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Mar 21, 2020 5:59 AM

Dec 2017
First six episodes were released on Netflix in Japan on March 21.

right off the bat the show starts with introducing the world where beastmen and humans live together. however, things aren't going that well, as beastmen are being persecuted and discriminated by humans, which leads to beastmen creating their own place called Anima City where the conflict in this episode arises

a little confusing how beastmen came to be, as it seems some have human-like appearance, some of them can shape-shift, and from the end of the episode it seems that some have human origins. kinda early to predict where this is going and how deep into the social-political themes it'll go

the animation looks great, fluid and dynamic, great color palette and aesthetically pleasing art
the wolfman fight was especially great, being the spotlight of the show
Mar 22, 2020 12:23 AM

Jan 2014
That theme song is lit.

Within the first few moments of the show, I was hooked already. Cannot wait to view more.

Makes me more curious on the world's landscape.
Mar 22, 2020 12:48 AM

Dec 2018
Well, as expected of an anime with animals.. it's about racism and diversity. I'm on board with it so far, Trigger never disappoint with their visual flair and I'm feeling some potential here.

Hoping that I like it more than Promare.
Mar 22, 2020 3:11 AM

Jan 2015
Wow, this was amazing from start to finish.

I already love the main character. She’s so quirky.
Also the action scenes were very well done. I wasn’t expecting the wolf to go as far as breaking the deer’s horns, damn.
The soundtrack was impressive as well. It set for the right mood

I’m really looking forward to this. Trigger has yet to disappoint me. Truly the savior of anime
Mar 22, 2020 4:09 AM

Apr 2012
Leosmileyface said:
Well, as expected of an anime with animals.. it's about racism and diversity. I'm on board with it so far, Trigger never disappoint with their visual flair and I'm feeling some potential here.

Hoping that I like it more than Promare.

It always seemed funny to me when the message “all people are the same” uses premise with literal biological and psychological inequality. It’s the same as promoting tolerance with the help of a setting where humanity is dying due to falling birth rates.
Mar 22, 2020 4:36 AM
Aug 2016
Awesome way to start. There's nothing to do, i LOVE Trigger's style.
Mar 22, 2020 4:46 AM
May 2017
hah, Schrödinger's furry:

also the show is looking really good
Mar 22, 2020 6:37 AM

Oct 2011
Really nice start to the show. Art style kind of reminds me of Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou in some way. Really looking forward to seeing the character development.
NarutorenganMar 22, 2020 6:53 AM
Mar 22, 2020 7:42 AM

Jul 2017
More garbage from Studio Trigger. I'll pass.
Mar 22, 2020 8:22 AM

Jan 2016
Love the theme song and the action scenes. Cool protagonist.
Mar 22, 2020 11:39 AM

Jul 2019
I liked it, I was also getting Zootopia and Beastars vibes. Also this kinda feels like Promare. Is this really original at all? I wouldn't know.

Nice ost as well.
Mar 22, 2020 1:10 PM

Apr 2018
Basically about racism between human and animals right ? OST is really great so far and I already like the raccoon girl, seems to be a good anime
Mar 22, 2020 3:54 PM

Mar 2019
NOT Dissapointed At All...

Maybe not a 10, or 9... but close.... and with a good feeling in the later...

OST, Amazing.
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Mar 22, 2020 5:40 PM

Jan 2020
This show is epic, furries are cute ngl
Mar 22, 2020 6:29 PM

Jan 2009
the main theme is about racism or discrimination in general eh thats a badly needed moral problem in the current times we live in

the action is awesome

Trigger with that Kanada School of animation again meaning deformed drawings with variable/limited frame rate
Mar 22, 2020 6:49 PM
Feb 2018
Krl que música de abertura fantástica.. com certeza vai ficar na minha mente por um bom tempo.

