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Oct 12, 2021 6:43 AM

Jul 2021
i did read the manga , and i just heard the news about an anime adaption .

my current opinions :

Recipes for failure ? :

- black-and-white anime ? what is this ? the 1960s ? we are currently in the 2020s . no colors because this anime has low budget ?

- only 4 episodes ? not 14 episodes ? because this anime has low budget ? and can 4 episodes faithfully adapt 3 volumes of manga ?

- it was announced in 2019 , and is delayed to 2022 .

- it is produced by Production I.G USA , aka P.I.G. USA , lol .

- it is directed by Hiroshi Nagahama , the guys who directed the infamous The Flowers of Evil anime , lol . he likes to try new unique things , but some times , new unique things dont equal good quality .

- this is a horror anime .

- nowadays , main-stream anime-watchers dont like horror , they mostly like colorful anime-s with some themes like : isekai , harem , over-powered , hack , cheat , action , comedy , ecchi , cute girls , etc etc .
daywithoutgamesOct 12, 2021 9:22 AM

Hello everyone , please check out and subscribe to my youtube channel , DayWithoutAnime 2.0 DayWithoutGame , that has many meme , funny anime / manga videos , thank you :
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Oct 12, 2021 6:57 AM

Sep 2021
Did this mf say it's a recipe for disaster and said the fact that it's in black and white is a bad thing? I'm fucking sorry? Honestly man Il think it'll be fine we just have to wait and see. Man I honestly can't tell if this is bait
Marcille-MizukiOct 12, 2021 7:00 AM
Oct 12, 2021 7:15 AM

May 2021
>its b/w because it would capture the overall atmosphere of the manga. The b/w adaptation would make the scenes as creepy as in the manga. A full color adaptation would not be able to achieve this.

>episode duration still hasn't been confirmed as much as I know, a 40 minute episode maybe?

>honestly let them take their time, better than a rushed adaptation.

>I don't know what this is.

>I consider the the flowers of evil adaptation was made solely for the manga fans, If you had read the manga you would realize how good of an adaptation it is. The manga is still better though but the adaptation is really not that bad as people make it seem to be.

>I don't what say about that, just because horror is not mainstream doesn't mean horror shouldn't be made at all. Honestly just look at the Uzumaki trailer on Youtube this obviously feels like an adaptation made by people who genuinely care about the source material. The smoothness of the animation and the sound tracks screams "quality-material."

I don't know how the anime will turn out to be, but the the trailer obviously looks above average.
darrenkbennOct 12, 2021 7:32 AM

Oct 12, 2021 7:41 AM
Apr 2020
I'm so excited to watch this, I can't wait
Oct 12, 2021 7:48 AM

Aug 2020
There is no need to be so negative, let's just wait for it to come out and then we'll see how it goes.
Oct 12, 2021 7:51 AM

Nov 2016
Everyone who has seen One Piece episode 995 knows that BW is the shit.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 12, 2021 8:11 AM
Feb 2021
Black and White so it can capture the atmosphere of the manga.

We still don’t know about the pacing and the episode duration so its hard to tell.

Announced in 2019 mean the anime is in production. And yall know how 2020 is already and 2021 aren’t that much better so no surprise about the delay. 3 Fall 2021 anime also got delayed as well.

Not sure what to say about this one

Flower of Evil is bad because it doesn’t do the manga art justice. The story is technically a 1:1 compare to the manga.

Horror mean bad? Damn take.

Does that really matter? Different people have different taste.
Oct 12, 2021 8:47 AM
Apr 2020
Bro the teaser they gave looked amazing in b&w, idk what you are smoking
Oct 12, 2021 8:47 AM
Apr 2020
Bro the teaser they gave looked amazing in b&w, idk what you are smoking
Oct 12, 2021 8:56 AM
Nov 2019
Just because it's black and white doesn't mean it's bad lmao. What the fuck is wrong with u. And they might make each episodes an hour long cuz it wouldn't make any sense if it's just 20 minutes each.

