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Chichi wa Eiyuu, Haha wa Seirei, Musume no Watashi wa Tenseisha.
Mar 22, 11:33 AM
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Days: 10.6
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- Total Entries349
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- Chapters1,420
- Volumes193
All Comments (1716) Comments
Congrats on getting to the trial stage of the internship, I figured that must've been the reason why you took a bit longer to respond. What did the outcome of it end up being? At least being content with either outcome means you won't be disappointed with either result. All-nighters are the only quick and reliable way to shift a nocturnal sleep schedule from my experience, it would be the exact same thing I would have to do if put in a similar situation. How has maintaining that sleep schedule been since you last commented? I'd be at serious risk of messing it up every weekend ngl XD
My family had a few hamsters over the years and one of them was quite the escape artist. One time he managed to open his cage, climb all the way up the stairs, squeeze under my sisters door and then start climbing up behind her chest of drawers. I was pretty freaked out at first when she asked me to come and investigate a mysterious noise in her room until I realised what it was lmao Interesting, I'm quite fond of birds but it's one type of pet I've never had. Not surprised to hear that their bites are no joke, especially on bigger birds I bet. Is it a talkative type of parrot? I got bit on my chin by my grandmothers dog when I was pretty young. He was pretty old and grumpy, and I had been bugging him I think, so it wasn't a serious bite but it left small lasting scars on the underside of my chin. I'm aware that climbing up a tree to escape a bear is one of the worst possible things one can do, I've seen vids of bears pretty much sprinting up trees. Polar bears are especially terrifying, the biggest land predators that are pretty much always in survival mode because of the harsh environments they live in, so they don't really hesitate to kill people if given the opportunity. I despise fox hunting as well, I don't see how any degree of "sport" can be found in that practise. Same with dumbasses who go and shoot animals like elephants and rhinos, and then take pictures in front of their kill as if its something to be proud of. Oh The Fox and the Hound, I loved that movie as a kid, really pulled on the heartstrings. Fairly dark and mature for a kids film, shame they don't make them like that anymore. Funny you should mention that movie because it had a scary af bear in it towards the end lol Probably one of the most intimidating antagonists I've seen in an animated kids film tbh.
I've ate an absurd amount of sushi both times I've gotten the AYCE option but I'm pretty sure they have a disclaimer on the menu that they can change terms and conditions anytime. Basically meaning that if you eat a crazy amount of food, they have the ability to charge you extra on top of the price for the all-you-can-eat option. And I'm pretty sure that's what they did to me one of the times I was there lol kinda shitty that they can just tack on money to the price like that but it makes sense I suppose.
Oh cool, did the eel nigiri come with a syrupy kind of sauce on top of it? That's what really makes the dish imo. My local supermarket has a fresh sushi bar and I got myself some salmon nigiri from it pretty recently, but all this talk about sushi and Japanese food is def making me wanna go to a Japanese restaurant sometime soon as well lol That reminds me, have you ever tried ramen? I've had it a couple of times and it's really good. Eating noodles with chopsticks is pretty tough though I've gotta admit.
I don't think I ever looked into it myself but whats the explanation behind why many of the characters in Legends Arceus look so similar to their older counterparts? I assume they aren't actually the same characters, so are they ancestors of the other characters or is nothing really confirmed on it? Certainly can't complain about the existence of two Dawns lol
Lmfao my boy is innocent I swear XD yeah those leaks were pretty funny, came as quite a surprise to say the least lol Mega Lopunny's a great choice, they really cooked hard with a lot of the mega form designs.
I watched Gen IV a ton. Love Dawn, she's my favorite of the female companions, and it had Brock who happens to be my favorite male Pokemon character as well. Paul was my favorite rival too, love how unapologetically assholish he was lol Yeah SM and SS debuted a bunch of great girls. I love Lusamine as previously mentioned, and Bea, Nessa, Plumeria & Marnie are def among my favorites as well just to name a few. The intriguing story and appealing characters of SM really grabbed my attention so hopefully I get the chance to play it at some point. How was Journeys and the two new companions in it? Didn't get chance to check out that one much. I remember hearing that some people didn't like the shift in art-style.
That's true yeah, visual improvements for games are minute now compared to the massive strives they were taking in the earlier years, we've pretty much reached a point now where visuals in games can't really conventionally and tangibly improve anymore I think. I feel like the many limitations they had to work around back then really encouraged creativity in games.
The pacing was apparently much worse in the originally released version as well. I haven't seen it but a friend of mine has and I remember him saying how massive of an improvement the complete version was over the initial release.
It sounds like they picked the worst possible short novel to adapt for that OVA lmao well that sucks, I won't bother with it then and just look into the novels like you suggested.
Hmm the FF game I would most recommend after VII would be FFX I'd say. Played it with a friend fairly recently and I thoroughly enjoyed the story & characters. Yuna, Lulu and Rikku are all great waifu's, you're bound to really like one of, if not all of them I'd say. I've also heard great things about FFXII from my friend but I can't comment on that one too much, it def has some great character designs though. I also played FFXVI when that came out, it was fun and a great experience overall but def not without its flaws I'd say.
