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A Galaxy Next Door
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May 6, 2023 8:29 AM

Nov 2011
Like most rom-coms, the term love being expressed can be very complex.

But on the plus side, we get to see Ichirou and Shiori finally go to the zoo together along with the kids. It feels like happy family over there and there was a lot of emotions. 
May 6, 2023 11:02 AM

Apr 2010
Well the couple seems happy but from the looks of it mother isn't so happy not knowing what her daughter is doing this could means some bad things for the future.
The main question here is will the mother accept the relationship or not, seeing as Shiori didn't contact them she could use it as a excuse against the couple.
I don't think the other in the family would mind.
May 6, 2023 11:30 AM

Jul 2017
It's finally a good day to go out to the zoo, and both Machi and Fumio are excited about the trip, as is Ichiro and Shiori, both which just started going out and this is their first genuine date. Though it's hard to explain, why not let nature take its course?

Shiori's first time in the zoo, and the siblings formulate a plan to conquer the zoo, like both mangaka and his assistant in taking ideas for developing their Shoujo manga further. That said, how to exact the dating requirements while Ichiro's hands are full, it's up to them to take care of the kids more than their date, though Machi sure picks up on their embarrassment quick. And instead of the fear of reprisal, a sigh of relief that the siblings are okay with it, though it sure brought up some misunderstanding that quickly got resolved.

Machi's perceptiveness is quite sharp, though the day resumes like normal. The hand-holding while watching the giraffes, and Shiori feels blessed that she could cry tears of happiness. Other than Shiori's family being concerned about her, the princess herself seeing Ichiro taking a nap in the dining room, and her wanting to touch his nape, and he allows it, though this is her love language for now. Alas, she forgot her original assignment of asking what Ichiro sees that's good in her...though for another time.

Start off slow, and love will blossom.
May 6, 2023 11:30 AM

Apr 2016
Older brother=Not dying from overwork

That means, its a Zoo time! Truly a happy family having a good time on a zoo trip, or one would think that way after just one glance at them ... except the mom i guess, that's a problem in waiting. We need to start unpacking more of Goshiki's family part, it's still pretty vague.
May 6, 2023 11:31 AM

Dec 2022
it was a good date but i want them to go on a date without the siblings also i wonder if she got pregnant and felt the pain of giving birth would kuga feel part of the pain guess i will never find out
May 6, 2023 11:34 AM
Apr 2022
This is just too sweet ever since they started dating...
I am excited to see that up to what point will this season raise my blood sugar (hypothetically ofc).
Machi and Fumio are adorable as well!

I am watching it on Crunchyroll. :)
May 6, 2023 11:40 AM

Mar 2021
Its nice to see Machi and Fumio are happy and accepting of Shiori and Ichirou dating and their first date at the zoo was sweet to see
May 6, 2023 12:00 PM

Feb 2019
Cutest and most pure shit I’ve seen this week. The zoo trip was absolutely adorable. I love how close Ichiro and his siblings are and how honest he is with them. Even though they’re kids he treats and respects them as equals, it’s so beautiful. Shiori asking them if it was ok if she gets a little of his time was also sweet.

And then the handhold and crying from being so happy! Just such a wholesome series man, no complaints at all.

Seems like we’ll be getting a visit from some of Shiori’s people soon as well so that will be really fun.

My favourite episode.
Marinate1016May 6, 2023 12:03 PM
May 6, 2023 12:11 PM

Jan 2021
Take 2 for the zoo visit since the first one failed due to rain and everyone has packed in everything necessary. It was a wholesome zoo visit for the 4 of them and Machi & Fumio finally know that they're dating. Shiori and Ichirou even holding hands when watching the giraffes.

The first time also that we see some of the other characters. Yup Shiori and Ichirou are wholesome together.
May 6, 2023 12:14 PM

Jun 2019
Nah... they're way too cute together. They went to the Park and it seems like both his little brother and sister accepted their relationship. It was cute when they were holding hands. They're an actual couple now and a cute family on top of that. How nice. We also got to see Shiori's family a little bit. I wonder when they'll properly enter into the story.
May 6, 2023 12:42 PM

Nov 2011
Shiori's development as a character has been really good. I loved her embarrassed expressions throughout the episode. Very cute.

