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Aug 13, 2016 5:11 AM
Aug 2012
There was so much wrong in this episode that triggered me xD
That waste of booze by shooting the barrels, by shooting the bottle, by spilling the whiskey and I could go on :/
BUT: I love how the series is differente in every episode. This really helps to keep my interest in the whole series. Those little breathers like Ep.4 mixed with stuff like this are so nice.
I was just happy that Tigre could enjoy his meal at the end. I wouldnt be suprised if he got shot again,or beaten, or....eaten maybe? :D
Fango is just a genius and a lunatic in one body. Gotta love the charaters!

P.S. @hentaimoney
hentaimoney said:
and how did they fake Angelo shooting Nero? Did I miss something or was that whole scene rather silly?

They were catching a chicken. They used the flesh a kevlar :)
Lol_ipodAug 13, 2016 5:16 AM
Aug 13, 2016 5:58 AM

Sep 2013
That warehouse gun fight and the final lasagna scene were great. If I have to complain about anything, I'd have to bitch about Fango and the alcohol.

Fango doesn't do anything for me. He's not a villain who I care to see. His personality is annoying more than psychotic. He tends to yell and laugh really loud a lot to the point where I mute him every time I see him open his mouth. On top of all that, he just looks down right stupid. Every time I see him, I really want to slap the shit out of him and can't wait until he's not on my screen anymore. Nothing he does makes me fully invested into his antagonist role.

When he dies and I really hope he does, I'm going to be so happy. I want him dead for all the wrong reasons.

I know alcohol is one of the many focal points of the story but I'm already sick of seeing it. Reason being is that nearly every time someone has to drink alcohol, they always have to make a sound of satisfaction when they finish drinking. I seriously thought Nero was having an orgasm. This is one recurring theme in anime that happens far too much. I know it's not the show's fault, but oh my god, this is just a horrible pet peeve of mine.

Overall, this was a great episode. The first and second half balanced this episode really well and I'm enjoying this series thus far.
TehSnawnAug 13, 2016 6:02 AM

Aug 13, 2016 6:36 AM

Jan 2013
i actually enjoy Fango
Aug 13, 2016 6:40 AM

Dec 2015
Greatest episode this season ha ha. One of the best episodes I have ever seen. We are getting a hint with the chicken ... still I wasn't sure wether Avilio might have killed Nero for real or not. He told the Orco guy a bit too much (and he would have mentioned that later where Nero was nearby or fake dead Nero could have heard it). But I guess they already talked about it and telling the Orco guy that Avilio was Lagusa was already known to Nero as being part of the plan.

Great. Also I hated Fango at the beginning ... but thought he would be a guy getting killed fast (only temporary char for 2-3 episodes). But seems he is going to stay a little bit longer.

And he is fun - I start to like him. From the point where he asked "what was the favorite dish of Orco? - it was lasagna!" I knew which direction this would go ... and it was great ha ha.

Don't know of the first guy only feared about poison or if he already had a suspicion. But when he talked ... about stuff being left (me neant they are eating the left-overs of Orco but they understood it like ... there is no more of the lasagna left that Orco could taste) ... it startet to get more fun. Looking forward ... forward ... and then the guy biting on some tooth. Ha ha. And Fango laughing.

Edit: Also Orco guy at the beginning was fun when he said he had too much on his mind and could barely eat anything (but then eating a lot even wanting more). And about the plan: Yes it is possible for Avilio to know the name Lagusa. Nero told about the story from his point of view in one of the previous episodes. He either mentioned the name (don't know it anymore) or they talked about this later (which they didn't show in the anime) while preparing and making the plan and Avilio asked for the name so he could make it look real to Orco.

That was hilarious. I think I might even like this better than Baccano and go from 9 to 10 - if they keep this up and make a good story between Nero and Avilio letting both stay alive until the final episode (+ some nice finale).
LuthandoriusAug 13, 2016 6:53 AM
Aug 13, 2016 7:18 AM

Apr 2013
Looks like we've got many w/ weak stomachs.

