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Jun 11, 2016 7:37 PM
Mar 2015
Tenth said:
ClassySheepdog said:
Litterally stop fucking watching it if you hate it. You're the type of person to eat everything off you're plate then tell the cook that the food was complete shit. Stop bitching man.

Bitching about bitching... lets not embarrass ourselves ok....

Bitching about bitching about bitching? And I'm just bitching about bitching about bitching about bitching, we've really hit max meta here now.
Jun 11, 2016 7:55 PM

Jun 2013
I'm not gonna lie, the ending to this episode completely broke me!
Jun 11, 2016 7:59 PM
Apr 2014
These last 2 episodes have been great, I wasn't too high on the first 8 episodes even with the Honoka arc, but the last scene of this and last episodes were very emotional.
Jun 11, 2016 9:06 PM

Jun 2013
Tenth said:
ClassySheepdog said:
Litterally stop fucking watching it if you hate it. You're the type of person to eat everything off you're plate then tell the cook that the food was complete shit. Stop bitching man.

Bitching about bitching... lets not embarrass ourselves ok....

It's like going to a movie theater and some twit in front of you is loudly complaining about how much the movie sucks. You really shouldn't be surprised by complaints.
Jun 11, 2016 9:17 PM

Sep 2015
Can always count on Nico to try and cheer everyone up. I love her so much. No matter what she just bounces back onto her feet.

So that's why Katsuhira has white hair. Interesting. The reveal about what happened to Nori and the other kids wasn't surprising, kind of figured that to be the case. Good thing these guys made it out of the experiment somewhat safe, better ending than the white people at the end that's for sure.
Jun 11, 2016 9:20 PM
May 2016
So yeah some or few would considered this episode as slow or not that good, but for me this is a good episode and it shows the episode's importance to the story.
It started as Kacchon and Hisumo are the only one who is still having contact with each other despite thethe fact they make an agreement that they will stop having contact with each other for the rest of summer. And yeah I'm quite happy that Nico along with Kacchon and Hisumo can still be friends again, although they are no more bind by kizna and as what Maki said that they can not be friends after all.
As for the mayor so, he was really the mastermind behind the horrible experiment. I'll gonna defend here Noriko, she agreed with the experiment cause she just want to bring back the pain sensation of Kacchon and the senses of the other kids from back then. She's emotionless, so on the previous missions of kacchon and the others, she can't felt sympathy to them when they are felling pain, so she's not really at fault. Imagine 19 pains from the 19 kids, those pain are being distributed only to her, thats why she also loss the pain sensation, along with the other kids who also loss their senses cause its become too long for them having felt no pain.
For Kacchon, finally he cried and felt the pain from these horrible loneliness, seeing your friends from back then are now emotionless and loss there senses, imagine that how hard to see that kind of state of your friends for kacchon. And he also known the truth behind the emotionless Noriko, the pain Noriko still bears even until they are now grown and Kacchon being bully and beaten, the pain that kacchon must felt was being felt by Noriko even she's now somehow immune to pain.
Neo_oeNJun 11, 2016 9:38 PM
Jun 11, 2016 9:22 PM

Apr 2015
Rime_Pendragon said:
JkayW said:
Episode is shit like all the others. You expect me to care about a character you did nothing with for 9 episodes. Fuck off.

Wow, such constructive criticism. I'm blown away.

>when someone says the liked it they don't get questioned
>when someone says the hated it, they get barded

I don't need to criticise to make a comment, fucking hell.
Jun 11, 2016 9:35 PM

Apr 2012
Wow I really liked this episode!! So much better than last week's one, imo.

Nico, BEST GIRL. Chidori...I like her less and less every time, her attitude's pissing me off. She only thinks about herself.

Katsuhira, Nico and Hisomu brotp. I NEED MORE INTERACTIONS WITH THESE 3!!! The dancing scene was super cute.

