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Jul 19, 2019 4:59 AM

Jun 2013
RebelPanda said:
Y'all are saying the traitor is Ulgar or Yolanda but there's way more evidence that it's Aries.

I suspect her too. Too easy if it were Ulgar or Yunhua. Don't trust ditzy, pink-haired Anime girls with heterochromia.

She eating that Tur-Gon steak and enjoying it a little too much, if you ask me. Choke on it, beeeyatch!
Jul 19, 2019 11:55 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Mich666 said:
Smudy said:
Also seeing people nitpick about something that doesn't even matter is funny.
Who says it doesn't matter? If it doesn't matter then how they can even expect the people to take other things seriously?

Why are you even answering, i didn't even talk about you.

But looking at your comment, you might as well drop the anime if you're gonna nitpick every single thing about space and its workings, it's not gonna get any better with your mindset.

Also it doesn't seem like you will be convinced otherwise at this point so i won't look back to an answer.
SmudyJul 19, 2019 12:03 PM
Jul 19, 2019 1:45 PM

Oct 2017
Mhmm this food looked soo taste
Their cooperation was awesome
Then it's Ulgar? I was all time suspecting Yunhua.It's kinda suprising,but Ulgar
behavior was kinda weird too...
Jul 19, 2019 5:05 PM

Nov 2011
I need more Yunhua in my life! I must find why her mother is such a bitch and protect her T_T I do feel really bad for her she tried to actually come out of her shell and do something but paid the price for it.

Side note: The thing with her drowning was very interesting. I am not too well informed when it comes to liquid in space but if thats true and you can drown when there's no gravity...thats freaking terrifying.

I feel like none of them took the communicator out. The show while serious at times I dont feel like it's supposed to be this serious. There's a lot going on in this series and I am okay with it.

Ulgar has a gun now lol. Wow.

Funi is the killer...If I had to guess. Always suspect the least suspected.
SoraSenpaiJul 19, 2019 5:09 PM
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Jul 19, 2019 6:45 PM

Apr 2019
SoraSenpai said:
I need more Yunhua in my life! I must find why her mother is such a bitch and protect her T_T I do feel really bad for her she tried to actually come out of her shell and do something but paid the price for it.

Side note: The thing with her drowning was very interesting. I am not too well informed when it comes to liquid in space but if thats true and you can drown when there's no gravity...thats freaking terrifying.

I feel like none of them took the communicator out. The show while serious at times I dont feel like it's supposed to be this serious. There's a lot going on in this series and I am okay with it.

Ulgar has a gun now lol. Wow.

Funi is the killer...If I had to guess. Always suspect the least suspected.

how dare you suspect the loli!
unless a dark spirit lives inside the puppet

ikr i feel so sorry for Yunhua
she gets fucked by circumstances so hard just because she forgets to pay attention to every little thing going on solely because she is busy fucking her mind with her own anxiousness
You son of a .. turtle

Jul 20, 2019 1:19 AM

Apr 2015
Still has the same problems as the first episode(s), every scene and line of dialogue being so flat and dereft of personality, resulting in no tension or excitement even in a tense climactic situation. Plot can potentially still be interesting.
Jul 20, 2019 3:11 AM

Jul 2014
Loved the shit out of this episode, twist after twist.
Color me surprised when they called out Aries having heterochromia, never noticed.
This show is fun shit, we dont get an anime about survival very often.
Jul 20, 2019 7:11 AM
Mar 2019
Well let's see, Funi is too young, Kanata's inner monologue means he's not it, Zach is the only one with any reason to look at the circuitry and is the only one who would know the piece was removed recently, so he's the only one who could find out if there was a traitor. If he was the traitor he'd be smart enough not to tell Kanata there was one because otherwise they probably wouldn't have found out. Aries is very unlikely but could have done it from what Kanata said. Something else that's bugging me is the fact that they got teleported 5000 light years from Earth and they just happened to find an operational ship. If the ship was placed there recently the communicator could've been broken by someone else.
Jul 20, 2019 10:21 AM

Sep 2012
Way better than the previous episode.
Jul 20, 2019 11:57 AM
Mar 2018
1st episode was bad, 2nd was horrible, this was good, just good. This episode at least was not a plot joke where everything is stupid and a nonsense.

