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BerriesSan 4 hours ago
Bro has Aleister's art as pfp but doesnt have Aleister in favorites what hypocrisy
Ichijo_HikaruHDD 5 hours ago
Lol given the scene where he french kisses the dead scientist I think Sergei might have acted by his own account as well

If they are in the real world before going to the alternate one they should have hired real artists. Otherwise it's an interesting premise to justify the uncannyness of the AI art
ma1kawa11 11 hours ago
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust was very good, I really did enjoy it a lot. Particularly the animation which was just, absolutely amazing (I absolutely love early 2000s animation). Personally my favorite is hellsing ultimate, which is a bit basic but well, I think it's solid while staying interesting. Some of the other ones I've seen that just really aren't that great are the first vampire hunter D movie (the one in the 70s or 80s I can't remember). Blood-C (awful), Blood+ which could have been okay but really just fell off. Blood: The Last Vampire, which is sort of a generic monster movie.

But yeah while I agree that in shiki they could've had some kind of plan for maintaining population levels I think it's definitely the fault of the series for not covering the problem at all even though it sort of presented it as something that was going to be a pretty large issue. Given how critical it is to the worldbuilding of the show it's really a fault that it wasn't touched as a subject.

I also really haven't seen many vampire films either. Never saw Dracula, need to watch Nosferatu at some point because I'm a fan of the director. I think the only one I saw was "Let the Right One In" which was a good movie but definitely non-traditional in regards to what normally makes up a vampire film.

I wonder what makes it so hard to pull it off well though, It's not a genre I feel is as oversaturated as something like zombie flicks.
ma1kawa11 Yesterday, 4:19 PM
I really do like your plastic memories and shiki reviews.

I think shiki is one of those anime (like darling in the franxx) that has a lot of problems but I enjoyed anyway for various reasons (for darling in the franxx it was the music). For shiki it's mostly just one of the better vampire series I've seen despite its problems (It's really hard to pull off a vampire flick well imo). But yeah a lot of the stuff you pointed out with shiki were problems I noticed to. Mostly had to do with problems in the worldbuilding.

Plastic memories I just found to be extremely boring, because for a lot of the show it felt there was nothing happening, no tension created that I could actually feel while watching, even though the topic it was covering should have done so.
AxiomOpus Yesterday, 2:49 PM
Ruined . . . I was thinking about something much worse, but let's settle with that.

I looked up a bunch of inspirations for Evangelion years ago, since I wanted to see where it came from. The Andromeda Strain's another novel, so I'd like to check it out, as well. Then there's The Hitcher (1986 film), Pippa Passes poem, . . . A very diverse set of inspiration pieces.

Season 3 has a . . . funny scene. Let's go with funny. Anyway, there's a scene where Alucard is so lonely, he made dolls of his former comrades (Trevor and Sypha) and played with them, acting out interactions. I can see people noping out of the entire series after watching a clip of it on YouTube. Also, that very same plot thread has him being sexually assaulted by twins and he ends up enjoying it. The twins then start torturing him and he kills both of them, impales their dead bodies on spears, and leaves them hanging in front of Dracula's castle, just like how his father used to. Yeah, the tone isn't any good. It's like Fate/Zero's comedic bits, except awful.

No more anime like D? We lost a real one. The globetrotting in Bloodlust is really well done.
Ichijo_HikaruHDD Yesterday, 11:33 AM
They do say it was like the Virgin Mary. Or the japanese original doesn't say it in an explicit way and it was something they added to the spanish dub? If interpreted in the show themes that was something interesting to compare it to because of the christian europeans who got to the eastern coast of Japan and brought in the religion to a few villages in the 1600s, and the historic western vs eastern topics in the show (they face someone following the orders of a man that admires western culture and a villager gets pregnant like in a western religion)

