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May 4, 2023 6:29 AM

Nov 2011
A lot lore and info dump this episode regarding origins of the academy that Chise is attending.

We also got some scenes and personality focus on Zoe, a character I think most have overlooked. Regardless, I think the episode is important in exploring the foundations of the school. Chise herself also learns more and more about her world everyday.
May 4, 2023 8:17 AM

Apr 2016
Wait a minute ... do they have a mobile phone connection signal in a fantasy world ? xD

Now, if you thought that all it takes is for Chise to stand still and the problems will find her, the always cheerful Webster girl who need some more spotlight, was the the one responsible for todays doing. A nice duo, both of them, lol.

Good thing that the mood between Chise and the gorgon guy got resolved.
May 4, 2023 8:28 AM

Jul 2017
Chise coming into her dorms and almost eavesdropping on Lucy's call, it sounds like she has a pet peeve on how people like Chise act, being skeptical of herself. In retrospect, Lucy is looking out for her, even when she does feel strict and unfriendly at times. Zoe Ivy being taught by Isaac, and given the chronology of the College's Seven Shields, with each pillar serving a distinguished family. Though hearing from Jasmine about the Webster Tragedy, this is something that cannot be discussed in the open.

Zoey intentionally avoiding Chise because he knew of her true nature, turning into a Medusa-like Gorgon demon with the removal of his headphones, which are actually earmuffs to keep sound out, and despite both Rian and Isaac on the run towards Zoe to save him. Having run out into the school's garden maze, using Ruth to track him and putting back his earmuffs on, thankfully it didn't escalate into a big issue. Ivy's backstory being a snake-human hybrid with the excessive need for his goggles and earmuffs, and to go to the College to supper his sorcerer-cum-researcher father, Chise is the exact same with the dragon's curse on her left arm. Though Zoe is kind of an oddity, he's still worthy of being a friend, though Rian's 2nd cousin Philomela was caught by Ruth trying to eavesdrop on them, being bounded by her intelligence.

A contract to keep the secrets from blemishing out between the 5 of them with Zoe in tow, and though grief sets in on the Webster Tragedy almost being revealed, it's a mystery for now.

Mysteries and pacts, everything's sacred to a degree.
May 4, 2023 9:02 AM

Mar 2010
Ah shit halp!!! my snake was drawn to chise's face!! ;D I can't blame the lad for going full hormones on her jk but not jk

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
May 4, 2023 9:21 AM

Apr 2016
I need more, these episodes are so short... fuck it I'm buying the manga.
May 4, 2023 9:42 AM

Oct 2022
Really liked the new arc: for sure a change of pace in comparison to the first season, but i love how they introduced the new characters and they are able to maintain magic and mystery in the same time. 

May 4, 2023 10:17 AM

Apr 2023
I'm curious to see Lucy and Philomela's relationship develop later since their conflict rises from their families. Also the St. George twins are interesting, Violet is a guy that presents femininely and Jasmine is a woman that presents masculine. I wonder if there's a lore reason behind that, something like protecting the heir, or it's just because they prefer to dress like that?

May 4, 2023 10:27 AM

Feb 2019
Glad ivy was able to make friends in the end. Growing up too weird to be human or gorgon must have been rough. But this school is full of weirdos so everyone can relate. Really good episode that went by too fast. Really wanna learn more about the St George Twins
May 4, 2023 10:32 AM

Oct 2016
So we have two twins very close to each other, and five people signing a silence or death (well, not exactly) contract out of nowhere for someone they talked to for the first time.

Man this is a weird season, but I like the little creepy vibes and very little bits of wizard politics.
CaptainKenshiroMay 4, 2023 10:35 AM
May 4, 2023 10:39 AM
Feb 2023
i like how each of the new characters feel rough and not perfect compare to other anime
May 4, 2023 11:32 AM
Oct 2010
With the casual pacing this season is taking they might not even make it to the major plot beats of the school arc, thereby needing another season to catch up to the source. I'd be totally fine with that!

I've really been enjoying the almost languid mood this season has swum about in. Yes, there's drama and intrigue but it's all been in service of characterization and Chise slowly, gradually taking small steps forward and growing. 
May 4, 2023 12:03 PM

Apr 2018
Ah yes that Gorgon race, at least they know about it now and signed that contract to not tell it... but I like these green snakes hair definitely xD
May 4, 2023 1:23 PM

Dec 2018
everyone in class is going through their own problems it looks like.
May 4, 2023 2:19 PM

Feb 2014
Things got pretty hectic with Zoey after having his ear muff been forcibly removed by an annoyed Lucy, which led to everyone knowing about his powers of Gorgon. Thankfully, Chise and the others were able to resolve this issue and seeing Zoey interact with the others more peacefully and happily was nice to see. =)

Having said that, it does make me more curious about the Webster tragedy, as well as seeing how hostile Lucy is to Philomela. Same goes for the red-haired twins, Jasmine and Violet. Things are still mysterious with plenty of characters and it has me intrigued to know more about them. Hopefully that'll be the case in future episodes.