Good things:
-A small try about sci-fi stuff... but still failing in a lot of things.
-A little more seriousness, not a continuosly stupid joke when they're on a real survive or die situtation.
-First steps to some real plot instead of a insiped teen drama.

Bad things (a lot):
-Weird sci-fi stuff. Like the artifical gravity system that it's godlike, it not only provides artificial gravity inside of the spaceship, it gives artifical gravity to the spaceship so this didn't fall to the planet (maybe it has some relation with the mechanism to move the spaceship?).
-Another character that should die... but didn't happened. Yunhua, you're in a spaceship, in the space, that is losing it's atmosphere (probably with that holes that should be faster than how it was showed) so, at least, USE UR F***ING HELMET!
-The characters are still fucking idiots without a real reason. Zack, the 200 IQ guy is still commiting stupid mistakes, this time was forget to activate the antimeteorite system. Quitterie is so annoying, just a stupid dumb kid, that's her character. Kanata is still in his role, well, he is a fucking role, not even a real character. Aries... pls, she is just the cute and dumb girl that save the discussions in this stupid drama. Yunhua, I wrote about her before, nothing more to say.
-"There is a killer among us" Well... I think your logic is just wrong. That's a too rushed way to think when I don't really think that flashback conversation could be about kill this stupid kids.
-If there is a real plan to kill this kids... well, it's the weirdest, stupid and useless plan they could make... there are a lot of mistakes, specially if Ball-chan is part of the plan. C'mon, why to put a spaceship instead of letting them die in the space?
-Ball-chan is "good", or random without relation with that supposed plan to kill them, it's just logic... but right now I expect everything from this anime. (Btw, what about it's second encounter?).
-In the (extreme) case Ball-chan is part of the asasination plan... well Luca is the bad guy, he was the one to run into it with his helmet.
-Ulgar... if you're not the bad guy, why do you have what looks like a gun? Was the real bad guy so stupid that didn't hide it decently?
-Guns were banned 100 years ago? Well, I have a lot of questions about that, but... I will say it's just silly.
-Their spaceship just aproached the planet in a straight line instead of getting in orbit before go to the surface, maybe there is some logic about that... but looks so random.
-The artificial gravity cannot be activated because there is a fly? Not even a way to force the activation? Ok... another weird thing.
-A lot of failures in the spaceship, it didn't looked real in any moment.
-All the things that happen in this anime are still looking forced, characters abilities and personalities, everything happens in the right time, characters always survives despite being fucking idiots. Right know it seems like everything acts to agree with a pre-designed plot, personalities and logic twists to complete that plot.

I liked some of the things Vocassen said in this comment, I don't agree whith everything (speacially points 8, 9 and 10), but it's an interesting comment.

Vocassen said:
Unfortunately A LOT of things bothered me science-wise, wish I could not see them lol
So sorry if this interests no one and I'm picky, it's just so much serious flaws, I probably forgot a lot

The Meteor and Hole:
1. Multiple meteors at the same time are VERY unlikely, unless a bigger one split up right before they hit (within minutes at max)
2. A puncture that big should rip the air out in seconds (there's vacuum out there after all) and probably rip the hole even bigger in the process. Definitely A LOT more violent than simply some leak in a air bed...
3. How does a flying creature like that even get in there? It couldn't have come in through the holes, since the air flows OUTWARD - not to speak that there is no air outside for the fly to survive in the first place. And especially the fly, as a small mass flying creature, should be severely affected by the hole right next to it...
The Power Generator:
4. You can't tell me the ship doesn't have the backup generator automatically kick in on failure of the primary - or atleast not even connected to the main grid AT ALL...
5. Power strong enough to hover a huge ship, through a household cable. LOL fire incoming
The 'advanced' spaceship:
6. A spaceship that advanced should have basic protection against meteorites. So even assuming only ISS-levels of protection, the meteorite must have been immensely huge and fast to puncture such a hole. So much that you probably wouldn't be able to find the actual meteorite anymore because it has been absolutely pulverized.
7. Why would it make sense to lock the gravity control when a flying object is in the control room - without an override at least? Just asks for unforseen failures...
The Glue "Gun":
8. Not to speak of the laughably glue gun being able to fix a hole so large, with so much pressure on it!
9. Oh yeah, glue guns aren't actually guns, they can't SHOOT fast glue....
The Pilot:
10. As said here before, if you are only 9 minutes from falling to the ground (with even less than earth gravity and apparently same pressure), you're not really in orbit anymore. Which makes no sense for our genius space pilot, either you're up there in orbit, NOT having to expend energy to stay up there, or you are in the landing process already...
Jul 20, 2019 6:16 PM

