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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (light novel)
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Sep 13, 2014 9:38 AM

Dec 2013
Just skipped to the last episode of Endless Eight. That was fucking retarded. They should make it 2 episodes, not 8. Too bad I skipped only 2 episodes.
Worst anime arc, period.
Oct 25, 2014 3:47 PM

Jul 2012
Also just finished Endless Eight arc. The lesson: Do your fricking summer homework.
Dec 1, 2014 7:21 AM

Sep 2014
So this anime make you feel in a loop, i thing its a genius concept, but its hard to watch
Mar 18, 2015 4:06 PM
Jul 2018
What's going on with the airplane?
Mar 19, 2015 7:30 PM

Jun 2013
The recurring images of clouds and airplanes are emphasized in this episode.
Aug 3, 2015 6:35 AM

Dec 2010
What I hate is that we iterate only over the same cases. Two or three episodes regarding a go without a Bon Dance or a different part-time job, or actually showing the Goby Fishing Contest would come a bit refreshing.
Feb 20, 2016 4:32 AM

Jan 2013
[Watching in broadcast order]

Just gotta love Kyon's irritated look when Koizumi answers the phone after Mikuru.
Seems we're 14 loops ahead of the last episode.
Mar 11, 2016 5:19 AM

Apr 2009
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 14, 2016 11:31 AM

Jul 2013
Wow, it finally ended... I can't believe it.
Jul 7, 2016 9:10 AM

Jul 2016
honeslty they ran out of ideas IMO, endless 8 for 8 episodes omg. its kind of sad that 8 whole episodes are based off of this one thing or so i see in the episode list. they really couldn't make more stories? watching the same thing over and over i can only imagine got boring, especially for when these episodes just started airing. rip in peace haruhi and the gang.
beginning to get boring.

by here i had my own theories on how they could get out of the timeloop, or at least have them retain their memory or have someone to tell them; Asahina could've travelled back in time to the start of the timeloop and continously do that to create her own timeloop thing and remind everyone. they couldve given nagato a command to remind them, i thought haruhi was looking for love; guess not.

I was thinking that kyon would've realised on the rooftop when they were stargazing that they had had the same conversation 15000+ times and that trying what koizumi said wouldnt be a bad try, especially since time would restart and no one would remember. what got me the most was that only kyon actually tried to think of the last thing that haruhi would want and also that nagato didnt even try to get out.
fam fam was here. aria and shana are great. make more anime or video games for them, amarite??
Aug 26, 2016 4:13 AM

Mar 2015

OP Song: 5/5

Finally the loop ended but Im not happy. I dont mind the loop continues though. I am not satisfied how Kyon stopped the loop. The solution to break a loop is group study?? I expected much better conclusion. Whatever...proceed to next episode.

ED Song: 3.5/5

Jan 25, 2017 9:13 PM

Aug 2011
I agree w/ you Raijin-sama, it could have ended better but the show must go on

Active Military, Prior Service and Veteran's Anime Club
do not forget the sound of my voice until the day we reunite
Aug 16, 2017 3:33 AM

Jul 2008
OMG homework? Seriously?! HOMEWORK!!!!!!!
Dec 8, 2017 7:05 PM

Sep 2013
homework....not the summer romance I was expecting....but frigging homework. She wanted to do homework.

Such a letdown.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Jan 1, 2018 3:03 PM

Jan 2016
I'm surprised at the reaction of Endless Eight so far at the start of the thread, knowing that there is eight episodes now. Honestly, I'm not too surprised, as the production of the previous series (2007) had its problems too. The last episode of that series (chronologically) was just nonsense. Kyon getting a Heater for the entire episode. Nothing happened. The introduction of a the Computer Club Pres' girlfriend... who isn't his girlfriend... and there's like one sentence in that episode about Nagato causing it... and nothing else... (she also gets her own cover of Hare Hare Yukai despite only saying one sentence in the entire series)

The adaptation is far from perfect and I guess this happens to be the area where fans cement their lament, per say.
Honestly, I do find it a bit of a pain to sit through the 'same' episode again and again, and I won't say that the different angles, clothing etc. make anything different, but I can tell that this acts as unique, very slow-paced character development and the conclusion will be nothing less than satisfying anyway. (If I'm wrong, I'll laugh it off, despite crying on the inside)
Jan 9, 2018 7:32 PM
Nov 2010
I've made it half way.. hope conclusion isn't just them doing their hw together. 😢😢 Still not too annoying so far.
Feb 17, 2018 6:06 AM

