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Oct 12, 2016 11:06 AM
Oct 2015
TitanAnteus said:
Penkeychain said:
Nah, the boobs weren't the issue. They certainly didn't help the overall picture I got, but I highly doubt I could enjoy this show if it stays the way it presented itself in the frst episode.

I really like first episodes that take risks and don't start on a classic going-to-school-routine or something of the kind. Some fantastic Anime out there, like Baccano or even Steins;Gate, have sort of confusing first episodes, for some this is exactly the point.
However, starting the episode off with some interesting imagery and an atmospheric OP, the episode then decided to drop into an insane exposition dump from some high-pitched Yuki Kaji character at double speed. His relationhip to boob girl comes across as blatant insert-fuel.
The animation and designs caught my attention quite nicely, but it didn't feel like it fit the show.
Overall... I got the impression, that this show was less focused on telling a weird, quirky story more than just presenting it as such. The pacing was not the problem in itself, but the Anime didn't need to be this rushed. It had no purpose. It just tried to be another Baccano by borrowing some, but ignoring many other elements that made that first episode so great.
While Baccano switched to short moments to introduce some of its massive cast of characters, this show more or less just shoves them into the audiences' faces. Their personalities didn't seem interesting either, just forcibly quirky.

I dropped it because the many creative choices displayed in the first episode didn't make much sense.

Well these are the kind of comments I kind of wanted to see in the episode 1 discussion.

While I disagree with most of what you said, at least you have a reason.

What I disagreed with:

Yes, they went through a LOT of information in the first episode. They don't have much time, most likely 12 episodes so this is what we got. They tried to take the ridiculous amount of content they have and made it digestible and I'd be lying if I said I didn't understand what was going on.

If you came out of the show thinking to yourself, that was hard but I get what they did, then isn't that fine? While there was a lot, it was easy to digest and follow for the most part. I understood the plot after watching it.

Also, you can't say the whether or not the show being so fast paced at episode 1 has no purpose yet. For me, I think getting to the impetus of the show. The event that leads into the occult by episode1 is a sensible decision. Who knows what's in store for us in the future.

Also you're telling me that Baccano's characters were NOT forcibly quirky? When you have a large cast of characters you give those characters some quirks to differentiate themselves from one another. Even still, the characters weren't as ridiculously exuberrant as some of Baccano's cast. Yes they're quirky, but they're more importantly distinct. The glasses newspaper lady only showed up for like 2 minutes but I remember her and her personality for instance.

The big boobed chick I feel is the most quirky character so far, and that's just because we have no idea why she acts the way she does.

GermanMGirl said:

I agree!!! It's the recommendations to others I also feel uncertain with with this anime - the episode was very cryptic but didn't arouse my curiosity...I am definitely giving it the fail-safe three episode test.

Ok. So can someone please explain to me this whole recommendation thing. So the clothed girl with big boobs is the main reason you can't recommend this right? This is some of the tamest fanservice, if it's even that, I've ever seen in anime. Knights of Sidonia has more cringy scenes than this.

I don't get it. If this is hard to recommend it must be because of the plot, and there's nothing wrong with it other than you need to give it your attention and not suck at reading.

TitanAnteus, as I said, I'm giving it the three episode chance. I've also watched anime with more cringeworthy stuff, and while I agree with you that the plot usually allows one to overlook such things, one cannot discern this plot from this one episode. Usually boob scenes or anything ecchi are artfully placed (Shokugeki no Soma is a prime example here). While I have nothing wrong with this kind of thing, I feel they were randomly added here for some form of lighter, more comic relief (besides the fact that they are big boobs and would be appealing to certain audiences) which, in my opinion, miserably backfired. I've seen boobs used better...

This is just from one episode though. If the plot starts to be gripping, I can look past the boobs. I can read, thank you very much, furthermore I understood the episode, but the plot itself for me didn't hook me like other anime have. Everyone has a right to their own opinions and thats what discussions like this are for :)
Oct 12, 2016 11:17 AM

Jan 2013
GermanMGirl said:
TitanAnteus said:

Well these are the kind of comments I kind of wanted to see in the episode 1 discussion.

While I disagree with most of what you said, at least you have a reason.

What I disagreed with:

Yes, they went through a LOT of information in the first episode. They don't have much time, most likely 12 episodes so this is what we got. They tried to take the ridiculous amount of content they have and made it digestible and I'd be lying if I said I didn't understand what was going on.

If you came out of the show thinking to yourself, that was hard but I get what they did, then isn't that fine? While there was a lot, it was easy to digest and follow for the most part. I understood the plot after watching it.