Pink hair hmm, the only ones that come to mind that might be the one you saw is Nevan and Lucia but their hair is red. Yeah Lady's my favorite and I get the feeling she'd most likely to be yours as well. Ah yeah Patty def seems like she'd be up your alley too, sadly her only appearance in the games so far is a voice role over the phone in DMC 5. They picked Rollin by Limp Bizkit as the opening for the new anime btw lmao really unexpected but it's pretty sick, you should check it out:
Speaking of Bleach, I'm aware it got a new game recently but I've heard the response is pretty mixed on it. It seems a bunch of players have been experiencing constant crashes, heard anything about it?
Very nice, those swimsuit artworks they gave her are super cute. It seems the Priconne studio has a really good working relationship with the Re:Zero company then. That really sucks that you can't play the one gacha that keeps having Re:Zero crossovers. Speaking of gacha, I finally managed to pull Shuten-Douji on FGO yesterday, but it took 16 ten-pulls and getting 4 Ibaraki-Douji's before she would bless me with her presence. Well worth it tho, I was willing to use as many quartz as necessary to finally have her. I also got Dioscuri and a third Altera out of it altho I don't really care about Dioscuri tbqh, they were pretty unlikable in Olympus.
Oh my PC's all up and running btw and it runs beautifully, couldn't be happier with it. Got a huuuge amount of games I gotta get to now. Replayed and completed Bomb Rush Cyberfunk just because its an amazing game, I also started playing Doom 2016 recently and Doom feels soo much better on mouse and keyboard. I remember playing Doom Eternal on console a while back and I just couldn't play it all that well on controller, FPS games were originally made with mouse and keyboard in mind after all. You'll have to let me know what you think of FFVII Remake so far, been managing to balance it well with your internship?
They're the biggest rodents in the world in fact. Oh yeah for sure, I don't know if you're ever had the displeasure of being bitten by a hamster or guinea pig, but their teeth are like fingernail-thin razor blades and have zero issue piercing skin, so a super-sized version of that would cause horrendous damage no doubt. We don't have bears in my country but I certainly don't need to be exposed to them to know I wouldn't wanna bump into one lol We do have foxes tho. I live by a sizable hill/small mountain that's mostly covered in a forest and there's plenty of foxes living up there altho I've sadly never been lucky enough to spot one in person.
Pewds even since the beginning has always seemed really genuine and just like a generally upstanding guy all-round to me as well, I recall a bunch of times when he would talk transparently about even pretty unflattering subjects about himself, plus he has some really good taste in anime and what could be a better indicator of ones character than that? Current influencers are insufferable and rarely feel like real people.
Another I always order when I'm getting sushi is tamago nigiri, I remember watching a vid quite a while back where a Japanese sushi chef proclaimed that you can tell the quality of a restaraunt based solely on their tamago nigiri, due to it typically being the last thing you would eat when having sushi. The place I've been going to for a while offers an all-you-can-eat option, but they've annoyingly been removing more and more items from the AYCE-specific menu recently like eel nigiri and tuna nigiri. I've tried octopus nigiri a few times and it has good presentation but doesn't really have much taste imo. The first time I ever had octopus nigiri, they sliced it too thick as well so it was impossible to bite through lol I really like takoyaki tho. I'll definitely try miso soup next time I'm able and let you know what I thought of it, lemme know if you like the eel if you get chance to try it.
I think its more-or-less tradition to include an absurd superboss or two in most of the FF games lol I don't recall the specifics, but there's a superboss in FFX with an instakill move that deals 99,999 damage and negates Auto-Life. Lmao fair, getting to use the waifu's comes above all else.
Yeah I'm fairly sure we haven't. Interesting, haven't had chance to play Legends Arceus myself but I've heard about it's difficulty. My favorite game is Crystal, I played that game obsessively as a kid. I actually didn't realise for a while that there was a second part to the map, so I just kept battling the league and using it to level up my team, pretty sure I beat the league around 150 times or maybe more before I realised the game wasn't finished. I remember my mind being well and truly blown when I figured that out XD My favorite starter as well as Pokemon in general is Typhlosion. Love that they gave him a Hisui variant, the purple spectral-looking fire looks so dope. I have a lot of nostalgia for the first three movies as well, especially Pokemon 2000. Lugia's song still gives me goosebumps, my personal favorite of the movies for sure. My favorite characters from the anime were May, Dawn, Brock and James. In terms of the games, I really like Lusamine and altho I haven't played Scarlet and Violet, I absolutely adore Mela's design. My fav Pokemon human character design without a doubt. Sun and Moon probably has my favorite OST from a Pokemon game, I love so many tracks from that OST.
