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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Mar 9, 2019 2:39 PM
Aug 2013
BourBon-7so said:
so basically when things don't go as planned , i Just get naked ? ok got it .

Well if you have her body and her strength sure it will.^^
Mar 9, 2019 3:05 PM

Feb 2008
Very much thanks to the opening sequence for spoilers. I didn't expect Eugeo to only last 2 episodes as the bad guy, but I am glad he's on the same team as Kirito as always.

Excellent voice acting from Ai Kayano during her speech. Kinda enjoyed Kirito vs Eugeo fight sequence but I hoped the rivalry would extend at least for 1 more episode. For now, I just want Chudelkin to be ripped apart, can't stand his character design.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum. They should really do their whining at manga forums."

Stolen from Janethan23. Add in visual novel readers too
Mar 9, 2019 3:23 PM

Apr 2017
After this episode Im convinced: This anime is 10/10 for me. Never thought I would give a full 10 to SAO, but if it continue like this then this shit a mf masterpiece.
Mar 9, 2019 3:25 PM
Nov 2009
I love how she's the final boss and she just flashes her coochie while 2 boys swing their swords.
Mar 9, 2019 3:28 PM

Jan 2008
This episode really solidifies what I said last episode.

Also admin's hair blocking her naughty bits don't move away when the rest of her hair starts floating up. Dam you convenient censorship!
Mar 9, 2019 3:40 PM

Jan 2017
God damn... s**t's got disgusting. I get that the pontifex is hot, but she'd actually agree to chudelkin's request, she basically confirms chudelkin has no chance and instead is warming the trio up as they'd know to expect something stronger than chudelkin. Great stuff.

But can somebody explain the birthday suit, fair enough, you look amazing; she can still look good with some clothes though lmao.
Mar 9, 2019 3:42 PM
Jan 2018
Yes the Opening got updated! Now we can see the Sword Golem, and The fights in the last part of the Cathedral. i'm worry about the ending of this Arc, because... aww man i cant stand with that...
poor Kirito... i don't want that final ending...
Mar 9, 2019 3:50 PM

Sep 2015
Are we just gonna talk about how hot Administrator is and not mention Eugeo not caring about not being supposed to be able to move BS (just like Asuna did back in Aincrad)? OST was awesome though
Mar 9, 2019 3:58 PM

May 2015
Kirito has itty bitty eyes...

Stop Rebels. Get laid. That's a sound reward...

Alright, who's the guy that self-inserted himself into Chudelkin? Doujins at the ready!

Big Fire clown looking pretty good...

Administrator gonna go off and take a shower while Chudelkin deals with the rebels. What was the incantation for ice? Generate Cryogenic element? We might see a lot of cryogenic element being thrown around next episode with Eugeo probably finishing off the fight with Enhance Armament...assuming he can still do it if he hasn't run out of uses already...
Mar 9, 2019 4:38 PM

Apr 2015
New opening visuals, I like it!

Chudelkin really is working on my nerves, god damn it!

So Eugeo is back to his senses, which I didn't expect to happen so soon. Quinella really did underestimate him. Perhaps after all she shouldn't have removed that triangle-thingy from his head.

AivanK said:
neonie said:

Hell yes. Gosh, they really made the villain of this arc just delicious.

Punkero said:
Cuchie is surely a strong motivator.

She's the strongest motivation of them all xD I'm rooting for Chudelkin now haha
As i've said in my previous comment,
Plot twist: all integrity knights in the tower don't want to fight but they are doing it to get a 1-night ride with the Pontifex ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), just like Chudelkin, i guess it makes sense xD How do i signup? hahaha

That must become one hell of a waiting list if everyone here drooling over her body signs up to get a 1-nighter with her... I'm in though! XD
Mar 9, 2019 4:55 PM

Jan 2013
CeddyyBearr said:

That must become one hell of a waiting list if everyone here drooling over her body signs up to get a 1-nighter with her... I'm in though! XD

haha Exactly, but if the waiting list is so big maybe it's because it's worth it?
Good! Another one to the waitlist haha
I guess the whole axiom church exists thanks to this list haha
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Mar 9, 2019 5:56 PM
Nov 2016
giorgos1313 said:
Administrator body is hot but...
yeah,that one smile distracted me from administrator & also she smiled to eugeo.
so,heart touching.Now three of them will fight as one just like they are in past.
Mar 9, 2019 6:23 PM
Dec 2018
Daphi said:
the fights arent just short the animation is also a lot worse compared to Aincrad
im honestly disappointed
i wish the fights were more intense, longer and better animated..

