Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Mar 23, 2019 8:47 PM
herrickluk said: Pedram said: herrickluk said: LampSynthesis21 said: herrickluk said: I knew this anime was shit, but this episode was just a new high in its levels of contrived bs. Cardinal dies for no reason reasoning with Quinella after it's clearly stated she can't be reasoned with, Eugeo turns into a sword and dies after he gets a sudden epiphany looking at jewels, Kirito does the same 'leave it to me' speech. And we know for sure, there's going to be revivals later on. Thank God it's over soon. Pedram and White outright explained why all of those things happened. All you chutiyas just dont like to read. What they said does not dismiss the arguments I made. 1) How does Cardinal dying solve any of the issues they currently had. There was ZERO chance Quinella would've listened to anything Cardinal was asking her to do.Alice even stated she can't be reasoned with. Asking Quinella to spare the three after she die? Yea that turned out into Quinella attacking Sword Eugeo regardless, and attacking Alice, and Kirito. 2) Cardinal can't attack the Sword Golem because it's filled with humans lives, so why does Sword Eugeo attack and destroy it. 3) The time it takes for Eugeo to learn and decide to turn into a sword is literally 30 seconds of on screen time, no buildup, no development, just a BTW I gotta turn into a sword. It's not a matter of not reading, it's a matter of bad character development and plot building. Sigh... 1) My comment somewhere else when someone asked if Quinella swearing on her fluctlight was any kind of real bind or did Cardinal just believed Quinella : IIRC there was no binding or anything preventing Quinella to not harm them afterward. But there was no reason for Quinella to fight them either, since the very beginning, Quinella didn't think of them as anything more than Ants. her whole plan was to finally lure out Cardinal and kill her, that was her whole goal. Cardinal was at a dead end... her only chance was to bet on Quinella swearing off the only think that she cared about, her fluctlight, and giving the 3 some time. she did not really expect them to be able to fight back later. I think she just wanted to give them a bit of time away from Quinella and hope that Kirito can do something or get some help from the other side, since she completely gave up hope of defeating her from this side. in Cardinal's opinion, it was either everyone die and she can bother Admin a bit... but she will fix herself eventually. or bet that she can have a small chance of letting the other 3 survive. 2) I already explained it above, Cardinal can't coz she is a program and she have many limitation, not only she got Seal of the Right eye, she is not really a human and is half program. same as Quinella. she can't disobey. Eugeo can attack it coz Eugeo broke the only seal and limitation he had in EP10 ! he broke his eye. 3) Eugeo literally saw what Quinella did, turn the beloved people of the memory crystals and make them into sword, then let their Desire to posses their loved one, control the Sword Golem. He then think he should do the same with himself, because... he learn from EP19~20, that the desire to posses that Quinella is mistaking as real love and using it is not really correct and what the humans want. Love is not someone u take in return for giving, it's not like money or a trade, he believed if he become a Sword with Alice, his and Kid alice's bond is stronger than the fake desire that control Sword Golem and will defeat it. and it did. there is build up and development and obvious reasons for everything before this. you just didn't notice. Sigh... 1) I don't agree with that at all. There is no outcome where dying would be better than living for Cardinal. If she just wanted to stall time for Kirito and others, staying alive would undoubtedly give them more time to decide on a course of action. If she thought there was a chance Quinella would not immediately attack them afterwards, then that's just poor misguided reasoning, which I dont buy. 2) That's not what I'm arguing. I understand that Cardinal cannot attack humans, it is the fact that Eugeo did that I have contention with. Why would he attack and destroy the physical embodiment of human lives, it makes no sense. They are HUMAN LIVES! 3) That may be the case, but the time it took for him to decide he had to turn into a sword and him actually doing it is not believable. It's not convincing in the slightest. Literally 30 seconds to decide. No monologue, no discussion with the other members, he just does it. I can explain all of that tho it will be long 1.You can say that because you don't understand Quinella's character. Quinella is one that care for herself more than anything that's her principle, just remember when she gets old she desperately searching for ways to get younger and do anything to preserve her full memory capacity. That's why when Cardinal propose to surrender she ask her not to vow on god but on her own fluctlight, if Quinella betrays that that means she's denying her own existence so she'll definitely will keep her promise base on that vow. The reason why she attacked them afterwards is because they broke their promise first and try to offend Quinella by turning Eugeo to sword, nulling her vow. This is explained in LN 2.Cardinal is restricted by the seal of right eye too and this should be explain when she's talkig with kirito back on episode 13 but anime skipped that, that's why even if she wants to, she won't be able to attack the sword while Eugeo has already broken through that so he can kill all he wants. 3.what do you mean by 30 seconds? He's already desperately searching for ways to fight while Cardinal is being tortured and in the end conclude that's the only way, it's also because of Alice's voice calling and guide him to his decision. |
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Mar 23, 2019 8:49 PM
Mar 23, 2019 9:15 PM
Eugeo turned into a sword... Hehe, Administrator turned her arm into a sword... Administrator was about to strike Alice and Kirito was still on his knees. He must have been ridiculously fast to draw his sword, get up, get in front of Alice, and block Administrator's attack. Alright then. Eugeo did his job of weakening Administrator. Kirito should have no problem beating a one-armed woman. |
Mar 23, 2019 9:26 PM
Well I'm kinda lost this episode but thankfully some of the posts here helps. That Eugeo vs the golem and Quinella is not as good as I expect it to be but well it's acceptable. Can't wait to see Kirito vs Quinella in the next episode. |
Mar 23, 2019 9:27 PM
So....they did the supporting cast of this series pretty damn dirty and I see a lot of people in this thread who read the LNs pretty triggered by it. Yeah...I'm with you. And...boy oh boy I'm worried to see how much of an asspull this finale to this part of the story is going to be. |
Don't believe the hype. |
Mar 23, 2019 9:37 PM
Ahhh now I'm depressed about Eugeo |
Mar 23, 2019 9:42 PM
