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Mar 21, 2019 11:47 AM

Aug 2018
alright soooo, i just finished it.
im not (too) upset about the ending, even tho i just can't understand why it finished like this.. i mean, Jun and Takumi had the most screentime, Takumi himself seemed like interested in her, he even told her that her voice is beautiful (in the hotel scene) and other shit like that.

am i missing something?
im not sure i completely understand the dialogue between Takumi and Nitou while they were carrying the bags the day before the musical, can someone explain pls?

Daiki confession at the end was unnecessary and out of place.

JoshikiMay 2, 2020 9:42 AM
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Apr 6, 2019 4:56 PM

Jan 2013
Welcome to the club.

The reason why it finished like this is because they needed some conflict so that Naruse doesn't just do her play and the bitch who wrote the script keeps doing stuff like this where best girl gets rejected probably because she thinks it makes the story "better" or "more mature". Maybe she wanted the moral of the story to be that we don't always get what we want but we have to move on with our lives regardless.
Or maybe she just loves getting the audience invested, then bending them over and fucking them in the ass.

In any case don't even bother trying to rationalize this from an in movie perspective since there is absolutely no point. The real world people who made it just needed another conflict for the story and thought this ending would be better/more interesting/less predictable. That's really all there is to it I'm afraid.
But you're definitely not alone in your frustrations since most of the people I've talked to who've seen it seem to agree.
Apr 9, 2019 8:52 AM
Apr 2019
I loved the movie as a whole, but that ending just doesn't make much sense. It's been around a year(?) since I first watched it, but I still cannot forget that ending. I really dislike that ending.
Apr 29, 2019 9:55 PM
Mar 2018
I still can’t get over that ending. I’m pretty upset and damn angry at the same time. It ruined the whole plot in my opinion and left a very bad taste in my mouth. First of all it made zero sense: DAIKI SIMPLY CONFESSED TO BOTH THE GIRLS AND THERE WAS NO SCREEN-TIME WITH HIM WITH ANY OF THEM WHATSOEVER.
Meanwhile Jun and Takumi were the main ones and after all the climatic scene with the shouting, him going after her and crying when she said his name...HE SAID NO TO HER. I get that Nito and Takumi had a past but...NO. SIMPLY NO. I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS ENDING.
May 6, 2019 5:31 PM
Aug 2010
Some of you people are way into the cliche trope stories of main female protagonist ending up with main male protagonist. This ending feels far more fitting for a high school kinda thing. Well, mostly. I don't buy the baseball kid falling for Jun after only a month like that, then again, well, who knows. Maybe cause she stood up for him too in the restaurant and other things it grew and relationships in high school are often quick to fire up and burn out. Still, I don't think that part is great, but it's not horrible.

Only thing I wanted at the end was a final scene between the mother and Jun.
May 11, 2019 4:27 PM
May 2017
I have just finished watching it and I must say that the ending really made me angry. I am annoyed by how they made the story end... because the whole movie revolves around Jun and takumi and then all of a sudden they totally turn around the expectations that they created for you. Destroying the expectations of the best girl in this way is like a bucket of frozen water that, in a happy ending, no one would ever want to see thrown against him.
May 15, 2019 2:03 PM
May 2018
I just completed it, and I have to say, I really like the ending. Jun is such a beautiful soul, even though Taku felt like the obvious choice by Jun, I am glad that Daiki saw that in her, and she impacted his life during the whole movie. It felt out of place partially because we dont know his journey of liking towards Jun, but I am glad this was part of the movie!
Jul 22, 2019 11:32 AM

Jan 2011
I enjoyed the ending as well. I never really saw Takumi and Jun as love, but more like lost souls helping each other get over their respective obstacles. Everyone had a happy ending in my opinion and it was not super cliche (what was expected was the main two characters ending up together). Daiki (the jock) didnt end up with the cheerleader and Takumi got to fix his relationship and his regret with Nito.
"I hate to lose more than I like to win, the only reason I like to win is so I do not have to lose." - Manti Teo
Aug 15, 2019 8:01 AM
Dec 2018
I don't care about your hate or love "cliche," what I care about is the actual specifics and developments. It's like the movie spent the entire time developing things one way and then ending things in a different way, just for the sake of being "different," which is worst than any "cliche" for sure.