Jun 2013
This episode was so much better than the second one.
Jul 20, 2019 7:51 PM

Jul 2012
Hylianticipated said:
Sooo...why exactly do they need artificial gravity in order to stop the ship from falling? I don't think they really explained that.

I think they're implying that the ship has an anti-gravity drive - generates gravitational fields inside the ship, uses the ships own mass for propulsion outside of the ship. James Blish had anti-gravity drives as a major part of his Cities in Flight novels (the more mass you have, the faster the ship can go).

It's probably using the anti-gravity drive for intra-system flight, due to the smaller mass of the ship, and then another drive for inter-system drive.
Jul 20, 2019 8:52 PM

Oct 2017
More mysteries on top of the unsolved ones also some hints about the reason they r in the situation. Looks like it might be planned and not a co incidence after all.I still wonder who cut the communicator and wow Ulgar has a gun for some reason, I really wonder why thou.
Jul 20, 2019 11:15 PM

Dec 2015
CountZeroOr said:
Hylianticipated said:
Sooo...why exactly do they need artificial gravity in order to stop the ship from falling? I don't think they really explained that.

I think they're implying that the ship has an anti-gravity drive - generates gravitational fields inside the ship, uses the ships own mass for propulsion outside of the ship. James Blish had anti-gravity drives as a major part of his Cities in Flight novels (the more mass you have, the faster the ship can go).

It's probably using the anti-gravity drive for intra-system flight, due to the smaller mass of the ship, and then another drive for inter-system drive.

I had a theory that MIGHT be the case, but still...they didn't explain that AT ALL. Not even in passing.
Jul 21, 2019 9:59 AM

Dec 2014
so like more and more mysteries are piling up
Jul 21, 2019 4:11 PM

Jul 2015
DAMN, Things escalated quickly all over the place on both a physical and emotional level, I love it. This was a good episode, brought up quite a lot of questions.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Jul 22, 2019 1:26 PM

May 2016
A suprisingly good episode after the mediocrity of Episode 1, and the awfulness of Episode 2.
Jul 22, 2019 6:20 PM

Jan 2018
Ok, so Yunha or whatever is at the top of my suspicion list cause not ONLY does she always apologize for seemingly no reason, hinting that she's sorry for something no one knows about. But during the gravity escapade she was the only one who did not put her helmet on (Possibly due to a lack of self-preservation?) and also was unable to get Luca's bag. She just seems way too suspicious to not be involved at all.
Jul 23, 2019 12:36 AM

Feb 2010
Shotttooo00_0000 said:
I feel like all the characters have something in common, right now the characters we kind of got to know all have parent issues, Kanata didn't continue athletics as his father wanted, Quitterie's parents simply didn't care for her, Funicia is an orphan which means some parent issue(dead or left alone), Ulgar's father is the vice-principle and is ashamed of his son, Yun Hua's mother doesn't want her because to her she is useless. I assume the others would also have to do something with their parents, Aries mother looked fine though.

I don't know, this is the only common thing among them I could find. Also their is one shot in the OP with all the parents of the students, I think, I haven't read manga.

That is clearly Aries and Quitterie's mothers, who've we've already seen, in that group shot. Also that woman who appears to be Yunhua's mother. I think it's pretty save to assume those are the parents. Although there is only seven of them, so that's a bit odd. We're missing one.
Jul 23, 2019 11:56 AM

Dec 2016
Tension was building up in this episode like crazy! Very good episode!

