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Jun 29, 2019 8:02 AM
Dec 2017
Gytanzo said:
Rest in peace Doppio. Your Stand battle with Risotto will go down in the record books. I'm not too sure why, but Chariot Requiem running is just hilarious to me. Metal fatigue at this crucial moment? Please. Chariot Requiem is such a weird stand. It's an automatic Stand with so many rules and stipulations. Wouldn't a cartridge be easier to reload than a revolver? I'm not really a gun enthusiast, so I wouldn't really know. Calling Polnareff "Mr. Polnareff" is something that can stop happening. What the fuck was growing out of the turtle's neck? What was Araki on when he was writing these chapters, lol? Mista was a lot more untrusting than he usually was in this episode. Between blaming Polnareff and thinking Giorno was the boss, he really doesn't trust anyone. Wanting to stay alive is one thing but beginning to distrust your allies is another. The mole was cute. Not really a point to me saying that, I just felt like doing so. That must have hurt, getting your arm donutted off like that. I never realized having control over the movements of a Stand granted one control over the movements of the body. The way the boss was making Trish run was so weird. How did he manage to make all four limbs move? King Crimson only has two arms, doesn't he? How did the boss even figure out that whole shadow thing? That completely flew over my head. Guess he isn't the boss of an incredibly powerful organization for nothing. Was Trish just faking unconsciousness this entire time?

About the part about moving Trish. I think he got control of her body when he knocked her out.

That's why he was shocked to find out she was still around.

Mista distrusting his ally makes sense when your enemy could be in the ally's soul and kill. You should understand the toll Diavolo's murdering everyone is putting on them.

Also, I don't know about the cartridge but the revolver is very simple, just put 6 bullets in. I assume for the cartridge, sexy pistol have to assemble the bullets in the cartridge.
Jun 29, 2019 8:11 AM

Aug 2015
rateat said:
rahamim said:

so that means we are getting 2 episodes(38,39) at the same week or just 1-hour episode (38)?

We're getting both episodes (38-39) in one single 1-hour special on July 28th.

Gotcha tnx for clearing that up, 2 sperate episodes is the way to go.
kinda sad tho 1 single Jojo ep the entire month.
Jun 29, 2019 9:11 AM

Sep 2016
This episode helped me a lot with understanding the things that I neglected or didn’t get when reading the manga. I can’t believe what I missed during the final arc, lmfao.
1. I was always confused about the different directions of requiem’s shadow thing before watching this ep. And I was amazed at how cool & great the concept of requiem being the shadow of one’s soul is. A 3-year-late sudden enlightenment, I guess? Lol. Now it makes more sense that attacking requiem means attacking yourself.
2. When finishing reading part 5, I kinda felt that it would have been better if Trish could have contributed a bit more in the final battle and it’s a pity that her ability was only used once in the B.I.G fight. Clearly, it’s me who neglected what she did here for getting the arrow away from Diavolo by softening the bullets on his hands. I wonder if Hisoka’s gum ability is a reference to this.
Maybe I was too upset about the possibilities of losing Buccellati at any time to notice the above things.

Putting aside my excuses, the scene where Doppio finally realized that Diavolo & he were always sharing the same body was quite sad. The loneliness is relatable.
The “Mafia” scene was quite intense. Big thumbs up to Buccellati for stepping up & breaking the deadlock.

It’s said that we’ll have a break after next week’s JOJO and the final 2 eps will air on Jul. 28.
Therefore, I assume that we can enjoy
Jun 29, 2019 9:25 AM

Oct 2013
Mr_Tux said:
Mista distrusting his ally makes sense when your enemy could be in the ally's soul and kill. You should understand the toll Diavolo's murdering everyone is putting on them.

Yup, that's true. If somebody took a look at this scene out of context then yes, it looked like as if Mista acted suddenly unfriendly towards his comrades or friends. However, this scene must be analysed in the context in which it was placed.

Many bizarre things happened recently: swapping their souls, getting used to new bodies, Narancia's death, Boss hiding somewhere ready to assassinate next members of Bruno's group, that Requiem Stand and its abilities after he went berserk, bodies' change due to SCR influence, Polnareff as a turtle (lol). Everything happened so fast and was unimaginable. No need to be angry at Mists he was overcautious. He didn't suspect Giorno because he didn't like him or didn't trust in his good intentions. He knew that Diavolo might be hiding inside Giorno's body to go out when there is a good moment and assassinate next person.