herrickluk said: Again, my issue was not that. I understand she can't attack hhumans. It was EUGEO. He shouldn't have made that call to attack that sword golem since there are real lives inside of it. Him destroying it should not have been his choice to make alone. I will clarify this point to you. But I want to say in the begining that my intention is only to make you understand why and not to make you suddenly like SAO when you disliked it from the start. So hopefully you don't drag the discussion. Quinella stated that she will create many more of these sword golems by converting half of the human population. If Eugeo didn't make that call, surely it would have come to pass. Eugeo killing the sword golem was lesser of the two evils. It was quite realistic that he would take that decision. They even showed his monologue to explain why he took that decision. The other possible outcomes are - 1) Eugeo saying I don't want to kill 300 people and giving up. I think that is more unrealistic. This troupe is used many anime, however. 2) Eugeo discussing whether he should kill it or not with Kirito and Alice while cardinal is about to die at any moment and lose his opportunity to become a sword. Lets be honest here. If he actually discussed it with them in the middle of the fight, you would have just complained about it too. I think a lot of other complaints you have are because of a lack of understanding the characters and setting. But because how long it took for me to write explanation for this one point, I am not going to bother with any other complaints you have. If you don't like the anime, that is your loss, not mine. |
Chrome_FalconMar 23, 2019 9:49 PM
Mar 23, 2019 10:07 PM
look, i don't care if more than half of the people here say this anime is 'objectively bad' or whatever. I HAD BEEN WAITING LIKE SIX F*CKING YEARS TO SEE EUGEO ON SCREEN BEFORE THIS ARC STARTED AIRING AND NOW I CAN'T STOP CRYING |
Sweet♥I guess, as long as I have life, all I can do is fight with all my might. |
Mar 23, 2019 10:12 PM
Nothing make sense pretty much sum up this epiode |
Mar 23, 2019 10:25 PM
This episode was so trash. Like Cardinal gave her life and really thought quinella wouldn't harm them. Is she that dumb |
Mar 23, 2019 10:29 PM
Dajoeman said: This episode was so trash. Like Cardinal gave her life and really thought quinella wouldn't harm them. Is she that dumb Quinella can't break promises when she swore it on herself. (Because of the seal of right eye) |
Mar 23, 2019 10:42 PM
Mattinator95 said: A-1 seems to being having fun rushing it That's really funny since a lot of other people are complaining about it being too slow. Is it really being rushed? |
Mar 23, 2019 11:02 PM
herrickluk said: whiters99 said: herrickluk said: Pedram said: herrickluk said: LampSynthesis21 said: herrickluk said: I knew this anime was shit, but this episode was just a new high in its levels of contrived bs. Cardinal dies for no reason reasoning with Quinella after it's clearly stated she can't be reasoned with, Eugeo turns into a sword and dies after he gets a sudden epiphany looking at jewels, Kirito does the same 'leave it to me' speech. And we know for sure, there's going to be revivals later on. Thank God it's over soon. Pedram and White outright explained why all of those things happened. All you chutiyas just dont like to read. What they said does not dismiss the arguments I made. 1) How does Cardinal dying solve any of the issues they currently had. There was ZERO chance Quinella would've listened to anything Cardinal was asking her to do.Alice even stated she can't be reasoned with. Asking Quinella to spare the three after she die? Yea that turned out into Quinella attacking Sword Eugeo regardless, and attacking Alice, and Kirito. 2) Cardinal can't attack the Sword Golem because it's filled with humans lives, so why does Sword Eugeo attack and destroy it. 3) The time it takes for Eugeo to learn and decide to turn into a sword is literally 30 seconds of on screen time, no buildup, no development, just a BTW I gotta turn into a sword. It's not a matter of not reading, it's a matter of bad character development and plot building. Sigh... 1) My comment somewhere else when someone asked if Quinella swearing on her fluctlight was any kind of real bind or did Cardinal just believed Quinella : IIRC there was no binding or anything preventing Quinella to not harm them afterward. But there was no reason for Quinella to fight them either, since the very beginning, Quinella didn't think of them as anything more than Ants. her whole plan was to finally lure out Cardinal and kill her, that was her whole goal. Cardinal was at a dead end... her only chance was to bet on Quinella swearing off the only think that she cared about, her fluctlight, and giving the 3 some time. she did not really expect them to be able to fight back later. I think she just wanted to give them a bit of time away from Quinella and hope that Kirito can do something or get some help from the other side, since she completely gave up hope of defeating her from this side. in Cardinal's opinion, it was either everyone die and she can bother Admin a bit... but she will fix herself eventually. or bet that she can have a small chance of letting the other 3 survive. 2) I already explained it above, Cardinal can't coz she is a program and she have many limitation, not only she got Seal of the Right eye, she is not really a human and is half program. same as Quinella. she can't disobey. Eugeo can attack it coz Eugeo broke the only seal and limitation he had in EP10 ! he broke his eye. 3) Eugeo literally saw what Quinella did, turn the beloved people of the memory crystals and make them into sword, then let their Desire to posses their loved one, control the Sword Golem. He then think he should do the same with himself, because... he learn from EP19~20, that the desire to posses that Quinella is mistaking as real love and using it is not really correct and what the humans want. Love is not someone u take in return for giving, it's not like money or a trade, he believed if he become a Sword with Alice, his and Kid alice's bond is stronger than the fake desire that control Sword Golem and will defeat it. and it did. there is build up and development and obvious reasons for everything before this. you just didn't notice. Sigh... 1) I don't agree with that at all. There is no outcome where dying would be better than living for Cardinal. If she just wanted to stall time for Kirito and others, staying alive would undoubtedly give them more time to decide on a course of action. If she thought there was a chance Quinella would not immediately attack them afterwards, then that's just poor misguided reasoning, which I dont buy. 2) That's not what I'm arguing. I understand that Cardinal cannot attack humans, it is the fact that Eugeo did that I have contention with. Why would he attack and destroy the physical embodiment of human lives, it makes no sense. They are HUMAN LIVES! 