Also, you can't say the whether or not the show being so fast paced at episode 1 has no purpose yet. For me, I think getting to the impetus of the show. The event that leads into the occult by episode1 is a sensible decision. Who knows what's in store for us in the future.

Also you're telling me that Baccano's characters were NOT forcibly quirky? When you have a large cast of characters you give those characters some quirks to differentiate themselves from one another. Even still, the characters weren't as ridiculously exuberrant as some of Baccano's cast. Yes they're quirky, but they're more importantly distinct. The glasses newspaper lady only showed up for like 2 minutes but I remember her and her personality for instance.

The big boobed chick I feel is the most quirky character so far, and that's just because we have no idea why she acts the way she does.

Ok. So can someone please explain to me this whole recommendation thing. So the clothed girl with big boobs is the main reason you can't recommend this right? This is some of the tamest fanservice, if it's even that, I've ever seen in anime. Knights of Sidonia has more cringy scenes than this.

I don't get it. If this is hard to recommend it must be because of the plot, and there's nothing wrong with it other than you need to give it your attention and not suck at reading.

TitanAnteus, as I said, I'm giving it the three episode chance. I've also watched anime with more cringeworthy stuff, and while I agree with you that the plot usually allows one to overlook such things, one cannot discern this plot from this one episode. Usually boob scenes or anything ecchi are artfully placed (Shokugeki no Soma is a prime example here). While I have nothing wrong with this kind of thing, I feel they were randomly added here for some form of lighter, more comic relief (besides the fact that they are big boobs and would be appealing to certain audiences) which, in my opinion, miserably backfired. I've seen boobs used better...

This is just from one episode though. If the plot starts to be gripping, I can look past the boobs. I can read, thank you very much, furthermore I understood the episode, but the plot itself for me didn't hook me like other anime have. Everyone has a right to their own opinions and thats what discussions like this are for :)

Wait, but I never said you wouldn't watch it or try it out. I'm just really confused at the whole recommendation thing since this fanservice is like... nothing? Like Code Geass and Occult Academy had heavier fanservice episode 1 than this did.

I'm just having a hard time believing so many people are getting so triggered by her is all.

Also regarding the reading, that wasn't an attack at you. It was just a general statement since this is a forum and other people are reading these, because yes. Not being bad at reading is a prerequisite for this show since it seems to be fast-paced so far.
Oct 12, 2016 11:19 AM

Jul 2013
The boobs didn't bothered me that much. I found them adding more over the top comedy to the the story, reinforcing the series goal of trying to be Fall's best comedy.

I also found hillarious how angry people got just because the girl has those big boobs xD
Oct 12, 2016 11:22 AM
Oct 2015
TitanAnteus said:
kchorrex2012 said:

I agree. I like boobs as much as any guy, but this is too much. And more importantly, if the series turns out to be good it is going to be really difficult to recommend it to other people due to those bazongas. I'm crossing my fingers for the plot to be good. I was promised Steins;Gate 0 this year and got none :'C I need my S;G fix

I'll do my best to ignore those tatas in my assessment of the series. Gotta be objective.

Recommend to people? Why would you do that? This is anime. You can't even recommend Ano Hana to non-anime viewers, and all that has is Pokemon and one girl with moderate boobs.

Were you really expecting an anime that's primary focus was the occult and mysteries surrounding it to target the mainstream mindset? The only reason Steins:Gate even tried was because the main idea came from an actual internet event. The only other anime that had occult ideas like Occult Academy are also non-recommendable to normal people

John Titor was an actual user on an internet imageboard.

TitanAnteus, some of us are actually part of anime societies and clubs in the areas we live in. Also adding recommendations on this site on other anime is a thing. Who said we were recommending to "non-anime" viewers?

People compare anime of the same production company. While I don't jump to conclusions by this alone, it is a factor. Also I find your argument flawed - "normal" people? So are you suggesting somehow that suddenly "normal" is "non-anime" viewers? Then what are we meant to be? Abnormal to watch occult or anime of the occult genre?

I am allowed to state my opinions, as are you. I respect yours, you respect mine :)
Oct 12, 2016 11:25 AM
Oct 2015
TitanAnteus said:
GermanMGirl said:

TitanAnteus, as I said, I'm giving it the three episode chance. I've also watched anime with more cringeworthy stuff, and while I agree with you that the plot usually allows one to overlook such things, one cannot discern this plot from this one episode. Usually boob scenes or anything ecchi are artfully placed (Shokugeki no Soma is a prime example here). While I have nothing wrong with this kind of thing, I feel they were randomly added here for some form of lighter, more comic relief (besides the fact that they are big boobs and would be appealing to certain audiences) which, in my opinion, miserably backfired. I've seen boobs used better...

