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Apr 3, 2015 12:49 AM
Hey guys do you think Koozay is the boy from the hospital making paper cranes? Maybe Kasunagi was the girl next to him? idk, maybe wishful thinking on my part. |
Apr 14, 2015 3:00 PM
robis798 said: Vaaaaastly superior to the first season. It's phenomenal, I can almost call this perfect. First season didn't feel as climactic or special, but this season was just hooking throughout and managed to trigger such an emotional response which doesn't happen that often for me. I almost teared up when Tachikomas sacrificed themselves ;_; Ahh, damn it ;_; Such a spectacular series. 10/10 I agree. First season was good, last 8 episodes were amazing, but they failed with filler episodes. But this one, it was joyride from episode one till the last episode. All episodes were somehow related to main story and they were all interesting. Tachikomas death were so sad, i expected someones death but i didnt expect they will die again at the end of this season too. @Wicked_Edward I belive so. All cranes troughout the series, the him saying that he is still searching for his person he can open to and his last scene when he is saying that he is going ahead, plus, he was virgin before getting body parts which might mean that he was young when he got them. |
Apr 19, 2015 6:21 AM
NaCro said: j/k ;)robis798 said: Vaaaaastly superior to the first season. It's phenomenal, I can almost call this perfect. First season didn't feel as climactic or special, but this season was just hooking throughout and managed to trigger such an emotional response which doesn't happen that often for me. I almost teared up when Tachikomas sacrificed themselves ;_; Ahh, damn it ;_; Such a spectacular series. 10/10 I agree. First season was good, last 8 episodes were amazing, but they failed with filler episodes. But this one, it was joyride from episode one till the last episode. All episodes were somehow related to main story and they were all interesting. Tachikomas death were so sad, i expected someones death but i didnt expect they will die again at the end of this season too. @Wicked_Edward I belive so. All cranes troughout the series, the him saying that he is still searching for his person he can open to and his last scene when he is saying that he is going ahead, plus, he was virgin before getting body parts which might mean that he was young when he got them. |
Apr 23, 2015 4:07 AM
Tachikoma's sacrifice :( The story was BETTER than 1st GIG. Sad to see what happened with Kuze though. 8.5/10 This series was an AWESOME ride. |
May 11, 2015 3:01 AM
Well, this was amazing. I'm so glad I watch both seasons of SAC. Definitely one of my favourite shows ever, probably placing on #2 right now. I loved how they handled ep25 and 26 and didn't fall into the "last episode is a wrap up episode only" trap. Gouda was a great villian. In the beginning I assumed that he only wanted control of section 9 etc. but his actual plan was insane. I'm glad he died in the end, although him escaping could have been the fodder for a third season (btw. why is there no third season? T.T). Ishkawa's punch was so badass, I had to laugh. Yeah, section 9 invented dirty tricks. :D I'm also a little bit sad that it's over. Season 3, pls! Yukushi said: Wonder who the Major was referring to when she said someone she could 'trust'? Batou perhaps? I first thought it was Batou but after the apple scene it might as well have been Kuze. I'm not really sure on it right now. |
May 16, 2015 3:41 PM
Goddamn it's gonna take a while to wipe the grin that I got from seeing Goda getting shredded by a high-caliber rifle by the Major like that. Like the 1st season this one did a fantastic job of wrapping up a conflict in one episode without feeling rushed. Also why did you do this to me again Tachibromas :( I think this edges out the 1st season definitely. Not sure what it could've done to earn a 10 but a strong 9 ain't a bad place to be. |
May 19, 2015 12:34 PM
Gouda getting shredded almost counteracts the sadness of seeing tahcikomas and kuze go, almost. Incredible finale to a spectacular show. |
Immahnoob said: Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit, tokiyashiro said: Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me |
May 30, 2015 2:09 AM
AngeCross said: in the final episode of the series. where major blasts gouda's head off. she actually said the same words during the first episode. with the guy proclaiming he is part of the individual eleven. that's actually pretty cool and amazing feat that i didn't notice the first time around. In fact I have a sneaky suspicion that exact line of dialogue is uttered by her character in her first scene in the original GitS movie too. The climax of this show (Gouda getting killed) is a clear homage to the opening sequence of GitS, complete with guards wearing shades and wielding suitcase-rifle hybrids, ending with Kusanagi jumping out a window. |