Ulgar is very suspicious he could have commited the crime. Not a good sign -_-

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Jul 23, 2019 4:30 PM

Jun 2016
Decent episode. The mystery really appeals to me :)

So, talking about the possible traitor:
- Kanata is 100% not the traitor because we've seen a lot from his point of view.
- The sisters are also not, the tsundere is too afraid to do anything and the young one is just.. a child (kids can be evil but she just seems too pure lol).
- Zack cares too much about everyone and he is the one doing the most work so i don't think it's him. He could have told Kanata about the cut communicator to make him feel less suspicious and gain the lider's trust but that's the only thing that points towards him.
- Luca's that kind of guy that hasn't done anything suspicious but you also can't say why they are not. Could be him, but imo i don't think so.
- I don't think it's Aries because we have seen her with her mother and everything was pretty normal (could've been an act from Aries' part or just a fake memory, but i doubt it.)
Honestly it doesn't feel like this anime will go with the fake bitch route for her character.

Now with the most suspicious,
- Yunha is being made to be a target of suspicion for the viewers and it's too obvious, like, a lot. I was thinking it could've been her because she seems like a depressed person and not just shy.. so the suicide thing woudn't be too far fetched, but then the flashback with her mother(?) came and it just seems no one really loves her back home.
She's trying to get everyone's 'approval' by trying to do things right and be well liked, but her past experiences with her mother may be pulling her back.
- Ulgar is just the ultimate suspect right now and if he really is the one i will be beyond disappointed.
He has a gun now but he found it on the spaceship by the looks of it. If their one theory where ship was there specifically for the traitor to use after, he could've known all along where the gun was, but i'm thinking he may have taken it to defend himself even if he didn't know at the time that there was a traitor. (or maybe he figured that out by himself in some other way?) We'll see...

My bet right now is on Charce. The dude just looks too shady.
I mean, he's too perfect: Is intelligent, calm, has studied about plants and knows how to cook, plus, he seems to enjoy/like the creatures they find in the planets a lot.
A guy like him could know how to survive alone even if it weren't on earth.
Jul 23, 2019 6:00 PM

Apr 2019
AyumiVk said:
Decent episode. The mystery really appeals to me :)

So, talking about the possible traitor:
- Kanata is 100% not the traitor because we've seen a lot from his point of view.
- The sisters are also not, the tsundere is too afraid to do anything and the young one is just.. a child (kids can be evil but she just seems too pure lol).
- Zack cares too much about everyone and he is the one doing the most work so i don't think it's him. He could have told Kanata about the cut communicator to make him feel less suspicious and gain the lider's trust but that's the only thing that points towards him.
- Luca's that kind of guy that hasn't done anything suspicious but you also can't say why they are not. Could be him, but imo i don't think so.
- I don't think it's Aries because we have seen her with her mother and everything was pretty normal (could've been an act from Aries' part or just a fake memory, but i doubt it.)
Honestly it doesn't feel like this anime will go with the fake bitch route for her character.

Now with the most suspicious,
- Yunha is being made to be a target of suspicion for the viewers and it's too obvious, like, a lot. I was thinking it could've been her because she seems like a depressed person and not just shy.. so the suicide thing woudn't be too far fetched, but then the flashback with her mother(?) came and it just seems no one really loves her back home.
She's trying to get everyone's 'approval' by trying to do things right and be well liked, but her past experiences with her mother may be pulling her back.
- Ulgar is just the ultimate suspect right now and if he really is the one i will be beyond disappointed.
He has a gun now but he found it on the spaceship by the looks of it. If their one theory where ship was there specifically for the traitor to use after, he could've known all along where the gun was, but i'm thinking he may have taken it to defend himself even if he didn't know at the time that there was a traitor. (or maybe he figured that out by himself in some other way?) We'll see...