3) That may be the case, but the time it took for him to decide he had to turn into a sword and him actually doing it is not believable. It's not convincing in the slightest. Literally 30 seconds to decide. No monologue, no discussion with the other members, he just does it. I can explain all of that tho it will be long 1.You can say that because you don't understand Quinella's character. Quinella is one that care for herself more than anything that's her principle, just remember when she gets old she desperately searching for ways to get younger and do anything to preserve her full memory capacity. That's why when Cardinal propose to surrender she ask her not to vow on god but on her own fluctlight, if Quinella betrays that that means she's denying her own existence so she'll definitely will keep her promise base on that vow. The reason why she attacked them afterwards is because they broke their promise first and try to offend Quinella by turning Eugeo to sword, nulling her vow. This is explained in LN 2.Cardinal is restricted by the seal of right eye too and this should be explain when she's talkig with kirito back on episode 13 but anime skipped that, that's why even if she wants to, she won't be able to attack the sword while Eugeo has already broken through that so he can kill all he wants. 3.what do you mean by 30 seconds? He's already desperately searching for ways to fight while Cardinal is being tortured and in the end conclude that's the only way, it's also because of Alice's voice calling and guide him to his decision. 1) interesting, so they omitted that part from the anime im guessing. Still I don't think Cardinal dying was the best course of action 2) Again, my issue was not that. I understand she can't attack hhumans. It was EUGEO. He shouldn't have made that call to attack that sword golem since there are real lives inside of it. Him destroying it should not have been his choice to make alone. 3) I didn't buy his epiphany seeing as he was in the pits of despair 30 seconds prior, but then figures out a seemingly battle changing outcome in what seemed like no time at all 1.Well what to do? It's already too late when Eugeo finally decides, she's already too injured by then. 2.Although there's lives inside,but now they are all no longer human, not even a single intelligence remains even if its Kirito or Alice, they would do the same and destroy all of them because they cannot be saved anymore. 3.Despair? He only despaired for 5 seconds after that he already recovered and resolved to find ways to fight rather than standing and dwell on his powerlessness, I'd say Kirito is the one that keep despairing along with Alice while Eugeo already searching for ways to retaliate when Cardinal is tortured, it is not a sudden epiphany. |
whiters99Mar 23, 2019 11:07 PM
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Mar 23, 2019 11:05 PM
Mar 23, 2019 11:06 PM
Jaces_Sanctum said: for the LN readers, it rushed bcs they skipped so many important parts. for anime-only, it was slow because lot of talking and less action imoMattinator95 said: A-1 seems to being having fun rushing it That's really funny since a lot of other people are complaining about it being too slow. Is it really being rushed? |
Mar 23, 2019 11:29 PM
I don't really get the sword golem thing. Is it that it was created using 300 human/fluctlight as subject that is dear to those first 30 Integrity Knights? Basically in average 10 from each Integrity Knights? Or am I missing something here? |
Mar 23, 2019 11:41 PM
Interesting.. I wonder how different it'd have been if Kirito has used Eugeo the Sword, as meta and weird as that sounds. You know maybe use him in some dual sword action cough my god that sounds so weird... fanfiction please don't commence Everyone in forums are saying how trash this fight was ... was I the only one overwhelmed even though I knew it was all coming? Although OG_Gattsu said: you're right. Totally felt forced, but I guess it was a reminder that Asuna still exists in this show lol. Also, my guess is like maybe after Kirito leaves this world, they'll find Eugeo's existence on some USB drive lol -oror... they do a system wipe and maybe can open a previous memory backup and just pull Eugeo out before he dies. So much talking in the 1/3 that could have been shorten. Cardinal’s death was pointless considering Administrator proceeded to kill the three anyway. It feels as though the writer wrote her out because she was too OP and didn’t know to solve the issue and make Kirito be the OP stu in the final fight. I doubt Euego is dead. He’s probably still alive with the ice holding his parts together or some shit. I wish he did die though because it cheapens his sacrifice. Kirito giving up like that was very forced and out of character. It could have been executed better Also rip, Administrator's promise not to hurt best boii. All she does is hurt him :[ |
KaguyachinchinMar 23, 2019 11:44 PM
Mar 23, 2019 11:46 PM
kiza1379 said: I don't really get the sword golem thing. Is it that it was created using 300 human/fluctlight as subject that is dear to those first 30 Integrity Knights? Basically in average 10 from each Integrity Knights? Or am I missing something here? Yes. The single crystal Eugeo destroyed is a device that connects the consciousness of 30 knights' stolen fragments to the swords. The swords are made of all the relatives and friends that the 30 knights knew. Only Alice and Eldrie's relatives were spared because they were recently appointed. |
Mar 23, 2019 11:57 PM
Chrome_Falcon said: kiza1379 said: I don't really get the sword golem thing. Is it that it was created using 300 human/fluctlight as subject that is dear to those first 30 Integrity Knights? Basically in average 10 from each Integrity Knights? Or am I missing something here? Yes. The single crystal Eugeo destroyed is a device that connects the consciousness of 30 knights' stolen fragments to the swords. The swords are made of all the relatives and friends that the 30 knights knew. Only Alice and Eldrie's relatives were spared because they were recently appointed. Thanks for the explanation man. Well tbh isn't it actually 301 subjects? Since cardinal "killed" it when she enter the battlefield. And Eugeo literally killed some if not all of them because there's a scene showed that some of the swords cracked when Eugeo's sword form broke in half. |
Mar 24, 2019 12:29 AM
WTF was that shit? first cardinal sacrificed her life to save those 3! and Kirito just stayed there and didn't do anything? really? and whats next? how could they save the world without fighting administrator? what was fucking logic behind that? and right afterward Eugio turn himself to sword and dies and kirto starts fighting Administrator what was the fucking point of her death? AMAZING story writing 11/10 LUL |
Mar 24, 2019 12:33 AM
kiza1379 said: Chrome_Falcon said: kiza1379 said: I don't really get the sword golem thing. Is it that it was created using 300 human/fluctlight as subject that is dear to those first 30 Integrity Knights? Basically in average 10 from each Integrity Knights? Or am I missing something here? Yes. The single crystal Eugeo destroyed is a device that connects the consciousness of 30 knights' stolen fragments to the swords. The swords are made of all the relatives and friends that the 30 knights knew. Only Alice and Eldrie's relatives were spared because they were recently appointed. Thanks for the explanation man. Well tbh isn't it actually 301 subjects? Since cardinal "killed" it when she enter the battlefield. And Eugeo literally killed some if not all of them because there's a scene showed that some of the swords cracked when Eugeo's sword form broke in half. Cardinal's attack only stunned the golem. Eugeo destroyed the crystal that was the golem's heart. Eugeo's sword cracked when destroying Quinella's sword. It is not a part of sword golem. |
Mar 24, 2019 1:03 AM