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol |
Aug 2, 2015 9:09 PM
Just finished re-watching the series for the first time in a few years. Something that really struck me on this re-watch was just how god damn cinematic the entire series is. The shot composition is fucking masterfully done and gives it such weight and scope. |
Aug 8, 2015 4:42 AM
I don't see why the series are getting so much credit. The artwork was absolutely terrible, the shading of the characters was non-existant, Aramaki's face looked like an old rock with wrinkles - as did everybody's. It's under average. 3D didn't matchup with the rest of the artwork - take notice of the cars. Everything was just life-less and that in a non-contributing way. The story was just protocol, protocol, protocol, combat, protocol... It didn't really take advantage of the cyberpunk-aspect at all - it was just constantly mentioned in passing. It was intellectual - which is why I'm giving it a 6/10 and not a 4/10. I was totally unmoved by the storyline - it didn't really have any fundamental message or essence tying everything together; it was just "noise". Now I'm going to watch the two original movies and try to cleanse GiTS from the abominating elements in these series. I'm totally grumpy. |
TheGrayManAug 18, 2017 4:18 AM
Aug 13, 2015 8:51 AM
This final episode had some ups and downs for me. What really bothers me is how long it took for S9 to finally do something about Gouda. Did they really had to wait for things to get this bad just so they could "simply" blast a hole on his head? It's also kinda odd seeing Motoko apparently give up that easily and accept Kuze's plan to have a nuclear bomb kill her and thousands (?) of other people (in hindsight, having an object such as a satellite intercepting the nuclear strike seems simple enough plan that they could've preperared it in advance as a last resort or whatever). As a minor nitpick, I'm not overly fond of those two random S1 guys appearing out of nowhere, either (btw, thanks for that, TopgunUK). But I guess it doesn't matter by now. A good or amazing ending wouldn't have made me change my mind that much about a mostly boring series. Season 1 wasn't free of constant nitpicks either, but it scored more points with me due to the freshness factor and for having more interesting standalone episodes. So I'll be going against most (?) GitS fans here by saying that, in the end, S1 was much more entertaining than S2. Very late edit: I don't believe I forgot to make a mention of Ishikawa. For an injured old man who mostly does information gathering, it was quite odd (and, I must admit, incredibly funny) how he reacted when at gunpoint. |
removed-userAug 14, 2015 5:28 AM
Oct 9, 2015 7:17 PM
Loved the ending and I was really happy that bastard Goda was shredded. Sad that the Tahcikomas and Kuze got taken out but I felt it was a satisfying ending to an excellent season 2. 9/10. |
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Oct 9, 2015 10:53 PM
Somehow, my heart races in kind of a sad way when I see the Major go the opposite way in the last scene. |
Oct 18, 2015 6:27 AM
Just watched it for the fourth time. It's been years since I last saw it. Still holds up. ***SPOILERS*** Just in case someone reading this hasn't seen the final episode of 2nd Gig. The Tachikomas uploaded their memories to the 'net. When their virtualizations are on the satellite, doing their dance while they sing as their satellite plunges from orbit, one is off by itself working on 'net gates. You can see the one it has open before sending what it was working on says Tachikoma All Memory or something like that. I think the after-credits scene involving the Tachikoma and the Fuchikoma (or was it Uchikoma, I forget how the naming dispute panned out between the original manga, the movies, and the series) meeting each other where the cherry blossoms fall was the Tachikomas' ghost (Does it have one ghost or several? Since it sounds like its mind was now one processor with several personality partitions from the way they described the satellite set-up.) returning to a state of self-awareness and meeting the ghost-less Fuchikomas. I gathered that after that scene, the next thing that would have happened would be the Tachikomas taking over the Fuchikoma bodies. |
Jan 12, 2016 4:58 AM
Do you think she meant Batou when Kuze asked her if she has someone she can trust? I am happy as I heard that the movie Solid State Society is the sequel as the end of season 2 left with sad feelings Kuzanagi was so fare away with her thoughts at the end :( |
Feb 22, 2016 7:20 PM