Looks like Elias will be back in the next episode after not appearing in this one, which has me hyped up. =D
May 4, 2023 2:23 PM

Oct 2017
So that's what was up with Ivy, makes sense why he'd keep distant. It's good that things cleared up among them.
May 4, 2023 2:30 PM
Oct 2020
So he was born in an egg
May 4, 2023 5:29 PM

Aug 2020
Yes it slow but i really enjoyed the episode, something big will happen soon…
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May 4, 2023 5:50 PM
May 2017
Then, the dragon and the snake understood each other.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
May 4, 2023 7:02 PM

Jul 2016
Lucy's personality is such a weird mix of rudeness and kindness. I kinda like her, not gonna lie.

Another nice episode. First time I see a male gorgon in the media.
May 4, 2023 10:22 PM

May 2022
I’m looking forward to learning Lucy’s backstory.
May 5, 2023 12:45 AM

Aug 2019
Okay, that clears a lot of things!!

I’m extremely thrilled that they are slowly getting along!!

And my girl looks like she’s going through some stuff. Somebody needs to check if she’s okay.
May 5, 2023 1:00 AM
Aug 2013
Finally we get to know some of the characters better! I'm really interested in the new things that start happening right now !!
May 5, 2023 3:56 AM
May 2023
i think... lucy is... a little bit gay
May 5, 2023 8:24 AM

Jun 2019
Tarrian said:
With the casual pacing this season is taking they might not even make it to the major plot beats of the school arc, thereby needing another season to catch up to the source. I'd be totally fine with that!

I've really been enjoying the almost languid mood this season has swum about in. Yes, there's drama and intrigue but it's all been in service of characterization and Chise slowly, gradually taking small steps forward and growing. 
Slower pacing (I won't even say slow slow as that's a whole different ballgame, which I also love, but is still different) works best for this series. That's because the joy and pleasure is just hanging out with the characters, having conversations, and not always rushing anywhere in particular. That in a way is a huge relief and breather from the tempo of faster paced series, even when the mood and atmosphere itself is at times quite somber and heavy. 
May 5, 2023 9:01 AM
Jan 2018
Yup, definitely overrated anime for sure. It’s looking like people are finally coming back to their senses, they praised the heck out of it in 2017 but now that some time has passed since then, the proper corrections are being made!
May 5, 2023 12:03 PM

Aug 2021
WHAT was that at the end with the twins
May 5, 2023 2:19 PM
Oct 2021
solid episode. really liking the change of pace this season
May 5, 2023 3:28 PM
Aug 2021
Ivy is for sure autistic coded.
May 6, 2023 12:36 AM

Jun 2019
Another thing among many I really appreciate about this series is the original author's extensive attention to detail in terms of her knowledge of and incorporation of real world national mythologies, attributing them to the right places, seasons and holidays, and where applicable, even zeroing in on properly mapping them geographically. Since the series takes place in England, usually the most relevant and featured is pre-Anglo-Saxon, Celtic British and Irish mythology, but here with the actual full introduction of Zoe (despite him appearing briefly in an earlier episode/episodes, not much was known or said about him), it may be the first time to my recollection that they included Greek mythology, with him being a Gorgon demihuman, like Medusa. And I thought it was an extra nifty detail that his homeland was made to be not in modern-day Greece proper, but instead hailing from the Black Sea region which includes present-day Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, etc. and where there was an ancient Dorian Greek colony founded around 2,600 years ago in the 5th century B.C. (near what's now the Crimean city of Sevastopol) and where an ethnic Greek minority survived and still exists to this day (and in the surrounding area).

I guess they also used chimeras in season one with Cartaphilus trying to construct a chimera for his body horror-filled quest to escape chronic pain, but that's kind of become a staple as a generic fantasy creature somewhat divorced from its Greek roots and not usually ethnically/culturally-coded. Oh, and the centaur mailman too. But even bearing a name like Zoe, this seems to be the first real Greek one.

knightslasher646 said:
Ivy is for sure autistic coded.
It's almost beyond question with his hyperacusis earmuffs. 
WatchTillTandavaMay 6, 2023 12:48 AM
May 6, 2023 8:53 AM

Oct 2008
hmmmm oh! Chise is already getting her loyal band of friends huh...very nice!!

May 6, 2023 10:23 AM
Mar 2017
this episode was soooo heartwarming and precious, chise really has the power to soften everyone, she's such a great mc <3
May 6, 2023 2:39 PM
Sep 2018
Interesting that Ivy is Medusa and the snakes are adorable 🐍❤️
May 6, 2023 3:50 PM
Aug 2013
Glad to get an explanation for Zoe's reaction to Chise. Will be interesting to learn more about what the family conflicts/history are about as well.