By the way, I really loved mystical themes used in this episode. "Shadow of souls" thing was awesome, but for me the best was showing a person being under evil demon's (King Crimson's) influence. That element was really decent. The Devil (Diavolo) trying to fulfill his evil plans by possessing one member of Bruno's team.

Orikasa_Momiji said:
The “Mafia” scene was quite intense. Big thumbs up to Buccellati for stepping up & breaking the deadlock.

That was another great moment from this episode. Besides, Bucciarati once again proved he is the best leader possible for his teammates. ;)
Jun 29, 2019 9:35 AM

Aug 2015
Lol, I didn´t remember any of this. I read the manga about 3 years ago and all of these scenarios where confusing as hell for me (mostly because of bad translations and horrible scans).

Anyways, next episode we should be seeing the Traitor´s Requiem. I really hope it looks good, however nothing has been any disappointing on this season, which is great.

That 1 hour episode really hypes up my hopes to see a part 6 teaser, Feedback, or at least an extended version of the final/epilogue, since that is the weakest part of the manga (it ends very quick).
Jun 29, 2019 10:29 AM

Dec 2017
Cannot wait for
Jun 29, 2019 11:12 AM

Sep 2015
SixPistols said:
The 'shadow of our souls' thing never made sense to me and wasn't properly foreshadowed in either the manga or anime, so DP and Araki dropped the ball there.

I feel like it was a poorly explained reference to the Black Sabbath arc
Jun 29, 2019 12:08 PM

Jul 2014
mxhunter said:
So Diavolo has the power to inherit other people's bodies. Was this always a power of King Crimson? Was he always inhabiting Doppio using King Crimson? If not, then did Requiem basically give Diavolo another power spike by bestowing him with new powers? Or what

Something something, he's bound by blood to Trish, so he can inhabit her soul. Don't think about it too hard.

Metallica_Nero said:
Too much random shit tbh. I completely forgot about this new ability of CR, now I'm starting to remember more and more why this arc is hated in the manga
Also, as usual, all other characters in the background gets affected instantaneously while nothing happens to our heroes

I'm gonna attribute that to the fact that everyone being affected isn't a Stand User. Polnareff doesn't have Silver Chariot anymore and had that weird fish crab growing out of him.

Mr_Tux said:
lihle808 said:
Funny how Mista is so talkative and very very active in Trish's body, hmmmm? I just think it's odd that's all.

Diavolo is such a ball of evil genius, that guy won't hesitate to kill his daughter for power. The way he's able to carry out his evil plans without having an individual body is impressive, he's the greatest villain in anime no matter anyone opposes. I'm always impressed by his villainy in every episode, Giorno needs to step up. Thanks to the anime Gods for the Jojo series, AMEN!

He's really coming at Dio for killing the most members of a squad... I think Diavolo is eviler than Dio.

I think you're overselling Diavolo a bit. If we're going off of kill count, then Dio killed people in Phantom Blood as well and also indirectly killed Joseph's father and Will A. Zeppeli, which still puts him in the lead.

Besides, Diavolo just wants to kill his daughter, anyone who's after him, and hide his identity. DIO wants to raise a zombie army to destroy the world or just take over the world in general. Diavolo has smaller aspirations for his evil, even if he's dangerous, so I don't know if I'd say he's eviler than the guy who had a man run ovwry tons of people with a taxi cab for funsies.

Now, if we're talking about whether Diavolo is better than Dio in a combative role by virtue of being more active in the story, then I'd have to agree with you.
TheAzulmagiaJun 29, 2019 12:20 PM
Jun 29, 2019 12:21 PM

Jul 2017
king crimson is stronger than i thought and it seems like i finally understood how it works
and F for doppio... a true display of loyality and admiration even at the brink of death
Jun 29, 2019 2:02 PM
Jan 2016
JizzyHitler said:
Vindicater said:

Dio is king and will forever be king. All other villians are shithouse compared to him. (yes that includes later parts)
He sat in a room for an entire series and jobbed after killing a blind guy and a old man that didnt stay dead

This of course is ignoring part 1. And techically he has a boss role in part 3, who did better than Diavolo.
Jun 29, 2019 2:05 PM

Sep 2011
PedroBV96 said:
JizzyHitler said:
He sat in a room for an entire series and jobbed after killing a blind guy and a old man that didnt stay dead

This of course is ignoring part 1. And techically he has a boss role in part 3, who did better than Diavolo.
yeah part 1, where he jobbed every fight and was pretty much defeated in 1 attack, Dio is entertaining but he is terrible as an antagonist.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jun 29, 2019 2:26 PM
Jan 2016
JizzyHitler said:
yeah part 1, where he jobbed every fight and was pretty much defeated in 1 attack, Dio is entertaining but he is terrible as an antagonist.