Very cute episode.
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May 6, 2023 1:21 PM
May 2017
Ichirou and Shiori form a cute couple. Ichirou's life seems like a shoujo manga; therefore, the couple is expected to face a lot of problems before love finally wins.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
May 6, 2023 1:26 PM

Apr 2018
extremely wholesome, this episode was perfect.
May 6, 2023 2:09 PM
Dec 2021
personally, this is quite boring.
May 6, 2023 3:15 PM
Mar 2023
Good afternoon, let's see how the lovebirds who are now officially a couple are doing. Happy Saturday.
May 6, 2023 4:14 PM
Mar 2021
wholesome episode, i like it
May 6, 2023 6:29 PM

Jan 2010
Already holding hands and is only chapter 5, they are moving at light speed.

Fumio and machi are still the best.
May 6, 2023 6:36 PM

Dec 2018
Machi and Fumio got to go to the zoo, all is right in the world. Not only that, we got some amazing moments between Ichiro and Goshiki, the handholding at the end of the trip with the giraffes was especially sweet. I also loved the bit when they had to disclose to Machi and Fumio that they’re in fact dating, and the reactions were great lol, Machi’s high pitched laugh before the reveal was especially cute.

And Goshiki’s thirst is ever increasing with her trying to touch the back of Ichiro’s neck, she asked permission and everything, I have to respect it lol. And damn man, her mom is definitely gonna throw a wrench in this relationship the first chance she gets, she better not or I’m gonna have to come over there and scuttle all their boats lol.
May 6, 2023 7:19 PM

Apr 2022
wholesome stuff, i think it's starting to pick up although it feels a bit unnatural. but i think that's kinda intended.
May 6, 2023 8:42 PM
Apr 2023
Still maintaining the somehow cute atmosphere with Goshiki's innocent and pure ways of exploring the outside world and now her newfound love life.

To be honest, the way they became a couple kind of early feels like it took some edge away from the story for me. But I guess this is how some romantic stories in manga and japanese media are written recently and it's okay with me. After all, I happen to like the Tonikaku Kawaii as well and also this manga titled 'Seihantei no Boku to Kimi', both mentioned to have the MCs become a couple within the 1st few chapters.

Overall, as an anime, Otonari ni Ginga is one I still like, but it does not bring me an impact yet that makes it leave an impression; I'll probably forget about it when the season ends if the tone of the story-telling continues like this.
May 6, 2023 10:39 PM
Oct 2022
I'm sure that her mom is going to ruin it.
May 6, 2023 11:06 PM

May 2019
Decent episode that was kind of slow but at leasst Machi and her brother kept the show a bit more interesting. The boy that Ichiro thought was lost looked almost exactly like him (I thought it was a clone or close relative).

Shiori's mom did not look too happy not knowing what her daughter's up to and she implied that she's not very bright by saying she's probably wandering around aimlessly (kind of mean). I wonder if her mom would even accept her relationship with Ichiro, we'll probably find out before the series is over.
May 7, 2023 12:02 AM
Sep 2021
Kuga and shiori have started officially dating, it is a cute and interesting pair.
May 7, 2023 2:01 AM
Feb 2022
intresting show so far I like it
May 7, 2023 6:43 AM

May 2022
This show is not living up to its promise. The animation is below average. The souce material (manga) tells the story better than the anime. I'm disappointed.
May 7, 2023 9:40 AM
Jul 2017
sweet and fluffly
May 7, 2023 10:54 AM
Jan 2018
Looks like things are really heating up between the two mates 😏πŸ”₯
May 7, 2023 1:45 PM

Dec 2021
Kuga's character is more like Nasa (Tonikawa) not like Izumi (Shikimori). The anime made him look like an idiot.

