hi hi! i'm arabella, 20 year old living in Canada. i like cute and pink things like sanrio, lots of music (my go-to is rock and metal! you may remember me as having been previously goth if we've been friends for a while hehe), nature, my boyfriend <3, anime and manga, OOOOOBVIOUSLY! i also love fruit. i love strawberries, peaches, and cherries. my favourite anime is The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya!
i've been generally into anime for about 5-6 years now, but i took a break of about a year or two and am attempting to watch it more again!! i am very behind on what's popular right now and am open to recommendations so please don't hesitate to send some my way!
i have always had a soft spot for anime from the 2000s, and my favourite genre is probably slice of life! but i like a variety of things :)
the rating system below has not been updated since about 2021! i will get to updating it eventually i get back into watching anime and rewatch some things, but i am keeping it here for now since most of my ratings on this profile are consistent with this system :)
1 - Horrendous series. Get it out of my way.
2 - Terrible series. Probably only one or two good things about it, or maybe none.
3 - A bad series. Barely anything good about it. Too many issues
4 - The bad qualities outweigh the good - there may be some passing things about it, although I definitely wouldn't revisit it.
5 - Average. It may have problems that bump it down to a five, or it simply might not be any better than a 5, problems or not.
6 - It was okay - it had redeeming qualities but it could definitely be better. I probably wouldn't revisit it, but it likely didn't leave a bad taste in my mouth. Alternately, it may just have not clicked with me.
7 - A solid series. Had small issues here and there, although overall good. Might not rewatch, though. This may be a series that I thoroughly enjoyed, although didn't have any elements making it higher.
8 - Very good series, probably would rewatch.
9 - Amazing series that I probably love, but it was missing some "10"-worthy quality
10 - Absolutely outstanding series, really stuck with me. Definitely would rewatch
it's a western, non-japanese in any way show. just because other sites claim it's anime does not mean its anime. and that's perfectly fine that it's not anime, before you or anyone else get's offended by that.
that's why it's not on here.
Here is my answer :
Just know that in the west were there are anime snobs.....its just not like that were these anime are made. as someone who has lived in japan. they call all animated shows anime. including avatar and I imagine arcane as well. The people on this site have this fascination with trying to police what "anime" is . when the creators and cultures that have had anime longer than us have been calling our shows anime for years lol. It is only westerners who think its a big problem to call things anime that were made in the west. They also love to talk badly about things that other people like because it was made in the west. When literally the world has been watching western entertainment forever but as soon as we start to imitate other cultures entertainment is a big fucking problem
Just know that in the west were there are anime snobs.....its just not like that were these anime are made. as someone who has lived in japan. they call all animated shows anime. including avatar and I imagine arcane as well. The people on this site have this fascination with trying to police what "anime" is . when the creators and cultures that have had anime longer than us have been calling our shows anime for years lol. It is only westerners who think its a big problem to call things anime that were made in the west. They also love to talk badly about things that other people like because it was made in the west. When literally the world has been watching western entertainment forever but as soon as we start to imitate other cultures entertainment is a big fucking problem
ohh hiii prettty woman :)) how are you doing ??
AHHH gintama and saiki k are absolute beast in comedy genre..
nendou(the best bff one can ask for), Saiki (the aromantic stud) adnd Airu(the sexy gyaru) are my faves...
what about you ??
All Comments (88) Comments
it's a western, non-japanese in any way show. just because other sites claim it's anime does not mean its anime. and that's perfectly fine that it's not anime, before you or anyone else get's offended by that.
that's why it's not on here.
Here is my answer :
Just know that in the west were there are anime snobs.....its just not like that were these anime are made. as someone who has lived in japan. they call all animated shows anime. including avatar and I imagine arcane as well. The people on this site have this fascination with trying to police what "anime" is . when the creators and cultures that have had anime longer than us have been calling our shows anime for years lol. It is only westerners who think its a big problem to call things anime that were made in the west. They also love to talk badly about things that other people like because it was made in the west. When literally the world has been watching western entertainment forever but as soon as we start to imitate other cultures entertainment is a big fucking problem
AHHH gintama and saiki k are absolute beast in comedy genre..
nendou(the best bff one can ask for), Saiki (the aromantic stud) adnd Airu(the sexy gyaru) are my faves...
what about you ??
also very cute profile :)
I still listen to Buck-Tick and Miyavi thou! It's hard to come to newer visual kei bands.
What are your favourites?
Hiii, fellow visual kei fan