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Aug 3, 2008 2:56 PM

Jan 2008
That was a pretty epic death for Glemy, nice drama.

EDIT: Wait, I think Sayla was in this episode too. For some inexplicable reason she's one of my favourite characters in the MSG franchise, so anytime I see her I perk up. But man she's been used so randomly in this series. We get no explanation for how Leina was saved, which is surprising because anime shows generally love to spell everything out, but now in this one case where I actually really want to know what happened...they dont spill the beans.

Because the writers suck!
BeatnikAug 3, 2008 3:06 PM
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Aug 3, 2008 3:09 PM

Feb 2008
Yeah, I thought her surviving for some unknown reason was just ... meh.
Aug 3, 2008 9:15 PM

Aug 2008
I thought it was fitting how Glemy met his death. Considering his infatuation with Roux.

Oh, and I liked Sayla in 0079 as well.
Sep 26, 2008 5:15 PM

Oct 2007
I liked Glemy's death, nicely done by Roux I'd say. But indeed the whole Leina thing is just definitely mishandled I believe.

Jan 2, 2009 10:35 PM

Aug 2008
Very good episode. A lot of talking, but I could deal with it. Glemy dies & don't really know how to feel about it. He really is an @$$hole, but I also felt sorry for him. My fav mobile suits go down, too. Goodbye Mk. II, goodbye Zeta! T__T

It looks like the rebellion is over w/ Glemy & Rakan dead & Puru Two defecting. Now it looks like its time for Judau and Haman to go at it. The Federation keeps being brought up in conversation throughout these eps, but I'm sure they have no intention of stepping in at anytime. They're just there like vultures to pick up the pieces.
Dec 20, 2010 2:58 PM

May 2008
Omg, there was Sayla and she even spoke!! :D
Great episode I think. At the end I almost though that Elle and Lu didn't make it in time, but fortunatelly they do~
Jan 4, 2011 9:18 PM

May 2010
Beatnik said:
We get no explanation for how Leina was saved, which is surprising because anime shows generally love to spell everything out, but now in this one case where I actually really want to know what happened...they dont spill the beans.

Because the writers suck!

That's Tomino for you. I personally love how he doesn't take the time to spell everything out, because it affects the pace and makes stuff drawn out where it shouldn't be, but back in Zeta even I was annoyed at this tendency. It's like "why are they fighting these guys, what happened between this episode and the last one?" But just think of it this way; does it really matter how Leina was saved?
“Money can't buy dere”
May 31, 2011 3:38 PM
Jul 2010
Finally Judau decided why he's fighting. I actually enjoyed his speech a lot, in part because my favorite Gundam song was playing and Kamille popped in for advice.

Interesting foreshadowing when Sayla talked with Bright. Neither thinks Char is dead, and both believe he's planning something.
Aug 24, 2011 6:22 PM

Aug 2009
Nice to see Sayla again! Same with Bright actually. I wonder if was being called out to be assigned to the London Bell when he said he was going somewhere...

Mentions of Char during the conversation as well, building up tension for Counterattack I guess.
Dec 4, 2012 5:28 PM

May 2009
Were Axis and Core 3 evacuated? Otherwise, a shitload of civilians must've died in this episode. No one seemed to give a shit so maybe there weren't any people there.
Jan 2, 2013 4:24 PM

Jun 2012
Glemy died by his beloved. Nice way of dying, but i thought he could be left alive. He was, by far, one of the best characters of this show(ok, the characters on this show sucks).

Sayla, finally you appeared *-* Hope you get more attention on the net titles.

I really can't understand why the Argama took action now. Why don't just let Glemy and Haman finish their battle and then do something?

So, they've lost both of their most powerful weapons just before the last battle...
Apr 29, 2013 5:49 AM

Oct 2009
Glemy is the only one who got a proper death XD

Zeta and MK II NOOOOO D:
May 29, 2013 9:25 AM

Nov 2011
So Leina did get out of the burning building after all? I can't believe they're so weak as to just show Judau's little sister fine as if her survival is no big deal. That totally cheapens Judau and Puru's big loss after everything they went through to save her. Eugh, that makes me so mad.

