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Aug 18, 2020 6:53 PM
Jan 2015
it's twitter it always is
on a side note: lmao they are still salty xD
Aug 18, 2020 7:09 PM

Oct 2018
im tried of seeing this stupid character on my timeline.
the show is trash, the character design is terrible, and all the discourse surrounding it is retarded because on twitter dot com people type whatever tf they want for clout and it works.
its just a show for horny teenagers that shit is not that deep.
Aug 19, 2020 4:25 AM

Jan 2020
It's Twitter, as expected, but this show is bad anyways and not because stupid reasons like "the designs".
I think this anime is trash because the comedy is mediocre and repetitive, based on the same sexual jokes almost all the time. It doesn't have an interesting or at least decently enjoyable story to make up for, not even good main heroines with waifu potential. It gets so boring and the fan service makes it worst.
At least not as bad as Tejina-senpai tho, that show was terribly awful.
5ReinheitAug 19, 2020 4:35 AM
Aug 19, 2020 1:38 PM

Jul 2014
this show is wholesome xd ... fuck the haters.. their just depressing synic always looking to find smth to start shit on... >:(
Aug 19, 2020 5:17 PM

Nov 2016
I actually disliked the idea of this anime just because the same reason than a lot of people do "she doesn't have a real body" etc. but not to the extreme of trashing the show. Still, someone proved that I was wrong, and now I can see this anime as any other anime.
Aug 20, 2020 8:13 AM

Sep 2018
Because of the big boobs. But aside from that, the love story is super cute! I enjoy it so much. It's not too dramatic or too sweet, it's cute and enjoyable to watch. Also, no other girl or guy trying to break the couple, they have shippers instead lol
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Aug 20, 2020 8:27 AM

Apr 2019
They simply don't get the juice because their standards are too high, they are a hypocrite or they simply enjoy criticizing. Just another day in the anime community.
Aug 20, 2020 1:27 PM

Mar 2016
I really dislike the show, but I dislike more the shitfest regarding Uzaki's body proportions and shit. That was just straight up dumb.
Aug 20, 2020 11:46 PM
Jul 2018
Regular anime should fulfill your life in some way. It should impact you and give you genuine enjoyment and different emotions.
Toning it back a notch, sice of life anime are supposed to be leisurely watches for in between classes and work shifts. Not much goes on in em and it's just a bunch of little skits and shenanigans.
Unfortunately, I feel like his show follows even below the ladder descriptions. It's just a bad show.

People could write full-fledged essays considering all the aspects of what makes this show bad, but I feel like the criticism won't even be considered by the simple-minded individuals who immediately saw this as a "cute and HiLaRiOuS" anime -- the Pro-Uzaki fandom was quick to call their opposers Twitter-users or Retards or "people who get anger at/over anything".

All the pettiness and toxicity surrounding this anime is really unpleasant. But that I side, I personally dislike the anime. My rating falls between a 3 and a 6. The anime's got its "cute, wholesome" moments, but from a productional standpoint, and when comparing it to other animes of the same genre...
... this anime is just a corporate cash-grab. This is a manga adaptation with nothing more -- no extra love. And I feel there are countless examples out there of how to do it right.

Like someone else said, the animation is lackluster, there are a lot of still shots, the sound effects are annoying, the voice acting is either annoying or subpar, the backgrounds are "uninspired" ... the dialogue is too mundane and repetitive ... and the humor really likes to focus on the boobs. (I feel the one counter-argument for this is that it's the watcher's fault for ignoring ecchi warnings...)

Overall, I think this show *lacks substance*... I don't mean this in an insulting way, but I think the show is genuinely a *waste of time*. There is so much to do in this life, and spending a couple hours watching these episodes -- time potentially spent on other productive things or even on worthwhile-to-watch media -- it's a bit depressing.

Note, a lot of the hate this series gets is based on the very first episode. It does pick up a little bit, though. I despised the show after watching the first episode, but going onwards I kind of stopped thinking about what makes this show bad.

"It's just a comedy. It doesn't have to be anything special. You people complain about everything."
I just think it's a bad argument that a lot of people have been using. You'd have to be completely ignorant to how demographics react to things to say stuff like that. And when such a vast amount of people are offering valid criticism too. When so many people are dissing a show, you know something's off.