That scene when Tachikomas began singing was really amazing, felt really mad because Kuze died that way,Great Finale, and Excellent Episode. My Opinion on the Anime: Usually when I watch something that has a 9 and above quality, after I finish the series then I get some shocking feeling like wow this was so awesome, in GitS:SAC 2nd GIG I said, oh thats some amazing series and thats it, because you already know the quality of this anime from the first episodes. As Expected an Excellent anime and imo Lesser Masterpiece. Animation: The animation level in this season is tremendously better than the first season, taking into consideration the release date, I will award this series a 10/10 on this section. ART: I dont feel like talking about this 8/10 Sounds: Amazing!! the voice acting was great, the sound effects were excellent, excellent OST, the songs by Origa (R.I.P) were beautiful. Again I award this series here an 11/10. The bonus is for the songs,OP,ED. Characters: So much better than the first season, better Villain (Ghodo), better Anti-Hero? (Kuze), Great development for Motoko (Ep 11) and the other members of the squad, so if season 1 was 8 here then season 2 is 9/10. Story: This is my only problem in the whole show, and the only thing which prevents it from getting 10/10, because the story was divided by 3 types of episodes, although it was somehow connected but it still lowered the awesomeness of the story, The pacing could have been better, the Political themes were amazing, however imo there was a lack of two important things, 1) Plot Twists: I think plot twists adds really a lot to the story ( like no major character from the squad died on the whole story which makes it less memorable), and keeps everyone watching on their seat, increases the thriller aspect which is my favorite thing. 2) Emotions: I like to have some emotions in the story, so that it will affect me in the long run, it had some but imo there wasn't enough especially for the DIV episodes. The story is Smart, and requires the viewer to be with full attention while watching, Mature story, which challenges the viewer and anyone who has at least 33% interest in politics/police/war stories will find this very enjoyable. IND episodes story: 10/10 DIV: 8/10 DU: 8/10 Enjoyment: A lot of people say this is all that matters. Well in my opinion if everything is done well why shouldn't it be enjoyable, unless I'm watching ART then this is going to be enjoyable. Very enjoyable anime 9/10 ( and i repeat without some DIV episodes this is going to be 10/10 ) Value: GitS:SAC 2nd GiG is an Innovative series, that's it Innovative is a great word to use here, the presentation of the Advanced Technology along with the Cyber-wars and the political themes is a very great idea. 9/10 Bonus Section:- Directing: This is the best thing in the series, one of the best Directing of all time, Excellent directing, anyone who knows what is a good directing should agree with me on this. 12/10 Best Episode: Episode 26 Worst Episode: Episode 15 Some DIV episodes could've been done better or deleted, other than that everything is excellent. I feel like I wrote too much, maybe the longest Short review I've wrote, so I'll proceed to Final Rating. Final Rating: 9.4/10 Highly Recommended for people who like: Politics/Cyber-wars/Police/Action-War Shows. |
Mar 12, 2016 6:51 AM
This was an amazing series. Simply amazing. There are a few things I would like to address. I know the whole tachikomas sacrificing themselves was supposed to be sad and all but... come on. Are you guys serious? Some of you seriously cried about a bunch of AI being terminated? I'll agree that the concept of AI's beginning to think for themselves, so much so that they they would disobey orders in order to sacrifice themselves and save their superiors, that is an interesting concept, even a little touching. But I wasn't saddened by this, not even a little bit. If anything I thought "awesome, that way nobody of any significance will have to die now." They are AI, they have no ghost, and quite frankly they should all be programmed to sacrifice themselves to protect those who actually DO have ghosts. Someone said something along the lines of "did they really have to go through all that just to shoot Gouda?" To that I say YES! YES YES YES YES YES! That's what makes them the good guys, the real good guys, the infamous Public Safety Section 9! Of course they knew Gouda was the bad guy and of course they could have just put a cap in his ass and called it a day, but once they go down that road where does it end? That's why they are the most righteous and noble of all sections because they know that they can't just go around killing everyone they think deserves to die, that's not how it works. Of course they break the rules sometimes, but when it comes to murdering someone who, from the outside looking in, is supposed to be on their side, they can't take that shit lightly. They must have the proper backing, the