I knew it was Orco as soon as I saw lasagna being served and I loved every minute of it
Aug 13, 2016 7:53 AM
Jul 2018
"I really put my heart into it"
Freaking loved the episode, the turn of events was amazing!
Aug 13, 2016 8:24 AM

Jun 2013
holy fuck that Lasagna scene was so amazing Fango is one crazy motherfucker
Aug 13, 2016 10:00 AM
Mar 2016
some pork lasagna huh?
Aug 13, 2016 10:05 AM
May 2016
That Avilio's plan succeeded. How insane and fan was Fango laughing while the orco's men eating orco's flesh. So its Nero, Bruno, their father and Avilio's father's friend was his revenge targets. Looking forward for the next episode
Aug 13, 2016 10:54 AM
Nov 2015
Well... plot twists galore. I seriously thought Nero was dead there. Fango is best chef. Easily the best episode so far.

Aug 13, 2016 11:46 AM

Dec 2013
This episode was classic italian mafia style revenge executed to damn perfection!
I loved the twist in the Lasagna, guess the ground pOrco was pretty good, eh?
Aug 13, 2016 11:56 AM

Apr 2009
For me it was the best episode so far!

It's weird but i'm starting to like Fango....
MisataAug 13, 2016 12:02 PM
Aug 13, 2016 12:25 PM

May 2014
Aug 13, 2016 12:26 PM

May 2015
This was probably one of the most enjoyable episodes for me. I actually thought Nero got killed at first. Though Avilio's lines did seem a bit too cliche. Fango was really funny this episode and his lasagna was great.
Cross-country >>>>>>>>>>>> Every other sport
Aug 13, 2016 2:23 PM

Aug 2013
Lol_ipod said:
P.S. @hentaimoney
hentaimoney said:
and how did they fake Angelo shooting Nero? Did I miss something or was that whole scene rather silly?

They were catching a chicken. They used the flesh a kevlar :)

How can a bullet be stopped by chicken flesh wtf? So odd.
Aug 13, 2016 2:45 PM

Mar 2014
ABSOLUTE MADMAN FANGO. I was expecting that, but it was still good.
Aug 13, 2016 3:11 PM

Feb 2016
I loved the moment when those guys found that Fango put Orco in the lasagna :p

Aug 13, 2016 3:17 PM

Dec 2014
Won't be able to eat lasagna for a while, ugh.
Aug 13, 2016 3:18 PM
Dec 2015
jhoson14 said:
Will this be really 91 episodes? Since every episode is a day.

Now I'm craving some lasagna =x

Somebody theorized it's 13 x 7 = 91 days so currently the episode is at Day 42.
Aug 13, 2016 3:29 PM

Dec 2012
After watching Game of Thrones, I knew where the lasagna scene at the end was going. Disgusting, but it fits Fango.
Aug 13, 2016 3:36 PM

Jun 2016
This show keeps getting better and better. The same goes for Fango.
Aug 13, 2016 4:14 PM

Oct 2012
Oh boy that lasagna tho. Oh boy fango your an interesting one.
I almost believed that nero had died there but there wasn't enough drama for him to have actually died.
Aug 13, 2016 5:42 PM

Dec 2015
One minor question that's been bothering me:
Did Avilio fire blanks or was Nero wearing a bulletproof vest?

I doubt Avilio just randomly found a gun loaded with blanks + it would have been obvious if he missed on purpose. The purpose of the chicken was to make blood bags so how did Nero fake his death?

Overall, a thrilling episode, this series keeps on delivering! The twists and turns in this one were particularly impressive but I guess there will be no more "surprise" killings until Avilio finds the fourth member.
Aug 13, 2016 9:00 PM

Sep 2015
Bobby2Hands said:
Cartman from South Park was cooking people in chili long before this show did it.

MMMMMM The tears there so tasty!!! XD

Fango's craziness reminds me of Vass from Far Cry 3.

The alcohol waste was just sinful :O As soon as Avilio didn't take a drink of his toast I knew it was drugged. Great episode!
Aug 14, 2016 12:25 AM

Jan 2011
It was pretty obvious that they faked the death there, but it was still fun to see.

