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Oct 21, 2022 12:09 PM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
Bio said:
I know you know what an alchemist is, Japan, so what is she doing being a battlemage incomparably stronger than all the muscular adventurers in town? You'd think this was an isekai. And I'd be fine with the main being greedy as a character flaw, but that speech was terrible. That's enough of this show.

I think they are half basing their image of alchemists on Atelier Ryza where the main character really is that over the top in combat capability.
Oct 22, 2022 3:11 AM
Jul 2017
Money is important. Communication and understanding each other is too. She cut open that flame grizzly like thanksgiving turkey holy cow.
These villagers are so strong-willed.
Sarasa's high risk high return plan.
Boss bear fight scene's sakuga kinda slaps. omg she's so strong.
Oct 22, 2022 6:38 AM

Oct 2007
matias067 said:
oh my! it is a mass kumaMASSacre!

forgot to post this. Just a day after watching bear massacre of episode 3, this is the snack that our maid buy from the store. lol

Oct 22, 2022 9:23 PM

Aug 2014
I really like all these girls :). Also Serasa has an inner psycho inside her it seems
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Oct 24, 2022 1:43 AM

Mar 2019
Based on the opening, I genuinely thought the blue haired girl and her friend would be her bodyguard after they're saved. But then she proceed to solo the bear on her own. She even soloed the boss like kirito. It comes with a cost ofc, she can't repeatedly use it. But considering that she's an alchemist that's plenty op already. Or maybe all alchemist in this anime are just that strong? I'm confused.
Oct 24, 2022 4:29 AM

May 2009
Shitty show but Sarasa attacking bears was nice sakuga.
Oct 24, 2022 5:54 PM

Dec 2016
Magesuit said:
Some people seem really upset at Sarasa for stating the cold hard facts of life. Looking at how much it cost to get the bear mauled girl back into tip top shape she would rapidly go out of business if she did not get paid for it. Leaving the next who knows how many sick people to just die since there is no one to help them. And I guess this shows why the government was trying to get an alchemist out there they are a combination Hospital/national guard post.

The problem is about lecturing countrymen about prices in exchange for services (f*ck they aren't Homer Simpson, they understand how services has a price) and her soliloqui about the cost of a life isn't neither the time nor place to have it when there's a mauled girl in critical condition. She could have kept it short and warn them that it would come with a high price.

The way she comes up with prices is completely absurd, it's like an even more cartoonish example of Pfizer expected profits for covid shots next year. She babbles about short supply of resources, but it goes completely against the premise on why she's even out there on the sticks where magical herbs exist in abundance. I'm all up for traders to set up their prices based on knowledge/experience, ingredients scarcity and how much time and or resources it took them to get them. But as far as we know Sarasa could have harvested all those ingredients from her own backyard and/or in the close forest vecinity in a day or two and probably processed the complete potions in less than a day using her magic that so far only has a toll when she goes in full super sayan and kills dozens of bears.
Oct 28, 2022 2:23 AM
Sep 2020
Considering Sarasa's master is a Master alchemist and really strong I guess Sarasa learned and grew a lot because of that and she seems like she has a lot of potential !!

I like those 2 new adventurers that she Sarasa helped !! Sarasa is really strong just like her master !

Pretty good episode !! More action but still had some cute moments !!
Oct 30, 2022 7:10 AM

Apr 2015
Autopilot isekai
Nov 11, 2022 10:41 AM
Dec 2013
Those 10 seconds of sakuga animation tho.
Nov 24, 2022 6:03 AM

Mar 2018
There was nothing I saw wrong with her speech at all.
Offering to treat for free sets a bad precedent. It would chain react and her chances of getting paid would be slim to none due to that expectation. That type of slippery slope would destroy her business. Even if someone's life is on the line, she's in no way obligated to save it if she can't receive compensation for it. She's not a charity worker.
Dec 5, 2022 8:41 PM
Mar 2020
DarkDooM2 said:
So first thing on the menu when a dying person is lying in front of you is talking about money? Yeah I'm with those 2 adventurers here, that's fucking scummy. It becomes even more obvious when Iris immediately offered her help in defending the village without asking for pay. Y'know, because people's lives are at stake. The author trying to make Sarasa out to be the good guy here by going out of the way to have the 2 adventurers abandon the village to basically force the viewer to regard them as irredeemable scum is just horrible writing.
Also, suddenly making Sarasa into a one man army when she's supposed to be just a simple alchemist... was that really necessary? Why did it feel like I'm suddenly watching a fucking battle shounen?