We finally know about Katsuhira's and Nori's past!! No wonder Nori has a deadpan face...and that last scene was super sad, with Katsuhira finally letting out his emotions :'C I felt sorry for him.

theperceptivefoxJun 11, 2016 9:59 PM
Jun 11, 2016 10:10 PM

Oct 2009
Fai said:
Thug_Gou said:

(I assume that you're not very fond of the show but,) I totally agree with you.
The show focused more on their relationships not the Kizna thing. It was like a subplot now or something. xD

I don't hate the show, I don't like the show. I just pretty much feel nothing to it. Hell if it was bad in some way, it would actually be worth praise since show would be doing SOMETHING with itself, leaving SOME kind of impression. Yet nope - None of the characters, none of the plotlines affected me in anyway. The directing falls flat on its face, the storytelling too. Even the end of this episode lacks any sort of weight or build up.

The show is trying to do bunch of pretentious things and is failing at all of that. It has some corny lore that could be interesting if focused upon, but the show does not bother to and exchanges it all for sake of Okada-trademark cheap melodrama between poorly written stereotypes.

The only question it elicits is "why should I care about anything that is going on?"

Its the dullest and most empty show of the season. I can sit through episodes of Tanaka's narcolepsy and not get bored, but this just creates apathy.

The show is not bad or good. It simply is. And then it will end and will no longer be and I will most likely have no idea what to score it since the show left absolutely no impression - positive or negative.

//deep// lol
Anyway, so basically if u don't give a shit about the characters and/or the plot, you won't feel anything.
Well I totally felt that in this ep too

I can't handle Tanaka though, now it feels like I'm watchig 3 kuudere's at once /slits\. At least this one doesn't focus on the kuuderes that much (but not until this point. /double slits\)

Jun 11, 2016 10:14 PM

Feb 2016
Fai said:
To be honest the show focused more on teenage drama(and not even real drama, but the teenage drama the way a 12 y ear old emo-poem writer on tumblr would perceive it) than on the actual characterization and lore.

People care about what show focuses on more than about what show does NOT focus on.
You are right tbh. But they also built up the mystery about Kizna program (Which nobody even seems to care about).
Yeah teenage drama got more focus but romance itself was still only a subplot until episode 8. Teenage drama is not necessarily the same as romance. Shipping for the sake of watching and watching for the sake of shipping are two different things. I despise the latter because I think that it defeats the purpose of what the show is trying to do. Of course everybody is free to do as they wish but I was just stating what I feel. Hence I still find it sad that people care more about whether their ships are sailing or not and the characters they like or not are also based on who they ship and then they make up some BS reason to justify that hate.
Jun 11, 2016 10:27 PM
Aug 2015
Fuchs23 said:
Yeah lets make new experiment. Maybe it will help. The last one was complete failure so this new must be success, right? If not, there is possibility that the kids from new group will die. Well whatever.

lmao so true xD

let's go traumatize more kids!
Jun 11, 2016 10:45 PM

Mar 2015
Don't know why people are hating on this episode. I feel it was the best yet because there was no drama BS and we got the back story to the Kizna experiment. That teacher is a dick, he had zero guilt over the previous and current experiments and it's nice to see Kacchon getting his emotions back.

Honoki pushing Yuta away was harsh. I didn't like that Tenga and Chidori moment, he was obiviously trying to play it off cool. Chidori still looks hurt but I'd say she still loves Kacchon.

I like the trio of friends. I'm happy for Nico, she doesn't really need the others :P
Jun 11, 2016 10:57 PM

Oct 2009
James278 said:
Fai said:
To be honest the show focused more on teenage drama(and not even real drama, but the teenage drama the way a 12 y ear old emo-poem writer on tumblr would perceive it) than on the actual characterization and lore.

People care about what show focuses on more than about what show does NOT focus on.
Shipping for the sake of watching and watching for the sake of shipping are two different things. I despise the latter because I think that it defeats the purpose of what the show is trying to do. Of course everybody is free to do as they wish but I was just stating what I feel. Hence I still find it sad that people care more about whether their ships are sailing or not and the characters they like or not are also based on who they ship and then they make up some BS reason to justify that hate.