proper clearance, they have to know that when the smoke clears they aren't the ones labeled as the bad guys because if they were, they would no longer be around to fight the REAL bad guys. If they are seen as a security unit that just blows people away when THEY see fit, then how long do you think the rest of the government is going to believe that "public safety" is section 9's top priority?They're going to be seen as just a bunch of gun toting thugs, which is exactly what they would become. They're too good for that. It's all part of the delicate balance that is so beautifully composed in this series. I know everyone has already mentioned it already but... Ishikawa knocking that chump out was legendary. Ishikawa, of all people, pretty much the nerd of the bunch, the one who never gets his hands dirty, will still knock a mofo out without batting an eye, even if there's a pistol aimed at him while he's holding plutonium. Dont mess with Section 9! It was pretty awesome when Kuze started making the origami cranes and I realized that he was the boy from the earlier episode. But when I finally realize that Kusanagi was the little girl... that made my hair stand up. Kusanagi's past has always been a mystery, so much so that I gave up even trying to solve it. So when I came to that realization, it was a huge shock, and it just grabbed ahold of me. I've grown so accustomed to perceiving her as such a hardass cyborg so when I was hit with the realization that beneath it all was an innocent little girl... man that was deep. And the apple at the end, definitely a biblical reference. Eve originally bites the apple(the original sin) then convinces Adam to bite it. Similar to how Kusanagi first got a cybernetic body, then convinced Kuze to get a cybernetic body. And look at all the shit Kuze has been through, all the heartache he has suffered, when he would have just been a boy folding oragami cranes if they had never gone down that path. Pretty wicked. Goudas death... so absolutely awesome! I yelled "YESSS!!!!" while pumping my fists with ecstatic joy! Blow that overconfident smirk right off his effed up face! Notice how Kusanagi didn't go straight for the head shot, she riddled his ass with bullets bottom to top, making him feel the pain of death before she ended him. But of course my celebrations quickly ended when I realized that at the same time poor Kuze was being killed. Bittersweet... so so bittersweet. I wish there were more animes like this, more films like this, more stories like this, with this kind of depth and intricacy of plot. I think my only complaint would have to be the part in episode 17 when Kusanagi whips her titties out and lays down next to that little kid, then he asks if cyborgs can have sex... that's just creepy and perverted, completely unnecessary. Why do Japanese always have to add some weird sexual shit? Just... no. |
Mar 14, 2016 12:22 AM
Fuzzwah said: This was an amazing series. Simply amazing. There are a few things I would like to address. I know the whole tachikomas sacrificing themselves was supposed to be sad and all but... come on. Are you guys serious? Some of you seriously cried about a bunch of AI being terminated? For me this is a sign that artificial intelligence can be more than soulless machines and the Tachikomas were for sure more than robots. |
Apr 10, 2016 2:16 AM
@StefanoBlack StefanoBlack said: Someone way above linked to a blog post about the scene where they embrace with apples in hand, but sadly the link doesn't work anymore. Here you are: |
May 2, 2016 9:19 AM
Great series. Not sure if this was brought up, but did the Taichocomas (sic) put their AI in that space they created for the Refugees? It would make sense for them to do that. Oh yeah, IMO the real X-Factor was the PM. She nailed the coffin shut on all that shit. |
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Jul 27, 2016 2:46 AM
I can't believe its over. This was the moment I was dreading for when I was getting close to the ending. As much as I enjoyed the last few episodes, what's eating me on the inside is the potential of more and more episodes. Finally we were able to see a side of the Major that we haven't seen before in SAC. We were so used to seeing a bad ass side of the Major in the first season so seeing a new side of her really caught my attention. All I can say is it was a fantastic season. It's such a shame that there hasn't been a talk for a 3RD Gig after all these years. The ending scene with the new Fuchikoma's and the Major riding off into the city made me want to find out more. There's so much to explore! I guess I have to live with this empty feeling in my chest for a while... Why do good things have to come to an end? |
The Net is Vast and Infinite |
Jul 27, 2016 3:41 AM
