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Jan 20, 2020 5:20 AM

Nov 2011
Welp, a summit this epiosde with the subject of the suicide pact law as part of its discussion.

I have to say, the countries involved in these talks had some strong opinions about it. Seems this episode is setting up for the series' finale.
Jan 20, 2020 5:56 AM

May 2016
That woman trying to commit suicide is definitely Ai Magase, she's trying to fuck up the American president.
Man this episode was a philosophy lesson
Jan 20, 2020 6:24 AM

Apr 2018
Damn Magase Ai at the end... this episode was really great, I loved the discussion between the presidents.
Jan 20, 2020 6:48 AM
Dec 2016
Pretty bad episode also we all know
Jan 20, 2020 6:52 AM
Sep 2015
Some of G7 leaders are close to real world... Justin Trudeau's Canada, and former UK's PM Theresa May. Also, the assisted suicide = illegal while suicide = illegal law make the most sense in a world that suicide thought can be induced by whispering a few words, so Germany already figure it out.
Jan 20, 2020 6:54 AM
Apr 2015
Its good episode
You just want action
Jan 20, 2020 7:10 AM

Mar 2016
Magase trying to commit suicide may b e true, but I feel like she might be trying to get something from the president. Manipulator vs thinker. . . that would be interesting.

I can't believe they actually talked about the trolley problem this episode. I was quite curious to know what conclusion the president would reach for it, but we got interrupted. :(
Jan 20, 2020 7:16 AM

Apr 2011
This show managed to get even more pretentious and ridiculous.
Jan 20, 2020 7:22 AM
Oct 2019
only talking...

boring episode

so the last episode next week.
sadly we had so much talking in the last episodes...

of course it's nice to hear opinions from other countries but for me it's totally not interesting.
Jan 20, 2020 7:39 AM

Oct 2017
If Magase Ai can manipulate people through phone calls and over a media broadcast, then how about manipulating everyone who's watching the broadcast? Since their aim is to make people commit suicide. The concept of Magase Ai manipulating people even through radio waves is ridiculous, and her "powers" need to be addressed which they still haven't done. And I don't think it'll be since only one episode is left. Other than that, it was a good episode >_>. Let's see how the president deals with her.
Jan 20, 2020 7:43 AM
Sep 2019
raifuresu said:
This show managed to get even more pretentious and ridiculous.

precisely. the global leaders discussion was brutal to watch
Jan 20, 2020 7:51 AM

Feb 2014
Whore of Babylon, who sat upon the seven beast kings while drinking the blood of angels. Ah the irony here is quite amusing.
The seven leaders discuss about what's good and evil while discarding any sense of individuality and sovereignty was interesting and admirable. The concept each of them came with was harmless but yet intimidating.
And now the finale is set upon Magase Ai(surely, who else could a woman be in this show.) confronting The Thinker. The stage is up for the fate of the world.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Jan 20, 2020 8:09 AM
Sep 2019
A.I at the end yoooooo
Plus loved the animation when the leaders where discussing suicide.
Plus alot of good points where made about suicide and its effects
Jan 20, 2020 8:13 AM
Apr 2015
raifuresu said:
This show managed to get even more pretentious and ridiculous.

Its shame
Good shows like babylon get hate
And show like kimetsu gets love
Jan 20, 2020 8:40 AM

Apr 2011
TGAvi said:
raifuresu said:
This show managed to get even more pretentious and ridiculous.

Its shame
Good shows like babylon get hate
And show like kimetsu gets love

That's a very stupid comparison. Both shows have different premises, purposes and target audiences.

That said, while I'm not big into KnY, at least KnY is just an honest shounen series having entertainment as its goal, not a pretentious, 3deep6you bs like Babylon.
Jan 20, 2020 8:48 AM

Feb 2019
raifuresu said:
This show managed to get even more pretentious and ridiculous.