That final bit with Fango felt really familiar.
Aug 14, 2016 1:01 AM

Jan 2016
Aha for the first time i could guess the plot of this series correctly. adding fango to the husbando list. This episode seems easier to understand than the previous.
We did this every day that summer. There wasn’t a day we missed.

"I love you, air conditioner."
Aug 14, 2016 1:16 AM

Apr 2012
holy shit fango is savage lmao

Aug 14, 2016 5:28 AM

Jul 2016
Well... Fango is even sicker than I thought.
Aug 14, 2016 6:20 AM

Dec 2013
Fango is mad. TBH, I expected smth like that but still...
Aug 14, 2016 7:28 AM

Jan 2014
Avilio can break a record at back-stabbing, guess that's necessarily when you want to have a long-waited revenge, I really like his way of thinking nonetheless.

One thing that's started to annoy me is that fact that they can settle almost everything with the sake that Avilio's friend is making, well maybe I just can't understand the power of the drink.

Just to make things more clear, that lasagna was made from... Don Orco? if that was true then I have to say that Fango is one heck of a villain.
Aug 14, 2016 8:04 AM

Jul 2013
Holy that Fango lasagna was chilling. Nigga is crazy but I love him.
Aug 14, 2016 9:13 AM
Apr 2014
That was awesome. First I was unsure if Angelo actually used the situation to kill Nero (and was surprised because he didn't know who the fourth was yet) or if they set it up to look like that. And they actually just set it up! The whole episode was so good.

And that end, man. Fango that sick bastard. It was kinda obvious when the guy bringing it in barely managed to not throw up. But I still wasn't certain they'd actually go that far into the fucked up side xD

Anyway. They are in an interesting situation now. The reason why they wanted to kill Nero is dead now. Leaves only the guy that married into the family who wanted him dead, too. At the same time they now have to "support" Fango from now on unless they want to create another war front.

hentaimoney said:
Plan was a bit convoluted though, and how did they fake Angelo shooting Nero? Did I miss something or was that whole scene rather silly?

They could have used blank ammunition. The same way they did or still do in movies. I don't know if they had those at that time already (probably did but I'm really not sure). Angelo used the blood of the chicken to create that blood bag Nero was showing at the end. Nero probably popped them when Angelo "shot" at him. Making it look like he was wounded fatally.
Aug 14, 2016 9:52 AM

Jun 2016
Nanashi said:
Angelo used the blood of the chicken to create that blood bag Nero was showing at the end. Nero probably popped them when Angelo "shot" at him. Making it look like he was wounded fatally.
True that, I missed out on all of that for some reason, thanks for showing me the light rofl.
Aug 14, 2016 10:08 AM

Oct 2011
Nero death foreshadowing
Omg lasagna wil never be the same for ever again
Aug 14, 2016 12:10 PM

Jul 2010
Woah that Nero scene being shot felt so real.
Great acting.
I fell for it and I was shocked .
So Orco didn't send the letterbox Angelo then who was it?!
Fango as a chef I was laughing with him.
Aug 14, 2016 12:22 PM

Jul 2013
Brilliant episode! Truly brilliant! Although I wasn't at all surprised by the lasagna twist at the end, the rest of the episode was equally trilling and deep. I especially loved Angelo's "I really put my heart into it", because it was exactly in place to seem normal in a joking conversation, yet also speaks the painful truth of a boy who has dreamed of killing his family's murderers night after night.

The only thing that was slightly unnerving for me was the animation in the latter half of the episode. The changes in the way Don Orco's top hairs were drawn, as well as the odd noses and overall profiles in some of the scenes were somewhat bothersome, but can thankfully be easily overlooked.

Tottej said:
Is it me or did the opening animation change in this episode?
Avilio/Angelo seemed to have more of an orange glow when he fell over...
The image of Fio and Ronaldo(?) seems to flash by in orange too
Is it just my eyes?

Edit: There seems to be a clearer image of Corteo's face just before the shot with the x on the paper too...?