I liked the first 2 episodes, but this one brought me very close to dropping this shite.

Ferelimp said:
Why did episode 3 turn into trying to morally justify a system that fuels privatized healthcare. There are even government subsidies in the first episode that allow her to even get the shop in the country. and they try to make the 2 who are like why are you talking about money right now when this woman is dying the assholes. People need to get paid for work, but trying to use that morality in a bet to reinforce privatized healthcare is fucked up. Health care workers need to get paid, and people need health care. THATS WHY TAXES ARE PAID. If the government doesnt do it theres no reason to have one, its not doing its job if its not providing this basic social service

I definitely see y'alls point but what Sarasa says about putting a price for Iris's life is right. If she saves this girl for free and the shop goes under, who would be there to save the adventurers who need help in the future? Healthcare is a privilege that we are lucky to enjoy, but the fact of the matter is that it costs money and someone is going to have to pay. I doubt that she is overcharging them (as it probably costs a ton of money to reattach a person's arm) and I also think that we don't know enough about the culture of this world to make any assumptions. Should Sarasa be required to provide healthcare for free just because she can? Its as Andre said to those 2 guys "would you just give away the stuff you worked so hard to gather just to be nice?"
Dec 14, 2022 10:51 PM

Oct 2019
callmethebigG said:
DarkDooM2 said:
So first thing on the menu when a dying person is lying in front of you is talking about money? Yeah I'm with those 2 adventurers here, that's fucking scummy. It becomes even more obvious when Iris immediately offered her help in defending the village without asking for pay. Y'know, because people's lives are at stake. The author trying to make Sarasa out to be the good guy here by going out of the way to have the 2 adventurers abandon the village to basically force the viewer to regard them as irredeemable scum is just horrible writing.
Also, suddenly making Sarasa into a one man army when she's supposed to be just a simple alchemist... was that really necessary? Why did it feel like I'm suddenly watching a fucking battle shounen?

I liked the first 2 episodes, but this one brought me very close to dropping this shite.

Ferelimp said:
Why did episode 3 turn into trying to morally justify a system that fuels privatized healthcare. There are even government subsidies in the first episode that allow her to even get the shop in the country. and they try to make the 2 who are like why are you talking about money right now when this woman is dying the assholes. People need to get paid for work, but trying to use that morality in a bet to reinforce privatized healthcare is fucked up. Health care workers need to get paid, and people need health care. THATS WHY TAXES ARE PAID. If the government doesnt do it theres no reason to have one, its not doing its job if its not providing this basic social service

I definitely see y'alls point but what Sarasa says about putting a price for Iris's life is right. If she saves this girl for free and the shop goes under, who would be there to save the adventurers who need help in the future? Healthcare is a privilege that we are lucky to enjoy, but the fact of the matter is that it costs money and someone is going to have to pay. I doubt that she is overcharging them (as it probably costs a ton of money to reattach a person's arm) and I also think that we don't know enough about the culture of this world to make any assumptions. Should Sarasa be required to provide healthcare for free just because she can? Its as Andre said to those 2 guys "would you just give away the stuff you worked so hard to gather just to be nice?"

It is definitely true, people should be paid for their work. But there is a system that is provided by governments to not make the price of a life outweigh the work necessary to save it. The people who depend on that service are not the ones who should pay it when their lives depend on it. Not every country has this, and its fucked up, because the government has very few jobs to the public, social security, healthcare, and infrastructure. There are foreign affairs as well, but if the government is not providing social security like that then its cutting the very foundation of its own existence. Japan being deep within privatized healthcare, to the point of people getting murdered after mild injuries to avoid paying for health care, its a pretty fucked up sentiment to push out into the public
FerelimpDec 14, 2022 10:54 PM
Dec 20, 2022 12:45 AM

Nov 2009
EZ fixing a cut off arm, just do Alchemy.