Finally, Eugeo gets to do something cool again, I was hoping he'd fill in as Kirito's second sword though. |
Mar 24, 2019 1:33 AM
lol the decisions they took didn't make sense whatsoever. Cardinal and Eugeo died and Alice almost did as well, just so Kirito can wake up. This is just as nonsensical as the decisions that were taken in The Price of Smiles. |
Mar 24, 2019 1:52 AM
Pedram said: some ppl didn't get why Cardinal gave up fighting, So i explain it a bit : it's obvious Quinella was planning EVERYTHING from the start.... 1. suffer the kids... until Cardinal show up... 2. then start chanting secretly while they were catching up and Cardinal healing Kirito and Alice... 3. Isolate the Room from the outside so Cardinal can't just run away again. 4. completely explain to Cardinal that the Sword Golem is created by living Humans turning into sword... so they are still living human... so Cardinal can't fight them, since she can't kill or harm any human life. so Cardinal was completely at a dead end. she could not do anything to the Sword Golem. Kirito and Alice and Eugeo could still bring themselves to fight it coz Kirito is from outside and Alice and Eugeo broke their Eye Seal so they are free w'o limit. but they are not strong enough to do anything. Eugeo talking about his mission... is because he think it's only him who can fight this, so this is his mission as the only person able to turn into a sword and merge with Kid alice and fight back. Alice and Kirito can't either coz they don't even remember Kid alice, they don't have any bond with her. I think you missed the lines at the 8:30 mark where cardinal said she could trap the sword golem and take half of her life and ruin her memory code but instead she tried to reason with the crazy psychopath because logic. It was the most meaningless death in the show which honestly is every death in sao. The only good thing about this show is it's a nice background video when your actually doing important stuff since you know you want to peel that bandage off as fast as possible. Well the fight scenes are ok but the half baked story ruins them |
dream_eaterMar 24, 2019 1:55 AM
Mar 24, 2019 2:00 AM
Mambic said: i understand what do you mean, and i agree with you. anime-only totally confused and of course they will shitting this episode (or even the entire season). the anime supposed to deliver every interesting parts of a source as well making it good so the watchers would buy the source because not everyone wants to read the LN if the adaptation is bad. this is just bad adaptation, and i dont blame the anime-only if they make bad reviews for thisI have not read the LN, so my opinion is only based on what I've seen in the anime. This episode is a complete garbage ... Cardinal making Quinella promise not to attack them is irrational, someone clarified that in the NL they explain why he can not break that promise, but I do not remember explaining that at any time in the anime, which makes that scene completely pointless. Eugeo's action to kill the Golem is understandable,but the way he came to conlcussion and become a sword is laughable, a longer monologue would have served to understand how to reach that conclusion. The readers of the LN will say that they explain it there, but not what is seen in the anime is that Eugeo out of nowhere has an epiphany and booom is a sword, even the time it takes to ask Cardinal to make him a sword while Quinella is there doing nothing is .... cheap. For me, this episode along with a few others is only a sign of bad writing, making the death of Eugeo and Cardinal cheap and not so shocking if the moment / actions had been better explained. I only watch the anime, I do not read the LN, so arguments where they say that in the NL they explain better do not help in my case. |
Mar 24, 2019 2:15 AM
welp this episode kinda sucked. i mean i loved the ln but this just not good. eugeo t-posing to turn into a sword, going full retard and dying. and kirito just having fckn vietnam flashbacks and going back to normal a sec later. i mean i know what happens but this episode sucked. just my opinion |
Mar 24, 2019 2:23 AM
Disappointing episode, to say the least. Cardinal backing off like that without even a fight was just pure stupidity. Heck, she even said she could trap the Sword Golem and take away half of Adminstrator’s life but she decided to forfeit that to protect the three behind. I get that but I still can’t help but feel her decision making in this case was just ludicrous, basically. As if making it 300 v 3 instead of 300 v 4 would ever benefit them even in the long future to come. Another bewildering matter was Quinella accepting the deal, surely she would’ve emerged victorious had she been a lot more cautious and dragged the battle on, right? Quinella thrashing and revealing all her dark experimentations once again is just sickening and absurd, in a good way actually as it just raises the stakes of the fight much higher. What’s with the wiping out half of the population by the way? Was she influenced by Thanos xD? Better take her down quick or you’ll see the population voom down to half in no time, Cardinal should’ve thought about that too. Finally, we got to know of the mysterious ceiling and it totally delivered! Heck, I never would’ve imagined it’d be the Imperial Knights’ memories just put on display like that. Cardinal’s final words were sad but sadly it didn’t budge too much for some reason. I mean, I did feel bad how she was thrashed and that shot of the remains of her foot but I couldn’t help but feel as though we didn’t get to see enough of her to feel too sad. Maybe it was perhaps due to the episode being too rushed and all, but that’s just how I felt. And then there was the whole inconclusive Eugeo and old Alice merging to form the sword and even going as far as to taking down the Sword Golem so easily like that. Sure the Sword Golem had a very open and obvious weak point but it just felt a little too convenient how the Sword just effectively managed to squeeze in between the two limbs(or blades) and take down its core. By the way Alice can’t possible get her memories back now, can she? What exactly was Eugeo thinking? Surely he knew he would’ve died fighting Quinella, no? Well, that aside, I have to say that shot of Eugeo half-torn was crippling, this totally hit. We almost got to see Alice in the same condition too but good thing Kirito’s back up. But how will he take her down will be very interesting in next weeks’ episode finale! With all this said though, I’m still looking forward to the finale episode. I was, in fact, thinking of moving my score of this Season to a generous 8 but this episode just solidifies it as a 7. |
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni |
Mar 24, 2019 4:08 AM
Mar 24, 2019 4:19 AM
Jaces_Sanctum said: Mattinator95 said: A-1 seems to being having fun rushing it That's really funny since a lot of other people are complaining about it being too slow. Is it really being rushed? It feels like theres a lot missing |
Mar 24, 2019 4:21 AM
What a fantastic episode, I haven't laughed so damn hard at an anime since Mayoiga, the ridiculous plot and how it tries to take itself seriously really does place SAO:A as one of the finest comedy anime of the last few years - I particularly loved the part where we find out that the ceiling is made of people's memory crystals, truly a fine construction material. I just had to indulge myself and put together a small gallery summary of this episode: |