A história ficou meio confusa, mas deu pra entender que vai se tratar de racismo (que já tá ficando um tema bem clichê nesses animes de pessoas-animal)

MAS KRL QUE ANIMAÇÃO E TRILHA SONORA PERFEITA (estúdio Trigger tá de parabéns), mesmo sem tá entendendo muita coisa eu me empolguei d+ com as cenas de ação e o lobo e a garota-cachorro no final me surpreenderam pra caramba.

Uma ótima estreia, tem um grande potencial, me animou bastante pra ver os próximos.
OReiTardadoMar 22, 2020 6:55 PM
Mar 22, 2020 8:18 PM

May 2015
I was gonna say inb4 the Trigger haters show up, but I was too late. xD

Mar 22, 2020 8:42 PM
Feb 2015
GreenEmu said:
More garbage from Studio Trigger. I'll pass.

You gave Fire Force an 8, hilarious
Mar 23, 2020 10:11 AM

Jun 2013
I fucking love this.The OP and ED are banger.
Mar 23, 2020 12:31 PM

Nov 2008
Nice animation, zero subtlety as far as writing and plot go.
Mar 23, 2020 1:54 PM

Oct 2018
Oh shit this was amazing!! The OST in the last few minutes was also awesome!

An outstanding start if you ask me!
-Aincrad-Mar 23, 2020 1:58 PM
Mar 23, 2020 1:56 PM

Oct 2018
GreenEmu said:
More garbage from Studio Trigger. I'll pass.

More garbage comment from salty haters.
Mar 23, 2020 8:10 PM

May 2014
Interesting concept. Loved the cartoonish visuals by Trigger as always. Though I was particularly captivated by the animation for the ending theme song. Music was on point with an awesome opening and Michiru seems like she'll be a fun character. Let's just hope that if and when Trigger pulls some insane and most likely stupid plot twist, it doesn't involve aliens!
Mar 23, 2020 9:17 PM

Mar 2016
First episode, already liked the visuals, art, animation, soundtrack and characters, this series has the trigger sign all over the place. The story looks ok, will see how that goes on. I want to watch the other 5 episodes that were released but I don't know if this going to get the Vinland Saga/Babylon treatment (a bunch of episodes available right away, a couple of weeks of wait for the rest), but if that's the case I'll prefer to wait a little bit more.
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Mar 24, 2020 5:19 AM

Jul 2017
Studio Trigger is back with their next project with one of the more cautious director Yoh Yoshinari around, but more than imitating Promare's settings the premiere episode sold me, and I want more.

Combining the eccentricity of Beastars and Zootopia is the world's setting where humans and beastmen live together, but not out of spite. At the heart of it all is "Runaway Raccoon" former-human Michiru Kagemori and her escape to Animacity, the "Beastmen Special Zone" city of harmonious living for beastmen. And it's as fast as I can say that I definitely liked Michiru's happy-go-lucky character already.

Saved by Mary Itami, a mink beast Michiru's adventures is just getting started...and having to tackle a pickpocketer already is some bad luck.

Encountering wolf beastkin Shirou Ogami was a blessing in disguise as anti-beastmen working for the humans attempt to sabotage their 10th anniversary festival. But instead of Michiru's reasoning, Shirou's wolf instincts smell impending trouble without a trial.

OP/ED is great, as expected of mabanua's styles. Too bad they're shorter than the usual 90 seconds, clocking in a minute each.

Outsmarting impressive first episode.
Mar 24, 2020 9:43 AM

Jan 2018
Damn the music was good. *checks composer and sees it was the dude who did Megalobox*

This checks out.
What a beautiful Duwang
Mar 24, 2020 10:24 AM

Aug 2016
This was a great introduction episode. I like the world building and introduction to the primary and secondary characters. Trigger did not disappoint. I dig the beast mode transformations.
Mar 24, 2020 12:45 PM

Jan 2017
Yeap as always Trigger just can't make a bad anime. This looks good, sounds even better and the story is promising.

Sold since first few minutes of this episode.
Mar 25, 2020 6:06 AM

Jul 2017
botomonogatari said:
GreenEmu said:
More garbage from Studio Trigger. I'll pass.