He at least had ambitions and was charismatic. Diavolo is boring and uncaring.
Jun 29, 2019 3:36 PM
Jan 2016
JeXxTaR said:

I've always thought that the DIO's most powerful weapon is his charisma, and considering what happens in part 6 I don't think he was only wasting time in part 3.

But in part 3 is never shown the other things he was doing. So in this regard @JizzyHitler is right about DIO being passive most of the time.
Jun 29, 2019 4:32 PM

Sep 2011
JeXxTaR said:
JizzyHitler said:
yeah part 1, where he jobbed every fight and was pretty much defeated in 1 attack, Dio is entertaining but he is terrible as an antagonist.

I've always thought that the DIO's most powerful weapon is his charisma, and considering what happens in part 6 I don't think he was only wasting time in part 3.
thats suppossed to be the deal, but we never really see that we just get a bunch of one off villains going "oh great dio-sama notice me" or just people being brainwashed. Diavolo makes way more sense that hes a leader cause he uses fear and an op stand to keep his reign its not that anyone respects him, plus it helps he, you know, actually does things the entire 2nd half.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jun 29, 2019 4:51 PM
May 2017
jesus, this anime adaptation is so much better than the manga. they really add a sense of dread and dramatic tension that isn't always 100% there in the manga.

not sayin' Araki fucked this one up or anything, but damn the VA's, the score and the directing really give this part a big, big plus.
Jun 29, 2019 7:15 PM

Mar 2016
DP is outdoing themselves every week
Jun 29, 2019 8:05 PM

Dec 2010
Finnnegan said:
Never in my life have I been so confused

Jun 30, 2019 12:54 AM

Aug 2018
Hobgoblin2099 said:
Metallica_Nero said:
Too much random shit tbh. I completely forgot about this new ability of CR, now I'm starting to remember more and more why this arc is hated in the manga
Also, as usual, all other characters in the background gets affected instantaneously while nothing happens to our heroes

I'm gonna attribute that to the fact that everyone being affected isn't a Stand User. Polnareff doesn't have Silver Chariot anymore and had that weird fish crab growing out of him.

Polnareff is no exception. While it's true that weird thing grew out of him, it didn't affect him in any way and did zero damage. He still can talk and all so there isn't any signs of danger. All background characters kind of lost their mind or some shit.
This reminds of Green Day's ability. Giorno had the mold constantly growing on him but it didn't really do anything even though he was falling from the helicopter. Background characters would torn off and die instantly from falling a much shorter distances
Jun 30, 2019 2:56 AM

Jan 2011
Not only was Mista actually best girl, but Mista was actually the Boss all along. Truly the strongest Jojo character.

Yeah, all the new elements that just keep getting added on top of this fight is why I never cared for it much in the manga. Feels a bit bizarre for the sake of it, rather than lending itself to an interesting fight. Well, it's mostly the attack the light behind my head bit that kills it for me. Sure it kinda makes sense if you think about it, but surely there was a better way to go about it. Whatever, it's still more entertaining and actually has a sense of urgency when animated.
Jun 30, 2019 3:01 AM

Dec 2014
well with only three episodes left...I am like anything can happen at this point...the boss has been truly formidable
Jun 30, 2019 9:05 AM
Jan 2016
JeXxTaR said:

JizzyHitler said:

Diavolo makes way more sense that hes a leader cause he uses fear and an op stand to keep his reign its not that anyone respects him, plus it helps he, you know, actually does things the entire 2nd half.

DIO used fear and an op stand too

In general, DIO was feared, respected and praised by his subordinates, and knew which ones he had to keep close on him. Diavolo was so stupid to let Bruno going around with some dudes instead of having him close to keep the drug trade smoothly and distribute better the incomes, so he would have keep his subordinates obedient and avoided a rebelion.
Jun 30, 2019 1:01 PM

Nov 2018
A little bit better than the previous episode but that's not saying much.

I still can't take King Crimson seriously.

The shadow of our souls stuff is rushed nonsense garbage, even by Jojo standard.