Mar 24, 2019 5:41 AM
try living for 200 years trapped alone in a room unable to do anything and then be finally faced with your archnemesis only to realize you are not able to harm them. Yeah anyone would want to just give up and die at that point and Cardinal did the best she could to ensure her sacrifice/rest could at least let the other 3 go free. |
BarnaldMar 24, 2019 6:59 AM
Mar 24, 2019 6:11 AM
Chrome_Falcon said: herrickluk said: Again, my issue was not that. I understand she can't attack hhumans. It was EUGEO. He shouldn't have made that call to attack that sword golem since there are real lives inside of it. Him destroying it should not have been his choice to make alone. I will clarify this point to you. But I want to say in the begining that my intention is only to make you understand why and not to make you suddenly like SAO when you disliked it from the start. So hopefully you don't drag the discussion. Quinella stated that she will create many more of these sword golems by converting half of the human population. If Eugeo didn't make that call, surely it would have come to pass. Eugeo killing the sword golem was lesser of the two evils. It was quite realistic that he would take that decision. They even showed his monologue to explain why he took that decision. The other possible outcomes are - 1) Eugeo saying I don't want to kill 300 people and giving up. I think that is more unrealistic. This troupe is used many anime, however. 2) Eugeo discussing whether he should kill it or not with Kirito and Alice while cardinal is about to die at any moment and lose his opportunity to become a sword. Lets be honest here. If he actually discussed it with them in the middle of the fight, you would have just complained about it too. I think a lot of other complaints you have are because of a lack of understanding the characters and setting. But because how long it took for me to write explanation for this one point, I am not going to bother with any other complaints you have. If you don't like the anime, that is your loss, not mine. That’s the first perfectly valid argument I’ve seen , thanks for your contribution . For my reply , I would like to reiterate that him deciding the lesser of too evils , ie. choosing to sacrifice the little to save the many is not his choice to make . It could be seen as the morally sound , but it’s certainly not his decision alone . When lives are at stake, decisions deserve more deliberation ,especially since lives are equal regardless of their amount . I can think of scenarios where this outcome would be desired , but anyways that’s my opinion whiters99 said: herrickluk said: whiters99 said: herrickluk said: Pedram said: herrickluk said: LampSynthesis21 said: herrickluk said: I knew this anime was shit, but this episode was just a new high in its levels of contrived bs. Cardinal dies for no reason reasoning with Quinella after it's clearly stated she can't be reasoned with, Eugeo turns into a sword and dies after he gets a sudden epiphany looking at jewels, Kirito does the same 'leave it to me' speech. And we know for sure, there's going to be revivals later on. Thank God it's over soon. Pedram and White outright explained why all of those things happened. All you chutiyas just dont like to read. What they said does not dismiss the arguments I made. 1) How does Cardinal dying solve any of the issues they currently had. There was ZERO chance Quinella would've listened to anything Cardinal was asking her to do.Alice even stated she can't be reasoned with. Asking Quinella to spare the three after she die? Yea that turned out into Quinella attacking Sword Eugeo regardless, and attacking Alice, and Kirito. 2) Cardinal can't attack the Sword Golem because it's filled with humans lives, so why does Sword Eugeo attack and destroy it. 3) The time it takes for Eugeo to learn and decide to turn into a sword is literally 30 seconds of on screen time, no buildup, no development, just a BTW I gotta turn into a sword. It's not a matter of not reading, it's a matter of bad character development and plot building. Sigh... 1) My comment somewhere else when someone asked if Quinella swearing on her fluctlight was any kind of real bind or did Cardinal just believed Quinella : IIRC there was no binding or anything preventing Quinella to not harm them afterward. But there was no reason for Quinella to fight them either, since the very beginning, Quinella didn't think of them as anything more than Ants. her whole plan was to finally lure out Cardinal and kill her, that was her whole goal. Cardinal was at a dead end... her only chance was to bet on Quinella swearing off the only think that she cared about, her fluctlight, and giving the 3 some time. she did not really expect them to be able to fight back later. I think she just wanted to give them a bit of time away from Quinella and hope that Kirito can do something or get some help from the other side, since she completely gave up hope of defeating her from this side. in Cardinal's opinion, it was either everyone die and she can bother Admin a bit... but she will fix herself eventually. or bet that she can have a small chance of letting the other 3 survive. 2) I already explained it above, Cardinal can't coz she is a program and she have many limitation, not only she got Seal of the Right eye, she is not really a human and is half program. same as Quinella. she can't disobey. Eugeo can attack it coz Eugeo broke the only seal and limitation he had in EP10 ! he broke his eye. 3) Eugeo literally saw what Quinella did, turn the beloved people of the memory crystals and make them into sword, then let their Desire to posses their loved one, control the Sword Golem. He then think he should do the same with himself, because... he learn from EP19~20, that the desire to posses that Quinella is mistaking as real love and using it is not really correct and what the humans want. Love is not someone u take in return for giving, it's not like money or a trade, he believed if he become a Sword with Alice, his and Kid alice's bond is stronger than the fake desire that control Sword Golem and will defeat it. and it did. there is build up and development and obvious reasons for everything before this. you just didn't notice. Sigh... 1) I don't agree with that at all. There is no outcome where dying would be better than living for Cardinal. If she just wanted to stall time for Kirito and others, staying alive would undoubtedly give them more time to decide on a course of action. If she thought there was a chance Quinella would not immediately attack them afterwards, then that's just poor misguided reasoning, which I dont buy. 2) That's not what I'm arguing. I understand that Cardinal cannot attack humans, it is the fact that Eugeo did that I have contention with. Why would he attack and destroy the physical embodiment of human lives, it makes no sense. They are HUMAN LIVES! 