This is just from one episode though. If the plot starts to be gripping, I can look past the boobs. I can read, thank you very much, furthermore I understood the episode, but the plot itself for me didn't hook me like other anime have. Everyone has a right to their own opinions and thats what discussions like this are for :)

Wait, but I never said you wouldn't watch it or try it out. I'm just really confused at the whole recommendation thing since this fanservice is like... nothing? Like Code Geass and Occult Academy had heavier fanservice episode 1 than this did.

I'm just having a hard time believing so many people are getting so triggered by her is all.

Also regarding the reading, that wasn't an attack at you. It was just a general statement since this is a forum and other people are reading these, because yes. Not being bad at reading is a prerequisite for this show since it seems to be fast-paced so far.

Cool glad this clarified. I guess peoples tastes differ. Sometimes people find plots more gripping than others and sometimes I guess people can look past boobs over plots or enjoy boobs with plots. And I guess some people just felt they were very mismatched.

Maybe things will improve soon :)
Oct 12, 2016 12:28 PM

Jun 2015
I'm not even starting because boobs. Which is disappointing because the premise did sound interesting. But if the show won't take it's female characters seriously why should I take the show seriously?

bobzanny said:
Yup, the way boobs are handled in anime rn tells a lot about what's to come. I'm not in the mood for some bad boob comedy and it's pretty distracting.

^Also this.
Oct 12, 2016 12:34 PM

Jan 2013
fizzytastic said:
I'm not even starting because boobs. Which is disappointing because the premise did sound interesting. But if the show won't take it's female characters seriously why should I take the show seriously?

bobzanny said:
Yup, the way boobs are handled in anime rn tells a lot about what's to come. I'm not in the mood for some bad boob comedy and it's pretty distracting.

^Also this.

Lol are you kidding? You don't think it's taking its character seriously just because she has boobs. Like that's the only factor you're judging that on. A physical trait one female character has.

I mean the show didn't clearly make her out to be a weirdo on purpose or anything. Where her energetic personality comes from is still a mystery. Nope... she's just the tits character. She didn't get the protagonist off his lazy ass to go see the professor or anything. That would require her being an actual character to do.

This has to be a joke right?

Yoko in Gurren Lagann wears a bikini when she shows up in the beginning of the anime. She's still an amazing character, and the show's still fantastic.

Why're you getting triggered by such a small detail, that hardly matters or even says anything about the character itself?
TitanAnteusOct 12, 2016 12:47 PM
Oct 12, 2016 12:45 PM

Jun 2015
TitanAnteus said:
fizzytastic said:
I'm not even starting because boobs. Which is disappointing because the premise did sound interesting. But if the show won't take it's female characters seriously why should I take the show seriously?

^Also this.

Lol are you kidding? You don't think it's taking it's character seriously just because she has boobs. Like that's the only factor you're judging that on. A physical trait the character has.

I mean the show didn't clearly make her out to be a weirdo on purpose or anything. Her energetic personality probably comes from now. Nope... she's just the tits character. She didn't get the protagonist off his lazy ass to go see the professor or anything.

Like are you kidding?

Yoko in Gurren Lagann wears a bikini when she shows up in the beginning of the anime. She's still an amazing character, and the show's still fantastic.

Why're you getting triggered by such a small detail, that hardly matters or even says anything about the character itself?

Listen like, it's not the fact she has big boobs that makes me not want to watch the anime. It's the fact that she's fetishized. Her tits are bigger than her head and it's gross and really off-putting. Like, as a person with big boobs, I can personally confirm that boobs don't move like that and her back would be in constant pain. Big chests are heavy and uncomfortable and /don't move that way/.

I'm not watching this anime because this anime isn't taking this character seriously.

It bothers me and I'm not apologizing, you can watch Occultic;Nine and I can say with complete honesty that I hope you enjoy it, but I'm not interested.
Oct 12, 2016 12:53 PM

Jan 2013
fizzytastic said:

The show did a bunch to characterize her.
>I mean the show didn't clearly make her out to be a weirdo on purpose or anything. Where her energetic personality comes from is still a mystery. Nope... she's just the tits character. She didn't get the protagonist off his lazy ass to go see the professor or anything. That would require her being an actual character to do. /s

It bothers me that such a small detail could be the reason this thing's score is as low as an objectively inferior anime like Chaos;Head.

My sister has boobs that big, and that's not an exaggeration. Her boobs are about as large. She's just a person with a body type that exists is all.

Also, I don't care if you drop the show because it's bad, but when it's dropped and rated low for such a ridiculously superficial reason that's not at all representative of the show, it doesn't make sense. It's rated almost as low as 11 eyes and Mahou Sensou for gosh sakes.