@Seigi- i agree so much


Different staff that handle the key animation for the fight. The last good fight is battle with goblin, and that was the last thing the staff involved with. I hope they can bring him back for the war, seriously we need him. i dont want the war become like another overlord.
DeathHero001Mar 9, 2019 6:33 PM
Mar 9, 2019 6:23 PM
Oct 2018
oh my god the new OP animations... theyre so goooooodddddd
Mar 9, 2019 6:28 PM

Jan 2019
DeathHero001 said:
Daphi said:
the fights arent just short the animation is also a lot worse compared to Aincrad
im honestly disappointed
i wish the fights were more intense, longer and better animated..

@Seigi- i agree so much


Different staff that handle the key animation for the fight. The last good fight is battle with goblin, and that was the last thing the staff involved with. I hope they can bring him back for the war, seriously we need that i dont want the war become like another overlord.

oh yeah you are right the goblin fight did look good, sigh
it makes me sad really
Mar 9, 2019 7:53 PM

Apr 2016
tambi33 said:
God damn... s**t's got disgusting. I get that the pontifex is hot, but she'd actually agree to chudelkin's request, she basically confirms chudelkin has no chance and instead is warming the trio up as they'd know to expect something stronger than chudelkin. Great stuff.

But can somebody explain the birthday suit, fair enough, you look amazing; she can still look good with some clothes though lmao.

Kawahara says that Quinella isn't a nudist, just that she knows that Underworld is a fake made by people from the outside world, so she doesn't care about her avatar being naked. Instead, she believes that it's ridiculous to be embarrassed by such a thing.

Mar 9, 2019 7:55 PM

Jun 2016
Love to see Eugeo back, also the opening got a new visual. Does that mean 'Resister' will also be the third season opening?
Mar 9, 2019 8:01 PM

Nov 2011
Man, I didn't think a new visual could make the opening automatically better than the first Alicization OP. While I love Adamas, this new OP is definitely the best yet.

Smiling Alice is so precious!

Mar 9, 2019 9:30 PM
Oct 2012
BourBon-7so said:
so basically when things don't go as planned , i Just get naked ? ok got it .
Mullerio said:
I wont rant on this episode too much because the Eugeo x Kirito fight wasnt half bad,but holy shit the Admin scene had some things again in it that are just there to progress the plot but make no sense logically....

this season does definietly more things right than the last 2 but again why the unnecessary naked fight wtf,you loose as a near GOD being and than get naked ok got that makes sense....

Quinella did not go naked or strip...
Her cloth's durability was lost and went to zero... so they disappear.

The explosion from Eugeo's dagger toward him, made not only her cloth but the curtain of the bed get battered and then disappear, you can see this if you look carefully.

After he lost her cloth, she simply don't care to find herself another set, coz she know here is not real for him and it's just an avatar, plus she think she is a god, others are Ant.

Just like we don't care to be naked in front of an ant on the wall/ground. she don't care either.
Mar 9, 2019 9:34 PM
Oct 2012
tambi33 said:
God damn... s**t's got disgusting. I get that the pontifex is hot, but she'd actually agree to chudelkin's request, she basically confirms chudelkin has no chance and instead is warming the trio up as they'd know to expect something stronger than chudelkin. Great stuff.

But can somebody explain the birthday suit, fair enough, you look amazing; she can still look good with some clothes though lmao.

you didn't notice that most of the god stuff in the Library as Cardinal mentioned is fabricated by Quinella.

Quinella absolutely don't care and she would never agree to what she promised to Chudelkin even if he won.

also in my above comment i explained that her cloth just lost durability so they disappear, she did say "no metal can damage this body" but he cloth were not enchanted obviously, only the body.
and she see herself as a god and others as ant, she don't care being naked in front of an ant, let alone she think UW is not real and its just a fake avatar.
Mar 9, 2019 9:42 PM

Feb 2018
Pedram said:

Quinella did not go naked or strip...
Her cloth's durability was lost and went to zero... so they disappear.

The explosion from Eugeo's dagger toward him, made not only her cloth but the curtain of the bed get battered and then disappear, you can see this if you look carefully.

After he lost her cloth, she simply don't care to find herself another set, coz she know here is not real for him and it's just an avatar, plus she think she is a god, others are Ant.

Just like we don't care to be naked in front of an ant on the wall/ground. she don't care either.

oh ok then , thanks for clarifying
Mar 9, 2019 10:12 PM

Apr 2015
Quinella is so damn hot. She is Asuna upgraded version.
I wanna serve her as her devoted knight.