Oh! But Sayla! I love Sayla so much. :) She's so right to bash Bright over not so much as writing to his wife and children! I am so disappointed in him! I like Char Aznable's name being (awkwardly) brought up (in full), too!~ Lolol, for hilarity's sake, I keep wondering if he's disguised himself as Lady Chara Znable to keep an eye on all the events while keeping his identity secret. It's a far better cover than Lieutenant Quatro. I don't blame him if he fled from this out-of-place comedy with too make nonsensical moments, though. (Err--Why was Sayla even here, though? Was she seriously just used as a plot device to bring up Char's name? Is he going to show up later in the series or something? If so, Double Zeta, please do not mess up the best antagonist in animated history.)

Glemy died, too! I don't understand. He went from an admittedly nonthreatening well-mannered and proper babysitter for Leina to for some reason having this great Newtype creation that scares even Haman and now he's dead. I really don't follow some things. >_<

But yay. Maybe now two cute Purus. Puru's okay.<3
Feb 18, 2014 10:42 AM

Aug 2011
Lot's happened in this episode and it was quite good.

Fitting death for Glemy.
He had changed so much that I had almost forgotten that he was infatuated with Roux in the beginning of this.

Sayla. Sayla spoke! Her and Bright speaking was nostalgic.
I'm glad they questioned Char's whereabouts too since he was never confirmed dead.
Of course we saw what happened to Kamille and Fa but he was just trivially mentioned.
Like, "Oh Lt. Quattro used to pilot that."
If you are wondering...yes, I have chosen to ignore that random pop quiz he was conducting in episode 1. LOL.

Onto the last one.
Mar 17, 2014 10:13 AM

Sep 2013
This was a good episode indeed. Death was very well done. Then again, this is the second last episode, so I didn't expect less.

It's kinda awesome how the newtype powers have evolved so much they can sense if someone dies. xD

Someone may find that stupid, but I personally love it.
Apr 16, 2014 6:23 PM

Sep 2011
Glemy was a great villain. I loved seeing his decent into a crazed madman hellbent on overthrowing haman. His death was both fitting and satisfying. Good ep but as others said they fucked up miserably with the leina plotpoint. Should had left the moeblob dead

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jun 30, 2014 10:14 PM

May 2008
Yay, Sayla! I'm glad they finally gave her some lines and a longer cameo. I don't even care about the whole Leina subplot; I liked Leina, so her being alive is a-okay with me.

I totally forgot Glemy liked Roux with how it was handled, but being killed by her was a nice touch. Nothing a man could want more than to be killed by his beloved. It's almost too good for him. xD
Dec 13, 2014 11:39 AM

Jul 2010
Sayla!...and she even spoke?! I'm honestly glad to just see her. And Glemy died, didn't care that much about his character honestly but his death was quite well done. (if not the best in this show).
Jan 25, 2015 6:24 PM

Sep 2009
Poor Glemy. Such a short rebellion!
Feb 12, 2015 1:39 AM

Jul 2009
Wow what an episode!!

First off, finally they showed Bright after all this time.

Damn, Sayla rocking those shades just like Char! Definitely Char's sister :)

And yeah, we haven't feel Char's presence at all after he was supposed disappeared during the final battle in Zeta Gundam.

Seems Bright is afraid on what he does next. Why is that? Char is part of Argama afterall. I'm really curious what he plans on doing after this.

I also don't get about the multiple Qubeley's. So they appeared with Puru then disappeared? Seems there are multiple Puru's piloting.

Damn, Judau destroyed Rakan, definitely got owned as hell.

And that Glemy, still controlling and going his way with women.

Wow when Kamille's , Fa and Leina and Puru's voice came up, Judau gave an amazing speech on what life is and how everything did started on Earth.

Coupled that with Zeta's end theme, one of the best scenes in the whole series for sure.

Despite Glemy trying to forget Roux, in the end he still loved her. And yeah a fitting end. I was hoping some epic battle with Judau or Roux, but it seems we'll save that for Haman.

I really thought Roux and Elle would die here, but i'm glad Judau saved them. Shame Zeta and Mk II got left behind, but i know they could always make another one in the near future.

Last episode. Man i really can't wait on how will they wrap this up. Will Char finally show up? Amuro? Will Chara and her other knight dies? Will Haman Dies? Mineva will escape once again, Will Judau be mind fucked like what happened to Kamille?

So many questions! Here we go last episode! T___T
Feb 14, 2015 5:11 AM

Nov 2014
That was awesome we finally got to see Sayla and she even talked, I'm glad Leina is walking again, I was worried she'd be stuck in that wheelchair.

Judau's speech was incredible, so damn good it echoed throughout the cosmos.

I also really liked how Glemmy's death was handled, its rather heartwarming to know that even after so much has changed he still cared about Roux.