Yuffie's very much an 'idiot, but she's our idiot' kind of character that you gradually warm up to more and more as the game goes on lol so yeah I get that. Yeah she's very cute, FF rarely misses with its waifu's.
I c wat u did there lol but yeah I get what you're saying, would've likely received a higher score from you if you had played it back then but now you can't help but compare it to modern games, it's understandable to factor that PoV into the score.
Consoles are only getting more expensive as time goes on as well. The prospect of forking out half a grand or more for a machine just so you can play a handful of console exclusives feels like such a waste of time and money.
Yeah Zack's such a bro. Agreed, the writing def ain't Advent Children's strong point, the Cloud vs Sephiroth fight and just the fights and animation/presentation in general is pretty much the main reason to watch it I'd say. True, I can just imagine how hyped fans must've been back then getting to see the Cloud vs Sephiroth fight after a near 10-year wait since the original game came out.
Oh interesting, I hadn't heard of On the Way to a Smile, it seems it also got an OVA adaption as well(?):
The synopsis makes no mention of Cloud or Tifa tho so it might be a different story altogether.
DMC has exceptional waifu's, Lady, Trish and Nico are all total babes. The series is pretty much the personification of badass characters doing badass shit.
I can imagine having English as your second language will be a big advantage in terms of employability as well.
The Lille Barro fight in particular really pushed it to ridiculous levels as well. He came back even despite being decapitated and then when it seemed like Nanao had taken him out for certain seeing as how he got reduced to fucking light particles and all, Lille goes and regenerates into an army of himself from said particles. Like good lord just stay down already. And having Grimmjow get downed so quickly after finally making his return was such a strange writing choice. I get that they obviously wanna make Askin look strong but that doesn't have to be at the expense of the character that fans had been begging for the return of for years 😭 and agreed, fights are always infinitely more interesting when theres real stakes on the line and the characters are at legitimate risk of receiving significant lasting damage. I also never really understood what the narrative or in-series purpose was for why Uryu had been pretending to work for Yhwach and left his closest friends completely out of the loop. Because it's as you say, it's not like he really accomplished anything by doing so except giving Ichigo and gang a ton of heartache. It was also bizarre that he thought he could hide his intentions or the fact that there was a portal back to the human world from Yhwach or Haschwalth's all-seeing eyes. "Take the portal back to the human world and leave this to me before Hashwalth catches on" as if Haschwalth hadn't been aware of it the entire time.
Himiko Toga and Mei Hatsume are my favorite girls from MHA, Ochako gets some really well-written character growth so I ended up really liking her as well. The movies are always an absolute treat for the eyes, the studio pretty much uses em as a means of flexing their animation talent lol
It's rare to see a fan of Alfin.
The Icy "things" of the Maiden melting throughout the storyline. I can't remember cleary why I like her so much instead the younger one. After the game was finished I assumed, she is still empty inside. I like all the bonding event between her and Rean. damn this Rean such lucky guy.
To be honest I'm so courious with Elaina, Mireille and Shizuna. The game already on Steam but it's quite expensive for digital game.
And here is my tierlist, we just different entirely only Claire stay same.
Yes, I wanted see older version of her. In the pass I like her storyline and her activity on the club. Watering the plants, kind of the oppossite from her personalty haha.
I notice that BGM. Yes I still remember the BGM of destroyed version of Hamel.
Me also like Roselia and all the members come fom Hexen Clan.
But I already skip Trail in the sky, I just jump directly to play TOCS first. So I think I will play Revire first then, because I'm pretty busy lately irl. Anyway thanks for the advice really appreciate it.
I was really confused since the start playing TOCS I. I like Laura, Sara, Emma, Alisa, Fie, Towa and other Schoolmate NPC, then Vita, Claire, Aurelia show up and that make me even more confused than before. After playing TOCS III, the tier list of mine is getting broken, After seeing Emma in outfit and clear view of Aurelia, Juna, Arianrhod and all Thor schoolmate NPC's. hahaha
And Elaine is on my radar, after Shizuna told me about her.
can you share the link of Legend of Heroes tier maker? I wanna build mine hehe.
So she is not flat anymore. glad to know that.
Anyway what about the BGM?
Anyway, based on what you like. How about Fie?
Oh interesting, here's hoping you get some good news then.
Yep that's exactly the reason why. I've heard there are tattoo-friendly hot springs that the Yakuza frequent, so it seems that tourists with a bunch of visible tat's would either have to use one of those establishments or just accept the fact that they're unable to go to one.
Capybara's are basically mega-sized guinea pigs and they have a reputation for being one of the chillest and friendliest of animals, but I also can't blame you for finding them intimidating with the size of their teeth and all lol
I intend to delve into the Yakuza series down the line but it's a pretty big franchise, so I think for the moment I'll just stick to playing through the two Judgment games since they're almost entirely disconnected from the main series anyhow.