My bet right now is on Charce. The dude just looks too shady.
I mean, he's too perfect: Is intelligent, calm, has studied about plants and knows how to cook, plus, he seems to enjoy/like the creatures they find in the planets a lot.
A guy like him could know how to survive alone even if it weren't on earth.

if you enjoy that kind of mystery you are going to have a blast in the 2nd half xD
You son of a .. turtle

Jul 23, 2019 6:12 PM

Jun 2016
Nim0174 said:
if you enjoy that kind of mystery you are going to have a blast in the 2nd half xD

Looking forward to it then ahah
Jul 23, 2019 8:28 PM

Jul 2014
Aries best girl...... Please don't let it be Aries, please don't let it be Aries, please don't let it be the girl with the retarded seagull laugh. I like her too much xD
Jul 24, 2019 2:15 AM
Apr 2015
my guess is the pilot of the ship did the communicator. who would know how to specifically damage it in such a way? plus what to do with the leftover parts? how about make a little pocket food sensor. Same thing with the lowered deflectors. How wouldn't he have noticed? anyways, I don't know if I'll make it all the way through this one. Seems like the way it is right now that it's a show for children and at least half the characters just plain suck. useless quiet girl. angry spoiled doctor girl. dumb also useless young girl with the weird hand puppet nobody asks about. edgy tsundere guy. even the pink hair girl who is a main drives me nuts. I'm going to try to keep with it though mostly because you guys here have talked it up.
Jul 24, 2019 7:31 AM

Dec 2010
So, I have a crazy speculation - Aries is an android. How else can you explain her photographic memory and the dumb faces she makes. Not least, her head ornaments remind me of the ones used to distinguish androids from humans in Dimension W. It doesn't make much sense to wear one of those.
Jul 24, 2019 9:28 AM

Feb 2010
Meritas said:
So, I have a crazy speculation - Aries is an android. How else can you explain her photographic memory and the dumb faces she makes. Not least, her head ornaments remind me of the ones used to distinguish androids from humans in Dimension W. It doesn't make much sense to wear one of those.
Lol. Nice guess. That's certainly a new take on this.
Jul 25, 2019 5:50 AM
Sep 2018
trenchantbaka said:
Nefregar said:
How the hell could that flying alien thing move freely in zero gravity? I'm not a physicist but pretty sure that's not how it's supposed to work.

I'm no physicist either but if there's air in the spaceship then the bird should be able to fly since flying is basically pushing air. I might be wrong though.

I'm a bit late, but here's a video of pigeons in zero-g.
Jul 27, 2019 9:39 AM

Jul 2008
I know it's a red herring but I'm really suspecting Yuahua here. But the setup is too obvious right?
Jul 27, 2019 9:54 AM

Apr 2019
MyDadDisownedMe said:
trenchantbaka said:

I'm no physicist either but if there's air in the spaceship then the bird should be able to fly since flying is basically pushing air. I might be wrong though.

I'm a bit late, but here's a video of pigeons in zero-g.

you should have quoted the original statement, after all the guy you quoted agreed with you @Nefregar
there you go
You son of a .. turtle

Jul 27, 2019 10:49 AM

Feb 2017
The plot thickens. Feels like show tries to make us believe Ulgar to be the traitor, so it gotta be a red herring. I am still suspicious of Yunhua, tho bit less after this episode. Charce, Lucas and Aries are also possible traitors. Aries being a traitor would be interesting.
Jul 31, 2019 2:13 PM

Aug 2017
Much better than the disastrous second episode.

Ulgar has a gun, huh. He is too suspicious.
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Aug 2, 2019 9:08 PM

Nov 2012
My guess is that no one is a traitor, the silver haired guy was wrong about the communicator being "freshly" cut out.
Aug 2, 2019 9:22 PM

Apr 2019
Anime-is-King said:
My guess is that no one is a traitor, the silver haired guy was wrong about the communicator being "freshly" cut out.

what a boring theory XD
You son of a .. turtle

Aug 3, 2019 3:22 AM

Nov 2012
Nim0174 said:
Anime-is-King said:
My guess is that no one is a traitor, the silver haired guy was wrong about the communicator being "freshly" cut out.

