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Spy Classroom (light novel)
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Feb 2, 2023 5:59 AM

Nov 2011
Lily doesn't have the look of a leader but I think she can manage if she can get along with her teammates. Of course, it takes more than just that.

Looks like this episode had some baths and awkward fan service though. Meanwhile, I hope this show also improvise a bit on is spy elements. A lot of it so far feels more or less the same methods of conducting missions. 
Feb 2, 2023 6:50 AM

Apr 2016
Wait, wait, wait ... Are we still in a flashback story ? They keep mentioning that the impossible mission have not happened yet (even tho it did). But anyway, seems we transformed into a full blown slice of life cute spy girls doing cute spy things kind of story now.

This was very funny and silly episode at the same time, lol. Also, i guess its about time ? For this anime to start introducing what "special ability" which member have ? But then again, its hard to introduce those, when you have fillers full of fanservice and silliness.
Feb 2, 2023 6:59 AM

Apr 2014
AkeZZZFeb 2, 2023 7:23 AM
Feb 2, 2023 7:24 AM

Jun 2015
Given its layout the manor being a hideout is certainly belivable. Another day and another opportunity to see the girls outwitted by the teacher. The seduction route huh an interesting approach. Poor Erna getting caught in trap after trap. You would think that after that last misison that the team would be united to a degree though. The team working in the kitchen to enact their plan was a nice display of their individual cooking ability. Despite the failure of the plan its undeniable that it did help in improving the bonds between the girls. Looks like Klaus is determined to stay apart from any concept of family given the loss of inferno. Overall a fun ep that did well to expand upon Anette, Erna, Thea and Klaus while forging ever stronger bonds between the girls. The new ending theme is pretty nice.
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Feb 2, 2023 7:28 AM

May 2020
...huh? Wait, you're telling me battle shounens aren't the only place reserved for the fillers? Really??????

Damn some eye opening episode this was.
Feb 2, 2023 7:45 AM

Jul 2019
What is this discrimination? We demand baths scenes for all girls!

on a more serious note, this show is kind of all over the place with its pacing and editing. This feels like something we should have got back in episode 2 or 3. Why rush to the end of an arc, to then immediately do a flashback episode about that arc? Would have loved to have gotten to know the characters better like this before the big mission. Oh well, the scenes with Erna getting stuck in the traps was cute, that's about all this episode had going for it really. Shame had high hopes for this one, a waste of some cute character designs. 
Feb 2, 2023 7:46 AM

Jul 2017
A flashback episode about the 7 girls before their very first Impossible Mission...ugh, do we really need these fillers in the now debunked 2-cour show setting being like what, 2 volumes a cour (which makes total sense figuratively)?

Lily and the other girls of Lamplight being tested of their mettle before their actual mission, but it seems to me like the typical CGDCT fashion of cute girls doing spy things. When even the bath invasion doesn't work, Thea trying to convince Lily to ambush Klaus in the seduction sense (since it's her special ability), sure doesn't fly in either image. Annette always geting caught up in Erna's traps that were meant for Klaus, the unlucky streak of Annette lays all effort to waste as both Lily and Sara investigates on her.

Grete tries being a servant to serve him dinner out of a good heart, but Klaus's personality of the "home alone" defines as such, and that gives Lily a chance for a plan. With eacn and every girl failing at making Klaus surrender individually, Lily's plan to involve Lamplight in stalking Klaus in town, it shows their admirable effort up to that point, even if it is just gathering intel. And all that to make him food that is allergic. Instead, they made him food that he actually liked, everything was pre-planned that he was already one step above them. Other than the girls learning about Klaus, he also learns the same in return.

Oh well, this is a rather enjoyable episode on its own, but disappointing when it doesn't progress the adaptation of the source material.
Feb 2, 2023 7:54 AM

Apr 2010
According to the LN author it’s based on some SS stories, so it’s not quite filler.
Feb 2, 2023 8:06 AM

Mar 2021
Nice episode poor Erna though falling for all those traps i just want to hug her
Feb 2, 2023 8:12 AM

Dec 2020
Lily has no experience in this thing so thea want to teach her and lol that was funny in this outfit.
So they show how these days was before the impossible mission. They showed a bit of everyone in this episode.
P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

Feb 2, 2023 8:20 AM

Mar 2020
On its own, this wasn't a bad episode, and would have been much better if this series progressed in a more linear fashion, rather than just jumping all over the timeline. A bit of awkward fan service, and attempts at being funny, that got a little chuckle out of me, but my thinking that this is still my least favourite show of the season still stands.
Feb 2, 2023 8:30 AM
Aug 2022
AkeZZZ said:

Agreed with your statement
Feb 2, 2023 8:41 AM

Oct 2017
Poor Erna getting caught in Anett's trap again and again, it's kinda her fault though. She's really adorable. Lily in maid outfit looked cute. Also wait Klaus is only twenty? He should be in his mid twenties atleast.
Feb 2, 2023 9:07 AM

May 2019
Agree with others that this should've been like episode 2 or 3 as the previous episode was also based on the time prior to the impossible mission. This was very slice of life and we got a bit more info on the girls and Klaus. While the girls bonded it looks like Klaus resisted probably due to the loss of his previous team.
Feb 2, 2023 9:33 AM
Oct 2020
So nobody's actually triggered by the fact that the all plot of episode 1&2 is Erna has to be quiet in the house to fool Klaus Master. And in those flashbacks she's talking in every fucking screen times. Like are you dumb ? Did you already forgot your own plot ? Idk
Feb 2, 2023 10:17 AM

Apr 2022
LET THEM COOK! (character limit)
Feb 2, 2023 11:36 AM

Feb 2019
Adaptation so ass they’ve resorted to fillers and fanservice to keep us from falling asleep lmaoooo
Feb 2, 2023 11:44 AM

Sep 2020
The ed is pretty nice, still I want to see more of teaching scenes instead of them trying to catch him.
Feb 2, 2023 11:51 AM

Jan 2021
Yekhces said:
So nobody's actually triggered by the fact that the all plot of episode 1&2 is Erna has to be quiet in the house to fool Klaus Master. And in those flashbacks she's talking in every fucking screen times. Like are you dumb ? Did you already forgot your own plot ? Idk

Even me, who is disliking the series, knows that that wasn't the thing it was said. It was said that they had to act like if only 7 people were talking at the same time at most, not that Erna, and specifically Erna had to be quiet all the time.
Feb 2, 2023 11:53 AM

Aug 2013
Klaus ended up getting a good meal after all that pretending and it's funny how Erna is falling for Annett's traps all the time.

Feb 2, 2023 11:58 AM

Jan 2021
Thea asking Lily to dress up as an maid for Klaus and to do some no no things or something really got me lol but Klaus figured it out already. I feel bad for Erna because she just wants some peace but she ends up triggering Annett's traps. 

The spies go on an tailing mission thinking that Klaus doesn't like certain food types so they end up buying those but what they don't know that its all been an setup from the start, Klaus planned it all. 

Well its sure was an interesting one.
Feb 2, 2023 12:21 PM

May 2018
More stuff before the impossible mission. god the unlucky girl is so kawaii UwU
Feb 2, 2023 1:34 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
"I can't stand it when conversations get all raunchy!!!"
I'm watching Seitokai Yakuindomo right now... and man... Lily would not survive there.

Hmmm, we believe beef is one of Teach's weaknesses (for some reason), so.... let's serve him a HUGE ASS PIECE OF STEAK

Wait what? Everything he did while OUT IN THE OPEN was just meant to fool us? Man he got us good didn't he. Could've never expect the best spy in the world to deceive us with false info served to us on a silver platter. 

This is garbage. But it is amusing to watch garbage sometimes. I like Erna though, she's actually kind of funny.
BetaMaleUltraFeb 2, 2023 1:53 PM

whiskey tango foxtrot

Feb 2, 2023 1:35 PM
Jan 2023
Ta paradin dms mas acho q n é culpa do anime.
Feb 2, 2023 2:23 PM

Oct 2022
This was my favorite episode yet. Team building, which was actually fun to watch because we know something about the characters by now. Most entertaining was watching Erna and her bad luck walk her into every one of Annette's traps, I laughed so hard as she was electrocuted and knocked down stairs and covered with flour. Felt bad for Lily though being manipulated into the maid outfit by Thea... ugh I can't stand characters like her. They seem to show up in every female-led anime, they're like old women in young women's bodies and everything revolves around seduction... yuck. Lily is more seductive just being who she is without that crap. 

I loved it when Erna said "Keep your hands to yourself!" as she was cooking with Annette she doesn't want any more misfortune. It was funny that Klaus fed the girls false intel on his food preferences, so he got the meal he was craving. But seeing the girls bonding so well together just made him think of Inferno... 
A great episode I think this anime has really hit its stride. 5/5
Feb 2, 2023 3:26 PM

Sep 2022
Welp we got a flashback episode to before they completed the impossible mission and it was once again an attempt to make Klaus say ''I surrender'' but it failed of course.