3) That may be the case, but the time it took for him to decide he had to turn into a sword and him actually doing it is not believable. It's not convincing in the slightest. Literally 30 seconds to decide. No monologue, no discussion with the other members, he just does it. I can explain all of that tho it will be long 1.You can say that because you don't understand Quinella's character. Quinella is one that care for herself more than anything that's her principle, just remember when she gets old she desperately searching for ways to get younger and do anything to preserve her full memory capacity. That's why when Cardinal propose to surrender she ask her not to vow on god but on her own fluctlight, if Quinella betrays that that means she's denying her own existence so she'll definitely will keep her promise base on that vow. The reason why she attacked them afterwards is because they broke their promise first and try to offend Quinella by turning Eugeo to sword, nulling her vow. This is explained in LN 2.Cardinal is restricted by the seal of right eye too and this should be explain when she's talkig with kirito back on episode 13 but anime skipped that, that's why even if she wants to, she won't be able to attack the sword while Eugeo has already broken through that so he can kill all he wants. 3.what do you mean by 30 seconds? He's already desperately searching for ways to fight while Cardinal is being tortured and in the end conclude that's the only way, it's also because of Alice's voice calling and guide him to his decision. 1) interesting, so they omitted that part from the anime im guessing. Still I don't think Cardinal dying was the best course of action 2) Again, my issue was not that. I understand she can't attack hhumans. It was EUGEO. He shouldn't have made that call to attack that sword golem since there are real lives inside of it. Him destroying it should not have been his choice to make alone. 3) I didn't buy his epiphany seeing as he was in the pits of despair 30 seconds prior, but then figures out a seemingly battle changing outcome in what seemed like no time at all 1.Well what to do? It's already too late when Eugeo finally decides, she's already too injured by then. 2.Although there's lives inside,but now they are all no longer human, not even a single intelligence remains even if its Kirito or Alice, they would do the same and destroy all of them because they cannot be saved anymore. 3.Despair? He only despaired for 5 seconds after that he already recovered and resolved to find ways to fight rather than standing and dwell on his powerlessness, I'd say Kirito is the one that keep despairing along with Alice while Eugeo already searching for ways to retaliate when Cardinal is tortured, it is not a sudden epiphany. 1) that’s the point I was trying to make . She only got injured because she essentially gave up for all of them because she her mentality was they would all die anyways . I don’t accept that kind of mentality 2) That’s a bit convenient to say , human lives are still lives . If you’re going by that logic , none of the lives should matter since they are all AI. But yet they do to Kirito, Alice etc . It’s not a quick decision . 3) that’s my issue . Is it realistic to despair for 5 seconds , then moments later have the resolve to come up with an entirely game changing scenario . I think no Windman said: try living for 200 years trapped alone in a room unable to do anything and then be finally faced with your archnemesis only to realize you are not able to harm them. Yeah anyone would want to just give up and die at that point and Cardinal did the best she could to ensure her sacrifice/rest could at least let the other 3 go free. It doesn’t add up for me . She spent so much time in her room, coming up with scenarios . For sure she also came up with the scenario where nothing works out. If she was planning to go into a fight not at least with that expectation , then that’s flawed thinking . As I said , her thinking sacrificing herself was going to HELP THEM escape was imo not ideal, since it forced Eugeo’s hand so he has to kill the Golem Nou-Tan said: herrickluk said: LampSynthesis21 said: @herrickluk I will say it once more and I will say it again: Don't watch something you don't like. If you do not like it then you are free to drop it and go make your own anime and see what effort it takes. Simple. Keep it to yourself. I will be the "gatekeeper" of what is important to me That's the dumbest thing I've heard today, 'make your own anime' I don't drop anime that I've already invested time into watching. Keep it to myself? The point of a forum is for discussion, if you want to be a whiny gatekeeper everytime a person criticizes your favourite anime..... here's a thought . Keep it to yourself. Boom. You are wasting more time by arguing for no reason Seriously there is no point of criticizing animes anyway , and such arguments won't make anyone feel good or change their opinions That may be true and I agree. But at this point it’s already happening . Thanks for your response |
BarnaldMar 24, 2019 7:00 AM
Mar 24, 2019 7:21 AM
Thread Cleaned. Please refrain from arguing in the thread as it will only result in derailment and flame. As a reminder, remember that double posting is frowned upon. Please edit your previous post instead. |
Mar 24, 2019 7:51 AM
Whoa 2 death flags........now it's up to Kirito. |
Mar 24, 2019 7:59 AM
Mambic said: Cardinal making Quinella promise not to attack them is irrational, someone clarified that in the NL they explain why he can not break that promise, but I do not remember explaining that at any time in the anime, which makes that scene completely pointless. I only watch the anime, I do not read the LN, so arguments where they say that in the NL they explain better do not help in my case. They established in the anime that the seal of the right eye prevents anyone from breaking rules. A promise to self is similiar to a self directed rule. So she can't break it. It is not from LN. |
Mar 24, 2019 8:02 AM
dream_eater said: Pedram said: some ppl didn't get why Cardinal gave up fighting, So i explain it a bit : it's obvious Quinella was planning EVERYTHING from the start.... 1. suffer the kids... until Cardinal show up... 2. then start chanting secretly while they were catching up and Cardinal healing Kirito and Alice... 3. Isolate the Room from the outside so Cardinal can't just run away again. 4. completely explain to Cardinal that the Sword Golem is created by living Humans turning into sword... so they are still living human... so Cardinal can't fight them, since she can't kill or harm any human life. so Cardinal was completely at a dead end. she could not do anything to the Sword Golem. Kirito and Alice and Eugeo could still bring themselves to fight it coz Kirito is from outside and Alice and Eugeo broke their Eye Seal so they are free w'o limit. but they are not strong enough to do anything. Eugeo talking about his mission... is because he think it's only him who can fight this, so this is his mission as the only person able to turn into a sword and merge with Kid alice and fight back. Alice and Kirito can't either coz they don't even remember Kid alice, they don't have any bond with her. I think you missed the lines at the 8:30 mark where cardinal said she could trap the sword golem and take half of her life and ruin her memory code but instead she tried to reason with the crazy psychopath because logic. It was the most meaningless death in the show which honestly is every death in sao. The only