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Oct 10, 2016 6:53 PM

May 2013
does anyone know the name of the french song in ep 1!! :(

i am very happy that Rei has the three sisters and the granpa in his life!!
Oct 10, 2016 8:04 PM

Feb 2015
Man what a great first episode

Not gonna lie, I came to watch this in hope's that there is some nice character development and some nice romance in there as well...Wait and see now.
Oct 10, 2016 10:31 PM

Apr 2012
I loved the part where he is walking in the city and on the train to his match.
Oct 11, 2016 4:39 AM

Jul 2015
Visuals remind me a lot of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, and it's overall look made me think of Shaft, so I looked it up to find that they are the ones doing this. So I look forward to this, and patiently await my shaft head tilts.

Now with the part out of the way, the girls... MY GOD THAT CAME OUT OF NOWHERE. So much sudden hype from such a small child and just... wow... The animation, the music, just everything. It's like this whole anime is going to be the main dude trying to be depressed but everyone around is just way to hype for it. This is gonna be fun. Art style weird though.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Oct 11, 2016 6:52 AM

Apr 2015
I love Bump of Chicken, I love Shaft, but somehow this is not for me. It's just too plain and that art is distracting as hell. I guess I'll wait for Kubikiri Cycle.
Oct 11, 2016 9:50 AM

Nov 2011
Revised for the second time, that is, really a great start, then with subtitles in my native language, I knew better the feelings of the protagonist. I can not wait to find out all the background of his past life. Graphically it is very good, ditto for the soundtrack, wow!
Oct 11, 2016 10:23 AM

Nov 2014
a bit different from the way the manga is but not so much entirely.
will continue to enjoy, hopefully since it's skipping a lot of self dialogue it'll go further into the story.
Oct 11, 2016 7:34 PM
Mar 2012
potential best sol this season.
Charming watercolory bg. Mangaish panels comedy were bit awkward but ok. Cute characters & the talking cats+owl.
Huge pacing contrast from slower Rei's inner psych moments & shogi to the family's fast paced life. At first didnt look like a sol show at all, was like dark drama/ZnT feel. So much character in his poses in silence.
Bump of Chicken & french song so much spirited music.
Oct 11, 2016 9:24 PM

May 2015
jerat said:
This is for the moment the worst Shaft show i've ever seen, that usuless comedy that breaks the insernt, also I hate the main with his edgy and emo thoughs. Bad job Shaft 3/10.

Try not using buzzwords next.

Oct 11, 2016 10:28 PM

Feb 2013
Pretty good. I loved the mood change when he goes to that family lol. Looks like a good one.
Oct 11, 2016 11:08 PM

Jan 2014
The first episode was beautiful. This anime seems promising.
Oct 12, 2016 4:49 AM

Apr 2014
I can just see this anime become a masterpiece.

Studio Shaft is just amazing, that art style is so good.

The soundtrack is simply amazing, not to mention that amazing opening and ending.

I'm heavily impressed by this anime and I generally dislike slice of life shows.
Oct 12, 2016 5:23 AM

Oct 2016
it was a good start .. really looking forward for the next episode .. I like the art too damn shaft never fails to amaze me ...
Oct 12, 2016 11:57 AM
Jul 2014
I think it's too soon to say whether it's good or bad but it sure looks promising
Oct 12, 2016 1:01 PM

Jun 2015
Love the opening song
Hmm the mc is an orphan that has no parents and family and
is on bad terms with his foster family and has no people skills and as a result no family warmth

But at the same time he has a talent with Shogi
I like the insert song though

So the mc has been playing shogi since he was a kid eh
and his opponent is his foster father

Nice atmosphere and setting though

Animation style is interesting

The kawamoto sisters though are really kind and the fact that two of my fav seiyuu's are voicing them is another reason why i like the show.

Man Hinata is crazily funny lol and hyperactive

Lol the teacher working out that Rei actually earns more than he does as a teacher

And they all help out at their grans shop eh

Overall a good first episode that introduced the setting and characters
Story so far looks interesting as does the cast of characters
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Oct 12, 2016 6:20 PM

Mar 2009
Impressed with Shaft's subdued and restrained efforts here. I had my misgivings when it was first announced they'd be behind the adaptation, but so far so good. And once we're treated to the bubbly personalities of the family, Shaft's maniacal(BUT NO NECK TURNING!) tendencies end up shining. It's a nice contrast, and it works well with the overall mood of the show. Also, 23 episodes whoa! Thanks, Shaft!