The show has its upsides. It's not a total trainwreck. But it's sad that people are saying valid things about the series (that could be used for potential betterment) and others are quickly dismissing it as toxic hate.
Some animes are just truly "bad" but some people have such low standards that they aren't even willing to consider why this anime severely pail in comparison to others of the same genre.

And I've actually seen animes all about titties with better humor.

In summary, the show lacks substance. It's truly nothing special. They're just combining common comedic and erotic tropes from other slice-of-lifers and combining it with vague plot and a necessary mascot. It just seems like a marketing ploy. To adapt a manga into an anime (and do nothing more than they're expected to) and reel in the revenue.

The hate is justified so long as they're willing to offer their reasons and if it's valid criticism. Because that's what happens when a bad anime gets put out... people feel the need to put fourth their opinions and explanations as to how the anime could've been better.

I don't see anything wrong with enjoying this anime too... some of its appeals are apparent... but the close-minded die-hard Uzaki fans are being a bit stubborn over everything. And aren't offering many valid counter-arguments, other than:
"What are these degenerates talking about. This show was frickin hilarious, I laughed my ass off. It was so funny when her boobs were bouncing. And it was so wholesome when she smiled at senpai and her little flesh fang is kute uwu."
Aug 20, 2020 11:50 PM

Feb 2020
I haven't seen it personally but from the hate I've seen and the limited knowledge I have on this show, it seems unnecessary...
Aug 20, 2020 11:55 PM

May 2015
@AlexanderHD We're not talking about people that are giving legitimate criticisms though. Those people are fine. The people we're actually talking about are idiots who think the show is just weird pedobait, despite the fact that Uzaki doesn't even look that young and is also 20 years old, and despite the fact that most of them admit that they haven't even watched it.

Aug 21, 2020 8:10 AM
Mar 2008
I really wanted to watch and enjoy this show. But Uzaki's face looks too much like a dude/small boy to me.

And people trash shows all the time. This is nothing unusual imo.
Aug 21, 2020 8:35 AM
Sep 2016
I HATE the character design. But there's no reason to be toxic. So many happy pervs are gobbling it up. There's no reason so hamper their enjoyment.
I won't watch the anime and stay as much silent as possible. Others who hate the anime should do the same.
Have a good day!
Aug 21, 2020 12:10 PM
Jun 2017
i could care less about the character design. its fine. just move on. the west always bitch about something every season to no end. i cant wait for the nagatoro to air and see people get mad about that anime.
Fire Emblem anime when
Aug 23, 2020 5:41 PM
Aug 2020
I watched this in passing doing something else and at first i thought what is this anime about? Seems an annoyingly loud little boy in a mission to nag his teacher in anyway he can... Then i saw the boobs and him laughing and i thought, maybe a stuffing joke... Then i noticed wait the shorts are actually a skirt, its a girl, oh its college freshman while she looks elementary with outrageous boobs what would give back problms for someone that small... Watchd an episode enjoyed its humour already waiting all the season cause im watchn all the episodes out by tomorrow... I dont watch these kinds of animes much, romcom, but best i can compare its humour is with hinamatsuri, its cute, loving but also rediculous
Aug 23, 2020 11:54 PM

Jul 2019
"i jus know turbo weirdos r gonna use this picture to try n justify their attraction to underage anime girls"- That Guy.

Mate, what you mean bruv. Uzaki is like 20. She is not underage. What you mean justify their attraction to underage anime girls when the said girl is an adult. There are a lot of short girls who are adults.

Honestly I don't think this show deserves all the hate. This show is my favourite anime this season.
Aug 24, 2020 2:41 AM
Aug 2020
I don't know what others think but I personally really enjoy watching this show..I think this is a really good anime in the slice of life genre, which we had in a while which doesn't have a lot of fan service and also the character development doesn't feel rushed like it's going at a fast rate but it feels natural, I guess..
Aug 24, 2020 4:08 AM
Mar 2013
kiwixcoke said:
To be honest, I think it's unnecessary. It's meant to be a goofy/comedic show anyway, not sure why some people feel outraged and trash the series when they could just watch something else.
Ye that is the hard part to understand and tollerate, why go bother someone for liking a show when you got 30+ shows coming every season you can chose from. The only reason i think poeple act like this is either they went woke and go indoctrinated and cant stop seeing bad things eveywhere or they are activists and want attention.
Aug 24, 2020 2:04 PM

Oct 2012
To be perfectly honest I was ready to hate on this show. I despise "teasing" trope, Takagi-san was one of the most unbearable shows to watch for me. BUT I decided to give it a try, and to mu surprise it is kinda fun. Uzaki isn't the "mastermind teaser", more like klutz with poor sense of situation, which creates gags that at worst are bit cringe, but some of them were really funny. And MC is really likable. So no, I do not get the "hate".
Aug 24, 2020 2:22 PM

Aug 2020
ngl at this point I'm seeing more people complaining about people complaining than people actually complaining.