Apr 2017
Kyon-kun, denwa.
May 4, 2018 9:46 AM
Apr 2018
Fuck this shit.I have already watched the same thing for the fourth time hoping it is different.The story isn't progressing at all. So dropped.
Apr 28, 2019 9:30 AM
Jan 2019
Wake me up when this endless 8 finished.
May 22, 2019 7:42 PM
Apr 2018
Lol, idk, I'm not bored yet, I only hate the part when Haruhi finds the gang a part time job. And to get a frog costume only... Cunt.

So 14 more cycles. I think Haruhi wants to do something that her friends would enjoy too: she looks let down a bit when no one says a word at the final cafe scene.
Oct 15, 2020 7:01 AM

Mar 2020
Well, that's it, I guess. I wasn't expecting the characters to have such an expansive wardrobe, nor was I expecting the resolution to be so out of left field. They had teased for most of the arc that the only way out was for Kyon to reciprocate Haruhi's feelings, so I feel kinda betrayed in that regard.

The entire logic surrounding this arc has become more dubious to me over time. I don't get why Yuki and the data integration thought entity are able to transcend time, since time and information are pretty intertwined with one another. Granted, a time loop is also a piece of information, so I guess it kinda makes sense for Yuki to recall all those 15,000-and-whatever loops.

On the subject of time loops, it isn't really explained how Koizumi and Kyon received their feelings of deja vu. I imagine the number of residual memories would increase exponentially with each loop, so I'm surprised that they just happened to receive them one day. If their memories were to function by my logic, I imagine it would take them around 500 - 1,000 loops in order to break the cycle.

I also don't understand why Koizumi is considered to be closest to Haruhi, though I've mentioned that before. I'm also confused by how the mask vendor at the Bon festival had different masks on each occasion, and why Yuki sat in different places at the pool if she's so hellbent on not interfering with each time loop. This entire arc is just filled with plot conveniences. I could list more, but I kinda just wanna go to sleep.

This arc went a long way in killing my enthusiasm for this show. I can appreciate when a story attempts to experiment with its narrative, but going the full mile really is something else. I feel like an idiot for continuing when I noticed my interest was beginning to wain since I wasn't expecting to come out feeling this pessimistic.
Mar 16, 2021 5:14 PM

Jun 2014
Finally, after 15,532 loops, Kyon finally thought of something to say before Haruhi walked out that restaurant door.

The "Endless Eight" is finally over. Whew.

Apr 3, 2021 7:04 AM
Jul 2018
Obviously wrong theory time:
In the final loop kyon wins the cicada hunt, much to nagata's surprise. As the new sos leader for the day he somehow gets himself alone with haruhi, and they do something, maybe koizumis confession of love, and this causes the loops to end. Because of what happened at the end of melancholy I think this would make sense although I doubt it will happen.
May 11, 2021 7:12 PM

Jan 2019
Damn it feels good to finally have that arc resolved.
May 13, 2021 6:43 PM
Jul 2020
Gah i just feel so bad for nagato. Anyways, lmme continue this
Jul 24, 2021 9:40 AM

Aug 2020
[Chronological order]

Finally, the end of the time loop. Good thing I didn't waste my time watching these time loop, but would rather skip to the end to see if the MC would stop Haruhi.

Finally, I can start watching the show again.

Status: On A MAL Break

DO NOT Cʟɪᴄᴋ Tʜᴇ Lɪɴᴋ Bᴇʟᴏᴡ:
👉 ʜᴛᴘs://ᴍʏᴀɴɪᴍᴇʟɪsᴛ.ɴᴇᴛ/ᴅᴏ-ɴᴏᴛ-ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ-ᴛʜɪᴤ-ʟɪɴᴋ 👈


Jul 29, 2021 6:30 PM

Jan 2020
Goodbye to an arc that's hated by many but loved by me. I really enjoyed binging this and it's raised my opinions on the series overall

I kind of wanna finish everything today but eh, I wanna finish on my birthday.