Beniko doesn't annoy me so much because it contributes to the fact Tsurugi can't even distinguish she isn't the real one because the personalities of the idols he and Ajo contribute to build are easily interchangable like mass produced dolls that can feel in the role of the others, and the moment she starts acting in a way Ajo didn't intend to, she gets beaten up
Ichijo_HikaruHDD Yesterday, 10:58 AM
Yeah it's like Akira in that regard. Nausicaa taking care of the giant is an interesting twist though. She spends the whole manga trying to find where it's stored so it isn't woken up as an instrument of war but it's actually a conscious being that she starts taking care of because it thinks she's her mother, so kinda like Iron Giant in the fact the thing made to be a weapon has feelings and isn't purposely malignant like your typical "oh war is bad" man-made monster. "If he could peek deep into my fears about him and my intent on killing him it would break his heart". Tragically it also spreads radiation so when seeking contention it poisons her. IIRC believe Eva 3.0 started with a short film with this manga version Giant assaulting Tokyo, but I was thinking more about the similarity between how his "wings" look and those famous orange "wings" of the EVA

I watched Episode 14 last night, impressively got me interested despite being an hour thirty exposition dump. The director of the last two OVAS later on worked on Lain and FMA 2003 so he's here first flexing his work by making two people talking have some cool shot composition that makes even talking ten minutes about a photo be visually appealing.

The only moments I felt were tedious were the parts with the doctor's rival, since he wasn't introduced earlier in the series and I feel it's too late to be invested in his story. I was surprised that Mima took an important part in the death of his wife and daughter, and I feel the work's focus in the western vs eastern traditions becomes better explored here, and Key being fixated to become an idol because her family were the idols of the village.

The Tsurugi scene about his relationship with Miho was also interesting and his frustration with her success and his surpise about her being a role that other people can just impersonate (I had thought he already knew she was a robot and that's why she was doing those exercises for Key to show emotion)
AxiomOpus Yesterday, 6:28 AM
That Gene Wolf novel does sound like it'd be an anime, considering how weird things get sometimes.

I know Valis due to it inspiring Evangelion, but I haven't really read any of Dick's novels. Minority Report inspired Psycho Pass, so I suppose some other Dick novels also deserve a chance.

I'm not sure if I'd like to see anime adaptations of books that I like, but I'd like to see more actually good Castlevania animated series.
The first two seasons are good enough despite some issues, but the 3rd is so bad, I still haven't seen the 4th. I also don't feel like bothering with Nocturne.
They should have just tackled every character's plot one at a time instead of jumping around the globe every episode. 4 separate plot threads is too much given each episode's length. It also didn't help that the plot involving Trevor and Sypha has the worst writing and that the overall animation got worse.
Ichijo_HikaruHDD Mar 21, 7:02 PM
Exactly, the dances just build up filler time for the movies even if they don't have anything to do with it. The movie is dreadful but unlike Turkish Star Wars it does try with the special effects, the creature has an awful design but at least it's done with some convincing face animatronic practical effects.

Shiki sounded interesting from what you described it but the cartoonish portrayal of the villagers would turn me off. Even in Key you could argue the more cartoonish moments of the villains is more due to stress and mental health problems. Ajo is still trying to do his job with the military and Sergei is pretty much being a victim of some systematic abuse he then inflicts on the others (that disturbing sexual scene with him kissing the dead scientist in the mouth to get his gel in prison and the following cut to another scene is of Miho's fanservice boob shot in the music video Tokiko is watching)

I'm close to the end of the Nausicaa's manga, which feels like Miyazaki doing an epic military political sci fi story like Gundam, and I have a similar problem I have with Akira, where the longer story becomes quite tedious because most of the time it's spent with the least interesting characters. The MC's environmentalism and pacifism is annoying here in a way I don't remember her in the movie. But even then it's a 7/10 because the time spent with the better ones (mainly the princess Kushana) is deservedly interesting. Also cool to see Miyazaki being so gory (like in the above page) and doing this kind of epic with a pulpy world.