The chick's flesh tooth thing bugs the hell out of me.
Aug 24, 2020 2:34 PM
Jul 2018
snowykevin said:
I just saw this thread where a bunch of people are completely trashing the show and was wondering if anyone agrees or disagrees with what they are saying. Personally I don’t really understand why someone would get angry over a drawing, but I just wanted to post this to see if i’m in the minority with my opinion.

here is the thread for anyone to check.

You could easily dislike hana but the reason imo is a lot of people on twitter are trying very hard to be SJWs. They don't believe short women actually exist and they try to push whatever they can. You can find those same people supporting netflix for the tons of shit they are pulling out as well so yeah, there is a lot of hypocrisy going on in there.
Aug 24, 2020 11:54 PM
Apr 2020
By the way I don't care her charecter desine, the one I hate is that her personality. She annoying charecter
Aug 25, 2020 8:15 AM
Oct 2012
This show is not getting hate enough, it's shit
Aug 26, 2020 3:34 PM

May 2018
Hate the twitfest controversy, because there are REAL PEOPLE who hit a spurt in middle school and had a similar body shape.

That said, the series is far worse than it is given credit for in terms of quality. I used to think Green Green and Eiken were bottom of the barrel for comedy/ecchi series, but this one may actually challenge one or both of them. Part of me admires the people who can enjoy the shenanigans in Uzaki-chan, much in the same way part of me admires people who are entertained by a bad sitcom with a laugh-track.
Harem is the opiate of the Anime fandom masses.
Aug 26, 2020 4:29 PM

Jan 2019
I was already a massive fan of the manga, but the moment I saw that Twitter were whining about it, I made doubly sure I stayed up to date with this. 1 out of genuine enjoyment and 2 just to spite people on Twitter.
I watch everything and anything, 300 days watched and counting.

Aug 26, 2020 4:55 PM
Jul 2018
I watched now a bit of it and you know, normally I absolutely love fun or / and savage or / and smug characters, if they are well done and well written (in my eyes). But I just found her annoying yet at the same time I really like similar characters like Takagi-san. At least they are similar by the concept of teasing, but there the similarity ends, because Uzaki lacks all of the charisma and cleverness. It feels much more forced to me.

Also I found her design terrible. Not because of the twitter controversy, just her proportion in combination and she has this one tooth that isn't a tooth but in... flesh color or so, what?

Freiszcze said:
To be perfectly honest I was ready to hate on this show. I despise "teasing" trope, Takagi-san was one of the most unbearable shows to watch for me. BUT I decided to give it a try, and to mu surprise it is kinda fun. Uzaki isn't the "mastermind teaser", more like klutz with poor sense of situation, which creates gags that at worst are bit cringe, but some of them were really funny. And MC is really likable. So no, I do not get the "hate".

Funnily for me it's the opposite. But I expected something like Takagi-san and didn't like what I found instead.
removed-userAug 26, 2020 5:12 PM
Aug 26, 2020 5:05 PM

Sep 2015
I think it's incredibly stupid and overwrought and laughable and not at all worth paying attention to. Let them wallow in their own shit because there's an anime girl with big tits and big eyes. These people aren't worth anybody's time. This isn't widespread enough to constitute being considered a threat or even being given serious attention. It's not even 50/50, it's like, 10/90 in favor of people thinking that these people are laughable.

The only reason anybody gives a shit is because of threads like this spotlighting it. Almost nothing they say has much credibility, most of it is hyperbolic, reactionary nonsense that comes off as reaching for reasons to be outraged, and I don't think this is even close to getting as much support as stuff like the Goblin Slayer or Shield Hero controversies. This isn't a brushfire. This is a fucking campfire that people are responding to like a brushfire.

This is nothing. The only reason it's something is because some absolute fucking morons keep giving these other absolute fucking morons the soapbox they're bitching and screaming to get. The outrage is laughable bullshit coming from some of the most worthless human lives out there, and you idiots are shining a fucking spotlight on it and acting like it's the next big threat.

