shit to Capt Sagara unit? Such a sad background from Zanza. But glad he found out Kenshin not as corrupt as those peeps so yeah its good for himself too with those fight even if its a defeat on his side. Well, at least pay your meal, Zanza! Note that i may still calling him Zanza rather than Sagara because its sounds more cool even if he's already removing the name to copy Kenshin Battosai name xd.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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Aug 5, 2023 12:14 AM

Jul 2021
Well the backstory was a lot to digest, what I'm getting is basically Sanosuke and his group tried to start a revolution, but things went wrong because even the people who were supposed to help them, the imperials, turned against them. Despite what Sanosuke might claim about himself, he's actually a good person. When the brothers got involved, he quickly stepped in to assist them without any hesitation.
Aug 5, 2023 6:29 AM

Jul 2016
otakuweek said:
Great episode, I really enjoyed everything, it’s more than just the fight.

Nothing to complain for this remake…

It has been nice, cleaned up some of the filler in the original series and moving along nicely.
Aug 5, 2023 9:19 AM
Sep 2021
Sanosuke was defeated by kenshin and now after learning about kenshin Sanosuke has joined their team and somewhere else looks like trouble is starting to lurk for kenshin
Aug 5, 2023 3:13 PM

Aug 2020
Vindicater said:
otakuweek said:
Great episode, I really enjoyed everything, it’s more than just the fight.

Nothing to complain for this remake…

It has been nice, cleaned up some of the filler in the original series and moving along nicely.

I won’t lie, i don’t remember every scenes bit i just want to rediscover this one because i really enjoyed the first time.
otakuweek (100k Followers) on insta for News /best recom etc

just have a look, you won't regret it...

Link below:
Aug 5, 2023 4:10 PM

Jul 2022
oh yehh new nakama nice
Aug 5, 2023 6:17 PM
Nov 2015
It was nice to get some of Sanosukue's background. Kenshin is SO bad ass! I can't wait until the next episode.
Aug 6, 2023 5:19 AM
Sep 2018
well until now i'm watching this remake just bc of nostalgia and bc i love kenshin but rlly this is the worst remake ever i mean for god sake why???? it's a legendary 90's anime and the best samurai anime ever why lot of things changed and the past of sanoski become like that the old version was way better , the flash back of the 1st villan in 1st episode was way better and have a point to destroy the dojo it's revenge , 2023 bc of lgbt and humanity and cuteness they dont wanna any bloods or violence in a shonen manga??? goddamit that"s ridiculous , it's a fighting shonen anime , it has to be hardcore fights and dark pasts and sad flashbacks , that's insult to us and to the manga and to the creator !!!
Aug 6, 2023 5:20 AM
Sep 2018
well until now i'm watching this remake just bc of nostalgia and bc i love kenshin but rlly this is the worst remake ever i mean for god sake why???? it's a legendary 90's anime and the best samurai anime ever why lot of things changed and the past of sanoski become like that the old version was way better , the flash back of the 1st villan in 1st episode was way better and have a point to destroy the dojo it's revenge , 2023 bc of lgbt and humanity and cuteness they dont wanna any bloods or violence in a shonen manga??? goddamit that"s ridiculous , it's a fighting shonen anime , it has to be hardcore fights and dark pasts and sad flashbacks , that's insult to us and to the manga and to the creator !!!
Aug 6, 2023 9:01 AM
Nov 2020
Aug 6, 2023 8:58 PM
Mar 2015
Another revolutionary warrior recruited
Aug 7, 2023 12:35 AM

Jan 2017
Silvator said:
it's a legendary 90's anime and the best samurai anime ever why lot of things changed and the past of sanoski become like that the old version was way better , the flash back of the 1st villan in 1st episode was way better and have a point to destroy the dojo it's revenge , 2023 bc of lgbt and humanity and cuteness they dont wanna any bloods or violence in a shonen manga??? [...] that's insult to us and to the manga and to the creator !!!

This adaptation is faithful to the Manga.
It's the 1996 Anime that changed a lot of things for no reasons. It was it that insulted the Author. (Actually , he was cursing at it in every post-chapter/volume release...)

As for the blood , it got a little bit censored here and there , but it'll most probably get uncensored in the blu-ray version.
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