Also, more CORPA at work, fucking monarchy system. Bad enough in episode 1 that nobles gets a free ride to get high level jobs. Now episode 2 reveals that this world has no hospital system and everyone that's poor literally just dies cause they can't afford treatments...

(as Sarasa mentioned that the decision to saving a life is literally based on how the Alchemist felt like it... if they don't feel like they can get money, BAM, DEAD)
(they just got lucky that Sarasa is a fairly nice girl, tho she's kinda greedy at times, that would help people first before money) (tho Sarasa still end up wanting the full amount to be paid, just over time)

___ ___ ___

Also... Sarasa dissecting that bear... ripping the eyes out like that, LOL... this girl is hardcore. But kinda makes sense as she's trained by that "MASTER"

(and looks like Sarasa is 15, I was almost right, and I guess 15 is an adult in their world, since they get out of school at 15 and starts working)

BTW... how the hell did Iris lost her arm in the first place by a single bear... if she could cut down like 5 FRICKING BEARS... did Iris suddenly get stronger out of nowhere after getting Alchemied? lol

Well, Sarasa goes full combat mode on that boss bear and kill it with ease.

Also, did they have to make the bear "whimper" as it tries to run away from Sarasa?... thought they're suppose to be in "frenzy"... having them whimper means the bears retain their sanity... and isn't actually in Frenzy... meaning they were out-right murdered by Sarasa even tho they probably weren't even heading toward the village at first, they were lured to the village...

Nice Justified Murder right there. (Lures Bear into village, "the Bear attacked the village, so now we must kill them")

___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___

This series seems to have some plotholes, possibly the reason for low community discussions and popularity...

The arts cute tho (except for some oba-sans with weird looking face shapes)
amlgDec 20, 2022 12:54 AM
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Dec 20, 2022 1:28 PM
Mar 2020
Ferelimp said:
callmethebigG said:

I definitely see y'alls point but what Sarasa says about putting a price for Iris's life is right. If she saves this girl for free and the shop goes under, who would be there to save the adventurers who need help in the future? Healthcare is a privilege that we are lucky to enjoy, but the fact of the matter is that it costs money and someone is going to have to pay. I doubt that she is overcharging them (as it probably costs a ton of money to reattach a person's arm) and I also think that we don't know enough about the culture of this world to make any assumptions. Should Sarasa be required to provide healthcare for free just because she can? Its as Andre said to those 2 guys "would you just give away the stuff you worked so hard to gather just to be nice?"

It is definitely true, people should be paid for their work. But there is a system that is provided by governments to not make the price of a life outweigh the work necessary to save it. The people who depend on that service are not the ones who should pay it when their lives depend on it. Not every country has this, and its fucked up, because the government has very few jobs to the public, social security, healthcare, and infrastructure. There are foreign affairs as well, but if the government is not providing social security like that then its cutting the very foundation of its own existence. Japan being deep within privatized healthcare, to the point of people getting murdered after mild injuries to avoid paying for health care, its a pretty fucked up sentiment to push out into the public

I definitely see your point but we're lucky to live in a modern world where the hippocratic oath is seen as the norm, and a democratic society allows us to enjoy the highest standard of living ever in history. Were this the modern world, I think the healthcare criticism is definitely fair. However, this is a different world, and the author hasn't given us any indication of programs like the one you mention existing in this world. Perhaps they're solely focused on the economy, which is why there are shop subsidies and not healthcare ones. Does the noble in his high castle care when the serf breaks his leg? I'd say no.

The privatization of healthcare has ballooned costs and changed our perspectives on what fair market value for medical services is. today, people pay far more for healthcare than it should ever cost. But back in the day, it is possible that healthcare was like any other good; it could be offered by alchemists for a fair price and without subsidy. And in that case, as long as the price was fair, there is nothing wrong with that transaction.
Dec 24, 2022 9:03 AM

Jul 2015
I only expected Sarasa to be very knowledgeable (like her plan to save the village) but her singlehandedly defeating bunch of grizzlies was a suprise.

Also while being upfront about the costs is not wrong, it certainly was annoying how she kept asking every damn second with the patient being on the brink of death.