I mean... drop it for good reasons instead of "I can't deal with the big boobed chick"
TitanAnteusOct 12, 2016 12:58 PM
Oct 12, 2016 1:07 PM
Jun 2012
Another reason why I should not read about any discussion on MAL.
Oct 12, 2016 1:58 PM

Jun 2015
TitanAnteus said:
fizzytastic said:

The show did a bunch to characterize her.
>I mean the show didn't clearly make her out to be a weirdo on purpose or anything. Where her energetic personality comes from is still a mystery. Nope... she's just the tits character. She didn't get the protagonist off his lazy ass to go see the professor or anything. That would require her being an actual character to do. /s

It bothers me that such a small detail could be the reason this thing's score is as low as an objectively inferior anime like Chaos;Head.

My sister has boobs that big, and that's not an exaggeration. Her boobs are about as large. She's just a person with a body type that exists is all.

Also, I don't care if you drop the show because it's bad, but when it's dropped and rated low for such a ridiculously superficial reason that's not at all representative of the show, it doesn't make sense. It's rated almost as low as 11 eyes and Mahou Sensou for gosh sakes.

I mean... drop it for good reasons instead of "I can't deal with the big boobed chick"

Well if it makes you feel any better, a person has to watch at least 1/5 of a show to have their score count, so after the show is finished airing I'm sure it'll have an accurate score.

I understand that big boobs exist, on every kind of body type. It's not like I, or other people for that matter, hate titties. It's more so that there's scenes like this

And that makes some people uncomfortable.

So it's just kinda up to opinion? I mean looking at the other messages there are people who do like her, but for me, "I can't deal with the big boobed chick" is a good reason. There's just other things I'd rather be watching, y'know? Either way, plenty of ecchi/fanservicey shows get pretty good scores, Food Wars has an 8.62 for example. So I'm sure if the plot shines through it'll get a better score?

Also boobs that are D cupped and bigger can change how your spine curves, due to the weight. So like, I'd like to recommend she wear sports bras or something... ;-;
Oct 12, 2016 2:04 PM

Jan 2013
fizzytastic said:
TitanAnteus said:

The show did a bunch to characterize her.
>I mean the show didn't clearly make her out to be a weirdo on purpose or anything. Where her energetic personality comes from is still a mystery. Nope... she's just the tits character. She didn't get the protagonist off his lazy ass to go see the professor or anything. That would require her being an actual character to do. /s

It bothers me that such a small detail could be the reason this thing's score is as low as an objectively inferior anime like Chaos;Head.

My sister has boobs that big, and that's not an exaggeration. Her boobs are about as large. She's just a person with a body type that exists is all.

Also, I don't care if you drop the show because it's bad, but when it's dropped and rated low for such a ridiculously superficial reason that's not at all representative of the show, it doesn't make sense. It's rated almost as low as 11 eyes and Mahou Sensou for gosh sakes.

I mean... drop it for good reasons instead of "I can't deal with the big boobed chick"

Well if it makes you feel any better, a person has to watch at least 1/5 of a show to have their score count, so after the show is finished airing I'm sure it'll have an accurate score.

I understand that big boobs exist, on every kind of body type. It's not like I, or other people for that matter, hate titties. It's more so that there's scenes like this

And that makes some people uncomfortable.

So it's just kinda up to opinion? I mean looking at the other messages there are people who do like her, but for me, "I can't deal with the big boobed chick" is a good reason. There's just other things I'd rather be watching, y'know? Either way, plenty of ecchi/fanservicey shows get pretty good scores, Food Wars has an 8.62 for example. So I'm sure if the plot shines through it'll get a better score?

Also boobs that are D cupped and bigger can change how your spine curves, due to the weight. So like, I'd like to recommend she wear sports bras or something... ;-;

Hahaha. Ok, maybe I'm giving the show too much leniency. You're right that it's a good reason since there's so many shows this season.

I guess my impatience got to me? I just don't want another Mekakucity Actors where a good show gets shit reviews in the first episode and it stays that way.
Oct 12, 2016 2:07 PM

Jul 2013
I wasn't aware of this. I dropped it when the girl with the electric rod appeared. But this gave me more of reason that it was worth the drop.

Oct 12, 2016 2:10 PM

Jan 2013
KamenRiderMagna said:
I wasn't aware of this. I dropped it when the girl with the electric rod appeared. But this gave me more of reason that it was worth the drop.

Lol the girl with the raygun is the same person.
Oct 12, 2016 2:13 PM

Jul 2013
TitanAnteus said:
KamenRiderMagna said:
I wasn't aware of this. I dropped it when the girl with the electric rod appeared. But this gave me more of reason that it was worth the drop.