And hey, end card done by Kentaro Miura! Very cool! Berserk and March Comes in like a Lion are both published in the same magazine. Miura and Umino Chika are coworkers and friends. They've drawn stuff for each other's respective series in the past.

I've read a decent amount of the manga(huge Honey and Clover fan here). It's a good one.
Oct 12, 2016 8:39 PM
Jul 2016
I will give it 2/5 This episode
Don't get me wrong i love 3gatsu no lion.
I've read the mange
But this episode's boring to me.
The opening and ending is good. The seiyuu fit perfectly and they dub a cat?!(another main plus)
I also greatly love the french ost.
Sadly Umino chica's strong main point which is food porn somehow went missing. But it's still first episode. I expect more.
I also dislike strange pacing.
Oct 12, 2016 11:47 PM

Jun 2015
Folks, brace yourselves. A masterpiece is incoming.

Shaft did it again.

ok :p
Oct 13, 2016 12:10 PM

Oct 2013
the art style is a little weird but I think I can get into it. I really liked the general execution of this episode, so I'm looking forward to the rest of this series.
I couldn't think of anything cool to put here.
Oct 13, 2016 6:48 PM

Apr 2015
This was pretty lolbad and I can't believe how much people are already over-hyping it, even for MyAnimeList standards.

The overall presentation of the show is extremely intrusive. Characters are constantly shouting for "comedic" or "cute" effect and it's just annoying. The art design changes so much and sometimes makes the characters faces look really...REALLY weird. That entire first 2 or 3 minutes was completely pointless, no matter how well that dream sequence was done it was just eye candy - didn't serve the plot much at all.

The character has a loving family, makes more money than almost anyone he knows, and yet he spends half of the episode pouting. I'm sorry, I don't randomly sympathize with characters because they're depressed, we need some more subtext. I understand that it's the first episode and all - but it took up so much of the screen time and it didn't fit at all with the rest of the show being overly light hearted.

Pretentious, annoying, and overall pretty bad. 1.5/5
observing a woman's body
Oct 13, 2016 11:26 PM

Sep 2015
Reminds me of Your Lie In April so much especially having March in its English title
Oct 14, 2016 1:21 AM

Nov 2012
The OP/ED are great. Gorgeous artworks and musics. The first half depressed the fuck outta me, the girls are welcome addition.

I guess now I have to decide whether watch it weekly or binge.
A city's greatness is determined by the speed of its internet connection.
Oct 14, 2016 1:38 AM

Mar 2016
@kawaii-despair I love your signature ;;)
No seriously.
Oct 14, 2016 2:16 AM

Nov 2008
AngryAlchemist said:
This was pretty lolbad and I can't believe how much people are already over-hyping it, even for MyAnimeList standards.

The overall presentation of the show is extremely intrusive. Characters are constantly shouting for "comedic" or "cute" effect and it's just annoying. The art design changes so much and sometimes makes the characters faces look really...REALLY weird. That entire first 2 or 3 minutes was completely pointless, no matter how well that dream sequence was done it was just eye candy - didn't serve the plot much at all.

The character has a loving family, makes more money than almost anyone he knows, and yet he spends half of the episode pouting. I'm sorry, I don't randomly sympathize with characters because they're depressed, we need some more subtext. I understand that it's the first episode and all - but it took up so much of the screen time and it didn't fit at all with the rest of the show being overly light hearted.

Pretentious, annoying, and overall pretty bad. 1.5/5

Not his family. That was an unrelated family of three sisters he's acquainted with and (at that point) only just comfortable enough around them where he can occasionally crash at their place overnight without any worries. You didn't even need to be a manga reader to infer that either; their last name showed up on his cellphone to make it clear that it was not his family that was calling.

The guy he was playing shogi against and acting aloof toward (as well as those other kids in the flashback, one of which being the girl in the dream sequence)? That's his adoptive family and from what the episode has shown, it should have been immediately clear that their relationship, in contrast to his relationship with the Kawamoto family, is not exactly loving.

Even as a fan of the manga, though, I do get where you're coming as far as your issues with the shouting and pretentiousness... mainly because I blame it on Shaft. They threw quite a bit of subtlety out the window in the process of adaptation, and the end result is making Rei more emo and broody than he probably should have come across and the Kawamoto siblings more zany than they should have come across.
Oct 14, 2016 8:57 AM

Apr 2015
Bakazuki said:
AngryAlchemist said:
This was pretty lolbad and I can't believe how much people are already over-hyping it, even for MyAnimeList standards.

