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Jan 28, 2023 7:55 AM

Jul 2017
Koushi securing a place within the Okibi estate for himself and Hinako, her grave situation isn't out of control, and with the proper steps, could actually recover to good health. Right now, the fetal contamination is putting her life on death's throes. And speaking with the Okibis' daughter Kira, the whole family ambience felt superficial.

Back to Touko, Kaho's actions put her and the other brides back into settling at the next village, and if anything, Shouzou's help at least did bring both her and the fire hunter's dog to the capital. The first to go being Hotaru, her newly betrothed marriage may not be a grand one due to her curse, but that can only be known by the eyes of the beholder from forbidden traditions.

Yuoshichi's forecast that the capital will soon fall, other than the fiends, the spiders will make the same mark faster to spell the end. The desperation to make bottled lightning, this is a request to be made in a jiffy while they still can. Sure enough, another stoppage from the fire hunter Enzen to hunt while the transporter trucks take on fuel, it's a state of emergency enabling gunfire against another Fiend, but in a dragon state.

If they survived once before, how would this be any different?
Jan 28, 2023 8:31 AM
Oct 2020
Ok glad the sister seems to be recovering. Touko managed to stay thanks to Shouzou. Hotaru got married off but we don't know what happened to her.

Also interested in these gods/divine clans that can control elements—especially fire.

Now there's a dragon thing attacking them
Jan 28, 2023 8:38 AM

Feb 2019
Wow a lot of really cool lore dropped today. The gods/divine clans are really interesting. I wonder if it’s actually magic they control or just technology that’s so advanced to the current people that they think it’s magic.. either way, koushi should be able to find out with his new position.

Hayamin voiced characters are always a welcome addition, new girl is cute.

Holy shit a dragon?? This is gonna be a crazy battle coming up.

Another really good ep, shame people sleep on this.
Jan 28, 2023 8:47 AM

Mar 2020
A lot of lore this episode around the divine clans, and around past disasters, which was interesting. It's also interesting seeing the stories of Koushi and Touko unfold, on one side it's research and creating bottled lightning, and on the other side, Touko was able to stay on the train, with the help of Shouzou, but Hotaru is the first one to leave the train for marriage, and no one will know of her future. The world building has been quite good so far, gives off a grim atmosphere, but before I could stop and think about it, an emergency is here, and a dragon Fiend has prompted much worry.

As for the animation this episode, there are still some shortcuts and inconsistent spots, but it's still very serviceable.
Jan 28, 2023 9:02 AM
Feb 2021
Lots of interesting progression this episode. The soundtrack is great. You can still see the issues with the animation but it's still decent not nearly as tragically bad as the last episode. I'll be satisfied if they can at least keep it at this level for the rest of the series.
Jan 28, 2023 10:08 AM

Oct 2022
Really good opening and soundtrack. Koushi’s story revealing elements of the world building in order to understand his work in the mansion. Touka finally meet another supernatural creature.. Overall interesting episode and from the next episode i think decrease the slow pace of the show. Only doubt the animation.. Let’s next action sequences.

Jan 28, 2023 10:36 AM

Jan 2011
dragons in this world? gotta admit im fine with the giant dog like creatures but dragons is a bit too much, other than im liking the lore even though i find this post apocalyptic world a bit too modern an peaceful
Jan 28, 2023 10:52 AM

Oct 2016
The illustrations were used better than in the second episode, and the episode combined the world building of the first and the characterization of the second, so all good. They should stop showing the names of the characters on the screen whenever the series changes from one protagonist to the other though.
CaptainKenshiroJan 28, 2023 10:58 AM
Jan 28, 2023 12:13 PM

Nov 2013
Glad to see this episode was not worse than the second one. 
A dragon-like creature in the end was cool!
ED does show familiar characters, as well as a modern city in the background so I wonder if Gods are advanced humans living somewhere safe while people we see have been left as cannon fodder and experimented on. Monsters we see are likely test subjects too. These "gods" are interesting addition to the lore. Can't wait to learn more.
Jan 28, 2023 1:28 PM
Jun 2014
i feel so bad for that guy that got eaten by the dragon and for Touko. she's still so little but her life is so hard and the adults are also mean to her. at least Benio and Shouzou are nice to her. i find the whole premise of the show very interesting and the vibe of the show is also really nice. kind of like Mushishi

Jan 28, 2023 1:38 PM

Dec 2015
Yes, this was better than the previous episode. Actually I really disliked the "beautiful" pics they used instead of animation - cause they felt too different compared to the normal style. This was annoying with regards to immersion.  Now they seemed to mainly rely on the black pics with the Kanji - that are not a bad idea. Especially if changing between the chars when they show the names ... feels like in a book with chapters with the names of the characters whose point of view are shown in that chapter.