Says the guy who gave Bananya a 10. Please don´t strain your brain, we don´t want you to get hurt.
Do you know about the Dunning-Kruger efect? It should interest you.
Jan 20, 2020 8:53 AM

Apr 2011
Charmotaku said:
raifuresu said:
This show managed to get even more pretentious and ridiculous.

Says the guy who gave Bananya a 10. Please don´t strain your brain, we don´t want you to get hurt.
Do you know about the Dunning-Kruger efect? It should interest you.

And there we go. Bc I found a silly show cute and gave it a 10 obviously all my opinions are invalid. My bad. That's what says the guy with K-On! as favorite show. (which shouldn't matter, but let's play the same game)
raifuresuJan 20, 2020 9:05 AM
Jan 20, 2020 9:01 AM

Jul 2007
finally next episode we will find out ai magase was an isekai character all along and thats how she got her power
Jan 20, 2020 9:08 AM

Dec 2014
Fantastic episode.

Loved the summit conversation where everyone was trying to understand the concepts of good and evil and why we perceive them as such. It's interesting that at the root of everything is the meaning of life and I like how Alex instead of thinking about the morality problems from the perspective of "for the greater good" thought about it from the perspective of both sides still aim to let someone live.

The woman at the end if Magase right? Interested to see how this is gonna go down.
Jan 20, 2020 9:10 AM
Sep 2019
TGAvi said:
raifuresu said:
This show managed to get even more pretentious and ridiculous.

Its shame
Good shows like babylon get hate
And show like kimetsu gets love

Kimetsu no Yaiba SUCKS!!!!!
Its literally the definition of generic
shounen anime. If its your very 1st anime then yea its great but if you've watched multiple shows then you can see how generic and boring it is.
Babylon on the other hand has been amazing A.I Magase causing people to kill them selves the politicians thinking about whether to allow suicide or not, Zen having to watch his colleagues kill themselves . 60 people jumping off a roof , Its been a great thriller, investagation anime. Its a nice change from the usual anime we've been seeing
Jan 20, 2020 9:16 AM

Jan 2014
Tbf, the last few episodes were really lackluster. While the show started out with asking some pretty nice questions, it quickly threw the whole momentum out the window when the second half started. There are several threads hanging and they probably won't be addressed. On the other hand they also introduced several new characters that will (mostly likely) have no relevance to the outcome.
I was really looking forward to Seizaki's struggles with the concept itself (since it was teased at the end of the first half), but instead we got the "thinker", who just does exactly that... "think".
It's either poor execution or the original became like this as well at the halfway point. There really was no point in building up Seizaki and giving the absolute evil as his opponent, if they are just going to glorify the USA at the end.
Jan 20, 2020 9:26 AM

Mar 2013
raifuresu said:
This show managed to get even more pretentious and ridiculous.

exactly my thoughts. felt kinda comedic, to be honest.
Jan 20, 2020 9:31 AM
Sep 2012
I'm loving every second of it though xD

I'm rooting for magase lol
Jan 20, 2020 9:50 AM
Apr 2015
raifuresu said:
TGAvi said:

Its shame
Good shows like babylon get hate
And show like kimetsu gets love

That's a very stupid comparison. Both shows have different premises, purposes and target audiences.

That said, while I'm not big into KnY, at least KnY is just an honest shounen series having entertainment as its goal, not a pretentious, 3deep6you bs like Babylon.

Babylon have uniqe concept and good Conversations
You just don't get it
Jan 20, 2020 9:55 AM
Apr 2015
silver_soul98 said:
raifuresu said:
This show managed to get even more pretentious and ridiculous.

exactly my thoughts. felt kinda comedic, to be honest.

If you don't like it then drop it
This amazing show not for you
Jan 20, 2020 9:55 AM

Apr 2011
TGAvi said:
raifuresu said:

That's a very stupid comparison. Both shows have different premises, purposes and target audiences.

That said, while I'm not big into KnY, at least KnY is just an honest shounen series having entertainment as its goal, not a pretentious, 3deep6you bs like Babylon.