About Leina's survival I believe I may have a explanation remember during the Dakar speech back in Zeta wasn't Sayla living in some kind of island mansion? and Leina also "died" on an island, well what if they were both on the same one?. She could have been woken up by the sound of mobile suits and found Leina in that old hut and carried her off before the explosion got her.

Can't wait to see the ending!
Bubcus993Feb 14, 2015 5:35 AM
Dec 12, 2015 1:19 PM

Nov 2012
stand said:
Fitting death for Glemy.
He had changed so much that I had almost forgotten that he was infatuated with Roux in the beginning of this.
Feb 3, 2016 9:02 PM

Nov 2012
So now this episode bright says chars somewhere out there observing , earlier saying amuro somewhere out in space and can't help .. so obviousthey're just saving them for chars counter attack, but it would have been nice to even have just one cameo of either or both of them at some point in zz

Looks like everything is wrapping up, now judau just has to beat haman really. Since there's only one episode there's not going to be a lot of time for wrapping up loose story ends ..from what I hear chars counteract has little to do with ZZ specifically . I know there are some Manga shorts related to zz and I think judau makes an apperance in one of the c r ossbone Manga seralizations. I'll Def be checking out a few of those once I finish up watching the main gundam series .
Apr 28, 2016 4:24 AM

Sep 2013
Was cool to briefly see Sayla, Bright, and Leina. Though the deaths in the past two episodes have felt rushed to me, it was a nice touch that Roux killed Glemy. Judau's monologue or whatever you want to call it was nice too. Hope the battle with Haman will be cool. It only occurring over one episode has me worried though.

I'm also curious how many people died when Core 3 and Axis collided because we know Glemy was with a good amount of other people in a command room in Axis, but colonies have populations in the millions. And I may or may not be salty that the Zeta and Mk II met their ends already. This is not how I wanted them to go, I was hoping they would stick around longer. They deserved better imo. At least Roux and Elle are ok though
May 16, 2016 7:15 PM

Apr 2014
Gotta love Glemy's tactics.
Soldier: "What if that doesn't work?"

I like the "Giant fuck-you laser" approach to Gundam battles better, but that's just me.
May 19, 2016 6:58 PM

Apr 2013
Leina magically surviving was the biggest asspull in this series and Glemy's 180 turnabout made it even more convoluted than it is already.
May 25, 2016 9:27 AM

Dec 2015
Great episode, the Ple / Two scenes were good, Judau's speech was very good too despite how "child program" it might seem.

I liked how Glemy was killed. That's always surprising to see pilots get out of their suit wth absolutely no risk. Bonus: Roux got rid of him herself. (her line was a bit strange toward a romantic fool who developed into a maniac illegitimate dictator heir who loved war)
I disliked him already but the way he treated his "creation" was shameless and made me hate him. Glad Ple Two survived him (I was certain she would stupidly die by defending him (Lalah & co.)

Bright said:
He could be watching us from somewhere.
And what could he be planning...

The next movie? (nice lure)

However that's quite dangerous, isn't it.

Maybe I'm not good enough in english but I did not understand what this sentence was supposed to mean. (Bright to Sayla)
edit: "But I feel there is some danger." Better sentence from Bandai.

Question: where is the Ple battalion? Are all the Qubeley destroyed despite the lack of funnels MS among the opponents ? o_O


I can't wait to see the children get out of this war.
Rei_IIIOct 20, 2017 3:28 PM
Jul 23, 2016 5:14 AM

Jan 2014
It totally runs in the family, right?

Her appearance was easily my favorite portion of the episode; not that the rest was bad by any means, mind you, but as a Sayla fangirl I was really glad to hear her voice after such a long time, plus we finally got hints at Char's survival (and a bonus scolding for Bright's lack of diligence regarding his family).

I still fail to understand why the Nahel Argama would meddle in Glemy and Haman's little war instead of just letting them destroy each other to finally attack the weakened surviving faction, but it's hardly as nonsensical as the AEUG's decision to turn on Axis while still in conflict with Scirocco's fleet back in Zeta, so I'm willing to let that slide. Other than that we were blessed with yet another beautifully fitting death this episode, which would've admittedly had much more impact if Glemy and Roux's romance subplot had been treated decently from the beginning. I still don't like Glemy and I still believe his sudden turn into a villain was poorly foreshadowed and felt completely shoe-horned, but he really couldn't have died in a better fashion so at least, there's that.