Dec 25, 2021 1:32 PM

May 2020

4th time repeat now. 15,513th loop in other words. Again those subtle changes here and there, of which the change in their dresses is the most visible one every time.
Jan 2, 2022 5:25 PM

Feb 2021
That was a lot of fun
Jan 31, 2022 6:42 PM

Dec 2007
wow, each time there's new part for the endless eight, there's better new animation, and the OST is more intriguing lol.

i feel though everytiime part of the solution is little by little coming clear, like every part have little new part of the solution - this episode made clear of kyon not listening to harui's line of "we have to use every day of this summer vacation", he actually looks at the sky in this loop.
there's actually that air plain but i have hard time to believe for it to be hint.
it didn't made sense to me 'ill now though, but i feel as kyon trying to talk with nagato is kind of way to get her out to speak all harui's line, that's possibility.
last thing i made it out, which i feel is important too, is the kyon "dejavu" part being shown, seems to me that until mikuru calls him and they meets, in this episode his dejavu were serious as he could recall almost everything 1 to 1. if this is a serious hint, i can figure out that in the last part his dejavu would be so hard he will know by himself mikuru's calling and not going but knowing everything gonna happen, that is, and then in the next loop he will ask nagato what he's missing.


never the less, though i enjoyed it until far it's starting to make me tired, well, i am tired being in 4 am, time to go to sleep and finish this arc tomorrow.
Mar 10, 2022 7:56 AM
Jan 2020
This is a lifetime achievement.
Mar 15, 2022 7:54 AM

Jul 2020
fucking finally. they managed to get out of the loop
Oct 1, 2022 10:23 PM

May 2022
Endless eight wasn't as painful to watch as people said, and in end when breaks the curse or whatever, it was really good; like you also got freed from the time loop.
Nov 15, 2022 4:59 AM

Oct 2021
Finally it's over *sigh* I accidentally said Alhamdulillah after finishing this episode XD
Dec 20, 2022 10:04 PM
Jul 2022
Good riddance...
Dec 27, 2022 10:29 AM

Dec 2020
I watch these series a number of times now and I forgot there so many eps of this arc. Most likely cause they all blended together. Nice to see subtle differences and changes but 8 eps is alot
Jan 6, 2023 2:12 AM
Feb 2018
Jan 7, 2023 1:57 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
(Endless Eight VIII)

Sorry again about having my episode discussion posts all over the place, having zero correlation with the correct thread, but it's just easier for me this way. Just blame the wack broadcast order that this series aired in. Looking at the most recent posts, it looks like a lot are doing the same. MAL should've just structured it in the chronological order just like how all streaming sites are organizing it. For those who aren't, and that this is actually the 4th endless eight episode for them, I'm actually surprised how many are still kind of taking it well, among a few who are absolutely losing their minds ALREADY. 

Anyway, I'm just putting this here BEFORE watching the last endless eight episode, because I just wanted to say that I don't remember being this excited for a single anime episode in quite some time. I am also expecting to be disappointed, cheated even, but I have hopes higher than that that this will deliver. So the question is: Was it worth it?

(after watching the actual episode) Short answer: No. On a scale of 1 to 10 on how worth it it was, it's a 3 or 4. I'll say this though: this arc has made me have a new-found appreciation for every other anime ever that does NOT have an arc seemingly solely designed to drive you f*cking nuts. Also even though they may have wasted my precious anime-watching time, I gotta give KyotoAni some mad respect for taking such a ballsy move when they MUST HAVE known that it would cause them to lose fans. Maybe not as a whole, but I'm sure viewership for Haruhi Suzumiya went down because of this. Or maybe after it finished airing, maybe it went up, because people came to experience for themselves what this infamous "endless eight" arc was all about. Who knows. 

Were there small, intricate details that actually reward the viewer who examined each episode with a laser focus, writing down every change down to even what painting was in the restaurant that time, that all in all actually makes this a watch worthy of your time? Or did KyotoAni really just want to mess with everyone, its own key animators included? Because I gotta say, even though I'm still lost at what the purpose of this was, if there was any, thank- you KyotoAni for at least going through the actually tremendous efforts of not actually reusing any shots and frames as far as I could tell, and actually making each episode entire unique in terms of its visuals. To that I can say, "wow". To everything else, I say, "wtf."