I guess we have a good idea of almost each members special ability? Also poor Erna with her misfortune no wonder she keeps falling into Anette's traps. Although she did straight up walk into that one flour trap.

I don't mind this episode honestly, seems like a filler but it was alright, I just kinda wanna see them do more missions but if the whole season is going to make him say "I surrender" I guess I would still be down for that.

Feb 2, 2023 3:49 PM
Mar 2020
Minase Inori performance will be certified as legend on this one, I like the fact that she voiced Erna like really flat but not soulless, but intriguingly flat. 

This anime is my cup of tea, I need more anime with fillers like this. 
Feb 2, 2023 5:24 PM
Jul 2021
So very CGDCT but still fun with likable characters … great voicing, too! And, as usual, Amamiya-san brings her characters to life!

Definitely much better than 6.49 ❤️
PerryTShipmanFeb 2, 2023 5:33 PM
Feb 2, 2023 7:06 PM

Apr 2022
just decent, lily in a maid outfit saying onii-chan. some fun cooking stuff but i struggle to pay attention when thea is on screen. fine asl.
Feb 2, 2023 8:54 PM

Jan 2011
aw man the not so impossible mission should ve been kept fpr the finale, its wasnt worth it to rush it just to keep the blonde chick hidden
Feb 3, 2023 12:17 AM

Oct 2008
Erna is so kuudere kawaii! luv it!

Feb 3, 2023 3:11 AM
May 2022
A good episode, I enjoyed it, the whole Erna and Annette story was very cute and liked the trying to defeat Klaus through cooking. My one worry is will the rest of the series be like this, and just flashbacks from the training period before the impossible mission? I’d really like to see the story progress past that point rather than the whole thing continuously just being flashbacks, though they are enjoyable
Feb 3, 2023 4:28 AM

Mar 2012
This started off as interesting but now it's just a really boring CGDCT or rather dumb girls doing dumb things, the whole thing about them being spies is idiotic specially the new girl with bangs covering her eyes is really annoying to watch.

Always the same… Every age, every generation.
Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell

~Dantalion (Makai Ouji)
Feb 3, 2023 5:59 AM

Oct 2016
This adaptation is weird man, but I enjoyed this episode, it's nice to get to know the girls better and the pacing feels nicer. I guess they just really risked it all just to hide Erna, but hopefully its smooth sailing from here, the damage has already been done though. 

Bro, there's no way this man is 20 lmao, how tf.

Jesus, badonkers. 
Feb 3, 2023 9:40 AM

Mar 2010
Episode just felt.. like a cluster, yet I still think smol blonde gal is best girl.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Feb 3, 2023 10:19 AM
Jun 2021
can someone explain why erna is talking if its about the time before the impossible mission?
Feb 3, 2023 12:05 PM

Nov 2020
This shit is almost as boring as assassination classroom :(...
Feb 3, 2023 12:07 PM

Nov 2020
Techdron said:
can someone explain why erna is talking if its about the time before the impossible mission?
Because the whole thing that is happening and that will happen in future eps is before it. Really seems like a waste of time to watch this, they basically finished anime in ep 3
Feb 3, 2023 2:07 PM
Jan 2020
Ionliosite2 said:
Yekhces said:
So nobody's actually triggered by the fact that the all plot of episode 1&2 is Erna has to be quiet in the house to fool Klaus Master. And in those flashbacks she's talking in every fucking screen times. Like are you dumb ? Did you already forgot your own plot ? Idk

Even me, who is disliking the series, knows that that wasn't the thing it was said. It was said that they had to act like if only 7 people were talking at the same time at most, not that Erna, and specifically Erna had to be quiet all the time.
So basically Erna is speaking, Klaus master will hear 8 voices and they don't know there's an 8th girl? Maybe the enemies aren't that good as they say.
Feb 3, 2023 3:31 PM

Aug 2020
Having 8 waifus grilling and making a nice food to me is a dream.

Feb 3, 2023 3:33 PM

Aug 2020
sKyBlazer08 said:
Bro, there's no way this man is 20 lmao, how tf.