You are right! It seems they touched up the opening in a couple of places.
The first scene where Angelo is walking through the city, as well as the following one where he is running through the woods now have mist/smoke floating through. In the one where he is running as a child, the scene had a brownish hint to it before to symbolize a past event, but now it's blue with Angelo surrounded by orange, which to me seems like that of a street lamp.
The transitions from cut to cut during the wedding part, the chorus and the part where Angelo's brother is running all have the same "fraction" effect added.

I like the new look of the opening, honestly. It feels a bit more dynamic and alive. =D
Aug 14, 2016 1:37 PM

Jun 2013
You are what you eat
Aug 14, 2016 4:02 PM

Sep 2013
kawaii-despair said:
Wait what,even Nero and the others ate that fricking lasagna?! What the shit

Or maybe they ate another one...? Or is it impossible?
Aug 14, 2016 7:15 PM

Mar 2016
fuck im never eating lasagna again i feel like i'm gonna be sick.
sick episode tho. so much gooood stuff happening; they really took care of orco quickly.
I understand why from an individual standpoint Nero would want Fango in charge instead of Orco but man Fango is so damn psychotic, anyone else would rather have Orco.
Aug 15, 2016 3:04 AM

Dec 2012
Mmm...good. Who's up for lasagna? Looks great!
Aug 15, 2016 4:08 AM

Aug 2013
There's antagonists you hate, antagonists you love to hate, and antagonists you love, and Fango is definitely the third. Dude's crazy awesome with an emphasis on the crazy, and his VA is on point. The lasagna trick was expected but great nonetheless.
Aug 15, 2016 1:09 PM

Feb 2015
Another fantastic episode. I really though that Angelo was going join Orco to link him to his real brother, Nero's fake brother. But this makes sense with the Orco's main family gone, Nero's fake brother will come into Nero's and Angelo's circles. But yeah a good and suspenseful episode, loving the story. Best anime of he season right now I think. And I really like Fango's character. Just want to see what happens next...
Aug 15, 2016 1:32 PM
Jun 2013
Umai episode indeed = )
Aug 15, 2016 10:42 PM

Dec 2013
Maybe I'm just bad at predicting things, but I totally forgot about the chicken when Avilio shot Nero. I legit thought he was dead and I was hella upset for a minute, just because it's only episode 6 and I need to see more Nero. I personally think the writers did a pretty good job with that scene; to me, the chicken remark before they put their plan into action was pretty low-key and easy to forget once everything started going. Or maybe it's just because of how convincing Avilio was; I really thought he was going to try and betray Nero when he started telling Orco the truth while they were still outside.

Anyway, a great episode in my opinion. There was a lot going on. As soon as I saw the lasagna, I knew it was made with Orco. Pretty gross, but also not too surprising. Fango is one of the most bizarre characters.
Aug 15, 2016 11:17 PM
Sep 2011
* Written by Taku Kishimoto.
* Storyboard: Masayuki Kojima
* Directed by Masayuki Iimura.
* Animation Directors: Koji Yabuno, Masakazu Kawazoe, Sadao Ōshima & Shuichi Kitayama.
Aug 16, 2016 3:06 AM

Jun 2013
The acting was really bad so I knew Angelo couldn't have killed him and it was too soon. Didn't Nero wonder what he meant by 'avenging his father' or did he suggest that to Angelo? Or perhaps, the Vanetti family has killed so many in the past, it doesn't matter whose father was being mentioned. They must've killed a lot of fathers, mother, children, etc.

That Don Orco lasagna lol. I knew it, Fango was fucking nuts from the beginning so I'm not too surprised. Let's hope the lasagna Angelo and the others were eating was different.
Aug 16, 2016 3:46 AM

Jul 2015
I want lasagna now.
Re:Zero nice troll ending.
Aug 16, 2016 8:35 AM

Mar 2014

Fango is absolutely nuts
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Aug 16, 2016 12:57 PM

Apr 2011
LOL that orco lasagna... well you are what you eat i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but fango would lose the shokugeki, teeth aren't edible smh (unless you're Kizami Yuuya)
Aug 16, 2016 5:06 PM

Oct 2008
Don Orco's down!
Fango's very twisted!
Avilio & Nero are really great actors!
what a gross Lasagna!

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