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Apr 11, 2010 11:05 AM
Nov 2008
Sep 21, 2010 1:13 AM

May 2008
Elle is a good pilot for Mark II~
Seriously, Judau is so irresponsible, now he lost not only Leina but his friends also~ He should have listened to Bright~
Oct 12, 2010 12:47 PM

Apr 2009
This is bad, very bad. Argama lost Char, Kamille, Emma and instead get a bunch of rebellious bastards. Just great. I think situation can't get any worse, so everything should be moving in a better direction somehow.
May 3, 2011 5:37 PM
Jul 2010
This stuff amused me

... when I was five.
Nov 22, 2012 9:33 PM
Jul 2010
Fumofu said:
This is bad, very bad. Argama lost Char, Kamille, Emma and instead get a bunch of rebellious bastards. Just great. I think situation can't get any worse

Well, if they were just rebellious then it would be alright, since Amuro and Kamille also began like that. But they have TRAITORS in there! and the worse of all is that Judau already knows they betrayed him and the Argama and what does he do? Absolutely NOTHING! He lets them go and do whatever the hell they want. It's just unbelievable.
Dec 1, 2012 5:26 AM

May 2009
I feel bad for Bright having to deal with disobeying kids all the time. It's like they can do whatever they want.
Dec 11, 2012 6:38 AM

Jun 2012
The old Bright we know would have already gave them some "correction".

Watching this show, I began to think that all this Newtype talk is just to justify childreen suddenly climbing on Mobile Suits and piloting better than advanced pilots.
Mar 4, 2013 5:27 AM

Mar 2012
I miss the Brightslap ;_;
Apr 26, 2013 12:21 PM

Oct 2009
Bright! Do something about them bastards!!!

Ah yay was wondering where the MK II was, Elle seems to be doing better than Judau if you ask me..

Newtypes just keep popping up. Also when are those two traitors gonna get what they deserve ://
May 23, 2013 9:10 AM

Nov 2011
stAtic91 said:
I feel bad for Bright having to deal with disobeying kids all the time. It's like they can do whatever they want.

This series is just making a fool of Bright. D: It's hilarious, but the guy needs a break at some point. He's /Bright/, after all. The Brightslap "corrected" Amuro real quick. I'm sure these brats would shape up a /little/. :(

Err-- And why do I find myself singing the theme song at random points during the day?
Aug 27, 2013 1:30 PM

Mar 2010
Cathedral said:
Err-- And why do I find myself singing the theme song at random points during the day?

I too have had this problem.
Aug 31, 2013 3:19 AM
Jul 2013
xAvengerx said:
I miss the Brightslap ;_;

I also do. Assuming how many "Corrections" from Zeta we saw in the first episode there has to be something in this series too!
Sep 18, 2013 12:18 PM

Sep 2010
Bright will snap eventually and go on a slapping spree. Mondo and Beecha needs correction and badly.

Why are we getting panty shots of a 12 year old? -__-
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Feb 12, 2014 3:45 PM

Aug 2011
Bright is being made a fool of, I am not pleased in the slightest.

Beecha specifically is the worst of them all and how dare he get Ketchup all over Bright.
Beecha you're a bastard and that other fucker than hangs around with you is one too.
I keep thinking "What would Char have done?".

Elle reads the Zeta manual for 3 seconds and is already doing better than Fa, I call extreme bullshit but okayyyyy...
Mar 13, 2014 1:18 PM

Sep 2013
Whoa watch out guys, Judau is angry now!

I find it hilarious how Bright has to cope with these kids. xD

Elle seems like a super newtype, learning to fly and fight that fast. I kinda like that.

Interesting change of pace now that there are two newtype pilots on "good" side, instead of just one Amuro/Kamille/Judau.
Apr 11, 2014 10:40 AM

Sep 2011
this was really bad, like leina got captured by whats (suppossed to be) the equivlent of nazi's in space and judau is the only one that seems to act like "oh shit we should probably worry about this" whilst every other character is dicking around in happy cheery mood.

also beecha needs dozens of bright slaps already

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Apr 26, 2014 11:59 PM

May 2008
As NFH said, this is just unbelievable, too unbelievable. Judau knows those two idiots are traitors and he hasn't bothered to tell anyone? I get Leina was captured, but c'mon. I hope they die soon.