good thing about this show is it's a nice background video when your actually doing important stuff since you know you want to peel that bandage off as fast as possible. Well the fight scenes are ok but the half baked story ruins them why is my comments always bring in some random guy with only 1~3 post count to reply to me :D it happen so many time each week it's suspicious. lol Anyway, What would Cardinal Accomplish in the end by destroy half of Quinella's life ? NOTHING. it could only be a bother to Quinella and making her spend a bit of time rearranging her memory again and restoring her body, nothing would have really happened to Quinella and she would still goes back to her plans as soon as possible. You seems not to notice how Quinella think so little of the other 3, they are just some kids... some Ants that she won't care about. All of Quinella's plan was to lure out the "worm" that keep on wanting to kill her and hide for 200 years... she only wanted to kill Cardinal and she couldn't care less about the others that much. Also you seems to forget why Quinella became such a girl in her back story, she inherited the pride and greed of 2 line of noble family so she became the most prideful and greedy noble of them all and grow up to become a God for the people of UW. Cardinal made her Bet on her Fluctlight, the only thing she care for, as such a prideful person, She will refrain from not releasing Kirito and the others after she killed Cardinal, Admin got no moral and will do anything to achieve her goal. but did anything she did went against her pride ? nope. So if Cardinal did not break her deal and instead help eugeo defeat Quinella, Quinella would also not break it and let them leave. |
Mar 24, 2019 8:11 AM
To anyone who read the manga please spoil me what's gonna happen next. And also, did Quinella really get to the other side? And by other side she meant outside the VR right? |
Mar 24, 2019 8:36 AM
Not sad Eugeo is dead. Fuck that Kirito wannabe. Also, it didn't feel in character to me for Kirito to just stand there and watch while Cardinal got her ass fucking handed to her. I know he made a move to intervene and she told him not to, but Kirito is not one to just stand around and watch a friend die no matter what they fucking say. Finally the only fight that matters next week. Don't let me down. |
Mar 24, 2019 9:20 AM
Arikawa-chan said: To anyone who read the manga please spoil me what's gonna happen next. And also, did Quinella really get to the other side? And by other side she meant outside the VR right? The time Quinella said she will fight the other side, she meant the Dark Territory. she said she will defend/defeat the invasion then attack the other side ( Dark Territory ) but if she said she will meet Kirito on the other side she meant real world. Here goes big spoiler for next EP I copy paste from my comment somewhere else lol : Kirito Fight Quinella with all he can... get rekt... Quinella is better than him in every possible way. she just play with him and counter his every move, she know all the skills in Aincrad, from all the types of swords even... she know all the skills that Asuna used ! which is Rapier, she know skills that Klein used ! which is Katana i think and more. then Kirito get thrown back ... bloody, toward Eugeo's dead body... he lay on the ground and kind of give up... looking at Eugeo, and Eugeo is still not dead as you can see his body is still not gone. Eugeo use all his remaining life force and blood to use incarnation and repair his Blue Rose Sword turn it into Red Rose Sword and tell Kirito how Kirito was always "His Hero" as the title of next EP is "My Hero". Kirito will get his sword and Eugeo's sword... change back into his aincrad gear and dual wield on Quinella, Dual Wielding was Unique skill made by Kayaba as extra and never in the Seed, so Quinella actually don't know about it.... still Kirito get Rekt again and get pushed back lol. but this time Kirito will not give up and fight back again at risk of life.... which result in him losing one of his Arm completely just like Quinella... but he also damage Quinella beyond repair. Kirito could not fight anymore.... but Quinella just stand up... and walk very proudly toward a corner of the room and said... fuck it, why don't you ants give up ? she said she was planning on playing here a bit more but might as well leave now. turns out she had already contacted outside world and even manipulated some guy from the Rath staff, making him be crazy about her, telling him things like she will come out and be his Queen, and she will take over the world and such. she was kind of playing her "God" game here and that Guy helping her from the outside and also keeping the other Rath staff in the dark. but she could always log out and transfer her body to outside with that guy. She will open up a console and start getting transferred to outside world and Kirito can't do anything about it either as he can hardly even move... but .... Chudelkin ( the clown ) suddenly show up... his body all burning with his incarnation... moving himself toward Quinella.... yelling "You Eminence! Take me with you too ! please take meeeeeeee!" and jump and hug Quinella's body... but Quinella was so damaged already that the fire from Chudelkin's incarnation actually kill her before she can leave .... lol but she disappear with a proud look on her face like no matter what ! even if she die, she will die like a God ! Kirito try to cut his own body and give his blood to Eugeo... to make him live... Eugeo stop him and say don't do that, I'm already beyond help... he say that he did what he should have done and he already united with Kid Alice... hence the title of novel " Alicization Uniting " then both Eugeo and Kid Alice's fragment break and die together leaving toward a sunset... Kirito drag his body toward the admin console and slow the Speed of UW from 1000x to 1x and contact Outside world.... only to hear Gunshot and battle .... Higa hear Kirito yelling... tell him to Take the remaining person who broke her seal "Alice" to World End's altar and disconnect her from there as the Enemy is trying to steal a complete AI w'o limit like Alice and stole rath's technology. then someone suddenly yell and say the Enemy is cutting the power cable... higa scream and say if they do that Kirito's fluctlight/soul that is connected w'o protection for curing his brain... will get severely damaged... Asuna show up and call Kirito..... the power cable is cut off... Kirito's soul get fried... his vision goes blank... he hear Asuna's voice but can't even remember who's voice was it... then the EP end with kirito felling to the ground unconscious and turning into a vegetable and dead-eyed dead-inside person. The Volume 14's novel end with Kirito going unconscious while thinking "Who's voice was it..." |
Mar 24, 2019 9:37 AM
So Cardinal dies for no reason while the others just sit there and watch and Eugeo turns into a random sword and dies too. OK. |
Mar 24, 2019 10:45 AM
I'm pretty upset that Eugeo died, I wanted him to live on with Alice :( |
Mar 24, 2019 11:03 AM