I don't know about you, but while I can't believe I actually sat through the same thing 8 times (yes I watched each intently, I didn't skip over parts, watch it in a faster speed, or simply leave it playing in the background while doing something else. I actually WATCHED them all.... but how though), it actually wasn't nearly as bad or as painful or as tedious as I would've thought. To an extent, I actually kind of enjoyed looking for new details, admiring the new shots, and anticipating how this cycle would end- particularly during the first few episodes though. It was during episode 6 or 7 where I started really getting that fed-up feeling. But still, I'm surprised to say that this wasn't a total pain in the ass to get through. Again though, was it worth it? Eh. Even if it alone doesn't seem to have any purpose, it certainly does make for a great precursor to the movie perhaps (idk if this is true, but I heard somewhere that while of course you should finish the series before the movie, the endless eight arc is one that is INTEGRAL before watching the movie, so if that's the case, I'm glad I actually watched the WHOLE THING, whether it was worth it or not), and more importantly for me, will make me REALLY appreciate the following episodes FAR more than I would have otherwise. Even if "The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya" was downright trash, I think ANYONE would have enjoyed if they came out of the endless eight, just happy that they have escaped that loop. Oh and I still have to watch those 4 episodes from "season 1" of the broadcast order, which I'll be watching LAST because I'm watching chronologically.

Unless we are all missing something HUGE, I can confirm that you don't indeed need to watch them all. I agree with everyone else saying that you should watch just 3, the first, the last, and any one of them in between; it doesn't really matter which one. I personally would tell my past self to watch episode 5, just for the ticking clock at the end lol. That was honestly the most unique thing there was across all the middle episodes. Of course there's countless other small subtle changes (besides all the obvious outfits and shot compositions), such as Kyon and Koizumi shooing away some guys who were probably trying to hit on Asahina and Nagato during the "we're stuck in a loop" revelation scene. But I honestly wished there was a little more variety than what we got, maybe one of Nagato's loops where they actually did different stuff. But yeah, that's why I'm going with the recommendation of episode 5, just for the clock. I'm sure all the fans were so hopeful after seeing that that the next episode, the sixth one, where it would be where it finally ended. Hehe, 2 episodes too short my dude. Oh and might I just quickly mention as well that I liked the loop where Kyon actually pulls out a calculator to calculate how much time Nagato has spent in the loop. Before you would've thought he was something of a math wiz, doing all that math in his head. But if this loop was like the others, he actually used a calculator every time, we just didn't see it. That certainly goes in line with where he calls Haruhi "smart" (after she states that she did all her summer homework in 3 days), since that would imply that Kyon is, well, not AS smart. 

I wouldn't have really noticed this or cared had not someone mentioned it, but eventually it did come to my attention that they NEVER show Kyon's reaction when Koizumi says "how about I do it?" when they're doing the rooftop star gazing, was there a reason for that too, maybe we're just meant to imagine his most likely reaction of being shocked, since deep down he doesn't want anyone else besides himself to hug haruhi from behind and whisper "I love you" in her ear? Whatever, guess it wasn't important. Was ANYTHING important?

Just a small animation detail that I low-key really appreciate is at the end when they're at the restaurant and Haruhi takes a sip of what is probably iced tea. Most times you'd probably see a character simply bring the straw up to their mouth and there would be no other animation. But here, you can see the drink going up the straw, the drink in the glass lowering down as she drinks it, and the ice cubes giving a subtle shake. Nothing about that drink was static other than the glass itself, which is uh, just a solid object. 

Actually, let me rephrase the episodes which I think are required to watch for the endless eight. I said 1, 5 (for the CLOCK YEAHHH), and 8. The one in the middle helps, but you can easily get away with just watching the first and last. Heck, if you really can't watch the same thing twice, I'd say you can even just watch the the last one and you wouldn't have missed anything important. Because the only real differences are in the first and the last one: the first simply because it shows more of their activities, since the "we're in a loop" revelation scene isn't in that one (as well as the star gazing rooftop scene? I forget now). I remember that had a long bug-catching scene compared to the others which just breezed through it. But otherwise, not ABSOLUTELY important unless you would like to see longer scenes of those activities. And of course the last one, which IS important because that's where the loop is broken. So really you don't have to watch any of the others besides the last one. All you miss out on is.... build-up of your irritation and the more intense relief you get when it's all over. That really is it I think. So if you REALLY can't bear to watch it even more than once, just watch the last one. I think you'll be fine. Not that someone who hasn't watched any of them will be reading this in THIS discussion thread, but oh well. 

