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Sentai Daishikkaku
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Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi
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Congintive Mar 18, 4:55 PM
Well, just like tlrd, I just can't bring myself to rate it below 9 even after everything.
BubblegumPatty Mar 10, 12:04 PM
I shall give it once I try it! I don't read manga often so might be a bit.

gjdfjh Very fair! got it. I may appear and disappear based on whims myself so no worries.

Oooh I'll check those out. I was gonna if Grand Blue was the same as that gacha game but seems it isn't (.... Unless? XD) . Thank yooou! Hmmm I have a lot less experience with Manga than Anime (at least experience I can remember/name). Since You like Gintama, Maybe you'd like Bobobo! It's spin-off Fuwari! Don Patch is also pretty fun if you like stuff a bit more down to earth, with a Wacky character in a more mundane setting. The Sakamoto days anime is pretty good, the manga is apparently a lot better. It scratches a similar itch to Spy x Family, though not as well. funny action though.

Mostly just arbitarily jumping between Recs from Friends, MAL users when I joined, and my own intuition, back and forth. So for example, I'm currently watching RobiHachi (friend rec), then next Buddy Daddies (Mal rec), then Hell's Paradise (friend Rec), Pop Team Epic (Mal), Spy x Family Season 2 (Me)... etc etc. I like making lists and planning ahead lmao.
Congintive Mar 9, 7:13 PM
Well, those were the golden days tbh, and yeah the ending of 5 toubun really did a bad number on me cause I don't really like the tomboy girls just can't feel attracted to them same reason I disliked the ending of bokuben heck even to love tu and lot other mangas really end up on a bad note.

Tbh, I would have been fine with either Miku or Nino but it's what it is.
BubblegumPatty Mar 9, 5:44 PM
Oooooooh that's really rad! Thanks, That sound like the best way to read on the go for sure. Especially with access to multiple site at once.

And NP, thanks for sending it , you're pretty neat! :D

On the topic of Mangas, what're some of your big faves?
BubblegumPatty Mar 8, 4:40 PM
Ooooh nods nods nods! That would be handy on the go. Are the manga all on the app already or do I have to juggle files around?

Yooooooo congrats! That's awesome. Hopefully if insurance and Weather permits, I'll be ready for the test by the fall. If not uuuh I guess more practice for me! Once I get a license So much will open up.
Congintive Mar 7, 10:22 PM
Also try reading Webtoon Character Na Kang Lim.

I hope it it touched your soul as much as it did mine and believe me every character is top notch and this will show u how to implement harem tag without regressing or butchering the character development.
Congintive Mar 7, 10:20 PM
Can't say anything about danmachi tbh, cause I forgot I even liked it in the first place maybe because I was younger.

But one of the main reason is that I like harem anime with really good story and characters and I remember when I first watched it and even gave it a10 and started reading the novels until I reached vol 11 or 12 I don't remember what kicked my mind but I suddenly started hating it to the core and after that never even touched or watched the anime.

One more reason is that I have begun to dislike anime,manga or novels with harem premise and not delivering the same premise like bro it's even set in a fictional fantasy world and u can have all of them together but no. I know it's a petty reason but I also really dislike bell fascination with ains.

Maybe if u see that I don't really watch much anime now even if I want to start a new anime I get bored pretty easily and drop it.

smoltulip Mar 7, 7:35 PM
Oh, yes! I usually use Bookwalker to purchase volumes! They also have really nice "flash free" surprises, where they allow you to read a series up to its current volume for free for a month; it's really neat.
But anyway, yep, I actually pre-ordered it digitally a few months ago~ ☆

With Japanese manga, you can also read most series' current chapters for free as long as you keep up with the releases. I do this for series like Akogare no Maid-san wa Tabako ga Niau, Kao dake Ii Classmate ga, Yatara to Guigui Kuru Yuri no Hanashi., and Sumigomori no Sumijo Maou wa Saikyou Juusha ni Koikogaremasu (yay long Japanese titles lol). And also Yuri Hime's monthly magazine sometimes, that I can get digitally from Bookwalker. Right now I'm only reading two series from it, though.

But honestly, I mostly prefer reading by volume these days, because they usually have nice end-points for each volume, where I feel like it's safe to take a break and read something else. Unless it ends on a huge cliffhanger lmao. And it gives me something to look forward to every few months, like I do with Rin-chan!

She really is~ It was honestly so sweet of her to gift me so much Honey Lemon Soda! ♡
We have been friends for a really long time and we actually have pretty similar tastes in animanga... so when I was gushing about the anime, she was like, "That's it, I know what I'm getting you now! Early birthday present, here you go~" hehe.

As far as finding it easier to read in Japanese, I would say yes...? I mean, my reading ability in English and Japanese is about the same, I think. But I really prefer reading in Japanese because (and I don't know how else to explain this) there's like an... awkwardness with English translations most of the time... mmm, like when someone says "you've really grown up/become really reliable!" or "I won't let anyone else have you!", or even "Sorry it took me so long." it's like.

