All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 217.2
Mean Score:
- Watching157
- Completed581
- On-Hold9
- Dropped25
- Plan to Watch237
- Total Entries1,009
- Rewatched47
- Episodes13,044
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 23.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries123
- Reread0
- Chapters1,922
- Volumes346
All Comments (100) Comments
I don't know what role is currently considered to be the strongest, but when I've been playing "seriously" it was playing with your duo on mid and jungle, ha-ha... I don't think it's too easy to abuse anything to go up, or else what's preventing gold players from reaching diamond this way, for example? But personally, I never really cared about the meta. My main ADC used to be Ashe even prior her rework, lol. Some of my teammates were seething with anger when I picked her before Riot changed her kit.
you care for the industry ,♥
I'm rewatching Demon Slayer and Gurren Lagann~
how about you?