Lol the girl with the raygun is the same person.

Wow!! I didn't see that coming.

Oct 12, 2016 2:23 PM

Oct 2013
Wait...whats this hate on bewbs? someone explain, i ain't seen the show.
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Shabada shabadabadaba
I am DjG545 aka Dj Fo Fo aka The Mutha Fkn Name I'm Usin Now
Oct 12, 2016 2:26 PM

Jan 2013
daAmazinFatB0y said:
Wait...whats this hate on bewbs? someone explain, i ain't seen the show.

Lol just go watch it?
Oct 12, 2016 2:28 PM

Oct 2013
TitanAnteus said:
daAmazinFatB0y said:
Wait...whats this hate on bewbs? someone explain, i ain't seen the show.

Lol just go watch it?

doin that now lol, low score n shit, gotta see whatts so bad
My Manga List
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Shabada shabadabadaba
I am DjG545 aka Dj Fo Fo aka The Mutha Fkn Name I'm Usin Now
Oct 12, 2016 2:28 PM

Jun 2015
TitanAnteus said:
fizzytastic said:

Well if it makes you feel any better, a person has to watch at least 1/5 of a show to have their score count, so after the show is finished airing I'm sure it'll have an accurate score.

I understand that big boobs exist, on every kind of body type. It's not like I, or other people for that matter, hate titties. It's more so that there's scenes like this

And that makes some people uncomfortable.

So it's just kinda up to opinion? I mean looking at the other messages there are people who do like her, but for me, "I can't deal with the big boobed chick" is a good reason. There's just other things I'd rather be watching, y'know? Either way, plenty of ecchi/fanservicey shows get pretty good scores, Food Wars has an 8.62 for example. So I'm sure if the plot shines through it'll get a better score?

Also boobs that are D cupped and bigger can change how your spine curves, due to the weight. So like, I'd like to recommend she wear sports bras or something... ;-;

Hahaha. Ok, maybe I'm giving the show too much leniency. You're right that it's a good reason since there's so many shows this season.

I guess my impatience got to me? I just don't want another Mekakucity Actors where a good show gets shit reviews in the first episode and it stays that way.

It's cool man ;v;b I really do hope you enjoy it for the rest of the season.

Maybe people'll change their mind when Mekakucity Reload comes out?? >>'
Oct 12, 2016 2:49 PM

Jan 2013
fizzytastic said:
TitanAnteus said:

Hahaha. Ok, maybe I'm giving the show too much leniency. You're right that it's a good reason since there's so many shows this season.

I guess my impatience got to me? I just don't want another Mekakucity Actors where a good show gets shit reviews in the first episode and it stays that way.

It's cool man ;v;b I really do hope you enjoy it for the rest of the season.

Maybe people'll change their mind when Mekakucity Reload comes out?? >>'

Well if I have the time to come around to these discussions and it's good I totally will.
Oct 12, 2016 3:56 PM

May 2016
I mean, it was interesting but the ~more unrealistic than usual~ boobs are pretty annoying.
Still, I think it's really dumb to drop an anime because of that. Art style is amazing too.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

「 i know i've got a big ego -

i really don't know why it's such a big deal, though 」

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oct 12, 2016 4:10 PM

Jan 2014
Too many cringe weebs in this thread that think Digimon is the best thing ever.

Suck my cock lol

I literally watch everything and rate everything high just to spite w333aboos. GG

E: Btw who is actually bothered by fanservice anymore? If tits and ass ruin something for you, you must be so frail lol

Oct 12, 2016 4:36 PM

Jan 2013
eGirlSlaying said:
Too many cringe weebs in this thread that think Digimon is the best thing ever.

Suck my cock lol

I literally watch everything and rate everything high just to spite w333aboos. GG

E: Btw who is actually bothered by fanservice anymore? If tits and ass ruin something for you, you must be so frail lol


I can't tell if this is bait or sarcasm? or both?

So I'll just respond honestly...

I don't watch everything and rate everything high. The only shows I add to myanimelist are the shows I feel are unfairely rated so I try to correct them. If I added all the anime I've ever watched to my list, I'd have to dedicate at least 2-3 hours of my day on this site just... adding... anime.... I don't ever feel like doing that.

Now regarding this specific show.

The only reason I'm even bringing this up is because the show has lots of points of intrigue. So far, at episode 1, it's not something that deserves a rating as low as Chaos;Head.

I go and look into the discussions to see what's wrong with it and what do I see.



"This is hyper, I can't read that fast. It's too confusing."