I know what you're trying to convert from Japanese and it seems so awkward to me. I'm not sure if I'm making sense? But there's always this weird detached feeling I get from English translations sometimes... maybe it's just because I'm bilingual, I'm not sure...
But for that kind of reason, I find reading in Japanese so much easier because everything just flows and feels so much better; I feel like there's a certain kind of emotion in the rhythm of the way the characters talk... Like I get more emotional from reading 遅くなってごめんねー!or あたしも他の誰に撫子を渡したくない… or the differences between 好き, 大好き, and 愛してる... or 大切 vs 大事... things that can obviously be translated to English, but have very different feelings depending on the word choice, in Japanese, for me.

One of the ones that really made me emotional in Honey Lemon Soda was when Kai said, おもしろいよなおまえ。心配しなくてもいなくなんねぇから見届ける、ずっっと。Which would be like, "Ahh, you're acting silly again. You don't have to worry, there's no way I'm going anywhere. I'll always be here, watching over you." But in Japanese, I get more of a feeling of just how soft Kai was when he said this to Ishimori. Especially with the use of 見届ける, which can mean "to assure yourself of something personally (and not by a second-hand account)" or "to see something with your own eyes". So it's like... the feeling is that he cares for Ishimori so much, that he wants to see everything she does with his own eyes! He wants her to know that he'll be there for her always, that he'll never ever ever take his eyes off of her! I know I'm a sucker for shoujo, but that line just made me lose it, it's so good~ ♡

Of course English translations can be, and are, really good, though! But the feeling in Japanese is different for me... Am I making sense? It feels so weird to explain, but I wanted to try and answer what you're asking :3
(Sorry for writing so much...)

Oh, and it is definitely fun, though! I started volume 5 last night, and it's also nice knowing I have so much more sparkly shoujo romance ahead~~
When the anime is finished, I'll start reading at a faster pace, but right now I'm enjoying watching the anime, and then reading the manga equivalent!
BubblegumPatty Mar 7, 10:58 AM
AH nods nods. I know I should just order online but, weh. Too lazy and also trying to keep my purse tightly clutched. Ye, preference mostly.
I might just start reading *cough cough dubiously legally* just to catch up, and forget about getting them physically.
do You order the physical manga for deliver, or do you read online via like Kindle or apps?

I'm a homebody yeah, I also just don't have a full driver's license yet (working on that slowly) so I don't want to inconvenience my dad too much. He kindly drives me around in the meantime, i don't want to bother him for something trivial, ya know?
BubblegumPatty Mar 7, 10:24 AM
Very very little. <:) Mostly due to laziness , like with how I haven't been watching much Anime.
I also just prefer to buy manga in person, but 1) I don't get out often lmao, and 2) .... The manga section at Target last I checked was really, really sad... And only carried the latest volumes when I'm at least 5 behind.
BubblegumPatty Mar 7, 10:09 AM
ghjkdfhg I guess I'm about to graduate into Regular than lmao. XP

Yup! Not a lot (I was, like, 10, so I was at the mercy of my Mom's wallet), but I grabbed some random stuff from Barnes and Nobles. Wasn't very intentional with my dvd/manga purchases until like middle-high school.
smoltulip Mar 6, 6:56 PM
Ahh, I can imagine your feelings for sure... I kind of got a sense of that with another manga I'm reading, Rin-chan wa Suezen Shitai, which was being fan translated, but stopped at Chapter 9. So of course I jumped onto the original Japanese at the time, and there was just so much good character and plot development from that point on! I felt really bad for people relying on the fan translation, that won't get to see it all.

The fifth volume is actually coming out this month on the 10th, and I'm so excited for it! ☆

Though on a positive note, more manga is being translated these days than ever, so I'll keep my fingers crossed that the manga you were enjoying will come back to you~

And yes, I was gifted Honey Lemon Soda in Japanese! I have all 22 volumes (and the Side Stories volume) sitting on my shelf right now!
Murata's art is so pretty in person!!

Please excuse my awful room lighting, I do the best I can lmao.
It's kind of intimidating having so much manga to read in front of me, but I'm also enjoying taking it slow and reading it along with the anime (which I'm also loving so so soooo much)!
BubblegumPatty Mar 6, 10:44 AM
Ooof but also lmao, What're the odds two recs failed to connect? Good thing you kept going and found series that got you interested! very cool very cool!

Pfff HMMM... I don't think I'm a "regular" since I've been sitting on the side lines so long, just getting by with approximate knowledge and random whims to watch a random series. IDK I'm some weird 3rd thing between casual newbie and Regular. XD
My first exposure was the stuff that aired on Cartoon network, Adult swim, and Toonami: stuff like Sailor moon, Pokemon, Naruto, Inuyasha... Of that era, Bobobo and Blood+ appealed to me the most. Via looking up Bobobo on the internet, I discovered what those Japanese cartoons were called. Then I would get random Anime DVDs and Manga based on the cover (got into Ouran that way)... By Middle school I was fully baby weeb mode with Hetalia and Black Butler.
BubblegumPatty Mar 6, 8:59 AM
So look around and try something else if it don't stick. Nods nods, makes sense! I'll give that a go, thank you for the advice! I am gonna ebrace my weeb arc hardcore!

Oh yeah, what series got you into anime i nthe first place?
Kenny_Stryker Mar 5, 9:41 PM

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