Personally, I didn't mind the ending that much though, since Takumi and Nitou do have a history together that could fill in for their relatively lack of development in the movie. If this was a series instead of a movie and there were more time to explore their history, I might even prefer them.
Aug 19, 2019 7:40 PM
Jul 2018
I loved the ending since it didn't go the obvious route. That's life, you can love someone all you want but there is the possibility that they don't love you back. I grinned ear to ear when Daiki said he was going to confess to Jun.

It would have been nice to for Jun's parents to apologize to her though. >_>
Sep 14, 2019 12:57 PM

Dec 2016
Well they tried to be original in a good way. Some peoples might dislike because each character isn't paired with the one that seemed the best to viewers eyes.
Signature removed. Please have a positive iq.
Oct 3, 2019 3:11 AM

Jan 2018
Subverting expectations is a good thing but the alternative you present has to be at least as good as what the viewers expected.

And that wasn't the case with this movie.
Oct 4, 2019 4:30 AM

Aug 2018
What kind of ending was that...i mean was that even a proper ending??? Jun and Takumi - what happened to them? Takumi ruined the whole movie...why did he have to say that.? He gone mad? Why?
Oct 15, 2019 12:05 AM

Feb 2016
I honestly thought it was kind of obvious how it was going to end up after finding out about Takumi and Nitou's past and noticing all the times Daiki blushed because of Jun. The Daiki and Jun scene with the passing train kind of sealed it for me. Still not a great build up but the pieces were was still there.
Oct 19, 2019 10:13 AM
Mar 2019
man what the hell the person who sang her thoughts all the time wasn't her lover and the a guy from somewhere who was never been close to her is her bf or not her bf cause the ending wasn't complete but it makes sure that they both end up being diffrent couples
Nov 5, 2019 9:30 AM

Mar 2013
I feel like that ending contrasted the fairy tale fantasy idea Jun had with the actual reality.
It wasn't the prince who got together with her, but someone else. The prince already loved someone else, but someone whom she didn't even think about felt strongly about her.
In that sense the ending was a bit poetic actually.
Something something something
Nov 9, 2019 10:41 PM

Jun 2019
Wtf was that end seriously, man I'm really disappointed it felt like I just wasted 2 hours of my free time
Nov 11, 2019 8:23 PM

Jul 2009
I was really pissed that Sakagami chose that annoying girl over Jun but then I realized that this boy really anit shit and Daiki is actually the better dude. He was annoying and rude at the beginning but this kid fixed his ways immediately! Look how earnestly he apologized to everyone and stepped up as a character! Such a gentleman too, walking Jun home and yelling at assholes who disrespect people!

Good luck Daiki! Even if she says no keep trying dear!
Nov 14, 2019 6:34 PM

Sep 2013
What's there to talk about? The majority of the people who loved the story are the same people who suffered the same shit ending and can relate.
Feb 23, 2020 5:08 PM
Apr 2014
welp I guess it was something different, what if main prot can't decide ? I mean why does she have to be together with the first guy that gets her talking ? Obiously doesn't have to be, so I'm fair with this. Less typical of an ending. Though still it's the typical "everything it open for the future" ending.. And this is the part I dislike, we won't get and ending for natsu..
Mar 23, 2020 6:34 PM

Aug 2017
Baseball player confession was totally contrived.

Glad the boy got together with cheerleader babe. She did the whole play while psych patient copped out.
Mar 29, 2020 3:32 PM

Jun 2017
I actually don't mind that she got totally rejected.