I'm also agreeably surprised that Judau's monologue didn't come off as "Jesus-like MC talk-no-jutsu 101": his experiences on Earth, which happened to be the only part where the show was consistently good, added the necessary weight to his words in order for his passionate speech not to ring hollow. Still a bit too by the books in its presentation, but felt genuine nonetheless.

So yeah, a very good episode, which hopefully will be followed by an equally good finale.

Rei366 said:
Question: where is the Ple battalion? Are all the Qubeley destroyed despite the lack of funnels MS among the opponents ? o_O
That's what I'm wondering, too. Maybe they got squattered in the confusion and each went in different directions? Also, the only member of the PIe squad that we were allowed to see seemed to be a (very?) young woman as well. Could it be that those Newtypes were other PIe clones, created hastily in preparation for the final battle against Haman's forces?

However that's quite dangerous, isn't it.

Maybe I'm not good enough in english but I did not understand what this sentence was supposed to mean. (Bright to Sayla)
I think Bright was referring to the fact that Char might be up to no good (in the japanese dub he actually says he has "a feeling" that whatever Char is plotting up may be dangerous).
SapewlothJul 25, 2016 1:03 AM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jul 24, 2016 7:19 AM

Dec 2015
@Sapewloth Yes, this is a battalion only made of Ple(s). I think your hypothesis is confirmed in Gundam Evolve 10, an episode of a short animation collection made to promote different Gunpla.

Thank you for the clarification, the subtitle was badly phrased.
Dec 25, 2016 2:27 PM

Jul 2016
Well, you know when I saw Leina I remembered of this scene of Gineiden.

Jun 14, 2017 3:10 PM

Jun 2013
What the hell? This was a great episode!
Im sure the ending will be disappointing though!

Jul 29, 2017 2:08 PM

Feb 2008
I didn't expect Glemy's death to be so sentimental. Losing everything and being vaporised by the woman he loved. At least Ple Two is (somewhat) fine.
Jan 4, 2018 5:17 PM

Jul 2016
Fantastic episode and I do not have much to add as everybody has summed up my sentiments exactly!

Yes, was awesome to see and HEAR Sayla. I wonder for the last episode we'll see Char..

Judau is already one of my favorite characters in the Gundam franchise and that speech brought it to different levels. Judau has consistantly rocked this entire series! From 0079 and Zeta, I was not able to say that about Armuro and Kamille.

RIP, Glemy. What a death that was.
Feb 5, 2018 11:53 PM
Aug 2017
RIP, RX Gundam 2.
RIP, Zeta Gundam.
Judau! Awaken The Power within the sign of Zeta!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 2, 2018 10:58 AM

May 2015
Damn MK II & Z got REKT and finally Glemy Toto is gone, you see kids that is why you don’t f*cking leave your cockpit *Sigh* Who is going to be next?
Sep 9, 2018 6:40 PM

Jun 2014
Nice to see Sayla and Leina again.

Glemy has finally been defeated, by Roux Louka, the girl he had a crush on. Ple Two is with the Gundam team, and hopefully she'll be alright, but it looks like the Zeta and Mark II are toast, as they were left behind at Axis.

Apr 22, 2019 8:23 AM

Nov 2016
Masyhmre already had a pretty cool death, but this one was epic.

R.I.P. Glemy, you were really an interesting character.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 18, 2020 2:17 PM
Feb 2018
Excellent episode! Basically, the AEUG fought Glemy and his new type battalion. We got to see Leina and Sayla Mass again. Sayla questioned where Char was and if he was planning something, knowing fully well that he is alive. Poor Puru Two was just being manipulated by Glemy for his own benefit. In the end, Glemy no longer had Puru Two on his side and Puru (the original) told her that Judau was a kind person and then Judau picked up Puru Two and in a sad fashion, Roux Louka (Glemys love interest) ended up killing him and they escaped while Axis crumbled. Glemy was wanting to make Core 3 / Axis collide with Side 3. There's so many innocent people there, that's mass murder all for control. Glemy's thirst for power led to his demise. Judau's speech was a nice touch aswell, knowing that Earth is polluted and the colonies are overpopulated. Judau wanted to see a new vision for humanities future. Very good episode, 1 more left :(
Jul 3, 2020 4:34 AM

Aug 2017
Bright is also back, does it mean that he left Argama not because of his seiyuu being busy? Or was it such a short period that he returned for the concluding episodes?
We also finally see some Federation spaceships aside from Argama and La Vie en Rose :p

Didn’t expect Chara’s mobile suit to have funnels too. Same with Glemy using Moussa (=that asteroid attached to Axis) as a weapon. Weren’t people living there? O_O Or at least there were docks there.
After Judau kills Rakan, Moussa is seen attached to Axis again. Animation mistake. And then Axis is used as a weapon. Just like in Zeta.