You gave Fire Force an 8, hilarious

-Aincrad- said:
GreenEmu said:
More garbage from Studio Trigger. I'll pass.

More garbage comment from salty haters.

Oh wow what a shocker, it's as if this entire site is based around opinions, just because I liked something doesn't mean it's good. I'm well aware that Fire Force is generic garbage but I still enjoyed watching it for what it was. What I don't do is cry like a little bitch whenever someone dare has a different opinion. People have different opinons, suck it up and move on you children.
Mar 25, 2020 6:07 AM

Oct 2018
GreenEmu said:
botomonogatari said:

You gave Fire Force an 8, hilarious

-Aincrad- said:

More garbage comment from salty haters.

Oh wow what a shocker, it's as if this entire site is based around opinions, just because I liked something doesn't mean it's good. I'm well aware that Fire Force is generic garbage but I still enjoyed watching it for what it was. What I don't do is cry like a little bitch whenever someone dare has a different opinion. People have different opinons, suck it up and move on you children.

Simply calling an anime is garbage isn't an opinion.

"Well, I find this anime garbage" - you just need to rephrase a little, and it's already an actual opinion. Not a respectable one, since you're just calling it garbage without any reasoning, but still one.
-Aincrad-Mar 25, 2020 6:12 AM
Mar 25, 2020 6:13 AM

Jul 2017
-Aincrad- said:
GreenEmu said:

Oh wow what a shocker, it's as if this entire site is based around opinions, just because I liked something doesn't mean it's good. I'm well aware that Fire Force is generic garbage but I still enjoyed watching it for what it was. What I don't do is cry like a little bitch whenever someone dare has a different opinion. People have different opinons, suck it up and move on you children.

Simply calling an anime is garbage isn't an opinion.

"Well, I find this anime garbage" - you just need to rephrase a little, and it's already an actual opinion.

Actually yes it is an opinion, the way you word it doesn't change it. I watched the first episode and thought it was shit. My opinion doesn't mean anything, it's a biased judgment based on my personal preferences. Sorry you're apparently too stupid to know what the definition of the word is.
Mar 25, 2020 6:17 AM

Oct 2018
GreenEmu said:
-Aincrad- said:

Simply calling an anime is garbage isn't an opinion.

"Well, I find this anime garbage" - you just need to rephrase a little, and it's already an actual opinion.

Actually yes it is an opinion, the way you word it doesn't change it. I watched the first episode and thought it was shit. My opinion doesn't mean anything, it's a biased judgment based on my personal preferences. Sorry you're apparently too stupid to know what the definition of the word is.

However I look at this calling it simply garbage or shit is not an opinion, never will and never was. That's not how you express your opinion. At least, that's not how one should be taught to. And no-one else will ever consider comments likes this an opinion.
Mar 25, 2020 12:37 PM
Sep 2019
i am ALREADY hooked on this show. the animation is LOVELY!!!! the characters are great as well. this is an anime im seriously excited to watch.
Mar 25, 2020 10:55 PM
Oct 2015
Knowing Trigger's track record, this show is ABSOLUTELY going nowhere with the premise, especially with it being this broad and bland.

A pass on this series altogether from me.
Mar 26, 2020 1:54 AM

Jun 2017
I liked it.

Hoping it's not gonna end in space..
Mar 26, 2020 4:10 AM

Apr 2015
What a way to start a brand new Trigger Studio Anime! All the elements are present of what we can expect from a Trigger production!!

Great sound, especially the OST stands out straight away!! The Animation is amazing as always and I can't wait to see what the future episodes has in store for the story!

Tanuki girl is cute, I like her! Wolf guy is bad-ass!! I didn't expect the Tanuki girl to also hold an insane power, that actually knocked the Wolf back!!

I am hooked!
Mar 27, 2020 12:21 AM
Mar 2020
Gorgeus character design, superb animation and overly simplistic backgrounds.

I like it so far.

Tanuki and Ogami is a charmers, ennough to hook alone.