The overall presentation of the show is extremely intrusive. Characters are constantly shouting for "comedic" or "cute" effect and it's just annoying. The art design changes so much and sometimes makes the characters faces look really...REALLY weird. That entire first 2 or 3 minutes was completely pointless, no matter how well that dream sequence was done it was just eye candy - didn't serve the plot much at all.

The character has a loving family, makes more money than almost anyone he knows, and yet he spends half of the episode pouting. I'm sorry, I don't randomly sympathize with characters because they're depressed, we need some more subtext. I understand that it's the first episode and all - but it took up so much of the screen time and it didn't fit at all with the rest of the show being overly light hearted.

Pretentious, annoying, and overall pretty bad. 1.5/5

Not his family. That was an unrelated family of three sisters he's acquainted with and (at that point) only just comfortable enough around them where he can occasionally crash at their place overnight without any worries. You didn't even need to be a manga reader to infer that either; their last name showed up on his cellphone to make it clear that it was not his family that was calling.

The guy he was playing shogi against and acting aloof toward (as well as those other kids in the flashback, one of which being the girl in the dream sequence)? That's his adoptive family and from what the episode has shown, it should have been immediately clear that their relationship, in contrast to his relationship with the Kawamoto family, is not exactly loving.

Even as a fan of the manga, though, I do get where you're coming as far as your issues with the shouting and pretentiousness... mainly because I blame it on Shaft. They threw quite a bit of subtlety out the window in the process of adaptation, and the end result is making Rei more emo and broody than he probably should have come across and the Kawamoto siblings more zany than they should have come across.

oh ok thanks, guess the faults on me. Still agree with the rest though. That's embarrasing ahah XD
observing a woman's body
Oct 14, 2016 9:22 AM

Oct 2011
Bump Up Chicken ahhhhhh
That Hachimitsu & Clover feel yay
Oct 14, 2016 12:50 PM

Dec 2012
@bananyaishope Thank,glad we both like the same trash dude ;;)
Oct 14, 2016 2:38 PM

Feb 2008
As far as aesthetics go, the show definitely delivers. The animation style and music fit perfectly, creating a rather enjoyable medium for the story. For that reason alone, I'll definitely keep an eye (or rather, two) on the show. I haven't seen a shogi match quite that beautiful...

The plot seems promising as well, the premise is indeed solid. Looking forward to what the production team has in store for us.
Oct 14, 2016 2:52 PM

Apr 2016
delta5 said:
My apologies if I missed an answer on this, but does anyone know who did that song with French lyrics during the episode, while he's taking the train? It was really nice.

Otherwise I have high hopes for this show It looks fantastic so far!

don't know, maybe Yukari Hashimoto since she is supposed to have done the music for the show but I didn't recognize any accent in the song. Can she speak french? Or a collaboration with a french singer? I don't want to overestimate google but so far I couldn't find a song with the lyrics, so maybe it's an original one for the show.

I loved this first episode.
Oct 14, 2016 2:59 PM

Jun 2013
dude that french song was on point
Oct 14, 2016 4:31 PM

Oct 2012
This show is reminding me of Honey and Clover already. ;)
Memories may fade, but that doesn't mean there isn't any point in making them.
Oct 15, 2016 9:51 AM
Feb 2016
Pretty good. The visuals are great. I like the Shogi twist, I hope this isn't just another story of teen alienation though. My biggest gripe was how jarring it was when he went to the girls' house, it was trying too hard to be frantic and cute, felt like a different anime, although I liked the group.
Oct 15, 2016 4:45 PM

Sep 2015
Irasshaimase! Enjoy your ride on the Umino Chika feel train.
Not a huge fan of Shaft, to be honest, so I was worried about this one. But nothing to complain about so far. Hope they'll do a decent job until the end.

Oct 15, 2016 8:42 PM

Jun 2013
This style makes me miss Chika Umino's animation style. I miss Honey & Clover and Higashi no Eden...

I loved this episode and I'm looking for more :) I like the oneechans and Momo is sooo freaking cute! D:
Oct 16, 2016 12:09 AM

Jul 2008
I was curious about this one because I was curious about Shogi.

Will keep watching to see how this goes.
Oct 16, 2016 10:17 AM
Apr 2014
yeah!! Shaft. Has been a while since the last "full season anime". What's with the weird episode count though? Nisekoi had a weird number, too. And the monogatari-series also had a few weird numbers.