Never thought Nausicaa having a pet Evangelion could be so cute XD. I bet here is where Anno got his inspiration given he did animate the giants scene in the movie
Ichijo_HikaruHDD Mar 21, 5:53 PM
It's an E.T. clone, the guy is a mentally challenged man and the alien makes him become smart and have superpowers. What does the dancing have to do with it? XD

Ah yes it's more about him trying to make Key his fake idol against the industry trying to do the same. Lol what, is everyone in that Shiki anime a stereotypical redneck?
Ichijo_HikaruHDD Mar 20, 7:23 PM

I kid you not, all of the masala movies have a song or a dance scene. Seriously with it, look at the above video and don't search a thing about this movie. What do you think it's about? Clue: it's a ripoff from a famous Spielberg movie, but you'll have to take a wild guess XD

I disagree with Marxism as well but that part of the theory about the separation of the result of a person's job from them always struck me as something interesting. Also the snake god priest does confess to Tokiko about him being a fraud in the scene where she cures the kid that was dying, so there is however some criticism of religious practises that are dependant on idols

The kagura dance is the ritual the woman in Tokiko's vision performs? Is she her mother who was respected in the village for her powers? Is that why there's that emphasis on the fact the villagers were very dismissive of Shuichi, a city boy, when snooping around looking for the clues of Tokiko's past?
Ichijo_HikaruHDD Mar 20, 5:25 PM
What I believe though is that the dance numbers won't fit anyway XD. In the comments of that trailer there's someone saying "I felt bad for the british guy at the end. The dance challenge was epic" ????

I remember watching a video on those Indian soap operas hahaha. Made the turkish ones my mother watches feel actually sane XD

Oh I forgot to tell you from watching Key yesterday. The marxists must have a field day analyzing the series. The most interesting aspect for me so far regarding the pop idol industry is that the alienation (I hope I'm naming the concept right in english) of the worker with its work is portrayed here in a more emotional way than just "fuck capitalism and the people that take the things I made to sell it" because it's about people this time. The guy who is in charge with finding girls for the show laments at multiple points that he hasn't even seen Miho since he prepared her for the industry. And the guy with glasses that wants to train Tokiko to make her his masterpiece also tries to peel away the humanity from her because his work as a director gets on Miho's show becomes a robotic (literally) piece in which Ajo has the actual control
Ichijo_HikaruHDD Mar 20, 3:27 PM
Yeah Ray is what Indians call "parallel cinema", kind of like the Hollywood vs Indie distinction. Say what you want about US mainstream productions but the mainstream cinema of India is way too ridiculous for its own good XD

Those Bollywood movies like Ramayana are called masala because they feel like a combination of ingredients like a very varied Indian dish, that's its biggest issue for me, trying to do action and romance and musical but without balancing each other. The most popular masala as of lately was RRR. Ramayana has the pass for me at a 5/10 because the animated medium feels more impressive for exaggeration and mindless spectacle but what the heck is this? I swear Bollywood feels like all the movies are directed by Zack Snyder 🤣🤣
Ichijo_HikaruHDD Mar 20, 1:34 PM
What about this movie? It's very meh much like the better hindi productions, but because they gave the animation job to Madhouse there are really stunning scenes

By the way, what do you think of Bollywood films? I swear I get called an elitist everytime I dare to criticize one but they are so similar to each other, force songs that don't do a thing to advance the plot and are underservedly long, with weird editing choices. I think the earlier ones must have been better but the more recent ones (this anime is from 1992 and it still sins of this) are exaggerated in how campy they are, and not in the more stylisht way that wuxias were for example
Ichijo_HikaruHDD Mar 20, 12:47 PM
Hahaha that quick gag of comedy feels very Lupin III esque. Doubutsu Takarajima was one of the first works Miyazaki participated in right? The swimming in the air part feels like a gag that shows up everywhere he works in. And the second clip feels very much like the finale of Castle of Cagliostro when Zenigata and his troops storm the castle
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