Only in the mansion at the start  it felt a bit weir ... when it almost felt like the sound was out of synch. When they tried to not animate all the faces when talking ... showing different stuff. This sometimes worked ... but felt also weird at a lot of parts.

The plot is getting better a lot. Now curious about the truck/train - I guess the adult hunter might get injured/killed with Touko having to defend herself. For Koushi: The daughter of that guy (who is 1 year older than him) - a possible love interest. With him inheriting the factories (if there will even be factories in the future).  Touko later maybe becoming friends with his little sister. Something like that I guess.
Jan 28, 2023 2:14 PM

May 2015
It was either done better this time or I'm getting used to these illustrations. The animation is certainly not the greatest but it has its charm anyway.

Not sure about the story itself, I can't say I fully understand what's going on with the fire and gods and what exactly Koushi has to do... But I hope it becomes clearer later on.

Touko's journey continues but it's one misfortune after another.
Jan 28, 2023 8:41 PM

Jul 2016
Yep. I'm definitely more interested in Koushi's storyline for now. Still don't trust ugly-bastard-looking guy but at least his daughter seems kind and somewhat reliable.

Also hope Hotaru has a decent marriage.
Jan 28, 2023 8:55 PM

May 2019
Good episode, better than the last one. We got introduced to two new characters, Kira and her mom. I'm glad that Touko was able to continue on her quest to the capital but with the risk of a rebel group called the "spiders" supposedly planning on attacking the capital it may be unsafe.

But before Touko can make it to the capital, the train/trucks are under attack by what appears to be a dragon spirit of some type and it looks like arrows are useless against it.
Jan 28, 2023 9:14 PM
Jan 2020
is the animation bad or is it really just the style
Jan 28, 2023 10:19 PM
May 2017
I'll admit I'm more interested in Koushi's perspective for the time being, seeing as Touka's is just her cleaning and not saying much. It was good to get more backstory with the ruling divine class and the spider clan's plot to usurp them. Mr Benefactor man gave me sus vibes at first but he seems cool, I'm interested so his how his dynamic with Koushi progresses. If he's only playing nice to get his lightning in the bottle, he'll likely show subliminal signs as the show goes on. But is heart seems in the right place at the very least. 

Changing gears though, I wonder about the fate of the "cursed" wives who get married off as sacrifices. That entire concept just seems off to me, like why call them a sacrifice? I wonder if they're gonna go down a dark road for that sub-plot...hmm we'll see when we get there. As for Touka, she was going to get kicked off, but then she didn't . There was no point in that dilemma lol. But towards the end though, OP dragon fiend emerges. Hopefully mr fire hunter has something up his sleeve or everyone's cooked

4/5 ep
Jan 29, 2023 7:53 AM
Apr 2016
Ronninn said:
is the animation bad or is it really just the style
I'd say it's a low budget. Animation is overall decent, but it gets really bad during the action scenes as if whoever was in charge of drawing/animating those scenes had to do a rush job.
Jan 29, 2023 2:49 PM

Aug 2013
Great episode, but i still find really sus the man that adopted koushi and her sister, kira is cute :) and at the end didnt expect that dragon, its really cool!

Anyway people keep complayining about the animation... they need to understand that its not "bad animation" but a style choice for the fights sequences
Jan 29, 2023 5:06 PM
Oct 2014
I'm calling it Touko is gonna kick some Serious butt next episode with that like sycle looking thing like it's just sitting in the train shes gotta use it
Jan 29, 2023 11:52 PM
Oct 2015
I have the feeling I'm gonna love this, like a lot
Jan 30, 2023 4:38 AM

Jul 2020
I wasn't too excited about this show at first but decided to give it a try, and honestly I'm surprised how interesting it is, I love it. I also love those occasional static images (not sure what to call those in English) and the art style in general
Jan 30, 2023 9:00 AM
Jun 2022
I like the nostalgic style of animation and coloring, and the plot is in a good pace and shape so far. Yet seeing the point of it dropping 7.21 to 7.00 in this short knowledge and period sadly not surprised me. Because unpopular hidden gems mostly start with undeserved low points at the beginning and towards or after finishing it recovers, sometimes. We'll see what will happen.
Jan 30, 2023 9:16 AM

Aug 2019
Loving where this is going so far!