I hope we get an explanation soon. I have no idea what exactly is going on besides him "not having friends and family". Which to me didn't look like it tbh but I guess if you are in that situation it can feel like it.

omg that roof scene was hilarious :D

Great start. The op&ed are nice and I quite like the VAs so far (only "exception" is the mc simply because I haven't seen much of his work yet or more like I can't really remember most of his roles I've seen. So far it was fitting for the character though, so, I guess there won't be any problems).
Oct 16, 2016 12:37 PM

Nov 2015
Great soundtrack and art-style. Really calming episode. :)
Oct 16, 2016 10:51 PM

Mar 2015
Isn't Shaft... is Shinbo. And nobody talks about it. Genius!
Oct 17, 2016 3:01 PM

Sep 2013
Just started watching, and must say bear quite some resemblance to Shigatsu-Uso and Honey&Clover. Kei having some depression coz of trauma or family was apparent. Just hope he starts to appreciate the trio sisters who can make him feel whole again.
Oct 19, 2016 11:15 AM
Jul 2016
it was pretty boring but i won't drop it yet.
Oct 20, 2016 4:44 PM

Oct 2012
Well, this is pretty interesting. It's really rare to see 2-cour show nowadays, slice-of-life one at that. I like whole family of girls who takes care of Rei and I also like the fact they are not of his age, it creates some nice interaction. Akari is probably 21, Hina 13 and Momo 5 (correct me if you know for sure from manga).

Kayano Ai and HanaKana in the cast is also nice to see together. Main character not so much as his seyiuu didn't need to talk much but lets see what future holds. I guess his well known shougi player father killed himself (or at least left him in grief) because he won against him? The plot isn't very clear right now but I don't mind this slower tempo.

Well, the animation - right, it's still Shaft but at times I felt they tried to imitate Shinkai and some other style, and produced inferior mix version of everything. Not that it's bad but I can say they need to find the style of their own for this series. Or.. one just needs to get use to it. Chara design is pretty likeable, that's for sure.

So far, the show has very good atmosphere but it doesn't really stand out on its own either so far from the first episode, thing like these we could see in many other animes and the story goes like 3-gatsu wa Kimi no Uso if you know what I mean.

But even with all of this.. I quite enjoyed it in the end and can't wait for next episodes.. it seems Shaft would be staying very true to the source material as always.
Oct 21, 2016 3:15 PM
May 2016
I really hope this anime gets more attention. Especially since this is probably one of the best first episodes in terms of set up, atmosphere, direction and animation I have seen in a very long time.

The first place I want to start is the animation, done by Shaft. This is probably the most impressive animation I have seen from them yet. The art direction is magnificent and a masterclass of letting the scene and imagery carry the emotion with little dialogue. The colour pallet is both vibrant, beautiful and rich while also being able to seamlessly transfer into a dark, murky and even unsettling. The atmosphere is also fantastic. It emphasizes all the right moods a scene is giving off (Rei's depression in the shogi match, loneliness and isolation in his bedroom, warmth and kindness with the family, etc).

The biggest comparison I can draw to another anime is Your Lie in April. Rei has a similar character design and overall personality to Kousei. However, the lead in 3-gatsu feels even emptier and expressionless, like he can't even try and convey his feelings properly to others, hiding his true feelings.

The music is also something that really blew me away here. The ambient and warm guitars and the soothing voice help provide a weird sorta dissonance with how gloomy and sad our main character is portrayed. Almost like the world around him seems so much brighter outside Rei's own mopey self.

Even though I feel like the first chapter/half is stronger, the second chapter of the episode helps flesh out the protagonists world a little more. There's an obvious collision with his own feelings of emptiness and despair with the warm, frantic and chaotic life that he has with the family. Yet I feel like the family will play a big role in helping Rei break out of his crippling depression and realize that there will be people who will welcome him for who he is and allow himself to be happy again.

Unlike most people in this thread, I feel like the humor is actually welcome here. Sure, it initially seems invasive but I think it works within this episode. His world away from the family seems so empty, cold and lonely. In his alone day to day life, he is obviously trying his best to hide his own insecurities. But once he steps into this other household, his mood and behavior obviously change. In a powerful scene, he is shown crying in his sleep, showing Rei as a secretly vulnerable person. The family themselves seems alright, though I do hope that they also get their own personalities established and will hopefully help solidify 3-gatsu's themes and narrative. As it stands now though, I feel like the family helps provide really interesting insight into the main character.