Nah the Youtuber I was referring to is Abroad In Japan. I used to watch PewDiePie a bunch, particularly back during the early years when he was primarily known for his horror game playthroughs. Haven't watched him much for a couple of years at this point though, pretty sure he's technically retired at this point IIRC and is back to making vids as more of a hobby rather than a career so I don't think he has any kind of a fixed schedule for when he uploads anymore. I recall watching a vid from him a few years ago about how his home in Japan had been burgled, think it was before him and his family had moved over there full-time. Pretty damn unlucky since I've heard that Japan's meant to be really safe in that regard. But yeah he's well and truly living the dream that's for sure.
What are your favorite types of sushi? Eel nigiri is my favorite without a doubt, but you can never go wrong with salmon. I've somehow never tried miso soup.
Ruby Weapon is notoriously difficult so you probably saved yourself a massive headache by skipping it. I definitely have the tendency to overgrind in games like this. Reminds me of when I found out that a lot of people seem to have had bad experiences against Whitney and her Miltank in Pokemon Crystal, but I personally have no memory of her being any kind of a problem. I wouldn't be surprised if it was because my Typhlosion was comically over-levelled when I fought her or something like that. Yeah I can't even imagine how long this game could've took me if I played it as a kid, definitely would've gotten my moneys worth. Playing the original right before you dive into the remake games was def a great move, it'll be so helpful for comparisons sake. Stuff like missing characters in games and locking yourself out of an ending bother me so much. I don't know if you've heard of it, but there's this part in Cave Story where its super easy to let one of the main characters die after a specific boss fight because you need to have done something else specifically beforehand and it isn't even apparent that she can be saved. Then when you do manage to save her, you can still fuck up and leave her somewhere you're not supposed to which still locks you out of the true ending. Yuffie def seemed to me like she could be up your alley, what did you end up thinking of her?
Yeah that would've been beyond lucky for you to have not been spoiled on that death beforehand at this point lol I feel like it's definitely not an exaggeration to say it's the most well-known and seminal death in gaming history. It's awesome you were able to go into the Cloud backstory stuff and experience that reveal totally blind. Dunno if you're in the habit of rating games but what would you give it out of 10 you think?
True, she's not quite so purely tomboyish as her design might suggest at first glance that's for sure.
Y'know you make a very good point XD it's baffling because PC gaming has been such an enormously growing market for a long ass while now and it's simply the most ideal way to be playing games generally speaking, and yet so many game companies couldn't give less of a fuck about their PC ports. It's disappointing that even PlatinumGames is guilty of it.
I haven't seen Last Order so you'll have to let me know how it is when you've watched it. Not surprised to see its by Madhouse since the art-style instantly reminded me of the 2007 Devil May Cry anime. Speaking of DMC, I'm so fucking excited for that new anime it's getting this year.
The developers must've been feeling particularly spiteful the day they designed that mission lmao I knew all the weapons, jetpack, full-heal and wanted level down cheats off by heart, wouldn't be able to do them by memory at this point though that's for sure lol I recall I was able to get CJ up to max muscle in that game just by working out at the gyms constantly and I remember my friend at the time annoyingly didn't believe that I had done it legit and without the cheat code.
Interesting, is that pretty much why you ended up studying and pursuing a job in IT as well then?
I noticed that as well with the newer laptops and phones, replacing something like the keyboard in a lot of newer laptops for example requires you to practically disassemble the entire laptop just to be able to take the keyboard out.
Yeah it's only natural to wanna have the characters be attractive in whatever you're watching or playing, I'm sure like a thousand or so Twitter users just screeched in unison to me typing that.
I finally got back to finishing the latest Bleach season, so we can discuss anything you had been wanting to mention about it now. Pretty great season overall, the CGI on Pernida was a bit shoddy at times, but I imagine it's probably a lot harder to make something simplistic like a giant hand look good in CGI compared to something more complex. Yoru's scenes in her fight with Askin were exquisite 👌 and I really liked the ending getting new visuals for the final ep, the symbolism of showing Ichigo and Uryu on the same staircase/path was pretty cool, the way the end of the episode transitioned into the ending was awesome as well. Shunsui's Bankai is just as confusing as I remember it being when I first read it in the manga lmao I understand it better now but I was totally lost when I was reading it back then, I remember at the time just giving up on trying to understand what it was doing and why. In other news, I also watched the newest Hero Academia movie as well. The animation went absolutely crazy as one can expect from a Hero Academia movie, I bet seeing the final fight in theatres would've been an incredible experience.