Babylon have uniqe concept and good Conversations
You just don't get it

Unique concept? Definitely.
Good conversations? Debatable.
Jan 20, 2020 9:58 AM
May 2019
Does ishiki created the situation like this and demanded that us president should talk to Magase so that Magase Could use her talk-no-jutsu (whatever occult she has been using in entire show)
On Us president??
Jan 20, 2020 9:58 AM
Apr 2016
Quality directing, finally. Finally someone cares to teach children something good.
TGAvi said:
silver_soul98 said:

exactly my thoughts. felt kinda comedic, to be honest.

If you don't like it then drop it
This amazing show not for you

Please stop telling this to people, if you have nothing to say do not tell them anything.
Jan 20, 2020 10:17 AM

Jan 2013
The discussion part about morality and god was just painfully shitty. If you want to discuss morals, at least don't insert fairy tales into it.
Jan 20, 2020 10:29 AM
Sep 2015
I love how quickly this anime turned in to a complete dumpster fire. Holy shit this is horrible.
I dislike coomers.
Jan 20, 2020 11:17 AM
Apr 2019
In 2010s, Japan was in a continuous boom of gedankenexperimente (thought experiments) on "the justice".
That was opened up with a TV series "Justice with Michael Sandel", the program of (US) WGBH-TV and NHK aired it with dub.

I'm not going to be verbose about the thesis or those topics right now. The site [ ] will help your interest.
The examples of experiments stated in episode #11 -- "the trolley problem" and "the survival lottery" -- are introduced in those lectures.

Much of recent Japanese literature and a lot of serious narrative creations (including anime) are conceived from those debates on ethics, since the boom.
You may notice that EMIYA Kiritsugu's "the paradox of survival of two sinking ships" in "Fate/Zero" (episode #24). UROBUCHI Gen's novel was completed in 2007, be that as it may, the animation series might be one of the fruits of the thinking along with this way.

Just about the fact and period background of Japan's literature trend.
And today, the same speculations are going to be applied for discussions on the symbiosis of artificial intelligence and human being.

4:17 am. Sweet dreams.
aReviewerJan 20, 2020 11:27 AM
Jan 20, 2020 11:19 AM
Apr 2019
This was the best episode.
The conversation was excellent for a society which has adopted worldly happiness as the only one.
I'm imagining how Babylon will end... Like Magase Ai dying from jumping,, or something else?
Also we get another proper explanation why this show is named Babylon,that "whore of Babylon" a clear reference to Magase.
Jan 20, 2020 11:57 AM
May 2019
I feel like a lot of people miss what the significance of this episode is to the series despite this episode literally laying it out for the viewer.

Is there any act that is truly objectively good/evil? How do we define good/evil?

The show pits two answers against one another: (1) Yes there are acts that are objectively, and universally considered good; and (2) No, good and evil are just concepts used to justify actions by those in control (history is written by conquerors).

The latter answer plays with the former as if there are acts that are objectively good, then who decides them. The only answer is the majority, but if thats the case, then what about the minority (who Ai references as those who love evil things). If they disagree, are they evil?

Conversely, if no act is objectively good/evil then all that's left to evaluate is purpose. But as the show makes clear multiple times, objectively wrongful acts can be follow the best of intentions.

Ai's killing spree - done to pose this question

Zen's desire to kill Ai - done to prevent her from continually killing others.

The next episode is the runaway trolley dynamic/organ dilemma. Ai literally puts her life in their hands and confronts them with a tradeoff.

Convince Ai to commit suicide, the suicide law gains the momentum necessary to lead to millions of legal deaths. Further, an objectively evil method (assisted suicide) would have to be used.

Convince Ai to live, Ai's killing spree continues.

Ai's supernatural charm to convince anyone to do anything she wants prevents the series from using a cop out like capture Ai and imprison her.

The episode's discussion was pedantic and rushed and I am sure translates better in the novel because it probably plays out over a long period of time, but to me this episode was meant to directly spell out the main conflict and question posed by the series.