And can't this anime make something different? Honestly this anime would be perfect for me since I'm so tired of those cliche ass shonen anime and I'm convinced that there are others like me. I can at least appreciate the risk they take. This anime could either be the best anime of the season or a pile of shit netflix show. Either way this anime is not even out yet. Just wait and see. Imo the trailer looks fantastic.
JoeMamaFunnyOct 12, 2021 9:04 AM
Oct 12, 2021 4:24 PM
Jun 2021
Bro no way you said it being in black and white is a recipe for disaster/ is a sign of low budget 😭😭 junji itos work is very unique and every time it tries to get carried over to color (in anime) the art suffers. This time they took the route of keeping it in black an white, not only does the art style not suffer and keep the same junji ito feel but it also adds to the creepy horror elements.

It being in black and white is definitely not a negative I'm glad they listened to the criticism received from the junji ito collection anime and stayed true to his style. It looks sick and I'm excited. And it is a shorter series so If done right the pacing should be fine.
Oct 12, 2021 6:23 PM

Dec 2019
The fact that you think it being black and white is a recipe for failure tells me everything I need to know about your opinion lol.
Oct 12, 2021 6:26 PM

Jul 2020
Lmao the mindless haters just seem to go on another level. I just can't-

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Oct 12, 2021 6:33 PM
Apr 2017
My man just said, "black & white = low budget". WTF
Oct 12, 2021 8:59 PM
Dec 2020
If you’ve seen the teaser you’ll know this isn’t going to be a disaster. A lot of the stories in uzumaki can be left out and the narrative will still have the same effect. I don’t see why every anime has to be the next big shonen. Never seen so many bad takes in a forum post before
Oct 12, 2021 11:05 PM

Jul 2021
well , i will still have my doubts until i see the anime .

Hello everyone , please check out and subscribe to my youtube channel , DayWithoutAnime 2.0 DayWithoutGame , that has many meme , funny anime / manga videos , thank you :
Oct 18, 2021 2:11 AM
Oct 2013
Your ignorance is sad.
Oct 19, 2021 10:59 PM
Mar 2021
Didn't know this was delayed to October 2022. That's still about a year away.
Oct 21, 2021 12:29 PM

Jan 2019
You have no idea what you're talking about.
"Never underestimate the stupidity of the average anime fan"
Oct 29, 2021 1:19 PM
Oct 2021
This is one of the dumbest threads I've seen on this website, and that's saying a lot.

I'm glad it was delayed, this means that they're taking their time in delivering the best version possible of this show.

Also, how in the world is having black/white colors here a bad thing? No, it isn't due to the low budget...have you seen the trailer or the teaser? The animation looks amazing so far, and the black and white color pallet just make everything work so much better
Oct 29, 2021 1:36 PM

Jul 2019
Scordolo said:
Lmao the mindless haters just seem to go on another level. I just can't-

Please elaborate on how this thread was a hate. You're speaking nonsense.

-[ ~β™«~ ll Credit ]-
Oct 29, 2021 1:36 PM

Jul 2019
Anyways, I'm interested now.

-[ ~β™«~ ll Credit ]-
Oct 29, 2021 1:42 PM

Jul 2020
LordSozin said:
Scordolo said:
Lmao the mindless haters just seem to go on another level. I just can't-

Please elaborate on how this thread was a hate. You're speaking nonsense.

I guess it was more like a dumb thread.
The user is jumping to conclusions by saying it's black and white just because of low budget, I don't even know how people think this far.
Saying this has 4 episodes because of low budget but never took consideration that the duration can be increased from the usual 24 min. In no way they can faithfully adapt the Manga in just 4 episodes. The staff looks like they have a huge passion for this series so I have faith in them.