A month long trip of just soaking in all that Japan has to offer sounds like a dream. Visiting a hot spring is a cool idea, you don't happen to have any tattoos tho right? I've heard that the majority of hot springs don't allow people with tattoo's unless they can be easily covered. The fox village sounds amazing, I'm aware they have a cat island as well lol I'd love to visit a bunch of those kind of animal attractions like the places where you can feed deer's, as well as anywhere that has capybara's. I fucking love capybara's but I've never had the chance to see them in person. They even have a capybara cafe right in Tokyo in fact, I'd be all over that. I think I might've mentioned it previously but I've been playing a game called Judgment, it's part of the Yakuza series, and just running around and exploring the map in that game makes me wanna visit Japan so bad. Japanese architecture old and new alike is just so appealing to me. Yeah the Japanese are generally pretty reserved and shy but you never know, you might just happen upon the right people for that. I watch a youtuber from time to time that lives in Japan, and I remember him saying how he became best friends with a Japanese guy that just randomly struck up a conversation with him one night when he was on his way home. Oh cool, wasn't aware of that AoT statue, it's really cool how they tend to do that for their big manga authors. Speaking of anime attractions, I'd wanna visit the Naruto theme park they have, seems like a must-see for Naruto fans. Are you a fan of Japanese food? I think gorging on their cuisine would be one of my main priorities ngl XD
Oh wow you breezed through FFVII in no time, seems it's not quite as long as I remembered it being 🤔 Yeah guide-hugging is pretty par for the course with these older JRPG's, I'll be interested to hear your final thoughts for it next time. I assume you already knew about Sephiroth killing Aerith beforehand right? It's pretty much the Snape killed Dumbledore of video games after all so I'd be pretty surprised if you hadn't. Great to hear you really enjoyed the narrative and characters, those are the aspects that truly made people fall in love with VII I'd say. I think you'll definitely find some big improvements in the Remakes in regards to some of those more dated elements you pointed out and I'll be very interested to see what you think of the different play-styles they went with.
Well what I heard about the pc ports was in passing from a friend but a quick search on the topic didn't throw up any red flags so you should be good, it might've just been bad optimization at launch or something like that because I'm seeing generally really great reception for it now, so it seems any issues it might've had have since been resolved.
I really love the both of them, but I'm definitely more of an Aerith fan myself. I think she's one of the most stunningly beautiful characters I've ever seen, especially in the Remake. Since Tifa was the original reason you played the game, what are your thoughts on her now that you've finished it? You might've already seen but they gave Tifa tights in the Remake which kind of annoyed me, I much preferred how she looked without them personally but I guess its nice for people with a thing for tights I suppose.
You might've already watched it at this point but I recommend watching Advent Children Complete, it's basically the finished version of the film. Has a higher visual quality than the original release, is 26 mins longer and they revised a ton of stuff in it. You might also be interested in playing Crisis Core, it's a prequel to FFVII. There's Dirge of Cerberus as well which is a sequel to VII and Advent Children, but I've heard that game is pretty terrible so play that one at your own risk lmao
Cool that they carried over her altered personality with it then, seems becoming a standalone servant may not have been necessary after all. Very interesting to hear, can never have too many waifu's.
Hercules has really shined in the Grail Fronts for me. He hits hard, has good survivability and doesn't cost much to use being a 4-star, he pretty much solo'd some of the rounds. I think Berserkers are probably just good in general for those events tbh.
Awesome to hear, can never have too many waifu's and can certainly never have too many waifu's that are into us. I might have to look up their Valentine scenes on YT later. I noticed Murasaki was getting a bond bonus for the Valentine's event, so I slapped the one-time use bonus on her for extra extra bond.
I haven't heard that song in so long, it must not have been on the stations I typically frequented cus I don't recall hearing it much back then but I recognise it for sure, great song. Do you have any bad memories of that infamous train chase mission that a lot of people struggled with? lol
Oh wow yeah that holds up pretty damn well, you should be good for a while yet with that beast I would've thought. I'm pretty uninformed myself in regards to some aspects of pc building/parts, but my buddy who helped me put this together really knows his stuff, I would've needed to do a ton more research into certain things if he wasn't helping me out with it.
Yeah I'm glad I wised up to how unfeasible a gaming laptop would be before I committed to the idea and blew a bunch of money on it. Something else I noticed at the time when I was still looking into it is a lot of laptops save money with pretty fragile and poorly manufactured casing, and cheap keyboards/touchpads. Charging so much for a machine with misrepresented specs and that'll burn itself out in no time is diabolical.
That's fair, the majority of stuff I've watched has mostly been through torrenting as well or through my friends Crunchyroll more recently, and I've torrented a fair few games, especially ones that aren't readily available. I certainly don't have the disposable income rn to be buying newly released games at full price either. But yeah agreed on ER being such a fucking incredible game that it warrants supporting the developer. Would be pretty cool to try co-oping with you in Nightreign in the future if the opportunity presents itself. Oh yeah good point, handy to have a backup contact method.
Apparently there's 22 volumes as of January and season 3 starts with volume 7, so it's got quite a way to go yet. Well that's a somewhat refreshing spin on the trope at least. Wonder if the series is just taking a while to start using more romance elements or the author just felt obligated to include some love interest content even if he's not particularly bothered with following it through much lol
I've often considered the idea of a servant having an AoE move-set gimmick, hopefully they don't think it'd be too strong or something and they just let her keep it once she's summonable. She'd be another summonable Beast after all so it's not like AoE move-set's would have to become the standard or anything.