The OP and ED are wonderful as well, using powerful imagery and colors to further develop Rei. By showing him as a young child, it seems to be implying there was some past tragedy or thing he regrets and is still trying to come to terms with. It could also show that he is still rather immature deep down despite how he composes himself, which is also shown in how much of a child he is around the other family members in the household.

Sorry, this got really long winded, but it's been a while that I have been so amazed by only one episode. There was a lot of imagery here that is gold for people like me who over-analyze things. But I really feel like this anime could be the best this season and even this year if it keeps up this kind of momentum and quality.
Oct 22, 2016 5:59 PM
Jul 2016
It was pretty weak in the comedy department, but everything else, visuals especially, was pretty good. I can see great potential in this.
Oct 23, 2016 5:01 AM

Oct 2014
I've had my doubts about Shaft adapting this at the beginning, but dammit they really delivered. From what I've seen of the 1st ep, this is going to be a great anime - probably one of the best this year. And it's gonna be 23 episodes to boot!! These guys know what they're doing.

The OSTs fit the mood perfectly. That French insert was a pleasant surprise and the OP was absolutely breathtaking! (pun intended xD) And it seems they're staying pretty damn loyal to the source material (chapter-for-chapter so far).

The anime still has that clean 'Shaft' look at times - mostly with the character outlines - and implements CG a little too much for my liking, but I guess that wasn't unexpected. That cg key chain was a little bit irritating, though. But I just love how they even adapted the cats' internal monologues too XD

Oct 23, 2016 12:17 PM

Jul 2009
Huh, that was ... different! In a good way :O First off: LOVING the music. Bump of Chicken (TWICE!!!) for the OP and ED - even if I didn't love the songs this time, I still liked them :) Plus the French insert song was great too XD Looks like we've got a water motif going on, and it was really interesting to see Rei pretty much completely ignore his dad (?), and showing a little of his past as well with him. That silence was almost painful :P Then he gets invited over to his friend Hina's and they're loud and rowdy XD Some pretty good comedic moments in there. I wonder what's the thing he was waiting for? Another shogi thing? Speaking of which I have no idea how to play the game, even less knowledge than Go, and I wonder if it's going to be a coming of age story like Hikaru no Go? I think that would work out well. Also the art was really good, kind of reminds me a bit of Honey and Clover at times. Anyway great start, looking forward to seeing what happens :O
Oct 30, 2016 1:30 PM

Sep 2016
Heard of the hype about this series and watched the first episode with high expectations. Honey and Clover was excellent; why not?

Ugh... another Your Lie in April protagonist? Another emotard in black-rimmed glasses with the same cookie-cutter face? I hate that with passion.

... No. Just not my cup of tea. But maybe things change in episode 2. So I kept going. Episode 3, 4... that's it. Bye. The plot tone is incoherent, Rei-bitch makes me mad, and it doesn't even make sense in the first place. Picked by a stranger off the street and then he gets a family of friends? Seriously? -_-

The animation and music are beautiful, though. But the story is 3/10 to me at most.
Oct 30, 2016 10:23 PM
Oct 2016
We just loved it! Chika Amino is awesome and she has other amazing works too! We made a special post about the real shogi players that inspired the creation of the characters! Check it out:
Nov 5, 2016 12:14 AM

Apr 2016
A loner, full of darkness, surrounded by light and three great cats.... Interesting and enigmatic begining for this series, that attract you...8/10.
Nov 14, 2016 9:11 PM

Apr 2014
really liked the first episode. only complaint so far is his permanent frown. that must take a lot of energy to keep frowning so intensely. to be honest, i'm not a fan of gloomy characters like him but we'll see how this goes. also, he's kinda cute without the glasses so eh

awwww i really like the sisters and their cute little family. they seem like realistic characters with no crazy stereotypes as their personalities.

i love the sisters but i really hope he doesn't end up with any of them, and if he does i hope it's done in a decent way (like i hope there's no jealousy between the sisters or weird misunderstandings). the age gaps are too weird for all of the sisters imo. the oldest is 21 and middle one is still in middle school while he's 17. i guess it could be worse

the cats are absolutely adorable as well. they're a surprisingly nice addition to the anime, their presence just improves everything lol
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Nov 26, 2016 5:06 PM

Jul 2015
Great episode. I don't like all that light, but I think as a Shaft work I can't expect something different. But when comes to the dark moments, where I became curious about the past of the protagonist, it's pretty good.
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