The lawsuit was for tortious interference, which even Vic's own lawyers were saying was unlikey to go in his favor. The defamation suit is still open, and you KV sheep still haven't provided any actual evidence that he did anything. So yeah, I'd say I'm doing good.
im black and what you just said was racist. dont even correct my grammar again.
yes brainlet alt right has always been a label when richard spencer invented it back in 2010. The fact that you use it means you dont understand the political landscape and you are a brainlet
yes there is one accuser. good job bro. yes christine's testimony was completely proven to be garbage but she didnt get arrested adn gunned down like she should be. when you apply to be a federal court judge you get interviewed multiple times.
alt right is a term invented by richard spencer. the fact you use it as a catch all means youre a brainlet. alt right applies to aspecific section of the right that is not what i believe brainlet
kavanaugh was literally absolved from all guilt, and his accusers are being prosecuted by the DOJ. do you know what that means? They will require a preponderance of evidence in order to convict the guilty party which is higher than the standard of evidence in a civil suit. Dont lump kavanaugh in with the evil jew harvey who has actually raped.
Kavanaugh was falsely accused you moron.
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yes brainlet alt right has always been a label when richard spencer invented it back in 2010. The fact that you use it means you dont understand the political landscape and you are a brainlet
alt right is a term invented by richard spencer. the fact you use it as a catch all means youre a brainlet. alt right applies to aspecific section of the right that is not what i believe brainlet
Kavanaugh was falsely accused you moron.