This was so off, the industry wants to make the characters look as mature as possible with the mininum age they can come up with. Tbh this even broke the impression I had about him, I actually thought he was a almost-30 year old man. It would suit him better... sigh

Feb 3, 2023 6:50 PM
Oct 2020
My question is why is this happening after the impossible mission?
Feb 3, 2023 6:51 PM
Oct 2014
For who didn’t read light novel if you read it absolutely greater than anime impossible mission and ep4 had swab timeline because i think anime want to unreveal erna for the opening begin in ep4 and it cut scene in empire too much, but after look for this episode(this ep is not in LN but in special short story timeline before get to empire) it possible that they will annouce 2 cour after end this season(look at voice actors and quality of anime i think the fund is high) after all 7 more ep and for 2 volume it impossible to make it better than now, i hope they will do that.
for comment #2 it reveal all of special of them all i think if you want to know more you should read LN or search for
Hanasono - poison
Manamusume - disguise
Bouka - special detail and technique for mechanism that surpass even empire
Yumegatari - honey trap and cold reading
Gujin - distract unluck unfortune to self/other with most accurency
Hyakki - pick or steal with unbelievable fast and natural
Hyoujin - can calculate the light, flash, angle of incident/reflex of every object by mirror
Sougen - tame every animal, can command and communicate with them

Every special ability of tomoshibi hint in op/ed
Im absolutely like this LN, plot is dame good and twisted especially in volume3 and upper i hope that animator not cut scene/ make it confuse anymore.
Feb 3, 2023 7:49 PM
Dec 2021
this might be COMPLETELY COINCIDENTAL, but this episode, the character that get's called/compared to a "gorilla" was also called/compared to a gorilla in Nisekoi. Voice actor Nao who voices Chitoge gets called a gorilla/compared to a gorilla in Nisekoi and she is also called that in this show at the beginning in the shower scene. Could be a small easter egg?
Feb 3, 2023 10:35 PM

Jan 2011
 no trust in the plot abandon it all for CGDCT and ecchi might actually be best at this point lol

legit found the ED pretty great im still hoping they all get character endings 
Feb 4, 2023 10:56 AM
Nov 2022
I liked it a lot, the dynamics of being semi-episodic plots makes it interesting.
Feb 4, 2023 3:53 PM
Sep 2016
Muy aburrido, hasta aqui llegue con el anime.
Feb 4, 2023 6:10 PM

Dec 2022
No se que pensar de este cap...
El anime es bueno en general pero siento que le falta algo...
Feb 6, 2023 2:49 PM

Nov 2013
another failed atack, this time all the girls got caught in the wire trap lol you're not a spy if you can't get out off the wires alone

bath scene, and Kiky doesn't like ecchi conversations lol some girls are more worried than others about possible rope marks on their skin ...
they decided to try to beat the teacher alone, since group attacks didnt seem to work, but Lily and Grete thought it's better to work on teamplay before the mission

wow, Monyka too strong at snooker, putting multiple balls in the holes with her opening shot

thea with her sexy night dress, talking with Lily about seduction techniques, this should be interesting

LOL wtf "i just remembered i was your sister in a past life" HAHAHAHA
showing off her chest with the drink in there, not bad
but as expected, it would never work, no matter how much she screams :D

Anette keeps catching poor Erna in her traps, surprised she is still alive after all those hits she took
tbh, it's her fault lol she literally decided to step on a suspicious thing in the carpet, how cute
Anette annoyed cause she wants someone else to get caught for once, such nonsense can't be forgiven

Grete made some food for teacher, and wanted to serve him, but he made sure to eat alone, i mean, he should be careful to not get attacked ... or poisoned

Sybilla wanted to play russian rullet... without using a bullet lols
no comment on the billards thing...

next, the girls decided to spy on sensei during his mission in town, but ofc he noticed them right away
after all the work, they noticed sensei doesn't eat every type of food, but he wouldn't want other people to know about that ... so, they started to cook, wonder what the idea is

LOL they made him exactly the food he doesn't like ... but that was a lie, and he actually wanted to eat that, way to use the fact he knew they were chasing him

he even used that as a process to evaluate which members worked well together, he is too good
he told Erna that he is 20, almost the same age as them, hard to believe that

his actual reason to not eat with them is because the girls are supposed to be a family, while his own family is already dead, that's sad, not sure if that's a good reason tho, not like the girls would hate eating with him

everyone working leader to the ground lols the way she talked to sensei, she was trying to imitate his cool presence for a bit, but ended up returning to her own cheerful way after 2 lines
but we can see she enjoys being the leader, and she wants to make sure the team survives the future misson (i wonder if they will all survive or not... cough)
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Feb 6, 2023 11:46 PM

Jul 2014
Hmmm idk where are they going with this anime, im guessing those are just flashbacks from before the impossible mission. If we'll just have those until ep 12 then probably this will fell off
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