Elle able to pilot Mark II while reading the manual is reminiscent of Amuro. Nice touch until they went on about them being Newtypes. Well, at least Elle is doing something other than whining.
Jan 8, 2015 3:45 PM

Nov 2014
Clearly the White Devil has a successor in Elle.

Also the Brightslap never actually worked and only made Amuro more uncooperative but you'd know that if you actually watched the original show.

Mondo and Beecha do need to die in a fire though.
Jan 26, 2015 3:06 PM

Jul 2009
Great episode!

Judau is showing signs of Kamille and Amuro. Where he becomes uncooperative and relies too much on his emotions.

I kinda lol'd that Judau has a sister complex XD

Then again, They have lived by themselves all these years so i can understand what he feels.

Lol that Glem guy peeking at Reina's pantsu! Judau would be pissed if he found out!

Wow Gundam Mk II! I thought they stop making those! Makes me sad we'll never see Emma or even Fa piloting it again :(

That Chara woman is still crazy as hell!

I love the Zeta Battle theme! Glad their still using it on Gundam ZZ ^^

Guess Judau and Elle is showing some Newtype skills! Won't be surprise if Roux is one as well.

Though i would want Bright to be more stricter like he did in Zeta. He should bright slap Judau and the rest of the kids for not listening to the adults.

It made Kamille much better at piloting and controlling his emotions.

Can't wait for the next episode!
Nov 3, 2015 6:26 AM

Sep 2008
Okay, so they can combine ZZ in hangar but it is slow process. So if they need to do scouting missions with it's parts seperated, it might not be possible to just combine it before battle since battles seem to happen very quickly.

Of course thet could just keep it combined in hangar and seperate it outside when going out for scouting and combine before going back in.

And why in the fuck they haven't shot those two idiots yet. I thought thet already dealt with that matter offscreen since Judau knew. I would guess that by then even Bright would know who the traitors were but apparently not.

Also 12 year old girl pantsu shots are always good idea...
Feb 2, 2016 3:55 PM

Nov 2012
Judaus two friends have caused serious problems multiple times in this show already. They gave away the argamas position to the enemy multiple times, and this episode they dissasembled the double zeta in mid battle which could have got all 3 of them killed , now the two of them are prisoners which makes the hostage situation even worse.

They want to leave the argama so bad, they should just tell bright to give them a small space vehicle or ask bright to drop them off whenever they get near the next colony.

I wonder what the parents of all these kids are thinking haha they just straight up left
Mar 29, 2016 7:13 AM

Jan 2014
I know I've complained about this before, but this episode was just downright way too terrible for me to keep my mouth shut.

So far we have:

Endra's side
-/+the only remotely tolerable antagonist who left off for god knows where and abandoned his lieutenant and his ship to the hands of a batshit insane woman;
-your run-of-the-mill (possibly cybernewtype) crazy bitch who gets off of piloting her mobile suit like a retard;
-your typical pussy-whipped punk ass bitch nigga who'll drop all of his duties at the bat of an eye as soon as a member of the opposite sex does so much as looking in his direction;

Argama's side
+the new female version of Amuro, but significantly less whiny: possibly the only kid aboard this ship who gets shit done without being a total pain in the ass;
-/+a jealous hoe who, despite her big balls, has a bad habit of always putting herself in terrible situations and is simply too proud to ever admit she's the one who fucked up;
-a Noa Bright who's but the shadow of his former self, overwhelmed by a bunch of rebellious brats whom he would've had no trouble "correcting" into submission in the past;
-a classic irrelevant imoutotype who solely exists for the sake of giving the MC a motivation to get in the fucking Gundam: also loli panties, because apparently that's fucking acceptable;
-an MC so self-centered and unconcerned by anything that doesn't affect him directly he can't even realize how much danger his two traitor friends represent for the Argama;
-Bitcha and his traitor buddy who think war is fucking game of monopoly;
-A giant betalord who's too much of a pussy to stop his pals from negotiating with the enemy, but somehow enough of a dumbass to refuse snitching on them; let's not even mention he's the one responsible for the worst sin in Gundam history:
-a disgrace to all mobile suits in UCverse known as the Zeta Zaku.

Haman-sama please hear our prayers and save us all from this atrocity.
SapewlothMar 29, 2016 7:20 AM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
May 17, 2016 10:26 PM

Dec 2015
Elle's NT ability: learn to pilot with the MS manual with no prior knowledge about mobile suits. Does that mean she's even more of a natural born pilot than Amuro? (who knew some things in mechanics/engineering)

Judau can make a serious face?! I hope this anger will drive him to greater things than insubordination.