These episodes really go by too quickly, haha.
May 6, 2023 8:44 PM
Mar 2015
A very complicated group
May 7, 2023 8:26 AM

May 2020
I like getting to know more and more of the lore of the magic world

Edit: I really don't trust Philomela, ever since we first saw her spying on Chise's medical checkup, she clearly collects too much information and is probably doing that for someone in her family
HailBritannia_May 7, 2023 8:30 AM
The death of a man is a horrible thing; the death of a million is statistics.
May 9, 2023 2:54 AM
Mar 2020
I hope that cutie with long hair at the end is a boy. Then they would make very cute twin pair.
May 15, 2023 10:34 PM

Jan 2021
I hope none of these five friends try to betray each other.

There must be something big going on... they all have secrets that are connected to each other.

May 16, 2023 1:11 AM

May 2020
I liked this episode the most, as I think this was the first full of "school activity". Also if it wasn't already obvious something was indeed going on with that earmuffs dude, so turned out he was a Gorgon. He and Chise did reconcile in the end, but hey someone should see what's going on with that girl with heavy eye bags. She along with Lucy seems to have some history.
May 24, 2023 2:14 AM

Sep 2014
Imagine beeing the family who gets represented by the waste disposal tower

Speaking of which, isnt an entire tower dedicated to waste disposal, connected by only a single route on the lowest floor pretty sus?

Lucy is great tsundere material. SHE ASKED FOR NO PICKLES!
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
May 27, 2023 9:18 PM

Aug 2019
pretty cool character development for the cast, kinda got a better understanding of everyone which was great.
The introduction to the families in the college definitely added more depth and world building to the story which is neat. The history between the families and inner conflicts that have happened behind the scenes i'm sure is gonna be a blast to unravel.
Jun 9, 2023 6:34 PM

Aug 2011
After this episode I'm finally starting to get invested in the plot again. Maybe because I had no idea why there was so much animosity between the students, but now I know with the whole family lineage stuff. I really like Ivey's snakes! they're so cute, and I felt the whole situation was handled pretty well with even bits of light-hearted comedy. :) Can't wait to find out more about Philomena!
desu desu binches
Jun 15, 2023 7:36 AM
Jan 2018
Couldn’t help busy notice the mistake in scene transition.

Webster girl was in front of ivy then she’s walking behind him …. Ivy didn’t change position
Mattinator95Jun 15, 2023 7:39 AM
Jun 19, 2023 2:04 AM

Oct 2019
A gorgon is a new species in this story. A monster dating at least from the ancient Greek myth of Perseus and Medusa. I wonder if they ran out of Celtic mythology creatures and monsters..
Jun 19, 2023 10:14 PM

Jan 2021
This episode made me go from almost completely hating Lucy to immediately realizing that she's just a massive tsundere. I love how worried Lucy was about Chise and Zoe as soon as she returned the earmuffs.

Zoe's dad is a brave man. The dude saw that Gorgonussy and went for it. I do love how Zoe's dad basically sent him to college so he can make friends and his dad can go and focus on his field study instead of worrying about him. xD

Well that explains why Philomela feels so sus. She's basically been trained to become a spy growing up. That also explains why she's so suspicious of Chise's tea. It makes sense for someone whose entire life was focused on intelligence work. I do feel bad for Philomela though. She seems like she's about to fall apart any second now.
Jun 20, 2023 9:57 PM

Nov 2017
This show is so pretty and mellow, it leaves me full of serene bubbles of melancholy. One of my favorite things for a reason, it seems.

This world has so many little curiosities.
Jul 23, 2023 10:55 PM

Jul 2008
Oh good no one will get turned to stone.

And Filo....just what are you plotting spying on everyone?
Aug 14, 2023 9:28 AM

Aug 2019
still dont know whats up with the nervous girl but at least we know green hairs problem now. and a bit of the room mate
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Oct 8, 2023 3:45 AM
Dec 2022
There are seven founders of the college - Roseingrave the employer, St George the hunter, Rickenbacker the doctor, Forsyth the strategist, Hohenheim the alchemist, Nightingale the musician and Scrimgeour the protector. Familiar names somehow.

The other students' background worth knowing and exploring. So we got Zoe/Ivy's story this episode.
Nov 3, 2023 3:32 PM

Apr 2016
Some secrets were revelated!!!
Nov 4, 2023 7:41 PM
Nov 2010
The menu in their school is my kind of food. It made me hungry!
That answered many of my questions. I need more backstory on sexy Lucy. Why did so many of her family get killed? And the role of Philomela's family in it.
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