Ah interesting, maybe I was conflating her with another Alter I heard about. It's a shame Alter wasn't released as a separate servant if her personality is different but it's awesome they gave us the outfit at least, love how she looks as an Alter.
That she is, really like all of Tenoch's outfits.
Yep, strong enough to split our ship in half and give U-Olga amnesia with a chop lmao that's one hell of a hype introduction. Just realised she's a Foreigner too so makes me wanna pull her even more to add to my Foreigner posse.
It's a good thing you still had some remaining decent 5 and 4 stars you could fall back on, I def need to put more investment into a lot of my 4-stars. Being forced to strategize with the lesser used servants is why I quite like the Grail Front events, altho they do tend to be a little too stingy with just how many higher level servants they let you use for those. Just checked Archer Anastasia's noble phantasm and skills, and I can see why she came in clutch. Seems like the general consensus on her is that she's a great damage dealer.
I played San Andreas and Vice City a ton as a kid, they're pretty close but Vice City is my favorite, it's the most nostalgic to me. It also had the best radio stations/songs of all the GTA games imo. It's a shame the remastered releases were such a disappointment upon release, I've heard they've made improvements since then but I haven't really looked back into it since finding out how bad they were to begin with. Nah I'm not too familiar with Tomb Raider, I think I might've played one of the games as a kid but didn't get very far and that's about all the experience I have with the series.
Yep you guessed it, this'll be the first time I've had a pc in this room. So I've needed to rearrange some of the furniture as well as sort through and get rid of a bunch of stuff to make space for a desk since my room isn't all that big. I had a lot of old shit I needed to get rid of for a while so it was long overdue tbh, and getting a pc has been the catalyst for me to finally get around to doing it. Sure, it'll prob be easier for me to just show you a pic of what I've got going on:
Should be more than capable of playing anything I would want to and ended up being a lot cheaper than I would've expected as well. I was browsing laptops relatively recently that were a lot more expensive than what this has came to even including the peripherals and desk. You're paying for convenience with laptops but they still seem like such a ripoff.
Bought a 24" monitor to go with it and then found out a cousin of mine has another 24" screen she wasn't gonna use so I guess I'm gonna have a double monitor set-up now lol could've saved myself the money on the first monitor but can't complain about getting one for free.
Oh awesome, I'll wishlist it then for when I'm all set up.
Ah gotcha, thought you might've been playing all the recent games like ER and Dark Souls through Steam, well I'll still send a friend request over regardless.
Yeah I haven't seen the show, just seen a couple of clips and know what a few of the characters look like. It's adapted from a light novel series right? Most of it hasn't been adapted yet as far as I'm aware so it seems it's a pretty sizable series. No wonder you felt strongly for one over the other if they're the only two love interests so far XD I've never understood that trope either, making your main character completely oblivious to the girls around them or even the MC finding it to be a nuisance when a girl or two are head over heels for them, it can work for some protagonists but it's pretty weird and/or frustrating most of the time.
Yeah Nitocris Alter is quite a bit different to regular Nitocris, similarly to how different Arjuna and Arjuna Alter are I'd say. There seems to be a lot of Anubis mixed in with her from what I've read (Altho Nito and Anubis both argue that the other comprises the majority of the spirit origin), but either way it's resulted in her acting a lot more godly and dignified. I'm aware that there's a Kingprotea Alter that appears in the Lostbelt as well, altho I hear that her personality is no different?
I haven't seen Kukulkan yet but I did throw some tickets at her banner and managed to get Tenochtitlan out of it which was a very pleasant surprise. I really like both of their designs so it seemed like a good banner to use my remaining tickets on. Kukulkan was designed by the Black Lagoon mangaka if I'm not mistaken. I haven't read far enough in the lostbelt to know for sure yet but I would assume that the giant energy body that struck U-Olga at the beginning of the Lostbelt was her. I can tell I'm gonna wish I had seen more of her before her banner left so I could've known to pull for her more seriously lol Interesting, I can certainly see the similarities in the designs between Kukul and Mavuika. It seems ancient South American content is superb material for crafting some outstanding waifu designs.
Thanks very much for the heads up, would've suuucked going into that and wasting a bunch of servants in the first line-up.
Probably would be better to do it after the fact and then you can just skim through the entire thing in one go. I've definitely noticed some changes here and there over the course of the new seasons, but my memory from reading Bleach's final arc is also quite frankly terrible tbh, so there's probably a bunch of stuff I haven't noticed for sure.