Glemy is ready to defect: Bright should send Roux, the proud for nothing jealous pilot, and have her recruit him.

Gotto, the only capable man on board the Endoran, will soon die at this rythm. Bad omen, since Miss crazy CyberNT isn't apt to command.

Beecha and his acolyte are not funny or likable, they don't bring anything to the series except being the striggers of some event chain to justify yet another squirmish: really interesting characters.


December 15, 2016
@SakurasouBusters Are you saying that you prefer shower/bath shots (aka the sexual fanservice typical of Gundam since UC0079) ? ^^ Maybe they tried to "innove".
If you mean that the characters are pretty young (10-15, I think), we had Kika naked back then, no?

June 29, 2020
@St0rmblade It might be slang for gangs (yakuza or others) but it's first a formal/polite (I think) form of "big brother". There is Aniki/Aneki for male and Anewe/Aneki for female, not sure how it's transliterated anymore sorry.
(you can often hear that from stucked up characters coming from traditional families, example: Motoko about her sister in Love Hina.)
Rei_IIIJun 29, 2020 1:19 AM
Dec 14, 2016 9:08 AM

Jun 2013
Not gonna lie, i really like Elle
Thus was one of the better episodes, although im not sure how i feel about the fact that this show has panty shots.
Dec 15, 2016 9:12 AM

Jun 2013
Rei366 said:
Elle's NT ability: learn to pilot with the MS manual with no prior knowledge about mobile suits. Does that mean she's even more of a natural born pilot than Amuro? (who knew some things in mechanics/engineering)

Judau can make a serious face?! I hope this anger will drive him to greater things than insubordination.

Glemy is ready to defect: Bright should send Roux, the proud for nothing jealous pilot, and have her recruit him.

Gotto, the only capable man on board the Endoran, will soon die at this rythm. Bad omen, since Miss crazy CyberNT isn't apt to command.

Beecha and his acolyte are not funny or likable, they don't bring anything to the series except being the striggers of some event chain to justify yet another squirmish: really interesting characters.


@SakurasouBusters Are you saying that you prefer shower/bath shots (aka the sexual fanservice typical of Gundam since UC0079) ? ^^ Maybe they tried to "innove".
If you mean that the characters are pretty young (10-15, I think), we had Kika naked back then, no?

Well im not really fond of gundam having fanservice at all, but the bath and shower stuff never really bothered me much as it mostly felt natural, to me, the panty shots just make it feel childish, just like all of FA's panty shots in zeta.
Jan 25, 2017 5:26 PM
Nov 2015
I haven't enjoyed this nearly as much since MarshyMarshySama left. The new villain just isn't as funny and if this show isn't funny, it's just not very good. Still like the designs and stuff, but my patience is definitely lower than it was.
Dec 26, 2017 8:45 AM

Jul 2016
So a massive FU to Beecha getting ketchup on Bright.. and Bright still has done nothing! What is going on here? Good point from the other posters that the Brightslap just pissed off Amuro and Kamille more at times, but Bright at least showed who was bos. Beecha and the other butthole are not even in Amuro or Kamille's universe and really need several Brightslaps.

Nice ending with Judau being legit angry. Still one of the highlights of the show for me personally.
Feb 11, 2018 2:00 PM

May 2015
Beecha & Mondo need to understand that every action has consequence like Katz did in Zeta Gundam and if they get to meet the same fate as Katz the better...
Aug 31, 2018 2:27 PM

Jun 2014
Judau couldn't resue Leina, but he'll get another chance.

On the bright side(no, not that Bright), Elle seems to be handling the MKII fairly well.

Apr 10, 2019 11:25 AM

Nov 2016
Judau put his "I'm done playing games" face on.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 29, 2019 5:42 PM
Feb 2018
It's not terrible but not great either.. Beecha and his friend are annoying. I dont like Chara the new villain, getting off from piloting? It's silly. These characters pale in comparison to White base from MSG 0079 and Argama in Zeta. Most of the episode was Judau trying to get Double Zeta. Then of course as soon as he's about to save Leina his sister, his stupid ass friends ruin it by ejecting themselves from Double Zeta. Also, why isn't Judau telling Bright that his friends are traitors? Bright is a shell of his former self. 3/5. Still entertaining though. I just wish the whole plot of the show and this episode was more serious, if Leina was missing, it shouldn't be all comedic for the mood.
Jun 28, 2020 11:28 AM

Aug 2017
There is no Mashymre in the new OP. Sad, I don't want to endure Chara.