Hopefully there will be a sequel anime series Kusanaagi said: It's such a shame that there hasn't been a talk for a 3RD Gig after all these years. The ending scene with the new Fuchikoma's and the Major riding off into the city made me want to find out more. There's so much to explore! I guess I have to live with this empty feeling in my chest for a while... Why do good things have to come to an end? You can still watch Solid State Socity Movie if you want to see what is going on with the major after the ending scene |
Jul 27, 2016 10:54 PM
Bulma777 said: Hopefully there will be a sequel anime series Kusanaagi said: It's such a shame that there hasn't been a talk for a 3RD Gig after all these years. The ending scene with the new Fuchikoma's and the Major riding off into the city made me want to find out more. There's so much to explore! I guess I have to live with this empty feeling in my chest for a while... Why do good things have to come to an end? You can still watch Solid State Socity Movie if you want to see what is going on with the major after the ending scene Way ahead of you! I'm watching it right now. |
The Net is Vast and Infinite |
Aug 7, 2016 4:53 AM
Batou's carrying a cross, Motoko gives a fruit to Kuzo... Totally not symbolic at all. Tachicoma's sacrifice was epic. |
Aug 15, 2016 9:07 AM
Tachikoma's act had save Dejima was really touching. It is a great ending! |
Oct 9, 2016 8:57 AM
Not the Tachikoma(s) 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 That was so sad, especially when they're singing Looking at exploding Gouda is so satisfying I don't want Uchikoma, I want Tachikoma!! |
"Signature removed" |
Oct 12, 2016 10:46 AM
Almost as good as the first season, I liked it a bit better because of the laughing man incident. Didn't like Kuze as much. 7/10 |
Oct 23, 2016 6:54 AM
After rewatching it was every bit as good as I remembered. I like some aspects of the first season a bit more (like the development of the Tachikomas and the concept behind the Laughing Man) and it's essential for much of the worldbuilding; but the higher stakes, closely connected plotlines, more detailed backstories and darker mood of this one make up for it. Also, I'm sure this OST is one of the best I'm ever gonna hear, Yoko Kanno is a genius. I'm kind of a fanboy, so 10/10 and probably my favourite show (both seasons really), still waiting for 3rd GiG. |
Nov 19, 2016 11:03 PM
Has to be the Tachikomas every time, huh. :( I really enjoyed it the second time, and the last episode had so many great moments. Just damn, the way everything tied together in the end... also the apple symbolism was very nice - Adam and Eve ate an apple from the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden, but here Matoko didn't get the chance and only Kazu did. The American Empire was a collaborator of Gouda in the end - not only with the nuclear missile, but ridding of Kazu to prevent Japan from having a strong leader (or so explained in this episode), and keep power relations relative and have Japan more dependent on the American Empire, probably among other political motives. Matoko and Batou's special relationship played through very well too, with Batou desperate to save her, and of course the Tachikomas' sacrifice (again). Well deserved 10/10. |
MirorinNov 19, 2016 11:13 PM
Dec 19, 2016 10:00 PM
2nd Gig felt wholly different from the first season, which was a very welcomed element going into this series. It's interesting to see some divided opinions between the two seasons. I personally couldn't really attach myself to Section 9 during season one, however, this wasn't the case for me during 2nd Gig. I became enthralled with the Major's allure towards Kuze the moment we initially found out Kuze was the little boy from the hospital. This storyline, imo, really helped flesh out the Major to be more human and show a deeper shade of herself that felt honestly lacking in the first season. Among a more personable Major, the stakes and the political intrigue was highly addicting to watch unfold. In fact, I'd say it's more connective as a plotline that closely resembles ours, given the current climate we have in the world regarding Syria and the refugees in Europe, so already, it felt surreal watching this series. I admit the Laughing Man case makes me think of the former Anonymous hacking group in a different and interesting light I never considered before. However, the Individual Eleven case was more compelling to me because it involved a lot of parties with their motives, and a lot less contained, which made the stakes so much higher compared to the Laughing Man case, which was more isolated. As twisted as it sounds, I was honestly was curious if the Refugees could become one with the net. It was a really uncanny way to 'save' millions of people, but at the same time, millions more would had died since I bet many did not have cyberbrains. Even the ones that