I was watching the scene where baseballboi/naruse were walking home w/ each other and was like "you know, this might be more interesting if they were paired up". can't say i expected it to actually happen lol

sometimes love doesn't work out, and this little twist was one of the handful of things I liked about the movie

that being said the whole story needs a lot of revision and re-writing lol, it totally felt "contrived" as said by mr TrumpMD and up until the end the side-romantic-subplot felt totally unnecessary. The ending ended up feeling more like "oh, i see what they were going for" rather than "oh, that was very satisfying/made a lot of sense"
Apr 19, 2020 8:03 PM

Sep 2014
I just wrote something like this in the discussion thread, but since this is about the ending it might be more fitting here. It feels like a romance written by a machine. Love through the eyes of something which doesnt understand love, other emotions, but not love. It knows what love is in theory and what it does, so the influence is there, but the love itself will feel empty.

This entire story focuses on main girl opening her heart to her prince, that got all ghe developement. Yet suddenly he loves his old gf again after literally zero developement for that.

My problem with this is, why? Sure I understand love isnt easy or rational. It doesnt follow rules. But this is a piece of entertainment. When you have a romance story and focus on 2 characters interacting yet they each end up with someone different, it feels pointless.

As someone already said, Mari Okada does this all the time. I would actually recommend everyone who is bothered by this to just stop watching her stuff 10 minutes before the end.

Its not as bad as subverted expectations in GoT, though that is nearly impossible. You can certainly subvert expectations for a twist, but not at the very end. Not when that renders everything pointless.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Apr 19, 2020 8:38 PM

Jul 2019
I came into this movie with semi-high expectations from what I heard of it and I came out fairly disappointed. Like what the user above me said, it was kinda pointless how they didn't even end up together despite everything that has happened and the ending just felt wasted. But whatever, some people found this good but I didn't. People on Instagram love overhyping stuff.
Apr 22, 2020 6:07 AM

Feb 2020
I think that the reason why i liked this film so much is that in certain way, i felt an connection with the problems that Naruse had, since something that happened in my life left me with an indisputable fear of communicating with strangers
Apr 26, 2020 7:38 AM

Jan 2012
I enjoyed watching the movie. However, I felt the ending was forced into a relationship. I wanted the mains to ship together


"Humans, your existence was a mistake. Conflicts, lies, jealously, greed. You once caused me to lose everything and today I will devour everything... Because I am the Valkyrie Goddess">
May 1, 2020 12:10 PM
Apr 2020
So the main guy and the long hair girl are so in love with each other but the girl doesn't have the guy's number, never came to his residence, and isn't aware he can play piano. Then baseball boy all the sudden realized he fell for main girl after he got turned down by long hair girl. And I suppose to swoon with that.
May 1, 2020 4:32 PM
May 2020
It feels like better than nothing relationship for Jun, who had suffered long enough. Life is just not fair. 😭
May 3, 2020 12:01 PM
Aug 2013
Everyone has been complaining about ending because the shipping wasn't satisfying or didn't make sense, but I feel if it was an unsatisfactory ending, it's for a another reason entirely. Personally, I feel the ending wasn't terrible if we're talking about the shipping; takumi and natsuki barely developed as characters in this movie and they have a history together so pairing them was fine and jun/daiki was fine as well (albeit there weren't enough interactions between them to plant those seeds). As I rewatched the ending over and over again to experience the musical, which was so moving because of the lyrical work, message that tied into the movie's theme of growth and expressing yourself, and the beauty and execution of the last song, I found myself more and more interested in how jun's mother could have factored into the ending, which I feel would've been so much better if they bookended it with a parental bond moment with her and jun.

This movie was so much more about Jun trying to find her voice after blaming herself for the divorce than the romance. The musical and the friends she made were consequences of her development, which is important, but her mother is a strong impediment or foil to her development so addressing that is equally as important. From calling her a chatterbox to her treatment and disdain/frustration (whatever you want to call it) in the house and hospital scene, jun's mother was one of the biggest reason jun wasn't able to speak.