I'm using the word triggered because it's a knee-jerk reaction these people are having. Hope that explains my point of view and why I made this topic more? Like, I've said before that I don't mind legitimate complaints. I'm not out to say the show's perfect. Just... don't drop the show for a dumb superficial reason that's not even indicative of the show's quality?
TitanAnteusOct 12, 2016 4:42 PM
Oct 12, 2016 4:39 PM

Dec 2013
Touniouk said:
I mean, the show starts off with a 3 minutes long exposition/narration scene, then there's an obvious comic relief trans dude that shows up which probably only makes Japanese people laugh, and then comes the deformed character chirping about like a 2 year old... there's only so much a man can take.

Wilhelmina said:
Nah it's just that this site is full of idiots.

Yeah because people with different opinions are obviously idiots.
"Wtf boobs"
Yeah, like this is the only non H anime which featured big boobs.

That doesn't make it any better.

1. You completely missed my point, smartass. If it were the last episode I wont give a damn, you can give a minus for all I care. But are you guys really that smart to actually rate anime after 1 eps? It's like telling strangers' they'll breed stupid kids (in serious manner, wholeheartedly) just because you meet in an awkward moment. It doesn't really matter tbh, but I'm just throwing my opinion afterall.

2. Which part makes it worse or better? All female casts could have a watermelon sized breasts, but it doesn't really matter. It doesn't effect the story directly in most cases, unless stated otherwise, right?
Oct 12, 2016 5:38 PM

Apr 2012
What I don't get is some actually called it the worst fall anime. It's amazing some people has ascended into an anime sage they only need to watch the first episode to decide which is the best or which is the worst each season.

I don't get people
Oct 12, 2016 6:16 PM

Jan 2008
I actually only bothered to start watching this because of all the fanart I saw of her after just the first episode and wow, the animation detail of some her boob shots is quite something. And I love her cheerfulness.

It's not too distracting for me but I am curious how far they're willing to use her to 'appeal' to the viewers in the future. Not that I mind. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Obligatory beach episode when?
Oct 12, 2016 6:44 PM

Dec 2015
Paul said:
Obligatory beach episode when?

Episode's always episode 7.
Oct 12, 2016 8:35 PM

Aug 2013
Prankster_001 said:
Jonesy974 said:

This. This so much.

Same here. Whether the show is good or bad, I'm riding this Titty Train to the last stop...and then maybe a little longer after that.
this is bullsh*t that big-boobed lady is a disaster she should die already and victory is mine har-har

ay....AY! You shut your blasphemous mouth you goddamn son of a bitch!!!! lol
Oct 12, 2016 10:25 PM

Sep 2014
Wtf who was the idiot who designed this character XD i love big boobs but those are just disgusting god damn the studio should be embarrassed. The back pain must be real
Oct 12, 2016 11:29 PM

Jun 2015
CheekyKunt said:
They're probably dropping cause all the budget went to the boobs

Well, it wasn't just the boob physics that are high. The animation of eveything is pretty good actually, even the OP.
Oct 13, 2016 12:25 AM

Jan 2013
I'm starting because of boobs. She's the only decent thing in this show.
Oct 13, 2016 12:27 AM

Apr 2009
Jonesy974 said:
Prankster_001 said:
this is bullsh*t that big-boobed lady is a disaster she should die already and victory is mine har-har

ay....AY! You shut your blasphemous mouth you goddamn son of a bitch!!!! lol
you shut up as well and this anime is a trash from the start and look why did they mention the numbers "666" anyway you don't understand it anyway :|
The current game that i play: Azur Lane :3

Oct 13, 2016 2:09 AM

Feb 2014
Perhaps I'll check out this anime for the boobs.
Oct 13, 2016 4:24 AM
Feb 2016
TitanAnteus said:
No like I'm actually curious.

Did the show really not interest you at ALL?

The demon that showed up didn't make you curious if it was real or a figment of the girls imagination? The amazing art and generally great directing didn't keep you interested. The theme of the occult world that can't be disproven by science maybe existing didn't grab your attention.

The nebulous format didn't keep you confused and curious.

Like the only complaint I'm hearing about is "boobs" and "too fast paced. I couldn't even read the subtitles."

What's going on?

I won't say this show's great but there's so much I like about it, that I can't understand how this show's so hated already.

I don't particularly like the boobs or the fast pace, but I'm not dropping it. I mean, after suffering through Big Order earlier this year, I think I can finish all the shows I start.
Oct 13, 2016 5:52 AM

Dec 2012
There's only so much screen real estate
Oct 13, 2016 5:59 AM

May 2009
Man, these threads after episode aired became so awful. Bunch of newfags who expected second coming of S;G thought that one of it's writers can make as good as it. Did you forget that nothing of semicolon series was anywhere close S;G so far?