did, it's as the Major and Kuze were saying, they were uncertain if they could be free and liberated Ghosts within the Net. Some posters in this thread say that would be a sad existence, but I personally thought that if their Ghosts were uploaded to the Net, then it would mean they could upload their Ghost into a cyberbrain and freely transition into a prosthetic body. I mean, the data is there after all, right? That's why I thought the Major's plan to expand some space wouldn't be in vain, but who knows, perhaps it would had been embarrassingly gone wrong. Some things I'm not totally clear on, though reading through this thread did help some, but overall, this season was simply amazing. My biggest gripe, however, is the writing/storytelling can be unintentionally bad, because certain "surprise realization" are written in a way where it's spelled out to me way before the characters eventually figure it out. That takes away the fun, since I want to be equally captivated and left in the dark with these characters alongside them. 9/10 |
Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is. |
Mar 22, 2017 10:50 AM
10/10 And it is 2017 8 days before Johanssen movie comes out, .... But why the heck i feel OLD reading the 2009 and 2010 replies xDD? |
Mar 23, 2017 2:26 AM
yes looking forward to it I have seen the trailer and I am not sure to which story the movie belongs I thought it is the 1995 movie but from the trailer it is not really matching o_o |
Mar 24, 2017 3:37 PM
It was an amazing series, you really have to admit, never seen an anime with such a great setting and completely utilazing it into a meaningful story The thing I haven't been able to figure out is what to Dual, Dividual and Individual episodes stand for exactly. In the first season it was clear what's Stand Alone and what's Complex, but here... EDIT: damn wikipedia makes things too easy "Unlike the first season, the second season has three designations denoting the type of episode: individual (IN), dividual (DI) and dual (DU). IN episodes tie in with the Individual Eleven storyline; DI episodes are stand-alone episodes that may still be tied in to other storylines; and DU episodes tie in with the Cabinet Intelligence Service & Goda story-line (though the two main storylines inter-relate)." |
Apr 22, 2017 8:46 AM
10/10 Tachikoma's, you guys will be miss. Awesome final episode for an Awesome season. A damn shame that Kuze didn't survive. A damn shame that the Tachikoma's are dead for real. A damn shame that Gouda refuse to accept Kayabuki's invitation and choose to die instead, what a waste of talent. Major should have also shoot the guy that accompany Gouda, his face pisses me off (yeah more than Gouda's face) smiling like it's all just a joke. The guy that tried to get the Plutonium from Ishikawa, got a taste of old man's strength. Sweet hug moment between Kuze and Motoko and Tachikoma's final moments are the highlight of the episode or maybe for the entire Season for me. |
C8V0HS5Apr 22, 2017 8:49 AM
Jun 18, 2017 5:47 PM
Jun 23, 2017 6:52 AM
Always wondered if the writers predicted the refugee crisis we had today and themed the whole show around it, regardless still relevant despite their intentions. Can't really make a distinction between the first and second season, both were excellent. Yet to watch the Hollywood adaptation, won't be expecting much. |
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Jan 16, 2018 11:49 AM
That was the beeeeeest ending ever and if only Kuze had survived that would have been Perfect damn why why Kuze must dies as well and mentioning death Tachikomas agh I cried like a little girl they were the heros of this episode. Ishikawa punching that CIS agent in da face was so freaking epic and The Major killing Gouda or correctly Destroying Gouda was so satisfying yet Kayabuki gave her a chance and he ignored it that's what you deserve son of a bitch. 9/10 |
Aug 11, 2018 7:34 AM
Hoping someone could answer this as it's always confused me and I've searched everywhere for an explanation but have had no luck. So I've seen this series many times and recently watched it again. There is one scene near the end of this episode which I can't quite understand which is when Motoko and Batou are in the helicopter with Kuze, and Batou turns to look at Kuze and it's shown that Kuze is holding an apple (I guess the one he picked up earlier) in his hand and it's been bitten. Straight after this, it shows Motoko who suddenly says, "You're..." or "You are..." and then the view shifts back to Kuze for a few more seconds before the scene changes completely. What did Motoko mean with what she said? What was she about to say? What did she just realize? Now like I mentioned, I've searched loads of forums for information on this and I understand the symbolism with the apples and many other things in this