Judau referred to himself as "aniki" when talking about his sister. Does he think of himself as a member of a yakuza gang or what o_o

I guess this situation with Leina will motivate Judau to get more serious about everything. Also Tomino please get rid of Beecha and Mondo as soon as possible, they're even more annoying than the little kids.
St0rmbladeJun 28, 2020 11:36 AM
Aug 20, 2020 4:50 AM

Apr 2014
LOL is all you can say with whats going on atm because its all certain people's fault lol

Roux's fault for not killing the blonde guy when she shot him in the back she could have killed him there and this wouoldnt be happening

and then we got the 2 retarded so called friends thats just been trying to get them killed for the past few eps smh... this shit is a mess and its fucking LOL at this point

but even still i am enjoying this more than zeta lol

also am liking Elle more and more she's best girl in this series
"one step at a time"
Jun 16, 2021 5:45 AM

Apr 2016

Glemy isn't thinking very far ahead. So... what if he does successfully woo her and marry her? He's not going to be able to snuggle with her... unless he, what? Keeps his civilian wife onboard a military vessel? During war time and in a setting where ships are so easily destroyed? The war might not end for another year or so, so if he does marry her, he's going to have to stash her away on some rock or station and hope she doesn't fall away from him in the mean time (quite possible given how immature she is).
Feb 24, 2022 1:47 AM

Dec 2021
Oznerol7 said:
The more i watch this less i get why this is hated. Do Gundam fans hate funny things? Come on it's not like every single Gundam entry need to be a depressing blood-shed (and i love depressing blood-sheds)

I said this after episode 4 (3 if we exclude the summay). I was wrong. I was so wrong
Nov 27, 2022 4:12 PM
Dec 2015
Can someone explain to me the panty shot scene under the table because i didn't get it; apart from the fan service, why exactly did he look under the table?
Jan 24, 2023 5:05 PM

Oct 2018
The Mk II survived the events of Zeta? I thought they abandoned it along with Emma
deoclasher88Jan 24, 2023 5:27 PM
~Spiritual Healing~

Feb 14, 2023 6:25 AM
Ninja Consultant

Mar 2022
I love how among Judau's main reasons for wanting to save Leina is that she's a good cook.

Iceblink_ said:
Can someone explain to me the panty shot scene under the table because i didn't get it; apart from the fan service, why exactly did he look under the table?

To see if she was really peeing, I guess.

I know that in the past squat toilets were really common in Japan, especially in older homes that were generally inhabited by the lower classes.
Beep boop
Feb 26, 2023 3:24 PM
Dec 2015
Iceblink_ said:
Can someone explain to me the panty shot scene under the table because i didn't get it; apart from the fan service, why exactly did he look under the table?

To see if she was really peeing, I guess.

I know that in the past squat toilets were really common in Japan, especially in older homes that were generally inhabited by the lower classes.

Yeah, that makes sense
Feb 27, 2023 11:37 PM
Nov 2019
What is this b-tier Megaten plotline
Dec 13, 2023 7:59 AM
Apr 2021
Enjoyed this ep a lot, I think I was kinda bugging with the hate before. Honestly I imagine most of the reason people don't like ZZ is just because of the whiplash between it and zeta. Zeta started off pretty silly too, which I was down with because it was kind of what I was expecting from old gundam shows, but then it gradually grew into something unironically amazing, and was deadly serious by the later parts. Then going into ZZ, it's a return to sillier early Zeta, but after all the suffering we just went through in zeta, it feels odd. Taking a step back to look at it is good, because honestly all the worldbuilding and character writing I loved is still here, there's just less death. It gives the feeling that there's still hope in the world of gundam, and it is honestly kind of nice to have someone like judau, who's so adamant about not letting the world drive him crazy. It's like Luffy in a way, how his positive attitude almost lets you forget the brutality of the world around him. At the same time, like Luffy, it's clear that his positivity, and aggressive clinginess to his few valued people, is his coping mechanism, and it's really the only thing keeping him sane. It's easy to get caught up in the negativity around this show, but it's not actually a bad thing to have a more lighthearted gundam, even if it's silly and weird. I'm just gonna let Tomino do his thing, and see where it goes.

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