Most annoying are complains about undeveloped characters and plot - REALLY? With one episode you expect whole story?
Also, so what they adapted whole 1st volume which has 400 pages? They can always put it later. If they adapted it faithfully it would be Gamon being autistic for 20min which would really suck. Besides I heard they are dropping LN and making it into VN.

Ryo-tas boobs being bad thing is a shallow excuse. Now have some Asanagi
Oct 13, 2016 6:51 AM

Jul 2014
The boobs are only a small mountainous part of this gargantuan trainwreck.

Not even remotely planning on dropping it, because it's high end comedy.

The G-cup girl's voice is one of the more spine-wrenchingly annoying voices I've ever heard though, so there might be a point where I'll have to drop it because of that.
Oct 13, 2016 7:53 AM

May 2014
The episode was simply poorly constructed. There were too many choppy transfers between different characters in different scenarios (like a soap opera) which made it hard to follow the general story line. It didn't help that the characters talked a mile a minute, had bland personalities, and were in some instances just plain stupid (just look at the idiots on the television show). Most attempts at comedy failed miserably as well.

@TitanAnteus you say that the art is amazing? I have to disagree. The character designs and backgrounds looked sloppy and unrefined. I've seen far superior art/animation in anime 10+ years older than this one.

The only good thing about this episode was the ending theme song.
Oct 13, 2016 8:39 AM

Mar 2012
This is MAL and you're surprised there are ppl dropping shows because of boobs????

I mean, makes no sense to me, but to each their own
Oct 13, 2016 8:57 AM

Jan 2013
XHellScytheX said:
The episode was simply poorly constructed. There were too many choppy transfers between different characters in different scenarios (like a soap opera) which made it hard to follow the general story line. It didn't help that the characters talked a mile a minute, had bland personalities, and were in some instances just plain stupid (just look at the idiots on the television show). Most attempts at comedy failed miserably as well.

@TitanAnteus you say that the art is amazing? I have to disagree. The character designs and backgrounds looked sloppy and unrefined. I've seen far superior art/animation in anime 10+ years older than this one.

The only good thing about this episode was the ending theme song.

>Just look at the idiots on the television show.

Dude, they're like that on purpose. They're trying to be sensational. It's a TV show.

Ok so the story's hard to follow. I won't disagree, but I don't see that as a demerit, since it's not impossible to follow. I understood it just fine in one watch.

I kind of disagree with bland personalities though. They were exuding personality. I think the words you wanted to say were "I didn't like them," because it's objectively incorrect to say they have "bland" personalities when they're so full of life.

And you think this art is sloppy and unrefined?


It's just their artstyle and it looks just as good as most shows airing this season.

And the thing is, you can tell the animators weren't lazy because even small talk had the characters moving around and making subtle expressions instead of just moving mouths.

EcchiLordMamster said:
This is MAL and you're surprised there are ppl dropping shows because of boobs????

I mean, makes no sense to me, but to each their own

Actually yes. It's fine to drop fanservice heavy shows because of the fanservice. I honestly don't mind that, but this show isn't even fanservice heavy.
TitanAnteusOct 13, 2016 10:13 AM
Oct 13, 2016 9:38 AM

Jun 2012
Cause the spirits are trapped in her boobs, that's why her size is out of the place with rest of the anime ;)
But seriously the art is meh their noses are atrocious and the boobs are really "stupid", there were other girls with huge tits, hers just go on a new cow level. They probably made them that big so the show gets more attention(it's clearly working)...
But like you said the theme is cool and they approach it well. Occult Academy was good even though I drop it, if this is like it I'm on board.
Oct 13, 2016 10:09 AM

Jun 2015
TitanAnteus said:

Actually yes. It's fine to drop fanservice heavy shows because of the fanservice. I honestly don't mind that, but this show isn't even fanservice heavy.

This ^^

The only reason that came to my mind is that there is no appreciation for Art. People just don't understand.

Seriously, some of the comments here on MAL make people who haven't watch the show feel disgusted.

I really enjoyed the anime and I believe it will be something different and good in the end.
ok :p
Oct 13, 2016 10:25 AM
Émilia Hoarfrost

Dec 2015
I liked it personally, I just assumed 'boobs' to be for the fun. It is parodic.

Oct 13, 2016 11:48 AM

Mar 2016
Nope. I'm dropping if ep2 has another 400 pages worth of content in it.

(Also Hi Tyrel, Im back, not looking to cause trouble BTW)

Oct 13, 2016 11:56 AM

Jan 2013
RottedRabbit said:
Nope. I'm dropping if ep2 has another 400 pages worth of content in it.