episode but Motoko isn't even facing Kuze in the helicopter, it's like she just remembers something. I've seen some people say that she remembers Kuze is the boy from all those years ago etc but that can't be it, as she realizes this many episodes prior when she links with Kuze and gets attacked. Not to mention in this episode alone while they're both trapped, Kuze finally discovers who she is too as they start talking about origami , so it's nothing to do with that in the helicopter scene later. I seriously can't figure this out at all. I've also heard that apparently Kuze may have uploaded himself to the net before this and that's what the bite in the apple signifies but once again, Motoko isn't looking at him at all, she just realizes something that I've no idea??? Oh gosh this has always drove me crazy... If anyone who's familiar with what I'm talking about knows this answer to this, I would very much appreciate it. |
Aug 18, 2018 5:23 AM
TachikomaShiki said: Hoping someone could answer this as it's always confused me and I've searched everywhere for an explanation but have had no luck. So I've seen this series many times and recently watched it again. There is one scene near the end of this episode which I can't quite understand which is when Motoko and Batou are in the helicopter with Kuze, and Batou turns to look at Kuze and it's shown that Kuze is holding an apple (I guess the one he picked up earlier) in his hand and it's been bitten. Straight after this, it shows Motoko who suddenly says, "You're..." or "You are..." and then the view shifts back to Kuze for a few more seconds before the scene changes completely. What did Motoko mean with what she said? What was she about to say? What did she just realize? Now like I mentioned, I've searched loads of forums for information on this and I understand the symbolism with the apples and many other things in this episode but Motoko isn't even facing Kuze in the helicopter, it's like she just remembers something. I've seen some people say that she remembers Kuze is the boy from all those years ago etc but that can't be it, as she realizes this many episodes prior when she links with Kuze and gets attacked. Not to mention in this episode alone while they're both trapped, Kuze finally discovers who she is too as they start talking about origami , so it's nothing to do with that in the helicopter scene later. I seriously can't figure this out at all. I've also heard that apparently Kuze may have uploaded himself to the net before this and that's what the bite in the apple signifies but once again, Motoko isn't looking at him at all, she just realizes something that I've no idea??? Oh gosh this has always drove me crazy... If anyone who's familiar with what I'm talking about knows this answer to this, I would very much appreciate it. It's been a while and I don't really know what she realised there if she realised anything else, but part of it would've just been her being shocked by the fact that he was able to take a bite of the apple at all since he has that custom sculpted face which doesn't allow for much movement (if any) which is why he doesn't move his mouth when he talks. Also it's a confusing sequence of shots (particularly because they show Batou look in a direction off to the side before cutting to a shot of Kuze making you think he's looking at him) but Motoko is actually facing the back of the Helicopter from where she's sitting so she is looking right at Kuze. You can see this a little better when they show a shot of the helicopter from the side a little earlier. |
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Aug 19, 2018 4:56 PM
Thanks for the reply TopgunUK. I went back and watched this scene once again and damn, you're absolutely right about the way in which Motoko is sitting, you can see it just before that scene when the view is zoomed out but the next view shots look as though she's suddenly facing out the side of the helicopter and looking out to the sea. Man, that was confusing but makes more sense now! I did read about her being surprised that Kuze took a bite out of the apple but I just didn't feel that's what it was. I can't imagine Motoko reacting like that at that moment, just seems a bit weird to me if that was the reason but who knows, I guess it's possible. I've seen it dubbed many times but the English subtitles to the Japanese version seem to read 'You' whereas in the dub, it is 'You are'. Kuze's expression here just seems odd too like he's no longer himself or something, seems like a statue in a way. Yeah I know it's all over for him now so how'll you expect him to look but, something doesn't look right at all. I remember him moving his mouth in one of the earlier episodes (EP12 I believe) when he grew impatient asking for a copy of the Individual Eleven from the men he was with in the van so that's probably why I didn't ever consider him taking a bite out the apple being strange. As difficult as it may be for him, it would be very possible if he wanted, I've always thought. Pretty crazy how much this tiny little thing has me thinking haha At least the scene isn't as confusing now. But then, what was Batou randomly looking a- never mind. |