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Nov 3, 2021 6:59 PM
Oct 2019
23 and white = failure cheap and old? wth?????
Nov 10, 2021 11:29 AM

Jul 2015
so black and white means failure...? bro tell me what u smoking
Nov 14, 2021 1:59 PM

Jan 2020
What's wrong with it being in black and white?
Nov 14, 2021 4:53 PM
Mar 2019
Anime has literally rarely been black and white. What is considered to be the first professional anime production, The White Snake Enchantress, is in color.
Nov 28, 2021 8:54 AM
Oct 2019
Black and white = instant failure. Bro stop smoking that incinerator tube, it's bad for your health.

4 episodes doesn't immediately mean that they have low budget. It took them awhile just to make 1 episode, let alone a frame of an episode.

Delay? Can't see the problem.

Horror anime = bad. What?

This anime is quite clearly targetting audience that have already read the manga and/or want to watch horror. If that person want some flashy trashy harem anime, then this anime is obviously not for them
Dec 3, 2021 1:03 AM
May 2019
have you watched the trailers??? the music fitted so well and the black and white animation looked really good, detailed and smooth. Who cares it's 4 episodes long??? that's a length of a movie. Longer production? You should be happy cause that just means more care is put into it and it'll be better. So the director did some bad anime, so he automatically can't do anything good? Bro you're just so negative for no reason. The previous adaptations were shit and this actually looks like it could hold up to the standards of the original source or even surpass it. And man if this being black and white is your problem why don't you mind the manga which is black and white for the exact same reason??????????? Production IG did some amazing works like Psycho Pass, AoT, FLCL, Evangelion,Vinland Saga, Ghost in the shell, Guilyy crown, kuroko, AO Haru ride and so much more and this studio is the issue for you?????? I honestly feel like this is just a bait and I'm getting aggravated for no reason but damn your opinion is dumb and stupid if you're for real.
Dec 13, 2021 6:31 AM
Apr 2019
lowest effort bait and people still fall for it
Dec 13, 2021 6:33 AM

Oct 2017
wtf there's an anime adaptation of this ????

Dec 14, 2021 9:19 AM

May 2018
" black-and-white anime ? what is this ? the 1960s ? we are currently in the 2020s . no colors because this anime has low budget ?"

I stopped reading there. I can't take this thread seriously anymore.
"No one hates anime more than the anime community, which is composed of some of the most spoiled, immature, pessimist and ungrateful people on Earth."
-Anonymous anime watcher
Dec 28, 2021 5:57 AM

Feb 2019
Wait!! Black and white animation is bad thing??
Jan 10, 2022 2:34 PM
Nov 2020
My man is not the clown but the entire circus
Jan 20, 2022 8:28 AM

Feb 2021
This mf is such an a**hole. Dude was literally shitting on so many forum sections.
β—‘ ━━━━━ β–£ ━━━━━ ◐
"Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains."
β—‘ ━━━━━ β–£ ━━━━━ ◐
Jan 21, 2022 6:58 PM
Jun 2017
Jesus F*cking Christ what a toxic discussion, theres a lot of cancerous shit here man... Like Chernobyl...
Jan 21, 2022 7:05 PM

Jul 2021
Chile I don't think the teaser is the final production yet
Jan 23, 2022 1:27 PM
Feb 2013
I dig the B&W from what the trailer showed. It's different and captures the creepiness of the manga. It being 4 episodes rather than 10+ means more time and budget spent on each one.
Mar 26, 2022 6:10 AM
Apr 2020
daywithoutgames said:
well , i will still have my doubts until i see the anime .
bro you rate everything a low score what the hell is wrong with you
Apr 9, 2022 4:48 PM
Apr 2020
GoldenJumper said:
lowest effort bait and people still fall for it
yeah,idk whats going on in this thread lol
May 19, 2022 10:23 AM

Nov 2020
I highly doubt this will work well. but if it did ofc it can never surpass the source material. the studio that will be making this is somewhat new with low ratings on their works. I think even the finest studios out there can never match Junji Ito's works the amount of detail and taking advantage of the manga format is incredibly hard to turn into an anime.

but whatever lets just be positive and hope for the best
May 20, 2022 3:16 AM
Apr 2020
Desaturate said:
the studio that will be making this is somewhat new with low ratings on their works. I think even the finest studios out there can never match Junji Ito's works the amount of detail and taking advantage of the manga format is incredibly hard to turn into an anime.