Jan 20, 2020 12:00 PM

Nov 2015
woah, Magase forgot to wear her usual lipstick
Jan 20, 2020 12:05 PM

Feb 2008
The G7 summit was fascinating, the discussion itself was presented in a visually interesting manner as well. Too bad that it was brought to an abrupt end.

Just one question remains.

How will Seizaki use his service pistol?
Jan 20, 2020 12:18 PM

Feb 2011
I actually have no idea what to think about this episode. The direction is as solid as it has been since the beginning. The show is transcending levels of wokeness I never even thought were possible. I definitely did not foresee the plot going in this direction after episode 7 but oh well.. guess the last episode will literally make or break this show ? It's been a while since I felt so anxious about an upcoming episode lol
Jan 20, 2020 12:27 PM

Aug 2013
Great episode, but people who don't like to think and see standin characters for big concept will not like it. As proven by this thread. Every member of the G7 stands for a personal ideology relating to how to deal with suicide. The infographic about who stands on which side of the suicide law was interesting. I'd surely thought that Germany, the country I am living in would be against the suicide law simply because we had "euthanasia" in nazi germany as a mocking term for killing off unwanted individuals and thus Germany obviously rejects that...

The philosophical ideas of the Trolley Problem are an interesting idea that we still pose to this day like with self-driving cars and how they should evaluate what outcome is the better one to take, so its a pretty recent concern.

What I didn't like is that Magase is now pitted against the President of the United States and not against Seizaki like we have built up for the entire first half of the show. It feels like Seizaki got degraded to a supporting cast while we are looking at this now only from the presidents perspective. Maybe he gets his time to shiny in the end though... Magase using her psychological powers to make all the 100000 people that gathered in Shiniki commit suicide would be an epic dramatic ending. Kinda reminds me of Code Geass, even though Code Geass sucks.
Jan 20, 2020 12:34 PM
May 2017
raifuresu said:
TGAvi said:

Babylon have uniqe concept and good Conversations
You just don't get it

Unique concept? Definitely.
Good conversations? Debatable.

I think the discussion in babylon isnt meant to be interpreted as an im14andthisisdeep thing, to the contrary its supposed to ask us questions about the base and roots of our morality nothing too complicated, to the contrary actually quite basic.

by the way the us president is gonna pull a thorffin on us
Jan 20, 2020 1:15 PM

Jul 2007
This show really shat the bed since the break huh.
Jan 20, 2020 1:17 PM

Jul 2010
TGAvi said:
silver_soul98 said:

exactly my thoughts. felt kinda comedic, to be honest.

If you don't like it then drop it
This amazing show not for you

Here officier, this guy. He's pretending to be an anime elitist.
Jan 20, 2020 1:30 PM

Dec 2015
A lot to sink in after this episode. I belive with time, most people will appreciate what was done in here. But I can see most of people who did not like the episode are etiher pseudo-intellectuals or action whores, so this was expected. But I'm honestly scared to see how things will end on the next episode. Even with all those amazing episodes, this final episodes can destroy a lot of what the show was doing. It must be THE episode in order to give a good conclusion to the series. Hopefully they at least explain how Magase can influence people the way she does.
Jan 20, 2020 1:51 PM
Nov 2019
Quite realistic ngl.
The portrayal of the Canadian Prez and former UK PM was apt.
Jan 20, 2020 1:54 PM
Nov 2019
I literally got scared when that woman showed up. I thought it's Saezaki's wife and they kept on showing their images on 10th episode. I was low-key relieved that it's Ai... doesn't make it any better tho haha
Jan 20, 2020 1:55 PM

May 2017
FaaipDeOiad said:
I love how quickly this anime turned in to a complete dumpster fire. Holy shit this is horrible.