She swore to the goddess of the creation Stacia, but that's a lie
since she considered herself as the goddess of this world.
Mar 9, 2019 11:06 PM

May 2015
I can't blame Chudelkin.
Fuck Kirito, I'm rooting for Chudelkin so he gets laid.
Mar 10, 2019 12:03 AM

Jun 2017
I see Quinella rapidly gaining favorites lol. Seems like she is going to be the most favorited supporting character this season.
Mar 10, 2019 12:27 AM

Feb 2018
Why in the opening theme of the naked administrator.
Mar 10, 2019 1:34 AM

Jul 2014
Mostly a good episode, but once again everything was overshadowed by Chudelkin. Once again, fuck that character, and I really, really hope they ruthlessly slaughter him next episode so the show can move on from such a stupid character.
Mar 10, 2019 3:45 AM

Jul 2016
tbh i hope they use their budget to make a decent fight scene rather than changing the intro after another
Mar 10, 2019 4:35 AM
Jan 2018
MrAwesome2018 said:
So they're fine with her being naked and all.

Well she is 300 years old and the ruler of that world . Plus she knows the world is fake so why should she care plus she's pretty much god of that world
Mattinator95Mar 10, 2019 4:50 AM
Mar 10, 2019 5:45 AM

Mar 2016
I love Kirito's face when Chudelkin made the request to Quinella.

Eugeo's relation with Kirito is probably the reason why I am enjoying this season of SAO.

When Kirito came up to Quinella's room, Eugeo had such a yandere face. I know he was supposed to look happy, but something just felt off.

Chudelkin reminds me of Asuna's fiancee. I dislike both of them.
Mar 10, 2019 6:12 AM

May 2018
giorgos1313 said:
Administrator body is hot but...

Arisu Tsundesis Zaty best girl <3
My Candies:

Mar 10, 2019 7:11 AM
Jun 2017
This was actually fun, Eugeo pulled a dirty one.
Mar 10, 2019 7:26 AM

Nov 2009
Lmao Quinella and Chudelkin stuff made me facepalm so much. It's a good episode regardless! :p
Any explanation is worthless to a blind hater, any criticism is worthless to a blind fanboy.
Mar 10, 2019 10:27 AM

Aug 2012
Mattinator95 said:
Well she is 300 years old and the ruler of that world . Plus she knows the world is fake so why should she care plus she's pretty much god of that world

So Quinella doesn't give a fuck, i like that.
Mar 10, 2019 10:55 AM

Nov 2016
New op visuals are amazing. Made the opening even better than before.
Thought Eugeo would stay evil for way longer but he played her well.
Also hope they kill that annoying clown already.
DeminusMar 10, 2019 11:03 AM
Mar 10, 2019 11:18 AM
Mar 2017
The fight between Kirito and Eugeo was short, but at least it showed that both are on par in terms of skills.
Even though Kirito's words reached Eugeo, they were not enough and the integrity Knight used his Enhance Armament freezing Alice and Kirito in an ice tomb.
Someone please cut the tongue to the filth of Chudelkin please, every time he speaks disgust me and incidentally cut his head also in case his tongue grows.
Quinella removes the module of Eugeo to return to perform the ritual, but Eugeo reacts and attacks Quinella with the dagger, but fails.
Quinella is a true beauty, although she loves to show herself naked, but I can not complain, she has a divine body.
Eugeo makes several attempts to attack Quinella, but she is very strong, but before she attacks, Chudelkin appears beaten and flees into the room and we see Kirito with Alice climb to join Eugeo, seeing the three aligned was very nostalgic.
Alice confronts Quinella and tells her how she will finally join her childhood friends and stop her for the good of the people who have been tormented by the church.
Quinella seems surprised that Alice has rebelled against her authority and mentions interesting information for Kirito.
The disgusting Chudelkin asks for sex in exchange for obeying Quinella's orders, what a being more insignificant and disgusting and in fact the face of Kirito and Alice reflect how disgusting he is to hear his request, but after laughing Quinella agrees to fulfill his request while she caresses her perfect body.
Chudelkin transformed into a huge fire being and we are left with a fight that seems not to be a great challenge for the trio of swordsmen, but after reading the name of the next episode, I believe that a more powerful and challenging being will appear.
They changed the visuals of the opening, now we see Alice joining the battle, we also see a new enemy (I assume that it will be the next enemy after they crush Chudelkin) and the other detail is that Quinella faces Kirito totally naked ... damn I want to see that episode.
Mar 10, 2019 11:43 AM
Jan 2018
MrAwesome2018 said:
Mattinator95 said:
Well she is 300 years old and the ruler of that world . Plus she knows the world is fake so why should she care plus she's pretty much god of that world

So Quinella doesn't give a fuck, i like that.