Yep, the RE franchise is one of the grandfathers of survival horror/zombie action games. I wonder if the one you played on PS2 was the original RE4, it's a masterpiece of a game but it has a tank control scheme which can be pretty difficult to get used to, even more so if you try to play it as a kid. The controls were very much by design tho, intended to create tension rather than simply running through and gunning everything, instead you have to lock yourself in a vulnerable state to use your guns and the game is brilliantly designed around that aspect imo. Overall RE4 has a very arcade game feel to it imo. The even older games had fixed camera angles as well which I couldn't get used to as a kid, they pretty much transitioned into a more modern control scheme after 4 if I'm not mistaken. If you were gonna start with any RE game, I'd probably suggest RE2 Remake. It's my favorite of the series and one of my favorite games in general. You also don't really need to be aware of anything about RE to play it, it's a very well-contained story just on its own and a perfect introduction to the franchise.
Speaking of games, part of the reason I've been so swamped with RL stuff lately is because a friend of mine is building a gaming pc for me, and so I've been needing to basically rearrange my living space to facilitate it. So if Slay the Princess is on Steam, I could check it out relatively soon I think. We should add one-another on Steam too if you're down for that.
You might be in for a pleasant surprise once you get round to GT then I'd say. I'd wager probably 95% of DB fans like SSJ4, if not more. GT's criticism mainly stems from it's lower budget and rushed pace, as well as it's slow beginning where they're just generally adventuring, I don't think that kind of content went over well off the back of DBZ like you pointed out. But things do start to pick up after that slow beginning and we end up getting some pretty great concepts and antagonists. I recall the GT characters that were added to FighterZ received really hype reactions at the time, I think people have generally warmed up to GT more as time has gone on.
Yep that's Jade and that description is spot-on, similar feisty/bratty sort of personality as Pan.
Oh wow, had no idea the girl I mentioned would end up being so at odds with your fav girl XD Don't know too much about Slime but it has a pretty memorable aesthetic/art style to it, and Shuuna's very cute.
It's crazy to imagine rolling on a banner while not even knowing what the odds are, can't get any more indistinguishable from actual gambling than that. Really glad that got changed. I'd personally love to see a Fate platform fighting game, I'm a huge Smash Bros fan so that would be right up my alley. Interesting, I had no idea Genshin worked like that, I can see why it would raise quite a few eyebrows. Genshin is Chinese as well and America is generally more watchful when China is concerned.
Oh yeah that's true, I recall you saying something similar before, not having many you desperately wanted really helped you be prepared to reach pity whenever it was needed.
Best of luck with pulling Skirk. Mizuki's got the type of color palette that I really like and the tail is pretty unique, gives me the impression it could def grow on me a lot.
Haven't progressed too much further in it yet unfortunately. Shortly after I started, I came down with a really bad throat infection so I haven't been doing much of anything lately. I'm mostly over it now tho so I'll be getting back to it soon. And nah I haven't gotten back to Bleach yet either for the same reason, happy to see Nel at least and glad they actually gave her some fanservice, since the anime director seems terribly against incorporating the fanservice from the manga for some bizarre reason. Cutting out the Rukia peach scene is an unforgivable sin.
I've played a bit of Portal and watched some playthroughs of Stanley Parable so I can certainly imagine what kind of game it might be based off that. Sounds very interesting, I'm guessing the less you know about the game before you play it, the better right? If so, I might try to not look too far into it before playing it at some point.
Speaking of games, I played a couple of hours of Resident Evil Village recently and I can already tell it's gonna be fantastic.
While GT is definitely far from perfect, I have a huge soft-spot for it and always thought it was pretty over-hated ngl. The early parts of the series are def weaker than the later stuff and I could've done without the Goku being turned into a kid storyline but the series has so many strong points imo. Most of the main antagonists of GT are pretty well liked and SSJ4 is almost universally loved. I feel like GT would've been a lot better received had it came out when Super did. SSJ4 is still my favorite SSJ transformation, I love the intensity of it and bringing back the tail/Oozaru aspects was such a cool idea like you said. Yeah I like Pan too, I don't know if you ever watched it but she reminds me of Jade from Jackie Chan Adventures lol I really like Bulla's design in GT as well.
Interesting, always really liked Shion's design from that series.
By the way, do not forget to obtain S. Atsuko from the new event. It is easy to obtain her, even with a busy schedule.
Fate fans have it pretty rough in one way, a lot of us start FGO while already being invested in the story/world and it's characters, so we come into it already wanting to badly summon a bunch of characters we love from the get-go lol
Yeah the summoning system in Genshin seems brutal.
Can't blame you for gunning for her. You've shown me her once before if I'm not mistaken right? Still really love her design.
TYVM. Speaking of Nitocris, I had some tickets from completing the New Year mosaic puzzle thing I think? Or maybe they became available in the shop, can't remember for sure. But I decided to just throw them at the Nitocris banner just cuz and I actually ended up getting her:
It's def safe to say that my luck is back in full swing lol
I've made a start on the Lostbelt btw although I'm not too far into it yet but I should be able to report back about it relatively soon. Unfortunately my dumbass waited too long and lost out on those quartz you get for completing so many missions in Lostbelt 7. It's not the end of the world I guess but it sucks to lose out on some easily attainable quartz.