Can you elaborate? I thought the G7 summit discussion was interesting. This show makes me feel... unease.
Jan 20, 2020 2:35 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
I don't even know what to believe anymore tbh. I mean these are some very morally gray topics without any sort of obvious right or wrong answer. Been a while since I saw an anime which actually made you question your emotional values and beliefs from a logical perspective like this

It's definitely shifted a lot in terms of style and character cast in this post-break part compared to how it started though but honestly I'm not sure what people are complaining about. Though it feels like there's a lot left to wrap up in just one episode so I'm not sure how they'll go about that in a satisfying way
Jan 20, 2020 2:48 PM

May 2011
It was a decent episode and the woman in the roof is definitly Ai.
''I was dead serious''

Jan 20, 2020 2:57 PM

Dec 2015
Great episode. Liked the summit and the leaders talking and how it was done. (Backgrounds and them like floating in the room when they were sitting there and the background changed.) Though I didn't like the bible stuff and stuff like that ... it was pretty well done.

Also the US president and the one from France have the best voice actors. Feld also great how they addressed each other with first name. (That's how I bet it is in real life - when they act completely different towards the public.)

Good that they changed it into that direction (got great once the gamer president got introduced) instead of making a wannabe deep hynposis crime story.
Jan 20, 2020 3:11 PM

Sep 2008
To me at least, the series seems rather unfocused at this point with what specifically it wishes to cover. Early episodes drew my interest since it seemed Babylon would dabble into the moral ambiguity behind the act of suicide and the justifications for why it should be allowed, which the series has a few solid points with. However, it eventually became a muddled mess with the series seemingly having supernatural elements with Ai's ability to drive people to commit suicide, trying to toss in navel-gazing over defining good and evil, and expanding the scope of the series to an international scale with many countries considering suicide laws of their own. The whole G7 Summit dabbling into what's defined as "good and evil" in this episode felt a bit pretentious to me as the series seemed to be attempting to try making up for its meandering direction, yet not having a clue on where exactly it wants to steer things at this point.

Bare in mind I've seen my fair share of anime mind-benders and titles dabbling into morally gray areas over the years like Serial Experiments Lain, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Angel's Egg, and Monster. So saying "I don't like it because it doesn't have enough action" or "I'm not thinking hard enough to appreciate it" isn't gonna change my perceptions on how shoddy Babylon's been in its second half.

You like it and find anything meaningful with it? Fine. But don't get too high-strung if not everybody shares your opinion on it, especially as it seems reception to Babylon's gotten rather divisive with its recent episodes.
Jan 20, 2020 3:27 PM

Jul 2012
There's something I really don't understand and it bothers me a lot. I’ll try my best to explain myself since English isn’t my mother tongue.

When speaking about the suicide law, most of the talk seems to relay on morality, "is it right or it is wrong letting people kill themselves?"... those in favor of the law say that "people should have the right to choose"... Why is no one talking about the reasons that would lead someone to take their own live, though?.
I think most of the time, someone who's suicidal is someone who's heavily depressed and thinks that's the only way out, so I think letting people choose in such a vulnerable and unstable mental state is crazy. Also, I've heard suicide survivors say that people don't really want to die, they just want the pain to stop. Why is no one talking about this in the show? Or maybe this has been discussed but I somehow missed it? It’s really bizarre. It would be like debating capital punishment without making a case against it speaking about wrongful convictions.

I really think the show’s at its best when it focuses on Magase and Seizaki. First part of the anime was way better in my opinion.

But anyway, only one episode left and I’m intrigued in how’s it gonna wrap up.
Jan 20, 2020 3:34 PM
Sep 2018
I went from loving this series to not liking it at all and on the verge of hating it. This episode proves why, the politicians act all black and white on an issue that's treated as morally grey and not something that has a universal answer. And the POTUS who is supposed to be a genius is honestly pretty stupid and found such a roundabout method for getting to what they should've talked about to begin with which was "how do we value life". Also if what they're hinting at is any indication the ending of Babylon is gonna have an awful ending. Psycho-Pass pretty much outdoes Babylon in terms of philosophy because Gen Urobuchi is a much better writer than the original creator of the series Nozaki Kado.
"Do not die for pride, my son. We have suffered too much in this trick. The earth, the water... they have no pride. They endure and we must endure." -Rains Fall
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