Now Diavolo wants to take over the world, how original... Also, you're fooling no one by insulting Bucci's gang: they kicked your ass constantly, just admit it dude.

Can we kill Polnareff ? He isn't a turtle anymore but a mutated one now... The only good thing that can happen to him is either dying, having a human body again or growing to become the fifth member of TMNT.

The idea of a walking deadly virus is an interesting idea (even tho we already kinda had that with Cioccolata), just like having the baddie controlling one of the heroes but sadly, the execution of these two ideas is too rushed to get really exciting.

Trish had at least her very brief moment of "kewl": hope she isn't dead and that she continue to do stuff.

And finally, the animation was weak but it's not surprising since pretty much nothing happened here, they probably keep the good stuff for the finale.

Jun 30, 2019 7:13 PM

Jun 2013
Can someone please explain to me  'shadow of our souls'? Thanks in advance.
Jun 30, 2019 11:02 PM

Feb 2017
I forgot how tense this arc was. We're getting closer to the end and I can't wait.
Mankind knew that they cannot change society. So instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the beasts.
Jul 1, 2019 8:57 AM

Aug 2018
Di-Ansatsu said:
Also, you're fooling no one by insulting Bucci's gang: they kicked your ass constantly, just admit it dude.

Can you please remind me of all the times where they kicked his ass?
Jul 1, 2019 1:14 PM

Nov 2018
Metallica_Nero said:
Di-Ansatsu said:
Also, you're fooling no one by insulting Bucci's gang: they kicked your ass constantly, just admit it dude.

Can you please remind me of all the times where they kicked his ass?

With pleasure, my good sir.

- The time he failed to kill Bucci and Trish and had to run away because the rest of the gang came to check on Bucci (in the church) and he couldn't deal with all of them.

- He sent multiple hitmen against the gang and all of them failed without even killing one of them + He was so desperate to stop them that he even sent Cio and Sec against them despite the fact that he didn't trust them.

- Forcing him to expose himself because they were getting closer and closer to finding his true identity.

- Failed to protect his true identity despite his best effort.

- Failed to kill Polnareff, twice.

- Tries to kill all of them one by one after the body switch (because he can't fight all of them at once) and failing at that.

- Losing Doppio in his battle against the gang.

-Sucking so hard that he actually needed the gang in order to survive against Risotto.

Maybe I'm forgetting some stuff but still, rarely I've seen the big baddie failing so much against his enemies even when he is massively protected by the plot.

Jul 1, 2019 1:35 PM

Dec 2012
mxhunter said:
So Diavolo has the power to inherit other people's bodies. Was this always a power of King Crimson? Was he always inhabiting Doppio using King Crimson? If not, then did Requiem basically give Diavolo another power spike by bestowing him with new powers? Or what

I think you're overthinking it, at the time of the mind exchange caused by Silver Chariot Requiem, there were 7 bodies and 8 minds.
So after the exchange there would still have to be a body with two minds.
Jul 1, 2019 2:11 PM
Nov 2016
Di-Ansatsu said:
Metallica_Nero said:

Can you please remind me of all the times where they kicked his ass?

With pleasure, my good sir.

- The time he failed to kill Bucci and Trish and had to run away because the rest of the gang came to check on Bucci (in the church) and he couldn't deal with all of them.

- He sent multiple hitmen against the gang and all of them failed without even killing one of them + He was so desperate to stop them that he even sent Cio and Sec against them despite the fact that he didn't trust them.

- Forcing him to expose himself because they were getting closer and closer to finding his true identity.

- Failed to protect his true identity despite his best effort.

- Failed to kill Polnareff, twice.

- Tries to kill all of them one by one after the body switch (because he can't fight all of them at once) and failing at that.

- Losing Doppio in his battle against the gang.

-Sucking so hard that he actually needed the gang in order to survive against Risotto.