We could've had a much more satisfying ending if after seeing jun's performance and message that she got across, she goes up to jun to have a bonding moment. To tell her she had no idea what she was going through, that she didn't know the divorce was hard on her as well, that it wasn't her fault they split up, that she loves her still. Having a parental bond scene would've been a much better ending because jun's growth would've been complete within the constraints of its 2 hour runtime and hell, they still could've had daiki approach her in the end with jun's mother saying something along the lines of "hey, i think your friend wants to say something to you" and leave it open-ended.

All in all, I still think this movie is excellent and well written. It caught my attention with a fresh start to kick things off and was still able to move me as the final counterpoint came to end the musical which perfectly encapsulates the movie. The ending was OK, definitely subversive especially how tropey the movie was in the second half, but certainly could have been better.
cielzxMay 3, 2020 12:21 PM
Jun 10, 2020 3:41 AM

Apr 2020
i couldn't care less tbh
I didn't watch the movie for the romance

Jul 17, 2020 11:44 AM
May 2020
Well, I do think that Jun and Takumi would make a great couple but I find it absolutely okay if they are not a couple as well.
And maybe because the anime was not too much focused on romance so they didn't show how Daiki fall in love with Jun and that's why Daiki's confession didn't make sense.

The movie from the starting wasn't made to be a romantic movie.The story showed why accepting rejection is important to move on.
First they made it like Jun and Takumi are falling in love and then later on it was found out that only Jun was falling in love, and that's when the rejection came.
And because everyone dislikes rejection thus we also disliked the Ending because we didn't wanted to accept that rejection even if it was not made to us
Someone_Someone_Jul 25, 2020 4:53 AM
Jul 17, 2020 6:59 PM

Oct 2010
I thought it was a very good ending. Of course it's not satisfying because we see through the viewpoint of Jun the whole movie, but it's a closure that makes sense and also helps her grow up as a person. Of all things, I think Mari Okada is specially good at handling rejection and not taking other person's feelings for granted. Or more exactly, showing that love is not an end goal or an award for trying hard.
Jul 27, 2020 10:46 PM
Jan 2019
I think the ending was okay. They did build up the relationship between Jun and Takumi, but I don’t think that it had to be romantic. Yes, it was obvious that Takumi was intrigued by Jun, but having interest in a person can also be purely platonic. They were both what the other needed. He was there to help her realize what she was going though and help pull out. While she was there to inspire him to try again and push himself more. I think the idea that the main characters have to end up together is over used. Any person can effect your life, not just a romantic partner. I also think it’s fitting of a high school, there’s also heart break and love going around. A person isn’t always going to feel the same way as you do, and I’m pleased to see a movie show that. Daiki’s confession was surprisingly but not totally unwelcome. It’s obviously the two would spend some time together, we had a few scenes with them together, but there is also the implied time they spent together throughout the creation and practice of the play. My only and biggest complaint about this ending is the almost solely focus on the romantic subplot and not a satisfying ending with the main plot line with her parents. I think a heart to heart scene between Jun and her mother was necessary. We see her mother cry during the show, but I feel this could have been expanded upon and maybe even have her mother apologize as the way she treated Jun throughout the movie wasn’t great.
Jul 28, 2020 1:48 AM
Jun 2020
How about we don't?
Aug 21, 2020 12:30 PM
Great Love

Mar 2019
Natsuki and Takumi's relationship was never explored, it was completely random and didn't make much sense. Maybe if we had an explanation as to why he loves her it would've made more sense, but no. The only explanation we can come up with, is that he loves her because she's hot.

Daiki should've been in love with Natsuki, not Naruse.

Natsuki said she'd cheer Takumi and Naruse, and unless she turns Takumi down, which we will never know if she does, then she lied.