Dec 29, 2022 7:21 PM

Oct 2008
Hilarious how so many people are siding with the two gatherer guys. All Sarasa did was warn them that the medicine she will use for the treatment will be very expensive. They literally tried to guilt her into shouldering the cost for it instead of agreeing to pay for it themselves. Yeah lets side with the two grown ass men who want to rob this 15yo girl lol. She isn't running a charity nor does she rake in billions of gold coins in profit, price gouging. The comparison to the big pharma does not make sense at all.
Dec 30, 2022 2:35 AM

Feb 2021
She takes out the eyes of the bear so easily... She doesn't feel anything :))
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Jan 1, 2023 9:54 PM

May 2012
lesbians in the first 3 episodes? 10/10 aots
Jan 1, 2023 10:36 PM

Dec 2018
campy, weird. couldn't she transport the red eyeball to her master and she'd know what was going on and be there in three days to help? or like she said before, a letter? i mean it wasn't bad per se, but it certainly was sloppy.
Jan 3, 2023 10:16 AM

Sep 2012
akihikosama said:
Hilarious how so many people are siding with the two gatherer guys. All Sarasa did was warn them that the medicine she will use for the treatment will be very expensive. They literally tried to guilt her into shouldering the cost for it instead of agreeing to pay for it themselves. Yeah lets side with the two grown ass men who want to rob this 15yo girl lol. She isn't running a charity nor does she rake in billions of gold coins in profit, price gouging. The comparison to the big pharma does not make sense at all.
well health care is human right so it should be free, like Lefts in USA says :D

i mean they probably share same view
Sugram22Jan 3, 2023 10:40 AM
Jan 3, 2023 10:58 AM

Oct 2008
Sugram22 said:
akihikosama said:
Hilarious how so many people are siding with the two gatherer guys. All Sarasa did was warn them that the medicine she will use for the treatment will be very expensive. They literally tried to guilt her into shouldering the cost for it instead of agreeing to pay for it themselves. Yeah lets side with the two grown ass men who want to rob this 15yo girl lol. She isn't running a charity nor does she rake in billions of gold coins in profit, price gouging. The comparison to the big pharma does not make sense at all.
well health care is human right so it should be free, like Lefts in USA says :D

i mean they probably share same view
It would be nice if the world worked like that but unfortunately the medicine used to heal the girl doesn't just appear out of nowhere like magic. Someone has to risk their life to gather the ingredients and then someone has to use time to make it, those things make it not free, someone has to pay for it.
Jan 3, 2023 1:18 PM
May 2011
akihikosama said:
Sugram22 said:
well health care is human right so it should be free, like Lefts in USA says :D

i mean they probably share same view
It would be nice if the world worked like that but unfortunately the medicine used to heal the girl doesn't just appear out of nowhere like magic. Someone has to risk their life to gather the ingredients and then someone has to use time to make it, those things make it not free, someone has to pay for it.
No one thinks that health care should be free. There are just people in the US that wonder why their healthcare system doesn't operate the way it does in Canada or most of Europe or even Japan. If the series' author suddenly had a medical emergency, I assure you his bill wouldn't be 20,000,000 yen. Another thing that wouldn't happen would be for the doctor treating him to bring up his bill before rendering treatment. That's not how doctors operate, especially during a life-or-death emergency. Furthermore, that scene only exists to remind the audience that that medicine costs money and that Sarasa is running a business. Like...yeah, duh, but I guess it's necessary for younger viewers who don't understand how hospitals work. Because, ultimately, she doesn't collect payment before treating Iris. In fact, she only gives the exact cost the next day, and they still can't afford it.
Jan 3, 2023 1:40 PM