“I chose a harsh life to live” – wow, did you, Glemy? That’s some galactic-level arrogance, living in a palace with Haman surely seems harsh, not like those kids on Shangri-La working as junk dealers…
Ple Two shouldn't have survived the explosion, bad physics. Plus the Ple squad got kinda forgotten. But I'll let that slide, the episode was great. Glemy's death was well-handled, Roux blasted him with a laser beam, and he wasn't even inside the mobile suit! So basically Glemy burned to ashes :o
St0rmbladeJul 3, 2020 4:49 AM
Aug 29, 2020 2:19 PM

Apr 2014
finally the blonde haired guy is finally dead and was killed by Roux like she should have done much earlier smh ..... a lot of things could have gone better if she just would have killed him when she had the chance when they met but of course not and be cause of that made a shit ton of problems smh i knew the blonde guy was gonna be around for pretty much the whole series there's one in pretty much every gundam series but my god finally

also already calling it puru 2 will end up dead as well..... it was already bad enough with puru dying like she did so im sure puru 2 will also die

anyway time for the final ep
"one step at a time"
Apr 10, 2021 3:47 PM

Aug 2017
How Leina was saved? Nice speech Judau. My husbando died :(
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We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Aug 2, 2021 1:25 AM

Jul 2011
Appreciated Judau's speech, it was cool seeing Bright and Sayla together again, even if it was brief. Still no explanation on how Leina was saved from the exploding building exactly, but I can look it over I guess.

I didin't expect to care when Glemy died but it hit me a little bit. He's been around for so long and although he is despicable I can't help but like him for some odd reason. Roux taking him out was NOT something I expected however. A very fitting end for him I would say. Not sure what they are going to do with Puru 2 in the final episode, but I guess I shall see. I think Chara is at least still alive as well, so hopefully they don't kill her off in the last episode.

Really enjoyed this episode, and I'm looking forward to watching the finale.
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Dec 14, 2021 11:16 AM

Mar 2020
RIP bozo, the first (and I'm hoping he was the worst) Char clone

Mar 12, 2022 11:10 PM
Jul 2018
It was good that glemy died by roux he loved her but it could've been better
Dec 12, 2022 8:57 PM
Nov 2018
Even though I find Glemy creepy, he was a very interesting character and his death was pretty neat. I'm hoping all of Gundam Team survive.
Apr 30, 2023 2:42 PM
Oct 2014
Ok, so Tomino tried to use here "Alas, poor villain" trope, to make us feel a little pity for Glemy, before he dies.

But its impact was reduced, considering that Glemy character was developed poorly through the series. As people have already mentioned his personality has changed too much and abruptly. Also there was just not enough chemistry between him and Louka in the second part of the show (and we have never seen Louka having reciprocal feelings at all before) to justify this ending.

Just one more example of a wasted opportunity for ZZ. It's not bad, but it could be better.
procionApr 30, 2023 2:54 PM
Sep 13, 2023 3:00 AM

Jul 2017
truly a beautiful episode for me, i liked it a lot.
Judeau's speech was very good and i loved to see sayla once again
''Touch the darkness inside me''
Sep 18, 2023 4:54 PM

Jan 2021
Glemmy was probably the most interesting character in the show, so I'm glad he got a fitting send off at least.
Nov 12, 2023 6:30 PM
Jun 2021
Glemy ended up as a simp through and throgh i honestly cant say i hated him much he wasnt taht bad of a. villian. So juda and Hamon is our finale. Also i totally though either elle or Rouxz would have died but there still one ep last season most of the cast died and i have a feeling some charcters might die .
Mar 28, 2024 9:27 PM

May 2015
Char made a good choice just to observe all the shenanigans from afar. I'd like to see him more but it was for the best he stayed out of ZZ after all. I can't imagine his character not being butchered if that wasn't the case.

Leina ending up alive kinda cheapens the development Judou went through. Especially with Sayla randomly getting brought into this. She probably survived by some newtype power, but ugh. What's the big deal keeping it secret and making Judou suffer, as well as causing Ple's guilt over the whole thing? Makes me wonder if Ple would have lived had she not been weighed down by all that.

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