Aug 24, 2020 6:28 AM
Jul 2018
Personally I love it. Obvious relationships are boring. Jun didn't love Takumi, she made him the egg in the story just because he was the first one to be nice to her and connect with her. It would be one thing if she only communicated with him, but she showed the same love to Daiki and Natsuki, making it a friendly gesture.

Takumi finding Jun in the end could have been a romantic moment, but it doesn't have to be. They barely know each other and the point of Jun's character development is that life isn't a fairytale. There's no such thing as a soulmate or a curse-breaking prince. She fantasized about Takumi and was shocked when he was still in love with the girl he dated. Takumi and Natsuki have a connection that's not part of Jun's story. I really appreciate that Takumi still has feeling for Natsuki and doesn't just fall in love with someone he barely knows. The happenings of the movie shaped their behaviour and healed wounds. It makes sense for them to give each other another chance and see where it takes. They could still break up and Takumi and Jun could date. I find the movie to be rather realistic in the end.

About Jun and Daiki. I think it's very sweet. Daiki became the egg prince because he wanted to be him, not just because he fell into that position by accident. And Takumi never treated Jun as a potential partner. He's more shy with them, as was showcased by Natsuki not having been at his home before.
Oct 12, 2020 11:18 AM
Aug 2019
i was like. wtf dude
Nov 1, 2020 6:09 AM

Nov 2019
Ending was great, there was no romantic build up with the two main characters (main girl and main guy) and it broke the cliche so a definite plus

Main guy was just an overly helpful guy, very platonic throughout whole show

The other girl was happy, baseball guy is happy heck everybody's happy, and Jun wasn't overly in love with him in the first place, she just was grateful he helped her and thought it was love, no difference than other cliche of picking up the eraser and suddenly X is so in love with Y
Nov 3, 2020 1:08 PM

Nov 2014
For romance part I'll just quote my post from main topic:
Panzer92 said:
I seriously don't buy those pairings. Naruse and Sakagami had some chemistry, they actually worked nicely beyond just being the main characters. But Sakagami and Nitou? There was nothing. Maybe if we had another 15-30 min focused on their backstory it could work, but as it is all I saw in them was "thing of the past". Tasaki and Naruse is totally random and should've never happened...

Other than that, ending was ok. Whole stroy was about egg taking her voice, and in the end she understood there was no egg (among others) and got her voice back. Pretty solid. If not BS pairings, which would work better if they cut it out entirely and just went with friendship, it's solid end.
JustAnotherShiroNov 3, 2020 1:12 PM
Nov 13, 2020 11:53 AM
Apr 2020
Sky_Blue_ said:
I loved the movie as a whole, but that ending just doesn't make much sense. It's been around a year(?) since I first watched it, but I still cannot forget that ending. I really dislike that ending.
me too.why the hell daiki propose naruse.takumi rejected her.but that's why daiki,I don't understand.i personally hated the ending
Jan 28, 2021 1:10 AM
Jan 2021
First of all, sorry for my bad english.before criticising how bad the ending was, i like you to see few things about this anime.mari okada,the writer of this anime.she is a woman who thinks from her side of the story.we all know, boys and girls dont think alike.womans preffer there first love to be there last. Even if odds are against them. Thats how they really feel. So author really understood natsumis feeling.and coming to june.she may had longest screen time with our mc. But there was no single time mc said or showed any romantic interest for her(this is because he always loved natsumi and he is kind).lets think about june. She isn't attractive, thin,and thinks world is only revolving around her.on the other hand our main charactor takumi is much more open minded. He didnt show affection to natsumi only because she always seems out of his reach.but finally he realised his worth at the end of the series and got a hint that natsumi is still in love with him. And so our prince will ones again declare his love for natsumi.ask a woman to review this anime for you.most woman agree this ending.
Feb 7, 2021 4:24 PM