The core staff (Director(s), Character Designer, Animation Director, DoP etc.) matter more than the studio.
May 23, 2022 12:05 PM
Jul 2016
daywithoutgames said:
i did read the manga , and i just heard the news about an anime adaption .

my current opinions :

Recipes for failure ? :

- black-and-white anime ? what is this ? the 1960s ? we are currently in the 2020s . no colors because this anime has low budget ?

- only 4 episodes ? not 14 episodes ? because this anime has low budget ? and can 4 episodes faithfully adapt 3 volumes of manga ?

- it was announced in 2019 , and is delayed to 2022 .

- it is produced by Production I.G USA , aka P.I.G. USA , lol .

- it is directed by Hiroshi Nagahama , the guys who directed the infamous The Flowers of Evil anime , lol . he likes to try new unique things , but some times , new unique things dont equal good quality .

- this is a horror anime .

- nowadays , main-stream anime-watchers dont like horror , they mostly like colorful anime-s with some themes like : isekai , harem , over-powered , hack , cheat , action , comedy , ecchi , cute girls , etc etc .

- Are you seriously that close minded artistically? There have been masterpieces, at least in cinema, that were stylistically chosen to be in black and white. Case and point: Raging Bull and Schindler's List. There is such thing as a color palette, meaning visual artists have nearly unlimited options in terms of color choice. Imagine if every show/movie you watched had the same color palette. Imagine how bland that would be. Imagine how tired you would be of looking at the same visual formula. Personally, I find it exciting that the artists have chosen black and white. It's actually a bold move that will turn away many shallow viewers, which appears to already have happened. I think that the black and white may enhance the horror elements by giving the show a surreal aesthetic. The animation appears to be fluid so I don't think that was a budget issue. Smaller studios have used a wide array of colors before in their works so this point makes no sense whatsoever.

- There are countless movies that have been adapted from long novels. Are you saying that every anime should be a page by page adaptation of the manga their based on? Urasawa's Monster, for example, was adapted panel by panel (so I've heard. I have not actually read the manga myself.). I find when that is the case, I have no real reason to pick up the manga because I've seen the story as it was originally told. The same could go for a movie that faithfully adapts a novel. Sometimes elements from paper do not translate into moving images. It may speak to the creativity of the producers and writers of the Uzamaki anime that it is shorter. Perhaps it will be an interpretation. Now, I'm not saying the interpretation will be an effective one, but then again, what is the point of speculating on the quality of something that has not even been released? I find that there's no real reason to compare one work of art to the source matter outside of analysis. The inspired art does not owe it to the source to be a perfect adaption. There are plenty of songs, for example, named after books and movies, but it would be silly to make a song with lyrics ripped straight from the pages. Again, sometimes mediums have to be translated from one to another. I find it exciting when one piece reinterprets something from the past. It's often times fresh! Of course, often times the interpretation is unnecessary and poorly executed, but again, at this point in time, you can only speculate. If you're already expecting the anime adaptation to be bad, you may be setting yourself up for confirmation bias and you may view it with preconceived lenses. If this turns out to be a phenomenal adaptation, which I hope it does, it may be a pleasant surprise for hardcore fans of the Uzamaki manga who are hoping for panel by panel animation. Then again, if that's what you want, you will be disappointed by many great anime.

- Again, unnecessary speculation. It's just as possible that the delay is due to perfectionism as it is possible that the delay is due to shortcomings. I don't keep up with things like that, so that information may be out there, but I don't care. I will form my opinion when I see the anime with my own eyes. Many great shows and movies have had several delays but they turned out great. Case and point, and a recent example, Matt Reeve's the Batman was delayed once if not several times to accommodate for covid interruptions. Yet, the Batman was released to acclaim from both critics, Batman fans, and general cinema fans. Yet again, your point is silly.