Worldbuilding will probobly tunr out to be an utter garbage as usual with trigger's originals.
Mar 28, 2020 2:36 AM

Oct 2008
w0w! impressive 1st episode of the first show of Spring 2020 Season!
Trigger never disappoints and totally delivers!
hope [Asenshi] fansub would continue to sub this show cuz i don't really like streaming on netflix cuz of low quality and other reasons!

Mar 29, 2020 12:08 AM
Oct 2019
This is promising, giving me Xmen vibes.
Mar 29, 2020 6:01 AM
Jan 2017
I am interested to see where this show goes in terms of its world-building.
Mar 29, 2020 11:59 AM
Jun 2011
GreenEmu said:
-Aincrad- said:

Simply calling an anime is garbage isn't an opinion.

"Well, I find this anime garbage" - you just need to rephrase a little, and it's already an actual opinion.

Actually yes it is an opinion, the way you word it doesn't change it. I watched the first episode and thought it was shit. My opinion doesn't mean anything, it's a biased judgment based on my personal preferences. Sorry you're apparently too stupid to know what the definition of the word is.

You can't just come into a forum and say "this garbage is shit" without any repercussions of people challenging your opinion on to why you think that.

Maybe you could have at the very least came up with a excuse as to why this anime pissed you off such as: not liking a anime that revolves around racism, hating furries, or believe that the world setting is unrealistic as the main character went from being a runaway school girl to a police helper in a span of 24 hours in anime time despite being a total stranger.

Granted people will probably make fun of your opinion but at the very least they will not call you a simple troll.

But nope, you went with "studio trigger bad" and slapped a score of a 1 on it and expected people to believe you at your word with no questions needing to be asked.

Then when people criticize your opinion, you don't do anything to justify your opinion by changing the subject to the likes of: "its just my opinion. stop taking me so seriously" and "stop bitching about my opinion".

Subjectively speaking, a score of a 1 should only be given to animes that are so dreadfully boring and dull that you couldn't even finish the first episode let alone the whole series. A broken mess of a anime that is incomprehensible to watch that you dropped it because the anime is broken on a technical level but in a way that it is not even entertaining to watch. Or if the anime did something that ticks you off on a personal level that you hate watching every second of it which I feel is what you are expressing but are not explaining as to why that is.

That said. Explain why you hate this anime instead of complaining about people who are complaining about your opinion.
BlazeofspikesMar 31, 2020 2:21 PM
Mar 31, 2020 7:50 AM

Dec 2019
That was really furry
And really cheesy too, but so was the start of Kill la Kill which was also by Trigger, so I think I can expect the vibes to change later on. Gonna see how it goes for now.
Apr 1, 2020 8:35 AM
Apr 2018
We got another furry anime and I'm all up for it! Animals vs humans isn't a new theme for a show but whta makes this feel unique is the art style.

Definitely on my list this season!
Apr 1, 2020 12:27 PM
Mar 2019
I really like the concepts introduced. Not too thrilled with the episode's pacing -- would've liked to know a little more about these two main kiddos before seeing them put in these situations.

Hopefully, next ep will give us more character info. (:
Apr 2, 2020 12:26 AM

Aug 2017
Impressive start! Good animation & plot.
Can't wait to see the succeeding episodes.
BTW, the wolf is totally OP. 😁👍

Apr 3, 2020 11:06 AM

Dec 2015
bro that sound effect when the guy appeared from behind was cool as shit
Apr 3, 2020 5:42 PM
May 2019
Damn this anime is awesome
It has such a unique and interesting animation and from the first episode it looks promising
I hope that it will be good as it looks.
Apr 4, 2020 8:31 AM

May 2017
That split second cameo of Inferno Cop.... I'm not crying...
Apr 4, 2020 2:16 PM

Apr 2016
This seems interesting, I hope the plot will be entertaining. The art is pretty good and the wolf has a good design, he seems a good character too.
Apr 4, 2020 10:52 PM

Sep 2018
Damn, that was dope AF. Good ole trigger.... Though I was disappointed by Promare, this looks far more promising. 9/10, maybe even 10/10 for the first episode.
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