May 7, 2023 2:24 PM

Apr 2016
Goshiki-san was so damn cute in this episode. I can't get over it.
May 7, 2023 2:56 PM
Jun 2021
bruh am I only the only that only hears KANNA ^_^
May 7, 2023 3:56 PM
Jul 2021
Sweet but I am expecting a twist somewhere in the next few episodes. The princess is basically fulfilling her bucket list of shoujo manga fantasies while confusing this with "love and romance". Perhaps the writer would address that somewhere down the line but maybe they won't.
May 7, 2023 7:05 PM
Mar 2015
They reached hand holding and touching while sleeping
May 8, 2023 1:05 AM

Mar 2014
I wouldn't say the show is bad but the story and characters are too slow and childish for that it's boring for me
May 8, 2023 5:47 AM
Aug 2013
What happened? This show was great until the confession took place. Now the main characters and their interactions have become extremely dull. I hope we will get more focus on the other people living in their house, or just something other than the romance. Don't get me wrong, I like romance, but this one is boring. It's also weird that they're so incredibly dramatic and overserious about it when they barely know each other and they're both adults.
May 12, 2023 7:46 PM

Oct 2017
The first half of the episode was quite boring but the second half was cute and sweet. Shiori's so cute.
May 13, 2023 7:20 AM

Apr 2008
It's cute and all, but I feel let down by the premise. An isolated island with a light hivemind has to have more ramification than unrealistically getting a cute girlfriend. I don't even mind it being done in a sweet way, but I want to feel that alienness as something beyond an excuse for a romantic fantasy.
JoexySun said:
Sweet but I am expecting a twist somewhere in the next few episodes. The princess is basically fulfilling her bucket list of shoujo manga fantasies while confusing this with "love and romance". Perhaps the writer would address that somewhere down the line but maybe they won't.
This would be an interesting direction, and they did at least bring up the concern, but I'm having a hard time seeing it push down that road at this point. And if they did I could see them handling it in half an episode with the conclusion that it wasn't real love but now they're ready to try for that right back to status quo. If all the show is going for is happy family life scenes like the zoo then I think I'm done.
May 13, 2023 11:28 AM

Sep 2020
Much better than the last episode, they went to a zoo and a fun time there, and they finally let them know they’re lovers.
May 14, 2023 4:55 PM

May 2015
Goshiki being adorable as always. Loving these wholesome vibes.

I feel she's gotten even cuter now that they're dating. Which was a surprise in itself cause I thought they'd drag it on like most romances until the end. 

I get the feeling we'll get some sort of drama at the end of the series to do with the island. 
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
May 23, 2023 7:41 PM
Mar 2021
I just love the way she gets embarrassed by her own words after realizing what she meant !β€πŸ˜‚
Worth the time ❀
Straightforward girl, Goshiki-san can't hide her feelings no matter how much she tries 🀣
So cute ❀❀
The Siblings are sweeter than sugar πŸ’– I love the fluffiness of this anime. Seeing Goshiki-san makes me miss Marin so much
May 27, 2023 2:34 PM

May 2020
If it didn't even take few kids a minute to figure their brother and the most beautiful girl around are going out, you've to think just how dreadfully obvious their interactions were lol. Not to mention that cousin of Ichirou, she has an idea too I'm sure.

Also hey we got a glimpse of alien island and Shiori's parents.
May 31, 2023 10:38 AM

Mar 2010
i'm not really sure what to say, i didn't really enjoy the time but I didn't not like it.. i guess they are finally getting more open..

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jun 3, 2023 4:37 PM

Apr 2018
The zoo date was really cute even though it wasn't that much of a date since the siblings were here, but his little sister is very mature and I like how she's almost teasing them xD
Jul 4, 2023 1:20 PM

Sep 2012
the ending, the fingering the neck, that makes her happy lol
Aug 27, 2023 3:54 AM
Dec 2022
A big day out at the zoo for Ichiro, his siblings and Shiori. They both confessed their dating to the siblings and get approval from them.
Jan 21, 2024 2:16 AM
Jan 2024
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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