what a boring theory XD

lolol, well i'm finding it hard to see any of them willing to do this, even the space Sasuke Uchiha with the gun. They got thrown into a situation and there trying to find someone to blame. :P
Aug 3, 2019 8:30 PM
Jan 2017
This show continues to be amazing! With the revelation of a killer among the heroes' ranks, things have become more difficult for the Astra crew. Kanata even thinks of all the possible suspects and tries to uncover their reasons for sabotaging the ship and stranding the crew in deep space. Ulgar is also a trained gunman, but that might be something just to throw viewers off. At this point, viewers should be on their toes to find the traitor and it is clear that Astra will not be having an armchair ride anytime soon.
Aug 5, 2019 2:39 AM
Mar 2012
Interesting mysteries, and Kanata pulling bits of backstories from the crew to find whodunit.
Some of these students are (Danganronpa level) super talented, but someone wants them disposed of somehow, politics? bad genes? illness? The whydunit part still murky for now.
Some of the events feel random or blunt, like the fly disabling the gravity control. Maybe giving more explanation & time so things are believable. An advanced spaceship should know what's the risk of a small fly vs the quickly falling altitude with guaranteed death (unless it's as dumb as the 737 max), or at least allow full manual overrides.
Tsundere Tooi Ulgar still got a gun here (& same va) lol.
Suspicious weird eyes seagull, old man puppet, or...
Aug 6, 2019 7:48 PM

Dec 2016
Experiencing this as someone who has read the manga already is pretty great, and for all the anime-only's who are enjoying this definitely read the manga afterwards, you won't regret it!
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Aug 8, 2019 4:10 PM

Jun 2014
That was close. Ulgar actually helped, but he's still suspicious, and he's located a gun, which nobody else on the ship knows about.

Yun Hua is also quite suspicious, as we know far too little about her.

Aug 17, 2019 12:24 PM

Jul 2009
That suspense was great! I was laughing when the random bird-like alien just suddenly appeared. As for the killer, I'm suspecting Yunhua or Ulgar, though there's a good chance they could be red herrings. Also, guns were abolished a century ago? Now I'm curious about the setting of this show.

Best episode so far!
Sep 1, 2019 4:11 AM

Nov 2012
Nim0174 said:
Anime-is-King said:
My guess is that no one is a traitor, the silver haired guy was wrong about the communicator being "freshly" cut out.

what a boring theory XD

Well it looks like my boring theory is panning out eh? :D
Sep 1, 2019 5:15 AM

Apr 2019
Anime-is-King said:
Nim0174 said:

what a boring theory XD

Well it looks like my boring theory is panning out eh? :D

you forgot im a manga reader
just watch till its done xD
You son of a .. turtle

Sep 20, 2019 2:47 PM
Mar 2018
This episode was really good, definitely a step up from the first two episodes. I am intrigued by Ulgar although I don't think he is the traitor. That said, the episode gave me Rokka no yuusha vibes. I wonder if the dense Aries is the culprit!!
Oct 9, 2019 7:32 AM

Oct 2013
wew, over 3 episodes this show evolved from The Weeb Breakfast Club in Space to Made in Abyss in Space to Danganronpa in Space.

I like how everyone here is theorizing who the potential traiter is, but the idea there's a traitor at all is mere speculation. While possible, no one glaringly fits the bill, and there are other potential explanations too. I look forward to expanding the backstory in why -- or if -- the students were planned for group elimination to begin with. So far there's no given reason why any of them are targets individually, let alone as a group.

Oct 12, 2019 4:04 AM

Nov 2014
Whoa .. it's getting more interesting.

the mystery getting more exciting, loved it.
So Ulgar a marksman then with his specialty in shooting. the mystery about that whole mass killing is getting more interesting, especially knowing 2 of the members are hated by their someone they know (Ulgar and Yunhua), moreover in the OP sequence there are foreshadowing of several people that related to every member of b-5, reminding me of BTOOM, i wonder if that is the case or... another plot twist...

daymm can't wait to see next episode.
Oct 18, 2019 6:56 PM
Nov 2013
Ima guess that one dude who first touched the ball is the culprit as the ball only started moving after he touched it. It wouldn't be much of a plan if they had all ran away instead when they first saw it.