Nov 7, 2018 11:31 PM
What an awesome ride that was! and tachikomas were the real heroes in the end so couldn't ask for more. 10/10 for me |
Nov 28, 2018 9:29 AM
Tachikomas Mvp in S1 and 2 !!! |
Jun 10, 2019 4:39 PM
I can't believe Tachikoma's did that.. I'm sobbing. </3 Either way, this season is definitely better. |
Aug 6, 2019 8:32 AM
Epic final as i expected. Great conclusion to the series, 10/10 for sure. But man, those tachikomas ;_;. I used to hate them during the first season, but they started to grew on me more and more, gonna miss these guys. |
Dec 17, 2019 12:12 PM
This finale was breathtaking, just wow. It's a pity that Motoko wasn't able to save Kuze, but at least she was could confirm who he really was. Still gotta say that his death was pretty heartwrenching, especially after they shared such intimate moment in this episode. The song that played during that scene was beutiful btw. And yeah, the Tachikomas were definitely the heroes nobody deserves with their unwavering determination. Batou and Ishizaki weren't bad either. Not too mention Motoko blowing off Gouda's head, that almost made up for losses. This season was overall as fantastic as the first one. Maybe I even prefer this one slightly since the plot was just crazy good, even the episodes that merely fleshed out the cast. In fact I think I've rarely seen a series that with so much quality in that department. Of course a lot of enjoyment came also from the outstanding cast of characters. I ended up loving Section 9 even more and with Gouda as well as Kuze we had some good antagonists, even tho I saw the latter rather as anti hero. |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Mar 18, 2020 6:15 AM
Just finished rewatching the series after a looong time without seeing it. Amazing how even though it's relatively old, it still has "it" in spades. So well made. Such good voice acting, plot, characterization, and soundtrack. And like @ above mentioned "Something that really struck me on this re-watch was just how god damn cinematic the entire series is. The shot composition is fucking masterfully done and gives it such weight and scope" COuldn't agree more. Look forward to rewatching this masterpiece again in some years. |
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov |
Jul 25, 2020 7:13 AM
Great ending to such an awesome show. Tachikomas will be missed. |
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Aug 27, 2020 11:44 AM
Posting my thoughts here after completing the summary movie because honestly I was nearly out and done after the first viewing (as in the 2nd GIG anime) but I've managed to grasp most of it now. Funny enough, my final thoughts are similar though: Epic finale to what has been a magnificent season! Season 1 was great but Season 2 is fantastic! Tachikoma sacrificing themselves once again (parallel to the 1st GIG) to save the day and Chief Aramaki acknowledging it by saying "some of his men have passed away in the line of work" coupled with the song (especially the lyrics) was just on another level. My heart totally gave out a million times more this time... Seems like Gohda wasn't the main antagonist after all, however. Looks like the American Empire is behind this, huh? Damn it, just when things seemed to have come to a resolution and the Major could have potentially take her time with Kuze. SSS better conclude all this! Prime Minister calling upon her secret pilot force and conveying a message to the US was freakin' cool though, why didn't she call upon this earlier for God's sake lol. I'm a little unclear as to why Gohda dispatched Squad 4 though, was it ultimately to try and restrict Squad 9's movements? But he must've known that Batou was a Ranger in the past surely so it probably wouldn't work, no? But well, nitpicks like these aside, the themes that this season covered ranging from corruption (some incredible references too, I must say) to the human v machine bit as well surrounding our anti-hero Kuze was wonderful. In addition to this, spending some time on developing the side cast and the main cast at the same time, it truly was a brilliant journey this season! I wouldn't do justice if I didn't share this wonderful soundtrack though, I do. Easily one of the best accompanying music of the medium, Episode 11 in particular is going to stick around with me for a long time coming you bet! Easy 9/10 from my part. Will definitely rewatch SAC in the future! |
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