(Also Hi Tyrel, Im back, not looking to cause trouble BTW)

Who's Tyrel?

Anyways, I can see your point. If the anime continues at this breakneck pace it'll be a lot of work to just enjoy and it might not be worth it.
Oct 13, 2016 12:43 PM

Mar 2014
Woah sir, your fanboyism for this anime is rocking through the roof! xD

Personally Yeah I will say it straight and here..The boobs are ridiculous and VERY distracting even in serious situations, I can't take this anime serious with her freaking fan service ass in the scene swinging them melons around.

Don't get me on the fast talking, I seen a great number of anime... but I can't take this sort of bullcrap where they talking so fast it litany goes past my head. You just gotta accept the fact the majority of the community are dropping this anime ( YES cause of the boob girl)

I have never drop a anime so I wont here and I also see a mystery lurking so theres that.
"You can't spell slaughter without laughter".
Oct 13, 2016 12:52 PM

Jan 2013
HueyLion said:
Woah sir, your fanboyism for this anime is rocking through the roof! xD

Personally Yeah I will say it straight and here..The boobs are ridiculous and VERY distracting even in serious situations, I can't take this anime serious with her freaking fan service ass in the scene swinging them melons around.

Don't get me on the fast talking, I seen a great number of anime... but I can't take this sort of bullcrap where they talking so fast it litany goes past my head. You just gotta accept the fact the majority of the community are dropping this anime ( YES cause of the boob girl)

I have never drop a anime so I wont here and I also see a mystery lurking so theres that.

Fanboyism? I'm the OP of the thread so of course I'll stick around? Is that not common here?

Also I don't mind if people drop the show, and wouldn't mind if people convince me that the boobs are a good enough reason to drop a show. Like, I've already said the show's not the best, but it just doesn't deserve to be hated as much as it is. I just want people to drop the show for a good reason or explain to me why dropping a show because of the boobs makes sense.

Ok, so in this 24 minute episode how much of it was even focused on Ryo-Tas? Like 5? 4?

Better anime has had more distracting fanservice like Gurren lagann. Is it really enough to affect you so much that you'd drop the show even though it's not wholly representative of the show?

You can drop Valkyrie drive for the boobs, because the boobs are super important to the show. W/o them the show wouldn't be the same, but here it's different. There's more to the story, and Ryo-Tas doesn't even take up that much screen time.
Oct 13, 2016 3:24 PM

Aug 2013
Prankster_001 said:
Jonesy974 said:

ay....AY! You shut your blasphemous mouth you goddamn son of a bitch!!!! lol
you shut up as well and this anime is a trash from the start and look why did they mention the numbers "666" anyway you don't understand it anyway :|

Well first of all I was being sarcastic.

Second, now you're just being a fucking douchebag. Saying this anime was trash from the start is just ignorant. Trying to judge an anime based off one episode when simply because you don't have the mental capacity to understand what happened makes you seem like a fool. Why was the number 666 brought up? Gee, Idk, maybe because this show has to do with the OCCULT!? Hence the name, moron.
Oct 13, 2016 6:41 PM

Apr 2009
Jonesy974 said:
Prankster_001 said:
you shut up as well and this anime is a trash from the start and look why did they mention the numbers "666" anyway you don't understand it anyway :|

Well first of all I was being sarcastic.

Second, now you're just being a fucking douchebag. Saying this anime was trash from the start is just ignorant. Trying to judge an anime based off one episode when simply because you don't have the mental capacity to understand what happened makes you seem like a fool. Why was the number 666 brought up? Gee, Idk, maybe because this show has to do with the OCCULT!? Hence the name, moron.
how dare you to insult me anyway i can accused you of cyberbullying anytime and shut up u Occultic Nine loving FREAK! and the truth hurts in this anime it is really a trash bcoz of the boobs thingy :P
The current game that i play: Azur Lane :3

Oct 13, 2016 7:17 PM

Jan 2013
Prankster_001 said:
Jonesy974 said:

Well first of all I was being sarcastic.

Second, now you're just being a fucking douchebag. Saying this anime was trash from the start is just ignorant. Trying to judge an anime based off one episode when simply because you don't have the mental capacity to understand what happened makes you seem like a fool. Why was the number 666 brought up? Gee, Idk, maybe because this show has to do with the OCCULT!? Hence the name, moron.
how dare you to insult me anyway i can accused you of cyberbullying anytime and shut up u Occultic Nine loving FREAK! and the truth hurts in this anime it is really a trash bcoz of the boobs thingy :P

Is this one of those circular troll things?

Prankster_001 I'm guessing your joking but your previous post really didn't scream sarcasm or anything.
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