Mar 2016
It was very clear that Daiki liked Jun, so it makes sense he confessed to her.The thing with Nitou was more like, it would be what he would have had to do, in this role he played for his team and the others. Like the ace of the baseballteam and the top cheerleader belong together. But I really expected he and Nitou would be rejectet and end up together. It's a very real ending and i am not mad about it. There is also beauty in the sad times of love.
glimglimFeb 7, 2021 4:34 PM
Feb 12, 2021 3:29 AM
Feb 2021
Ending makes sense, it just that people want both MCs to date that is why they hate on the ending. Natsuki and Takuni still love each other, probably first love. Natsuki even waited for Takuni and never dated anyone else. Jun changed the behaviour and life of Daiki upside down, any guy would be in love with such a girl after that transformation.
Mar 18, 2021 7:33 PM
Feb 2021
For me personally I was routing for the cliché ending, in anime those are the best moments the so called cliché main character gets with main girl. First of all though I don't really have a problem with the ending. The only problem I have it the main character himself. Jun ran from him, she was super shy to him, and sometimes it was so fucking obvious she liked him. I hate the so called cliché main character part of the ending. "OOOHH I didn't know she liked me." That is what pissed me off mc's who are oblivious to the obvious. If he said to her I don't like you in that way and actually knew she liked him from the start I would be ok with the ending. But the main character being the classic idk she like me and being so trippy about a girl who couldn't even stick up for herself and say "yeah i am his boyfriend" is what pisses me off. In all I just think that the mc woulda been better with jun more than a girl who is to embarrassed to be the mc's boyfriend in front of ppl. Poor Jun had it tough all her life.
Apr 22, 2021 9:22 AM
Jul 2020
i honestly really liked the ending
May 4, 2021 11:29 PM
Apr 2021
its not bad nor good. but man, i wanna beat tf out of that boy so bad
May 5, 2021 12:33 PM

Jul 2020
I honestly liked the choice at the end, I do wish they gave more screen time for her to talk to her mother or have some sort of closure... but that's fine too.

I think the choice of them not ending up together makes more sense to me, since there wasn't really actually anything romantic between the two. It was more of just one sided love from her, because she saw him as a prince. But he didn't really look like he shared the same feeling towards her. More as someone who just admire her for her courage.

Is the other part so bad that he ends up liking her? Ehh... I mean the heart is complicated ain't it not? Maybe he started to fall for her as he saw her grow throughout the time they spent together in the club. To see how she wrote a play and how she pulled through though she wanted to give up. How hurt she was but yet she eventually came back to finish what she started.

But yeah I can understand those who don't like it, it's just me personally, I liked it. I didn't care for which ending really, I personally prefer this way compared to the other way. Though as I stated, I do wish they had a mother daughter moment...
May 9, 2021 11:34 AM

Jun 2020
Lmao, I remember this movie. It had a fantastic first hour, mediocre next half hour nd the absolute worst last half hour. The last 30 minutes of the movie made me regret watching the entire thing. The creator is infamous for giving these cuck endings.
May 11, 2021 5:14 PM

Nov 2015
I rewatched it and she could have stayed single... who cares about this matching her with someone. The MC wasn't her prince. it should have ended that way. She didn't need someone if the romance wasn't developed. The eggman never showed interest in 1h59 minutes (or it was fucking subtle to notice)

We had more information between Nito and Sakagami conversation about their feelings than in any other scenes. It was pretty clear he was hypocrite to help her. I get the feeling he was doing this only for himself.
May 12, 2021 10:03 AM
Jul 2020
Ok the thing is i was kinda annoyed at the ending
Not because i didn't get my ship but because of how the ending doesnt make any sense at all
They developed it just to get a uturn. They build our hopes just to crush them. Sometimes surprises and uturns are good but sometimes it isnt. This anime was good but at the end it kinda just ruined it for me. In my opinion it wouldve been senseful if they showed equal screening to each character. Sometimes i think the script writer thought that if the best girl didnt win its different and original and better. Yes its kinda original but it isnt better at all. Building our hopes just to crush them. Overall the ending in my opinion is pretty senseless
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