Maybe I'm forgetting some stuff but still, rarely I've seen the big baddie failing so much against his enemies even when he is massively protected by the plot.

he only did that beccause he didnt want someone to see his face he never said they were too strong
DIO send more hitman than him all of them failed that do not count if fact saying that mean DIO is a bigger failure than Diavolo
dio also explosed him self Diavolo only did it beccause he felt he got nothing to lose also he was facing polnareff he was just suprised he survived
exept he did it on his own no one was aware of doppio
nope he killed polnareff he is a ghost in a turtle polnareff said it and polnareff is scared of Diavolo he lost legs and eye against him
he wasn't even trying he only killed narancia beccause of his radar all he wanted was the arrow he never cared about the rest
he never cared about doppio and that was beyond his power it was SCR who indirctly killed doppio
Diavolo also killed more protagonist that DIO ever did making DIO the bigger failure and Kira the biggest failure since he always got his ass kicked pushed around and managed to kill no one of the main cast
thewatcher974Jul 1, 2019 2:17 PM
Jul 1, 2019 5:21 PM
Nov 2016
JeXxTaR said:
thewatcher974 said:

he only did that beccause he didnt want someone to see his face he never said they were too strong
DIO send more hitman than him all of them failed that do not count if fact saying that mean DIO is a bigger failure than Diavolo
dio also explosed him self Diavolo only did it beccause he felt he got nothing to lose also he was facing polnareff he was just suprised he survived
exept he did it on his own no one was aware of doppio
nope he killed polnareff he is a ghost in a turtle polnareff said it and polnareff is scared of Diavolo he lost legs and eye against him
he wasn't even trying he only killed narancia beccause of his radar all he wanted was the arrow he never cared about the rest
he never cared about doppio and that was beyond his power it was SCR who indirctly killed doppio
Diavolo also killed more protagonist that DIO ever did making DIO the bigger failure and Kira the biggest failure since he always got his ass kicked pushed around and managed to kill no one of the main cast

DIO, the first villain capable of killing a jojo (jonathan). DIO killed dire, kakyoin, joseph (temporarily), and he beat polnareff with a single blow.
among his subordinates we have tarkus (who killed will a. zeppeli), vanilla ice (who killed iggy and avdol); and enrico pucci,
JeXxTaR said:
thewatcher974 said:

he only did that beccause he didnt want someone to see his face he never said they were too strong
DIO send more hitman than him all of them failed that do not count if fact saying that mean DIO is a bigger failure than Diavolo
dio also explosed him self Diavolo only did it beccause he felt he got nothing to lose also he was facing polnareff he was just suprised he survived
exept he did it on his own no one was aware of doppio
nope he killed polnareff he is a ghost in a turtle polnareff said it and polnareff is scared of Diavolo he lost legs and eye against him
he wasn't even trying he only killed narancia beccause of his radar all he wanted was the arrow he never cared about the rest
he never cared about doppio and that was beyond his power it was SCR who indirctly killed doppio
Diavolo also killed more protagonist that DIO ever did making DIO the bigger failure and Kira the biggest failure since he always got his ass kicked pushed around and managed to kill no one of the main cast

DIO, the first villain capable of killing a jojo (jonathan). DIO killed dire, kakyoin, joseph (temporarily), and he beat polnareff with a single blow.
among his subordinates we have tarkus (who killed will a. zeppeli), vanilla ice (who killed iggy and avdol); and enrico pucci,

Dire is not a main character he do not count part 1 Dio killed jonathan but only beccause he was suprised Dio was alive.
DIO may beaten polnareff but he admited polnareff was close to kill if he used more power in his stab
Jul 2, 2019 11:40 AM
Jan 2016
Di-Ansatsu said:

The time he failed to kill Bucci and Trish and had to run away because the rest of the gang came to check on Bucci (in the church) and he couldn't deal with all of them.

What I find funny about this one is how he didn't think about in appearing as Doppio to take them all by surprise and kill them.
Di-Ansatsu said:

He sent multiple hitmen against the gang and all of them failed without even killing one of them + He was so desperate to stop them that he even sent Cio and Sec against them despite the fact that he didn't trust them.

I wonder why Squalo didn't kill Giorno when he could.
Di-Ansatsu said:

Forcing him to expose himself because they were getting closer and closer to finding his true identity.

By being contacted by Polnareff just after Abbacchio is killed.
Jul 3, 2019 1:03 AM
Nov 2016
JeXxTaR said:
thewatcher974 said:

Dire is not a main character he do not count part 1 Dio killed jonathan but only beccause he was suprised Dio was alive.
DIO may beaten polnareff but he admited polnareff was close to kill if he used more power in his stab

There were more factors that influenced Jonathan's death than that.
Let's be honest, the only reason why Polnareff had the opportunity to attack DIO was because Jotaro was able to stop the time, otherwise DIO could have killed Jotaro and Polnareff too.