Oct 2008
Fail_Man_X said:
akihikosama said:
It would be nice if the world worked like that but unfortunately the medicine used to heal the girl doesn't just appear out of nowhere like magic. Someone has to risk their life to gather the ingredients and then someone has to use time to make it, those things make it not free, someone has to pay for it.
No one thinks that health care should be free. There are just people in the US that wonder why their healthcare system doesn't operate the way it does in Canada or most of Europe or even Japan. If the series' author suddenly had a medical emergency, I assure you his bill wouldn't be 20,000,000 yen. Another thing that wouldn't happen would be for the doctor treating him to bring up his bill before rendering treatment. That's not how doctors operate, especially during a life-or-death emergency. Furthermore, that scene only exists to remind the audience that that medicine costs money and that Sarasa is running a business. Like...yeah, duh, but I guess it's necessary for younger viewers who don't understand how hospitals work. Because, ultimately, she doesn't collect payment before treating Iris. In fact, she only gives the exact cost the next day, and they still can't afford it.
The guy I quoted literally said that some people believe it should be free lol.
Jan 3, 2023 1:50 PM
May 2011
akihikosama said:
Fail_Man_X said:
No one thinks that health care should be free. There are just people in the US that wonder why their healthcare system doesn't operate the way it does in Canada or most of Europe or even Japan. If the series' author suddenly had a medical emergency, I assure you his bill wouldn't be 20,000,000 yen. Another thing that wouldn't happen would be for the doctor treating him to bring up his bill before rendering treatment. That's not how doctors operate, especially during a life-or-death emergency. Furthermore, that scene only exists to remind the audience that that medicine costs money and that Sarasa is running a business. Like...yeah, duh, but I guess it's necessary for younger viewers who don't understand how hospitals work. Because, ultimately, she doesn't collect payment before treating Iris. In fact, she only gives the exact cost the next day, and they still can't afford it.
The guy I quoted literally said that some people believe it should be free lol.
It seemed like you were agreeing with him, but if not, my bad. I should have just quoted him instead.
Jan 3, 2023 2:11 PM

Oct 2008
Fail_Man_X said:
akihikosama said:
The guy I quoted literally said that some people believe it should be free lol.
It seemed like you were agreeing with him, but if not, my bad. I should have just quoted him instead.
Not sure which part the confusion came from. I sided with Sarasa from the very start, what she did made sense to me.
Jan 3, 2023 2:37 PM
May 2011
akihikosama said:
Fail_Man_X said:
It seemed like you were agreeing with him, but if not, my bad. I should have just quoted him instead.
Not sure which part the confusion came from. I sided with Sarasa from the very start, what she did made sense to me.
The second half of my initial response addressed that. I don't think anyone, not even the bozos from the show, believe she shouldn't be paid for her services (though she technically did treat Iris for free), but to continuously harp on how expensive it is when Iris is on the verge of death is incredibly tone deaf. It's a pretty dumb scene and is only there to make the two guys seem unreasonable, but it fails at even that because the author doesn't understand proper bedside manner.
Jan 3, 2023 3:43 PM

Oct 2008
Fail_Man_X said:
akihikosama said:
Not sure which part the confusion came from. I sided with Sarasa from the very start, what she did made sense to me.
The second half of my initial response addressed that. I don't think anyone, not even the bozos from the show, believe she shouldn't be paid for her services (though she technically did treat Iris for free), but to continuously harp on how expensive it is when Iris is on the verge of death is incredibly tone deaf. It's a pretty dumb scene and is only there to make the two guys seem unreasonable, but it fails at even that because the author doesn't understand proper bedside manner.
I actually went back and rewatched that part before making my initial reply.

Sarasa initially brought up the topic of the cost because she was trying to explain that there are two options; just saving her life or a complete recovery where her arm gets reattached. Bringing this up makes complete sense to me because the patent should have an option in what procedure they receive and how much debt they are willing to take on. The two guys didn't even let her finish explaining this and made a ruckus about money.

The second time the topic of money came up was when Sarasa's assistant didn't know which potion was the "Stamina Recovery Potion" she was asked to bring, Sarasa clarified that it was the more expensive one of the two that she was holding. In this case the Gatherer Guys didn't have any excuse to butt in at all because this was a conversation between the doctor and assistant about what needs to be used during a procedure that already started. The fact that the Gatherer Guys had to butt in into that conversation just showed that money was a big factor to THEM. In my eyes they were the hypocrites, money this money that every time they opened their mouth.