Oh yeah good point, that was the intention for sure, could even try and switch into the ring mid-fight if you're ballsy enough. I'm pretty interested to see how they're going to update the move-sets of bosses like Centipede Demon for Elden Ring, I feel like they would definitely need to update the attack speed and lengthen some of the combo's on these older bosses to fit more in-line with Elden Ring's current level.
Marika and Radagon are the same being but have separate personalities and senses of self from my understanding, so while Marika shattered the Elden Ring and wished to end the current order, Radagon serves the Golden Order and tried repairing the Elden Ring. Which explains why Marika is seemingly restrained when we enter Radagon's boss arena. We don't know for sure if they were always the same being, of if they were one being that split in two and then later recombined. It's also hard to know if becoming two beings was Marika/Radagon's doing or perhaps The Greater Will's. This quote: “O Radagon, leal hound of the Golden Order. Thou’rt yet to become me. Thou’rt yet to become a God.” seems to maybe imply that The Greater Will had some influence in Radagon's creation from Marika but it's still far too vague to say for sure imo.
Yeah it seems to be totally disconnected from the world of Fate, Tsukihime etc according to the wiki. Cool to hear it got an 8/10, has a really cool style to it for sure and some great character designs from what I've seen. Still haven't gotten back to the new Bleach season yet but I knew Nemu was gonna get her spotlight episode this season, I think the last episode I saw was the one where Grimmjow and Nel meet up with Ichigo's team, wonder if she'll get chance to fight a bit this season or if they'll save her and Grimmjow's action for the next one. Lemme know if you come across any censorship if you do end up checking the chapters to compare.
Hmm I don't think I've heard of that one, what kinda game is it and what's it about?
I haven't played the Lostbelt yet but that definitely seems like a strange choice from what you've described. I can't think why they'd put Nitocris on first if she wasn't even the one featured in the story yet. Maybe it was due to Kirei's birthday being the 28th December but I would've thought it would make more sense for him to have already been available when that rolled around, strange. I can happily announce that I pulled Kirei btw, only went through 10 tickets and about 4 or so 10-pulls so I have plenty of quartz leftover. I even got an extra Siegfried out of it so I'm very happy with the results.
Anyway as I mentioned, I haven't gotten round to playing the new Lostbelt yet. Been dealing with some personal shit lately unfortunately, which is why it's took me a bit longer to reply than normal as well. I'll let you know my thoughts ofc once I do get round to playing it, nice to hear its off to a good start iyo. Hope you had a decent Christmas and New Years as well.
I'm fairly sure it's a story-related item so it would be in the chest behind Frampt, which kind of makes it pointless to even get the limb-cut in the first place if you're just going to be given it anyway, it might as well just drop from the boss normally. So they accounted for it at least, but that's DSI for ya with it's archaic systems that weren't fully figured out yet.
They're so used to playing the games in only one stubborn way that they just start believing it's the regular way to play, you can't get much more default than a shield, it literally goes hand-in-hand with a weapon lol I was a Pyromancer the first time I played Dark Souls III because I wanted a good mid-range option, I guess the purists wouldn't have been fond of that approach XD
Yeah I'll definitely be trying out the shield strategy next time, and might even dabble with the ice pots as well. I might give a few attempts at dodging Waterfowl now that I have some understanding of how to do it but I certainly won't die on that hill the second time round. Getting hyper-fixated on trying to take no damage from that move seriously affected my ability to learn her general move-set the first time, so next time I just need to find something that works well enough and stick to it.
Well with the move being so rare that a majority of people don't even end up seeing it, I'd say the best strategy is just hope you're not one of the unlucky ones he does it to lol
I was super confused/oblivious to the whole Marika Radagon thing as well ngl, I think those two being the same person flew over most peoples heads tbf.
Ah yeah that's a fair point, I wasn't sure how up-scaled he would've been at that point.
True, the teleport chests are intended to be the replacements for sure but they're kind-off a let-down in comparison and easy to avoid once you know you can just immediately roll out of the gas. The chest that puts you right in the middle of bear county was pretty funny though, and the one that teleports you to the top right is a cool way to reveal just how giant the map is, so they're not without their memorable moments either I suppose. I agree that gargoyles and giants looked better in Dark Souls. Those even harder bear bosses that they added to the DLC were brutal.
Ah cool, yeah I've heard of Squid Game. Haven't seen it but pretty much know exactly what its about, would be pretty hard not to know with how popular it's became lol I got a few episodes into the new Bleach season but then fell behind due to the reasons I mentioned earlier, hopefully I'll be able to get up to date with it soon. Ah yeah I know of Canaan as well, it's a Type-Moon series but pretty far removed from Fate if I'm not mistaken unlike stuff like Tsukihime. Speaking of, did you hear that Neco-Arc appeared in FGO recently? I often wondered when they were gonna get round to giving them an appearance, it's about time.