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Saikyou no Ousama, Nidome no Jinsei wa Nani wo Suru?
Feb 26, 7:21 PM
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CamTheThief Sep 30, 2015 4:06 PM
This is the group I use for Overlord.
And for future reference, this is a site that hosts a hell of a lot of LN translations:
CamTheThief Sep 30, 2015 2:11 PM
Sorry this response is about 3 and half weeks late! Life stuff interfered with my MAL time.
And he's actually not that different, you just see more internal dialogue and thus see his thoughts fully expounded upon. It's not like he ordered them to run into the city and rampage, he just ordered them to not let any adventurers past. He was looking to take full credit for this incident and inflate his popularity. If adventurers made it through to help that would detract from what he did, and if by-chance some were to die from these undead, that would just lend more favor to him for his ability to fight through these dangerous undead. Ainz is exceedingly practical, he won't needlessly slaughter, but will kill if its beneficial to him. Swords of Darkness, he didn't care about them personally, he only cared for their deaths because it interfered with his plans.

I can see how it would remind you of that, but the excessive detail that is explored in the LN sheds light on how its a fantasy world as opposed to an mmo world. In Log Horizon they still had things like raids and world events (from the game), so that it still felt like the game. Overlord lacks that.
My apologies if I sound like a purist, I liked the anime adaptation, but it was far from perfect in my eyes, and the LN are just improving the further I progress into the series.
CamTheThief Sep 7, 2015 1:58 PM
Yeah, I'm at least thankful for that. But with this new system, writing new reviews is almost pointless since they virtually have no chance of being seen by anyone but the initial people who see it in "new reviews". MKnR is one of my reviews that just managed to hold onto that coveted first place spot, some of my other ones have essentially been killed.. :(

The anime itself is still fairly dark, Ainz has no problems with slaughtering soldiers and he looks at the dead without a care in the world, but it just doesn't hold quite the same feeling that the Light Novels did. Two quick examples, when he first saved that girl in episode 3, in the Light Novels it switched to the girl's perspective and had her thinking that Ainz looked like the very image of death, she was sure she was going to die as she looked on an existence that was beyond her comprehension. I didn't get that same feeling in the show... But more recently in the tale, when Ainz created the two undead while he was in the graveyard, in the LN he gave them orders to not let any adventurers get through, but to leave soldiers alive so they could spread tales of Momon. Those undead killed a lot of adventurers, but Ainz's willingness to order them to do so was omitted from the anime. While that's arguably a small detail, in the LN it served to help develop his character as someone who was truly losing his humanity where he could order the death of the "good guys" to satisfy his own goals.
Yeah, I'm in Volume 6, and it hasn't dropped off in the slightest, its actually getting better and better as time goes on. And allow me to say this: it's not a "stuck-in-an-mmo" story. It's far more accurate to just think that Momonga was transported to a fantasy world with a few similarities to the game he played. The Light novel goes into many details that really make that apparent. (I sound like a broken record just continually referencing the LN, so my apologies there. xD)
CamTheThief Sep 7, 2015 11:51 AM
Thanks mate! Nice to know I'm not alone on this site! Though, I won't deny my disgruntlement at that review's ranking when compared to the other top reviews. Prior to MAL's review changes, mine had the highest percentage and was the top review. I write reviews for two reasons: 1, because I enjoy writing reviews. 2, so that people on this site can see my review and the thoughts and opinions that encompass it. The new system forced all of my reviews deeper into MAL's databases where they're see by far less people... :/

The Overlord adaptation has been very good. Since the source is a Light Novel it's hard to include every single detail, so some of the explanations and exposition are lacking, but that's to be expected. The only gripe I have is that when I was reading the overall story felt a bit darker. Ainz's presentation, Hamsuke, etc, etc, just felt darker. I can't really lay fault at Madhouse though, that was just my interpretation. What about you? How are you liking it?
Death_Raja Jul 24, 2015 9:15 PM
glad to hear u are planning to watch Nurarihyon no Mago, it is probably one of my favorite shows both seasons, (although it was also one of the earliest series i watched to i wasnt tired of the cliches that some people disliked) either way it should be enjoyable

But it says your watching Nurarihyon no Mago: Sennen Makyou which is the second season so hopefully u did watch the first season and just forgot to list it. anyway let me know what u think of it
Death_Raja Jul 1, 2015 10:17 PM
i have seen bleach but it has been a while since then. from what i remember is that it does pick up around the arrancar a little but definitely when you get to the Hueco Mundo and white invasion arcs. i didnt really like the bount arc all that much either. also if you feel its dragging i suggest you just watch the arcs that are from the manga and skip anime original ones because you can always go back to them. hope this helps
Death_Raja Jun 23, 2015 8:53 PM
yeah thats true about world break but i didnt mind the relationship stuff all that much.

but im glad you liked Nanatsu no Taizai. i agree it had a good story and action. hopefully dvd sales do well so we can see a sequal at some point
Death_Raja Jun 12, 2015 12:02 AM
i am also planning to watch Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka, but like to wait for the new series to end before watching it so i can just go through it fast especially if its only 12 or 13 episodes. i get to curious to see whats next to have the patience to wait week by week

two anime i think u might enjoy are:
Nanatsu no Taizai
Seiken Tsukai no World Break

if u end up watching them let me know what u think
La_Matona301 Jun 12, 2015 12:01 AM
Not bad for ur "Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei" though, I kinda hate that it has that geo political theme in it.
Death_Raja Jun 11, 2015 9:42 PM
i just wanted to say i totaly agree with your review of Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei . i never really understood why so many people were against him being "overpowered" i mean some one has to be the strongest so it might as well be the MC, and like you said every major country has some one like him so its not like he is the only one
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