- I've never heard of this studio, but after looking into them, they have been responsible for several acclaimed works, including Usagi Drop, Attack on Titan, Vinland Saga, Haikyuu, and the End of Evangelion for God's sake... Your point is once again silly! I'm seeing a pattern here.

- Nagahama has several classics under his belt. Oh, but he likes to take risks? It's like you said, risks do not always pay off. Key word: risk, meaning "possibility of loss or injury", according to Merriam Webster. Once again, a silly point. You cannot assume a risk will fail. That's what makes a risk... Come on. Many great pieces of art were results of risk taking. JPEGMAFIA is an artist who has taken countless risks with his music and most of them have payed off with a die-hard fanbase of eclectic music listeners. Francis Ford Coppola took a huge risk when he made his magnum opus Apocalypse Now. He pushed the actors to their limits with a hostile work environment. The story is drawn out and patient. It was overall experimental and risky, but it payed off because it's considered one of the greatest movies of all time. Now, it was not unanimously praised upon release but of course it wasn't! It was unconventional. It did well at the box office but not every artist is concerned with profit alone. When you reach a certain point in your career, and many do not wait that long, you may be more concerned with creating a challenging piece. Challenging art is not made for most people and is often not understood until long into the future. I'd argue that a work of that nature is more artistic than a work that plays it safe because it challenges the status quo and inspires more artists to be more authentic. It inspires change. That is a good thing because if every work of art played it safe, there would be no variety. Everything would be formulaic. It's the works that take bold risks that stand out and offer the most unique experience. Also, back to your previous point about faithfulness to the source material, Apocalypse Now was based on a book Heart of Darkness. The movie is a loose interpretation but I've never heard anyone complain about it not being faithful enough. Besides, reinterpretations are many viewers first experience with a story. When they find out about the source material, many of them will check it out. That sounds like a win for Mr. Ito.

- I will group your next two points as one because they are one point. You seem to think that horror is unpopular. The Exorcist is a horror movie and is the highest grossing rated-r movie of all time. Although, I admit, perhaps you have a point here. The most popular anime are often action-adventure shounens and comedies. The problem is you discount the mainstream appeal of horror. Many fans of cinema and television in general love horror. Horror is one of the most popular genres of fiction. Stephen King has sold more than 350,000,000 copies of his books. He primarily writes horror. His books have been adapted into several movies that are household names. The films based his books have collectively grossed over a billion dollars, if not more. But I am pulling from the mediums of cinema and books. I will concede that you have a point here. Horror has not been widely successful in the medium of anime. I think this one could possibly turn heads for two reasons:
1.) Anime has a much wider audience than it did in even the last decade, many of which are casual fans who are also fans of film and television. Horror films and shows do incredibly well. General cinema audiences eat up horror. It's fair to say that horror is the go to genre for a date night. You have a date coming over for netflix and chill? Odds are that you will turn on a horror movie. Now that a wider audience watches anime, I don't see why they would not eat this up if it gets even humble marketing.
2.) I can't think of one horror anime to be quite frank with you. The only one that comes to mind is the Junji Ito Collection. While it's not mainstream, it's not exactly a completely obscure series. I know one person in my personal life that has seen it. That series was based on other works by Junji Ito. Ito wrote Uzamaki. If any horror title would do well, it would be one based on his works, as he is fairly popular among manga fans, most of which I would wager watch anime and most of which will be curious to see this Uzamaki adaptation.

To summarize, I disagree that this anime is a "recipe for failure". The trailer has 1.3 million views on Youtube. Might I remind you that this is coproduced by Adult Swim? That right there almost makes for a recipe for success. Toonami was countless American millennials' gateway into anime. Like I said, there is no point in speculating on something that is unreleased. You can do with your time as you will but I'd rather occupy my mind with what is available in the present moment. Sure, I am excited to see this but the finished product remains to be seen. The manga style art looks extremely promising. This one looks risky but that is definitely not a bad thing for me! If it turns off casual viewers than so be it. I doubt the aim of the studio working on this thing is to create the next Dragon Ball series. If the finished product is surreal, tense, artistic, and is even mildly successful, I'd say that the team accomplished everything they could.