The only thing I didn't think was necessary is for Sarasa to explain to them that she shouldn't be the one to shoulder the cost for the treatment she is offering. IMO she should have just kicked them out the moment that she started the treatment. 
Jan 15, 2023 9:25 AM
Dec 2022
Okey so I like all the friendship stuff and everything, but she is just super strong out of nowhere. Not a reason to drop the anime, but kinda mis a back story.
Jan 26, 2023 4:17 PM
Jul 2018
I don't quite get why they had to portray Sarasa as such a greedy "douche". Don't get me wrong I get where she is coming from, those potions and artifacts aren't free and she has to be able to pay for her expenses after all, just like in real life profit is important for a buisness, and I actually agree with her not treating Iris for free but this could have been handled better. 
If the writer had thought a bit more about how to present this scene Sarasa would not come off as greedy at all. 

For example:
In that world there are different tiers/levels of potions (intermediate, high and presumably low level as well) as established in episode 1. So why not make it that the different levels have different potency:
- High level "arm reattachment" fixes the arm 100%.
- Intermediate level "arm reattachment" attaches the arm but leaves nerve damage so the arm could not be used with full strength and mobility. 
- Low level "arm reattachment" only attaches the arm but leaves it paralyzed. 

The same sort of thing for the antidote. 

Now when Sarasa says to use the expensive Items and gets called out for by the 2 men, in addition to Kate already agreeing to pay whatever it takes, Sarasa can simply explain that cheaper low or intermediate level potions would leave Iris with all sorts of health problems. 
That makes her look way less greedy because she has the health of Iris in mind and additionally, if the men would still disagree it would make them look like the assholes since they would be willing to compromise on Iris's health despite them being the reason she got injured in the first place. 

Some other small gripes I have would be:
1) Sarasa saying she needs help carrying ingredients as a reason to take Iris and Kate with her when fighting the grizzly. 
We know she doesn't, she has a bag with unlimited space and weight nullification, why would she need help carrying anything? Or has the writer forgotten about that already?

2) Why does Sarasa immediately assume that the whole grizzly pack is on the way to the village?
It could simply be a single bear, or that bear is a straggler and the rest of the group isn't even anywhere near that village. I mean sure precautions are always good, but at least make sure there is even a threat before telling the villagers and causing a panic. 

3) Why did Iris nearly die against one of those grizzlies when she is later shown to be able to kill them effortlessly? 
Getting lightly injured would be fine, especially since at the start of the episode it's said that she got injured because the men recklessly charged in first. So she jumped in to save them and got some minor injuries fine, but near dying is dumb if she's that strong.
Or simply: don't show her fighting the grizzlies alone/at all. 

4) Flaming bears walking through the forest yet no forest fire whatsoever. 

5) Sarasa being shocked that her mentor got to her within 3 days due to super speed running in the last episode when she clearly knows about it. She uses the super speed running herself, at least twice in this episode. 
Dec 20, 2023 6:29 AM
Aug 2023
This show is hilariously unexpected. I didn't think a cute SOL would show dismembered limbs, much less the casual hilarious harvesting of organs from the bear, and then bear slaughter and dismemberment later during the defense of the town. Also the whole weighing a life vs the cost conversation (which I agree with Sarasa), and the mouth-to-mouth antidote make-out session. It's also funny how Sarasa has the magical equivalent of the Jedi force run. I'm not sure I like Sarasa being so OP in fighting though, maybe just have her being able to hold her own would have been enough. Or perhaps her using bombs and grenades from her alchemy instead of OP martial arts and swordsmanship. It makes sense she would have the smarts for strategizing the plan for town defense though.

People were saying Sarasa was sort of being tone-deaf for bringing up the costs of healing like that, or the lecture of being paid for services like the gatherers. I didn't have a problem with it, furthermore it's already been established that Sarasa is socially awkward since she never had friends, and that Sarasa was talking over people and such when she first got to town. Given all that, and the fact that Iris is her first patient, it would make sense if things didn't go all that smoothly.
Sep 25, 2024 5:17 AM
Apr 2023
Didn't expect there to be a sudden combat & monster slaying episode 😳 but it was fun, and nice to see the village coming together (and kind of felt similar to Kuma Kuma).
Mar 15, 4:05 PM
May 2024
The fight against the big bear had unexpacted great animation.
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