No one's going to read this wall of text, but for the odd soul that does stumble across this, at least read this TL;DR. Again, my short answer to the "is it worth it" question is: no. But that is my short-sighted answer. I got chills from when Kyon finally yelled out: "THERE'S STILL SOMETHING I WANT TO DO"; chills I wouldn't have got had I not watched all eight episodes. Maybe it was because I was just so relieved to finally escape this loop with the others (although besides Nagato, Kyon didn't REALLY experience it over 15,000 times apart from the effects of deja vu, so even though we only experienced it EIGHT times, in a way, we've been through more than he has. We don't experience his pain of deja vu, but whatever I guess), but I can say that it truly carried an impact that I would not have experienced otherwise if I had not watched all eight. And looking into the future with the movie on the horizon, I think this arc will have made me appreciate that far more than I would have, in more ways than one. Something just tells me I will have enjoyed the movie as much (of course I haven't watched the movie as of yet, but I know I'm going to at least like it) if I had not watched the full endless eight arc. Something about experiencing getting stuck in a loop tells me that the movie will feel even more impactful. Again, who knows. So I guess my actual short answer for "was it worth it", is still no, but actually, yes. Maybe. Maybe it's actually a 5/10 on the worth-it scale, half and half. Or maybe I just wasted 25min x8 of my time. Fuck. Really I don't fucking know. At least I can proudly proclaim my achievement of watching all of the endless eight like wearing a badge on my chest. Dang this TL;DR was too long. Sorry, I don't expect you to read this either, it's okay.

Guess I'll just end off my ramble with this. I loved this breaking-the-loop scene. I wouldn't have experienced anything like it in any other anime because only KyotoAnimation had the balls to do something this, well, ballsy. But I'm not completely satisfied with it, and there's one thing that they could've done which indeed would've make it perfect for me: and that would have been to make Haruhi smile in this scene. Sure, go ham on him for assuming leadership of the group, that's fine, that's in character. But after all that's said and done, look at Kyon, and give him a smile. A smile of thanks, a smile of relief that (even though apparently she was completely oblivious of the loop that, she(?) created) that Kyon reached out to her and gave her wanted she wanted to be completely satisfied. A small little thing, that made their summer truly perfect. Maybe it didn't matter what it was, maybe what Haruhi truly wanted was to hear Kyon say that HE wanted to do something together for the summer. No words needed, just a little smile from her in thanks and appreciation to close out the scene would have made it perfect. Instead the restaurant scene just closes out with her being her usual somewhat-angry self. Expected of a tsundere (she is a tsundere, right? She hasn't really shown a softer side to her THAT much), but come on. We went through eight episodes of this. Give us a little more man. 

Actually no, huge L on KyotoAni's part. He simply stated that he wanted to do something more, to do homework. Massive L. He didn't run up to her and hug her from behind and whisper "I LOVE YOU" in her ear. Big missed opportunity. Trash anime. 1/10, garbage. Could've been amazing, but instead it was poo.

Thanks for letting me vent out some of my thoughts. I hope that my post here on this thread from 2009 doesn't get taken down because it technically is in the wrong spot. Whoopsie. But idc, I'm still gonna continue to do it the easy way. Most others are too apparently, looking at the most recent posts. 

Anyway, time to watch the SIGH of Haruhi Suzumiya. See you in the next episode. じゃあね

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jan 18, 2023 11:38 AM
Feb 2019
Never been cheated 8 times in my whole life watching anime, but the author of this series alone did a great job hahaha
Jan 23, 2023 11:58 AM
Aug 2007
I feel like I watched this sometime before...kidding, or am I, maybe I did and didn't log my progress? Or it's just Deja Vu.

