カズナ Kazna // キソン Kison
Find me on Twitter, I'm getting more active over there
Yeah, I love dialogues <3, how did you know? I very much appreciate meta stuff and social commentary too.
Pokémon and Danganronpa enjoyer. I won't trust anyone whose favourite Dangan isn't v3. Currently playing Master Duel and Genshin.
Someday I'll take care of my profile and elaborate a proper description, so if you're reading this you already know that day hasn't come yet.
Every show I rate from 6 points onwards is pretty decent IMO. I try to be as strict as possible, just to have a bigger margin at scoring, u know?
Disclaimer: I also have the bad habit of giving a higher value to what a show wants to tell rather than its execution and that can often lead me to disagree with other people. As long as it makes me think over stuff, I will most likely be able to get enjoyment out of it.
If you noticed we have similar tastes, first: you know anime, second: send me a friend request :)
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Un saludo!
Do you remember me?
Another big plot changes I noticed is in the third movie, which kinda made sense but kinda felt unnecessary and out of place.
And yes, the Fukkatsu no Lelouch. You know the rules and so do I. I can write an entire essay on it (I wrote a half-baked review on it lmao).
Well, I kinda went on rambling, but this is the point, except for several elements which made Suzaku and Black Knights a feel bit on the good side, nothing much changed in the movies, and if anything, a lot of shit is removed and kinda made it a diluted experience.
Initially just after finishing R2, I was like ripping my hair off reading through reddit threads to try calm myself by make-believing that the head-canon is real.
But after some time, especially after finishing Fukkatsu no Lelouch, I rather feel home with the original ending. Its way more intact and relevant in comparison to the head-canon, which kinda ended up being a nauseating bad joke after finishing Fukkatsu no Lelouch
Which ending-theory for Code Geass do you prefer? The actual canon ones or the head-canon fan-theory?
And I tend to be more active on AniList since it's a lot more user-friendly and userbase-friendly than MAL, at least in my experiences. That's why, if it takes me awhile to respond, it's nothing personal. I'm just on the "little brother" site :P
And feel free to ask me anything about my shows / profile, etc. Poke around all you want!
I'm stopping by as a call to action that we really could use some newer members to join our Discord. Being in our club Discord is the best way to make sure you don't miss any threads that are posted if your not able to keep up with us posting on the club comments.
If Discord is not really your thing but you want to get more involved in the Anime Guild than a great way to do that is to be apart of the Power Ranking Committee. Its really simple, you join which watching class your apart of from 5, 10, or 20 shows and then you send in your rankings during week 4,7,10, and then 13 of the season. It is also one of the Bonus Point opportunities for the AOTS/COTS nominations with the others being the OP/ED Competition and Clash of Unsupported Shows.