Uruz7Laevatein said: Comander-07 said: Well I have to say that is a very unique strategy they went with here - Step 1 literally sacrifice your MVP. Step 2 Charge in 1 at a time and die. Step 3 ??? Step 4 Profit Wasnt the fight vs the sword robot supposed to be long or something? Last EP someone said it was 300 pages. The fight in the OP/ED was longer than this and last time combined lmao First I was curious what Alicization had to offer, I quite liked the previous seasons (- second half of the first but lets just pretend that never happened) and many people said Alicization is the best part of SAO, I never really saw that, even though I liked some elememts of it, but this? I still wonder how they are going to fill the other 25 episodes. Its still supposed to be 4 seasons long right? Dont get me wrong I do want to love this, but the adaption so far makes it extremely hard to do so. And all the bUt iN tHe Ln!1! Comments here certainly dont make it better. PS: But Quinella is kinda hot and I could listen to her VA forever so Im still going to watch this as fast as possible. That was Quinella's plan was to lure out Cardinal by toying with the the three on the verge of death. The fight itself wasn't 300 pages but rather the entire volume of Volume 14 is. Most of the pages of light novel volume was simply pages and pages of internal monologue of the characters thoughts at that very moment of combat albeit the "actual combat" in real time goes over a split second. There has never been a practical way to convey hundreds of pages of character monologues that goes over the characters minds in the duration of a few seconds in "real time" be it in "lore" or "animation" without dragging out a very "heated but short" scene into a 100-200 episode anime in which alot of the episodes are the characters thoughts/flashbacks (like Naruto/DBZ), while the present event (the combat) is conveyed very slow motion. Thanks for explaining what Quinellas plan was, I must have missed it the 3 times the characters explained it in the anime. So considering the fight in the book was also just a few seconds, how can you even have so much monologue that you fill the entire volume with it? I cant really see how that would work, unless they go with flashbacks |
"This emotion is mine alone. It is for Madoka alone." - Homura or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. |
Mar 24, 2019 12:24 PM
Comander-07 said: So considering the fight in the book was also just a few seconds, how can you even have so much monologue that you fill the entire volume with it? I cant really see how that would work, unless they go with flashbacks Novel is full of inner monologue and character developments and explanations. I give u a brief example of Kirito vs Chudelkin.
well these all take so long to explain in the novels. but what anime did ?
this is a simple example and i didn't even explain it all, there is many more scene like this. plus stuff like why Cardinal decide to give up and why she even believe Quinella would let them go if she make a deal and don't help them and let herself die or how Kirito Alice Eugeo were thinking while Cardinal was sacrificing herself and how Eugeo come up with the plan and such... all is in the novel. but anime don't show anything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ |
Mar 24, 2019 12:25 PM
It's official, SAO has completely jumped the shark. This wasn't just the worse episode of this disappointing Alicization arc, but also the worst episode of all of SAO. Stupid, contrived developments in amidst lots of pointless expositing and philosophising that as usual meant nothing. Let's be real, we all know full well that everyone will be revived with some BS deus-ex machina in the next episode (only after 15 minutes of talking and static action, though), so why should we care? I'm glad there's only one more episode of this cour to suffer through, as I can't stand any more of this dreadful arc. |
Mar 24, 2019 12:35 PM
curzon17 said: Not sad Eugeo is dead. Fuck that Kirito wannabe. Also, it didn't feel in character to me for Kirito to just stand there and watch while Cardinal got her ass fucking handed to her. I know he made a move to intervene and she told him not to, but Kirito is not one to just stand around and watch a friend die no matter what they fucking say. Finally the only fight that matters next week. Don't let me down. But Eugeo isn't a Kirito wannabe. He has his own personality, goals, flaws, motives etc. Kirito isn't that special that every other male character is a rip-off of him and he also couldn't do anything when Eugeo got cut in two halves so what makes you believe he was going to save Cardinal? Even though she means less to him than Eugeo does? Oh well. |
Mar 24, 2019 12:41 PM
Posts 77 and 78 merged from an Anime Discussion thread |
Take care of yourself |
Mar 24, 2019 1:40 PM
I forgot characters could die in SAO, so Cardinal's death shocked me. I had been worried sick because of the opening that showed Eugeo and Kirito separating. Well, I hope he is still alive. He is the only character I like in this anime. Eugeo kind of reminded me of Armin this episode; a physically weak guy who sacrificed himself for others. |
Mar 24, 2019 1:56 PM
Well its seems that rumor were true after all, SAO wasnt a priority this time for A1.(will still sell anyway) I'm not talking about the heavy cut content from the anime or how badly they directed certain scene (which is Ono fault) but how the majority of the main animators(yanagi,matsumoto,asai ecc) from the last seasons arent present in the show right now.You can feel that the fights don't have energy for the most part as the past seasons. This situation could improve but it should be necessary to count how many of these main animators will be free from the shows they are working on and when the second part will go on air and seeing how the actual situation is, at least 6 months. Also if Sao will be broadcast in October we have the problem that Fate grand order babylonia(Grandblue too) will be released in the same period and the latter is the highest priority for A1 / CW. Considering that The promised neverland despite being well animated and all was put in second line for Fate, well I'm excited. At least Kanno(the guy who worked on ep4 the goblin fight) is supposed to came back after Katakuri circus ending. Ep 24 should be good and emotional.....i hope(takeuchi pleaseeeee do something). |
BZ35Mar 24, 2019 2:05 PM
Mar 24, 2019 2:33 PM
I won't deny, how Cardinal died was a little on the frustrating side. I was hoping that she would unleash some of her attacks, but she didn't choose to do that. Instead, Quinella treated this move like a present as she destroyed Cardinal with ease. Her maniac laughing did make me want to punch her, though. This turn of events did make Eugeo's mind up and he combined his powers as well as Cardinal's remaining to become a sword himself. For a CGI-heavy fight between Eugeo and the Sword Golem, I thought it was really well done. With the golem defeated, Eugeo gave it his all against Quinella, but once again, Quinella's attack was stronger and she landed the killing blow on Eugeo. Alice trying to block Quinella's attack from Kirito did finally spark some life back in his brain and now he's the only person remaining from preventing Quinella's plan from becoming reality. I hope the next episode has a gripping battle, as this one, despite the slightly annoying way that Cardinal had to die, was still good. |
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