Second guess is Ulgar, as he stood still despite a strong desire to live. I assume he got the gun because he realized beforehand, like they said during their discussion, that the killer was actually on the kill list as well. Its entirely possible he just wanted the gun though xD

I was gonna point a finger at the big boobed girl but... With how clumsy she is... lol

It was a bit slow for me at the start, but I'm starting to enjoy this now.
NakuyOct 18, 2019 7:00 PM
Oct 22, 2019 4:33 AM

Sep 2016
Well, it's becoming more and more of a surprise, even if we're in early episodes. Good!

May seem a bit too late to make hypotesis as the anime already finished airing, and someone will for sure tell me how what I'm thinking now is wrong, but whatever, I'll still try.

As the anime is still on early stage for me, everything is possible like, there could be someone else hidden from sight doing the things, there could be more than one traitor, there could be no traitors at all as well.

One curious thing that I basically ignored at the start was Luca's name.
As an italian I should've noticed it sooner.
Luca is a pretty common name, and Esposito is one of the most stereotypical last names ever too.
Not only that, but the first thing I can thing with "Esposito family" is mafia, lol.

That said, there is a possibility then.
What if this "mission" is just some way to get rid of unwanted children for families?
A lot of the rest of the team qualifies.

The son of a big-corporation guy in Ulgar, the vice president of the society that funded the "mission", another possible gang related family, so, he could very possibly be an unwanted child.
Funicia is a daughter of a rich family, and her family never cared for her, then suddenly wanted another daughter, one may thing it could be the mother wanting to redeem herself as a parent (but then why don't do it with your own daughter then), but it's clear, since the "talk" before Funicia got adopted, and the fact that both got sent to this program where everyone shouldn't be related at all to the others, yet both sisters got in...suspicious, what about they want to get rid of both? After all the adopted sister was from a family of the same lineage too.
Then we have Aries, who at the start of the anime looked immediately as the weird one in her family, there is a chance they want to get rid of her as well too.
Astra is a candidate as well, as his father wanted him to fullfill his dream, but he went after his teacher, and even after his teacher died (his father could be involved), he still didn't turn to him completely. Even here there is a "reason" for his father to want to get rid of his "useless son".

About the others the anime still didn't give enough elements yet.

A thing I thought is that Zack and Yunhua know each other, that is another oddity. Also they look almost like they're adults among kids or something. What if they're infiltrated? Or maybe they are survivors of a previous mission (there could be B1, B2, B3 and B4 missions before B5)?

This whole situation is a lot Hansel and Gretel like, lol.
Abandoned children by their parents finding a home made of sweets (the spaceship), and then there's the bad witch (the mysterious thing that teleported them in space), and they have to fight to survive and get home.
It could also go for a Danganronpa-like plot where the aim is to make everyone suspect everyone, and getting everyone killing each other. My last hypotesis could also call for another battle-royale like plot where it's revealed later that someone already survived the thing once and came back to it.

I'll see.

I want to see how wrong I am, so I'll keep watching.
If someone from Italy hears someone screaming "I KNEW IT" from outside, that will be me.

P.S. Almost forgot that: In ep 1, when Zack made the path to get back home, all the 20-days steps reached the following planet, and the map blinked as the planet got circled after being reached by the line...except for the last one. No beep. No line reaching. Only planet circled.
I still suspect that the last step is too long to make it in 20 days.
FullyChargedOct 22, 2019 4:38 AM
Dec 1, 2019 12:14 AM

Mar 2015
Nice episode, looks like we've got a lot to be suspicious of Ulgar about!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Jan 1, 2020 3:17 PM

Jul 2015
Looks like the suspiscion is particularly placed on Ulgar looking at the last scene, but I don't think he is the traitor

So far Yunhua is pretty useless and Quitterie is pretty hysterical losing her mind over every thing that happens....

Feb 5, 2020 10:43 AM

Dec 2018
yeah that flying thing kind of felt like a contrived way of showing, "hey this guy can shoot", but whatever. kind of figured in the beginning that it looked like a gun case.
so the traitor has no regard for their own life? well that girl certainly seems pretty melancholic. but that also seems too obvious.
maybe it's the hand puppet lol
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