Seriously though, this seriously got a little too repetitive. I'm a fan of movies like Groundhog Day, so to some extent I like time loops, but there wasn't enough variation to keep me entertained. It became like a slog. I was tempted a few times to give up.
Jan 29, 2023 10:14 AM

Oct 2020
Endless Eight. It was fun.
Feb 26, 2023 11:57 PM

Jul 2022
There have been many comparisons, I don't get bored, I like seeing small changes in each sequence.
I'm curious how this arc was written in the NL

It's like they want you to feel what they feel, obviously you can't recreate the feeling but I think you understand what I mean xd
May 31, 2023 6:42 AM

Dec 2007
rewatch- chronological- ep19

endless eight - 8 - THE END

for some reason rewatching this arc and ending it making me glad for the effort. you can clearly feel the "relief" in kyon character through yourself. those who just skipped this entire arc probably wouldn't realized it.
people just should thank KyoAni that this arc wasn't 18 times lol.

at any rate, i think that my previous thoughts on the solution were rather untruth.
it's not matter of "how much changed had been" though it's part of it.
the only time kyon had made homework was the 1st time of the loop. in other words, long before the 15.498 time which was the 2nd episode. and that is why he always had a "linger thought" at the 1st firework event in the loop.
it's good to guess that 'till the 15,498 loop where he knows that he's in a loop, he actually did his homework, but from that loop he hadn't.
those, the loop isn't "chained". the minute he hadn't done his homework, he actually could change the loop slightly.
the fact that he had his homework for 15,497 times, but then he stopped for 200 more, made for him to loop over his non-doing-homework. so the only possible way for him to actually doing homework, is actually with haruhi.
it's actually the all haruhi suggestion that the winner of the bug catching competition would be the leader. in this final loop, one of kyon's bugs returned to him, which made him the winner, so by haruhi's rules, he finally gained the leader rule for "one day". that day would be the final day where could actually convince haruhi to do what he wants. unlike the other loops where he hadn't being leader even for once.
that, and the fact that the loop isn't closed chained but get loosened for time to time, not only in events though (like nagato always being said) but their actions (like nagato being racing with haruhi in the latest episodes, and also getting raining in some of the loops which doesn't occurs in the most of them), and so kyon could have actually get released from the deja vu.

with this amount of changing, it sound much better solution.
Jul 10, 2023 12:05 PM

Jul 2021
bro absolutely ridiculous. how was this not cancelled while it was airing lmao. they are just playing with us at this point.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Jul 24, 2023 8:02 AM

May 2023
(Broadcast order)

the end of the endless eight. I personally thought the arc was terrific and I really enjoyed noticing all the differences and similarities in each episode. looking forward to seeing what happens next! this show has really surprised me
Jan 4, 2024 3:31 PM
May 2014
Feb 18, 2024 7:13 PM
Feb 2021
Endless Eight VIII - Chronological Order
THAT'S IT! I DID IT! ALL ENDLESS EIGHT EPISODES IN ONE DAY! It's pretty sad to be honest. I didn't get tired, not one bit. The animation in this episode is absolutely gorgeous. THE GOOD THING IS YUKI NAGATO IS FINALLY FREE! IM HAPPY! I'm so glad kyon finally did something. It only took him 15,532 times to finally get something right. I was entertained through it all. Endless Eight arc is GENIUS! YUKI IS FINALLY FREE!!! I felt so terrible that she had to go through all of that. Yuki really went through the most in this series. Poor Yuki :'( I'm going to continue this series now. God, I really don't want to get to The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.

NOTE TO SELF: Do your homework!
Feb 28, 2024 9:58 AM

Aug 2019
Eh... That was pretty much exactly the same as the last two. It's going to be like this the rest of the way huh? I started to just skip through the last few minutes of the episode because there was nothing new
Sep 22, 2024 12:08 PM
Jan 2024
I like to imagine Nagato just being like "thank fucking GOD" after the time loop finally ends XD

If you want a truly fascinating experience watching Endless Eight, do what I did and look up a YouTube edit of all 8 episodes synced up with each other. It was fun comparing and contrasting the different shots from each version, like how episode 2 has much more harsh white lighting in some scenes compared to other episodes.
Nov 29, 2024 6:55 AM

Jan 2024
I knew it was homework! I was almost about to not watch the ep again.
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