Pretty much and a god complex too
Mar 10, 2019 12:31 PM

Mar 2016
As expected of Alicization, the fight between Kirito and Eugeo is a total disappointment... And the rest of the episode follows. Nothing in this episode feels earned.
The episode also ends in a cliffhanger for a fight (again) and logic will most likely follow.
Mar 10, 2019 2:48 PM

Feb 2014
I wasn't really expecting the OP visuals to change slightly, but the change they did make to it was great. Seeing Alice smiling so happily in the OP animation was really precious. =3

As for the episode itself, it was also great. The fight between Eugeo and Kirito wasn't as long as I hoped it would be, but it still had the impact I was hoping for, as well as the animation for the being good, but nothing spectacular to take note of.

Eugeo got back to the Administrator, but I didn't expect him to get his memories back so soon. Kirito's words certainly got through to him in the end, but despite his heroic effort to get the better of administrator, the nude beauty made quick work of him.

Luckily, Kirito and Alice arrive in time to save him, after they broke out of his ice attack from earlier. Now that the three of them are finally reunited, they'll have to take on the annoying Chudelkin and his rather fearsome looking fire genie. If the bald minister somehow wins, then he'll get the chance to get laid with the administrator herself....

PAH! Keep dreaming, buddy. I doubt that's ever going to happen! XD
Mar 10, 2019 9:06 PM

Jul 2017
AH YES...the Alicization Uniting arc (WHY IS EVERYONE NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS???). And with that comes new visuals.

tzarye14 said:
As expected of Alicization, the fight between Kirito and Eugeo is a total disappointment... And the rest of the episode follows. Nothing in this episode feels earned.
The episode also ends in a cliffhanger for a fight (again) and logic will most likely follow.

At this point, can hear similar cries out there. The fight between Eugeo and Kirito wasn't long, and the well-known animation isn't as particularly striking here, probably another team(s) of staff working on this episode.

Anywho, with Eugeo regaining his memories, and that sweet, sweet impressive scene where he uses Cardinal's special sword to break her protective barriers, comes the rebellion of the trio, and of course that irritating clown Chudelkin, whose infatuation with Ms. Pontifex, the Administrator of the fake world herself, "evolving" into a real monster, sorta as the final boss.

Wasn't impressed by the beginning of the fight, but somehow made it towards Chudelkin vs. Kirito, Eugeo and Alice. Decent I guess, hopefully it picks up steam.
Mar 10, 2019 10:02 PM
Jun 2017
ohh yes!!! the 3 are together again as euego, alice and kirito will be facing the prime senator... lets see how the 3 would fare on this one...
Mar 10, 2019 10:08 PM

Feb 2015
SAO always loses steam near the end; this series usually starts well and ends bad.
Mar 11, 2019 2:41 AM
Jan 2017
That new OP was so great, I watched it 2 times before resuming the episode.
That also was half a spoil, but yes administrator is really hot, but the devil look in her eyes and her attitude make Asuna more cute.
I wonder how the fight will be displayed and what the ending will be, when Kirito will have to exit the framework to reunite with Asuna, leaving his virtual friend behind !

Do you expected one the god (creators) to come an launch a S2 ? I did not read the LN to prevent spoil
Mar 11, 2019 7:10 AM

Oct 2013
For someone in Chudelkin's position, knowingly going along with Quinella's whims, being evil & all that, not just misled, we can't exactly blame the guy for the reward he asked and reason of motivation to go all-out.

Goes without saying that he wouldn't get anything if he succeeded though since as any fine villain, Quinella has more refined tastes. If we think about it like that, Eugeo got a pretty good deal for not really doing anything she asked,lol. What a playa!
Mar 11, 2019 8:33 AM

Sep 2009
Yautja said:
SAO always loses steam near the end; this series usually starts well and ends bad.

it not near the ending. Only the half way point.
Mar 11, 2019 9:54 PM
Jan 2016
That clown remind me of the enemy in Cuphead.
Mar 12, 2019 3:33 AM

Jun 2017
neonie said:
Lelouch0202 said:

Damn, those shots of the Pontifex, so good. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hell yes. Gosh, they really made the villain of this arc just delicious.

I was here for the sword fighting but man oh man, that Pontifex sure is delish.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Mar 12, 2019 11:33 AM
Jun 2017
Why is nobody asking why is Quinella naked in the anime, it would be a funny question haha
Mar 12, 2019 6:58 PM

May 2008
until you discover

Mar 12, 2019 8:39 PM

Jul 2012
Finally caught up to this show. This is a fun arc, I have to admit.
Mar 12, 2019 10:05 PM

Oct 2008
oh! Quinella is to ERO! i hope there's h-doujins of her!

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