I'd love to see this one do well. This may be what anime needs. The shounen boy adventure has become stale. Shojo is just as oversaturated and there are plenty of gritty psychological seinen. A left-field horror mini-series is exactly what anime needs. Let's hope for the best because if this does well, it could mean a new chapter for anime as a whole, and if you ask me, the page is in dire need of turning.
grap3sodaMay 23, 2022 12:11 PM
May 25, 2022 2:34 AM
Mar 2020
Bruv, lay off the vape. Its clouding your mind.
May 26, 2022 9:11 AM
Apr 2021
how do I dislike a post😭😭😭 junji ito is a master at creating horror atmospheres and such. one of the reasons the junji ito collection anime failed was because it couldn't capture the same atmosphere. this anime seems like it will be able to do that just from the teaser. the only problem I think I have with the adaptation is it is only 4 eps long. hopefully the eps will be at least 40 minutes each (mayhaps even an hour?)
Jun 5, 2022 11:58 AM
Apr 2015
daywithoutgames said:
i did read the manga , and i just heard the news about an anime adaption .

my current opinions :

Recipes for failure ? :

- black-and-white anime ? what is this ? the 1960s ? we are currently in the 2020s . no colors because this anime has low budget ?


- it was announced in 2019 , and is delayed to 2022 .


- this is a horror anime .

- nowadays , main-stream anime-watchers dont like horror , they mostly like colorful anime-s with some themes like : isekai , harem , over-powered , hack , cheat , action , comedy , ecchi , cute girls , etc etc .

Ummm...okay. I'm only going to touch on a couple of the points here.

1) B&W is always appreciated if it adds to things and it is a perfect decision in this case. Do you think B&W just ended because of color tvs? We would have modern audiences lauding tv/movies like The Lighthouse (granted that is live action). Everyone in all countries appreciates entertainment that thinks closely about the atmosphere and leans into it.

2) Are you ignoring that something major happened in 2019 that made many things difficult to continue across the planet? You literally can't be serious at not understanding this delay.

And 3) Many many people enjoy horror. There has not been much good horror lately, but it is still a popular genre around the world. You can see it in the firm resurgence of excellent horror in tv and cinema around the world. Horror is about social commentary and now is a perfect time for reflection and social commentary.

The only thing I can really think (especially reading other commenters' responses) is that this was a troll post to start a discussion. You can't really believe this. It could be a disaster but not for any of the reasons you outlined here.
Jun 5, 2022 12:10 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
that black and white = low budget statement might be the stupidest thing I've read in a while lmao
Jun 6, 2022 3:48 AM

Feb 2021
I hope it will be good adaptation. And black and white is done especially to note the horror theme of the work.
Jun 6, 2022 7:04 PM
Apr 2020
Most dumbest, useless, brainless, fatherless thread I've seen
MAL threads were never good anyway but wtf
Jun 12, 2022 2:45 PM

Dec 2021
b&w is extremely uncommon in anime, and even in Japanese independent animation or animation in general. Animation has been closely intertwined with color ever since color became commonplace. However, it's not too uncommon with independent and art films. I actually think b&w would be worth experimenting with more in the medium of animation, and it makes perfect sense here, as the Junji Ito animation collection was criticized for not capturing the right atmosphere—part of that was the drab color, but also the much lower detail of the designs. b&w should at least better capture the look.

I'd have to hunt down various shorts for examples, but look at the independent animation of Piotr Dumala. This is an excellent example of b&w animation, and I have a difficult time imagining his shorts being pulled-off in color.

There's definitely nothing "low-budget" about b&w, though. I suppose in the context of animation that could be seen as time-saving, but once color film became the norm, it was actually more expensive to produce b&w films compared to color, and it was made as a very deliberate stylistic choice—not to save money. Even with independent films having greater options with current digital technology, almost all of them choose color—as they don't have a stylistic purpose for b&w and probably rightly assume they would have a wider audience by choosing color.
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