A mature native Japanese dwelling in the hometown.
A night-work viewer of satellite cast. A binge-watcher of net feed.
Joined why I have something to say freely. :)
"A solid review from a free angle that has been constructed at a blank spot in the middle of a field where rants and raves are in a flurry -- it would be nice if I can get along with writing such ones."
* These reviews are merely reflections of amusing personal impression. I do not have a hand in advertising or the shaping of public opinion. I represent no other party's voice but of mine.
* I have less interests in scoring, ranking or number crunching.
Getting more attracted by bouncy dialogue sequences in comedies, these years.
Being off from the entertainment business currently, though, I've been putting myself in the publishing and the digital contents industry.
A contemporary art fan. A soundtrack digger. An anecdotic strategic gamer. I've been enjoying MMORPGs daily since the MUD age. Paper-and-pencil RPGs are pleasures for life.
Pursue no waifu.

A MOMENT OF TRUTH (0:30- am, January 28, 2015)
Portion from
«純潔のマリア» (Maria the Virgin Witch) episode #03, "FIDE, NON ARMIS" (By Faith, Not Arms)
right: MARIA, the protagonist. A powerful witch with a strong hatred for war. During the Hundred Years' War (1337 - 1453 AD), she continues to intervene directly in battles to disrupt armed conflict between both the English and the French sides. This earns her the gratitude of the villagers and the anger of the church.
left: ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. He descends from heaven to admonish Maria for not stopping her meddling with humans' affairs, and begins using force against her.
[news ticker]
"January 27, The Islamic State released an image with audio of a person claiming to be
Goto Kenji (a journalist in hostage). They demanded the speedy release of death row inmate Rishawi."
The mundane world is not a simple place. What has happened cannot be undone. However, in a lifetime, we might have unique opportunities to witness things converge at a crossroads.
All Comments (4) Comments
I am very interested in animation in general and I've seen a few old cartoons from Sweden, Russia, USA, UK, Czechia etc. but I am especially interested in Japanese animation. Japanese history and culture is so fascinating to me, and has been for a long time. I recently decided to watch one Japanese animated title from every year possible, and it has been wonderful. I am at the 1930s now. I am also interested in preserving old and lost media, I even managed a Lost Films Club here on MAL for a while (sadly, I could not keep up the work). If MAL would let me I would make sure that a lot of missing entries and information got added.
Thank you for offering help, that would be awesome! I traveled to Japan for six weeks and studied some Japanese, so I have rudimentary knowledge. But it would be a real treat to discuss some of the films. Have you watched any of these old animations yourself?