But jotaro didnt stop time before and Polnareff got the oportunity for a suprise attack beccause DIO was checking on Jotaro body
Jul 3, 2019 3:24 AM

Jul 2012
Oh nooo the JoJo gang death tradition. Please spare Bucciarati and Mista at least :<
Jul 6, 2019 1:50 PM

Jul 2009
Truly one of the best moments in series!! Both Diavolo and Trish want to overcome their past that is pulling them, but it is a battle of wills and Diavolo seem to have the upper hand for now. Even willing to kill his own daughter just to overcome his fate.

Seriously, this is fucking amazing. The fact that Diavolo and the Gang are trying to outwit each other through will. This is more than just battle of stands, but people trying to overcome their fates.

Good shit!! 3 more to go!!
Jul 8, 2019 2:00 PM

Dec 2018
hope trish isn't dead, she's literally the only waifu, like some kind of arranged marriage (wouldn't complain)
Jul 9, 2019 4:28 AM

May 2016
The whole Requiem Arrow chase was very confusing yet tense at the same time! Silver Chariot Requiem wasn't satisfied with just switching everyone's souls so it decided to give them a cosmically terrifying makeover while he's at it. With all that chaos happening and the discovery of the Boss residing within one of them led to a very stressful conflict between Giorno and Mista who turned out to be the one who's been possessed with Diavolo hijacking Mista's body with Trish as the co-pilot and ran off. I have to say that I didn't get that shadow of the soul part at first but that visual made sense out of it and it was very interesting.

Watching Doppio desperately call out to Diavolo to talk to him one more time like a lost child was already pretty sad but what that disembodied bastard did to Trish after she swore to face the destiny he threw at her ever since she was born was a tragedy. Everything the Bucci Gang did at their betrayal and post-betrayal was all done to protect her and now she's dead... Giorno better get that arrow and finish him off.

Jul 20, 2019 2:38 PM

Feb 2017
what the heck is going on
Aug 7, 2019 7:50 PM

Mar 2012
The greatest dad of all time, King Crimson Filicide.
Aug 7, 2019 9:22 PM

Mar 2015
Shit is getting real!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Aug 9, 2019 7:56 PM

Dec 2015
this is turning into a big confusing mess
Aug 12, 2019 12:00 AM
Jun 2016
I know that this show likes to mess with its viewers with its twists, but I honestly don't get why Mista was getting defensive with Giorno approaching him. I guess that's just his personality.
Sep 2, 2019 10:28 AM

Jul 2015
I know it's normal to act suspiscous in that situation but why the hell did Mista act so retarded, in no way could it have been Giorno because he would probably have felt Diavolo spirit when changing bodies.

Diavolo is a pretty interesting villain, to go so far to reach his goals

Sep 14, 2019 6:20 AM

Aug 2009
Well, that was bizarre.
Feb 11, 2020 5:24 PM

Jul 2013
Fuck, people are turning into those things from parasyte eeuughhh. One of the best shows out there btw, awesome osts too.
Feb 25, 2020 6:20 AM

Apr 2018
This is so tense ! I hope he didn't kill Trish
Mar 31, 2020 4:36 PM

Mar 2010
Ah I was able to know the bosses true identity but it was kinda last minute, What a brilliant episode again, kinda hope trish dies, their whole moral objection to helping her was kinda erking me.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Mar 31, 2020 4:36 PM

Mar 2010
Ah I was able to know the bosses true identity but it was kinda last minute, What a brilliant episode again, kinda hope trish dies, their whole moral objection to helping her was kinda erking me.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Apr 7, 2020 10:28 AM

May 2016
This felt like few minutes, action packed and epic.
Jul 22, 2020 11:19 AM

Mar 2020
lmao what the fuck just happened. "our souls have shadows" lol aight bro
Floyd Mayweather English Tutor
Aug 20, 2020 2:29 PM
Aug 2020
that was...BIZARRE MY GOD!!!!!!!
Dec 11, 2020 10:15 PM

Aug 2018
Didnt expect hed beat chariot that easily lol

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Poll: » JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze Episode 25 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Apr 5, 2019

148 by TheNoo »»
Mar 16, 8:49 AM

Poll: » JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze Episode 24 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Mar 29, 2019

111 by TheNoo »»
Mar 16, 8:25 AM

Poll: » JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze Episode 20 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

Stark700 - Feb 22, 2019

173 by TheNoo »»
Mar 15, 4:41 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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