Fucking ridiculous. It's almost the reason shit like this gets the attention that it does is because there are people out there who benefit by continuing to spotlight absolute nothings like this to perpetuate the idea of an existential threat we need to deal with.
ManabanAug 26, 2020 5:18 PM

Aug 26, 2020 9:04 PM
Jul 2018
I am very sorry that Uzaki is now in the generation of the offended. Personally, they are just there to get attention and that's it.
Aug 27, 2020 9:12 AM
Sep 2008
I never thought those regresive groups were going to attack this anime, maybe Rent a Girlfriend trying to vinculate the anime with prostitution but not Uzaki serie.
Aug 28, 2020 9:09 AM

May 2016
Its twitter in 2020. Its a fucking cesspool. The best part? They actually think anything they're saying is going to have an affect. No ones going to change her design, the mangaka certainly isn't, and no one gives a shit.

Best to stay away from it.
Aug 28, 2020 10:43 AM
Jul 2018
I'll admit that I didn't know how to feel about her character design at first. But after watching a few episodes of the anime, I don't care that much about it. I don't think it's promoting pedophilia in any way. I think her young appearance makes her behavior more passable. If she was someone who looked as old as Sakurai and acted the way that she does, her behavior could come off as more annoying and ridiculous to some people. You can find Uzaki's physical features attractive without coming off as a pedophile since she's basically built like a woman. I guess you just need to have an open mind to it.
Aug 28, 2020 11:46 AM

Aug 2017
while i personally didnt find the show incredibly enjoyable and dropped it after an episode, there isn't anything actually wrong with it.

these people just don't like that the main character is 4'11 with big tits, because *absolutely* no one in the real world is like that...
Aug 28, 2020 12:02 PM
Oct 2018
whoever reads this title on Twitter think like this, this boy / girl who wrote this must be about 9 years old. That's why I left Twitter, Twitter has been so toxic for some time now
Aug 29, 2020 8:46 AM

Oct 2009
Because it's Shitter... people on Twitter are jealous and losing their minds because it seems like they've nothing better to do.

Watching the show, it's enjoyably harmless. It'd fun and cute and brings out some laughs. Haven't laughed to an Anime in awhile and it's done really well, imo.
Aug 29, 2020 9:57 AM

Sep 2019
I've no problem with the show it self. The only problem is uzaki's eyes they are terrifying.
Aug 29, 2020 2:56 PM

May 2020
It's the problem with twitter community - which is often, sorry to say that, scumiest scum carefully gathered from septic tank of many frustrations. So let's put a lid, sorry, the shroud of silence on this topic ;)

Personally, I like this anime. Especially because it remembers me some people I know - those over the top overactive, a bit annoying, but impossible to not like :)
Aug 29, 2020 3:14 PM

Jul 2013
Dropped the show 7-8 minutes into the first episode. Don't really like Uzaki's design myself. She just doesn't look good.

But honestly if your problem with her design is "SeXuALiZaTiOn oF FeMaLe" and "PeDo PaNDeRiNg", you're utterly retarded.
Aug 29, 2020 3:16 PM

Nov 2013
I disliked Uzaki's character design when i first saw her (episode 1 - even dropped it before OP began rolling), but then decided to give it a try because of Youtube recommendations lol (episode 4 just aired back then), and memes, and i learned to like her annoying and pesky personality - just like MC did in episode 8. Perhaps i'm liking this show because of male MC more. Just like me, he doesn't see Uzaki as some potential sex-toy lol, and likes her because of her personality more.

@JustMonaka lol is this a coincidence? xD. Looks like we both shared the same first impressions.
Aug 29, 2020 4:46 PM

Jul 2014
It's an average show, but the hate it's getting is from SJWs that want to erase women by having them all look like men.

I think this explains it well.
Aug 29, 2020 4:47 PM
Jul 2018
I think it's well deserved, very exploitative of the female body
Aug 30, 2020 10:44 AM

Nov 2018
Uzaki's design is problematic in their opinion.
Also there are people complaining about ecchi in a show that has ecchi genre on it.


Aug 31, 2020 2:11 AM

May 2009
SuicideMaster_ said:
Retarded thread, retarded replies
To begin with, she doesn't even look underage, she's just short. Apparently being attracted to short women makes you a pedophile.

She's not even short, if you google average height of japanese woman it will show you 148,9cm which is around her height. It's Shinichi who's 20cm taller than average nihonjin.
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