I love the world building and story so far, but it isn't perfect. Like some parts feel a bit off at times? That whole bit with Koushi and the doctor felt a bit weird but whatever, still loving this story so far and I'm really interested in seeing where this goes
Jan 30, 2023 4:28 PM

May 2015
All I have to say is, there's a lot of people missing out on what's by far the most interesting show this season
Jan 31, 2023 2:32 AM

Apr 2008
What was that dragon lmao.
The poor pre-production concept artists' hearts must've sank when seeing what the animators did to "enliven" their beautiful still at the end.
Jan 31, 2023 3:16 PM

Nov 2013
finally inside their new house, the brother meets one of the girls from the family, and then talks to the doctor, apparently his sister resisted for quite a long time, usually people with that sickness die much younger... but she should be safe now with the help of the doctor, let's pray for their success

those names have meanings, but not many people study that lol mendokusai
this girl Kira sounds pretty smart, i guess her teacher is good

we saw her mother, and she made sure to let Kira know that maybe Koushi is a rival for the next head of the factory
the little sister had a hard time eating, she is quite weak right now, and i wonder if their family used to have good food like this new one with the rich family... her smile after eating that first piece was cute tho

back to the train, with Touko eminente kick out of the train, not because she left the train, but because she didn't lock the door, what if some fiend went inside? Benio was annoyed trying to save Touko from being left out

time for Hotaru to leave, she looks pretty when she finished preparing... and she also got a present, nice of that woman
lol the woman teasing Benio for being a bumpkin
yay, the guy managed to convince the chief to let Touko stay, i guess they were scared of the dog lol

wonder if Hotaru was welcomed, like the narrator said, she was married because of a curse, and we don't know if her new family is good or bad

back to Kouchi, he is now going to the secret room (wow a moving bookcase), where he will be studying/working on the skyfire
curious about why the country might fall in the future, he was answered ... the spiders, more dangerous than the fiends, are a tribe(?) who once belonged to the divine clans, but are now plotting to overtake the capital

the divine clans who rule over many elements, took long to call for a rain to stop the big fire that killed many people, they chose to wait so that the population would drop in numbers, i guess for them, life is a game of numbers
not wanting to wait for God's help, the new father wants him to work on weapons to defend themselves, while obviously keeping everything a secret

lol back to Touko, the chief seems to like Touko's work, saying she is more useful than the guy who operates the carriages
the hunter guy left with the 2 dogs, and now there's an emergency, so they are ready to get the hell out of there at full speed, i wonder what happened outside

wow there's a big dragon, and he ate one of the guys, and the train doesn't look good right now... is this the end of the travel? will they all die here?
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Feb 1, 2023 2:58 PM
Mar 2015
Back nasty dragon
Feb 3, 2023 7:11 PM

Oct 2010
The animation hurts my eyes. The story is keeping this watchable.
「Self Aware Cringy Weeb」
Feb 4, 2023 11:27 PM

Jul 2022
This is some gorgeous stuff, that dragon at the end was bad-ass!

Super-lovely animation and I'm loving the story so far, it feels epic and historical, but steam-punky and futuristic.

Whatever the budget, fewer frames, the frames we do get are very high-class and the story is compelling AF.
Feb 5, 2023 12:33 AM
Oct 2019
Saori Hayami character is here, and her name is Kira? why would somebody name their daughter Kira? lol

Well at least they still 2D the Dragon and not force using CGI Dragon.
Anyway i'm here for the storytelling, Animation not really bothering me at all.
Feb 9, 2023 11:51 AM

Oct 2018
The Miyazawa cut followed by the Dezakian post card memory. Absolute kino.

The script seems to be handled with utmost care, the lore dumps never feel tiring, and it keeps the flow of the both the stories consistent.

Feb 15, 2023 7:31 PM
Jan 2017
They sure haven't worried about making the story too complicated. Secret weapons research by magnates. Fire fiends and Sky fiends. Oh and, the divine clans do actually have supernatural powers.
I am still very interested in the show. But I hope they don't try getting too many plates spinning and have the story crash.
Mar 5, 2023 8:07 PM

Jul 2016
that dragon illustration is the best for me, so far. crazy. i want to know more about the divine clan lore... in depth.
Mar 21, 2023 3:51 PM
Aug 2018
First couple of episodes I thought it's just the style, but production quality is really bad.
Why is the doctor talking without moving his mouth?
Why are some movement animations 3 times slower than they would normally be?
Mar 25, 2023 3:57 PM

Feb 2020
Oh Hayami Saori also here, as Koushi master only one daughter. Tho i don't like how cold her mother was to respond her child and how obsessive her father at explaining the new weapon he plan. Because Koushi kinda like standing there just to being used for the sake of those person will, like what's happening to his father fate. No other choice for a poor soul like Koushi? But well, that's the plot coming from the capital.

Meanwhile, chibisuke after being saved from a miserable rush chief decision to dump her into an unknown village, she received another unknown badly creature attack which honestly worsen than the goddamn ugly creature that before. Ah if only the quality was better i may take this more greatly appreciate. Alas, let's be grateful for what they serve on this Hikari no Ou episode!
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Aug 7, 2024 12:56 AM

Jul 2008
Well shit.....a dragon and its destroyed the train.

Also does anyone else not trust the help at the mansion?
Mar 5, 11:50 AM

Jun 2022
they already ticked me off , so let's just say that monster slaughter all of them except that girl

that works for me , adios hikari!

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