So what you're saying is... I can't watch it just because I can't ship anything in it or that I can't/shouldn't watch it just because I just want to ship anything. you totally lost me there.
It's both "can't watch the show because I can't and don't ship anything". how are they different exactly? <i'm utterly curious no sarcasm> Also, nobody questions Fujoshis why some of them just watch Sports anime with hot guys just so they can SHIP them.
uh... what's the problem with complaining that your ship sank? What's the problem with hating on some of the characters? I don't question other people why they like some characters. It's pretty normal why people hate some characters.
Also, isn't it better that they have some reasons to justify the hate rather than hate it/them just because...?
Thug_GouJun 11, 2016 11:04 PM

Jun 11, 2016 11:44 PM
Sep 2015
All im thinking of after watching this episode is that is it weird that i hate the blue bitch even more now? If she knew the risks why did she make some other innocent people go through it? Complete asshole.
Jun 11, 2016 11:44 PM

Feb 2016
1. I wasn't actually referring to you at all. You did acknowledge everything about the Kizna system in your first post. My comment wasn't just for MAL, I was talking about what I saw in general across reddit, fb etc.

2. Again that last statement about making BS reasons to hate someone wasn't directed towards you at all. I've read people making comments like "I hate Chidori because she doesn't leave Katsuhira alone and keeps bringing food to his house even when he doesn't love her" (or some variation of that) to justify why they hate Chidori (this was probably 4-5 episodes ago) when the only reason they actually hate her is actually because they ship Katsuhira and Sonozaki so they saw her as the third wheel.

3. I said everybody is free to do as they like very clearly in my post. I just said I don't like it and that is something that concerns only me. I am not telling people to change the way they look at the show, just stating what I feel.
Jun 12, 2016 12:13 AM

Jan 2015
Great episode...
The last minutes killed me
Jun 12, 2016 12:15 AM

Oct 2009
@James278 : 1.i know that. But I'm just really curious about that difference, since I'm also a shipper myself.

2. Those are pretty legit reasons even if they are annoying. They fcking hate chidori because of that. Same reason as why i fcking hate Nokia and Ketshuphira is because they are Kuuderes. BS but legit, not just "i hate them just because i hate them".

Estella_Ultear said:
All im thinking of after watching this episode is that is it weird that i hate the blue bitch even more now? If she knew the risks why did she make some other innocent people go through it? Complete asshole.
You're not the only one lol
TyrelJul 6, 2016 4:50 PM

Jun 12, 2016 12:28 AM

Feb 2016
1. The difference would be that you are shipping certain characters because you like their chemistry in the show or some other reason whereas the other case would be that the only reason you are watching the show is because you want to ship the characters.

2. I rest my case then. If you think that is a valid reason then so be it. I think it is BS. If they hate Chidori because she is in the way of their ship then they should say that, instead of making up some reason to justify their hate is all I am saying. I am not saying that having the reason to hate somebody is wrong (of course). I am saying that making up a reason because you don't want to admit (or show) the actual reason why you hate the character is wrong.
In this case, the fact that they ship Katsuhira and Sonozaki so they hate Chidori because of her being the third wheel. But instead of admitting that, they are making up some other reason to justify that hate (which doesn't even make sense, at least to me)
Jun 12, 2016 12:53 AM

Sep 2013
Poor Nori-Chan. Finally got know what her history is and it makes total sense why she is the way she is now...which is a drugged up being that has her emotions and pain suppressed.

As for everyone else, I honestly don't care. Katsuhira crying in the end didn't do anything for me. Niko is being Niko by trying to make friends and everyone else are just emotional wrecks.

It's clear that this second project is probably being used to turn the previous test subjects back to normal or at the least, make them human again, but I don't understand the thought process at all. The first experiment ended in total FAILURE with apparently no signs of it ever succeeding. It turned Sonozaki from a happy girl into an emotionless drugged up human. Katsuhira is barely stable enough to coexist in society again and the others 17 are just slabs of meat at this point. Honestly, what's the point in trying again when there were no positive results? It's like they want to them to turn into slabs of meat. This project literally ruined 19 lives with 0% positive results.

Can anyone explain to me why that teacher was being a dick head when he was practically mocking the Kiznaivers? The only logical reason I can think of is that he's a fucking tool.

Jun 12, 2016 1:15 AM

Jul 2014
Damn, this is just starting to get depressing, but at least everything from the earlier episodes is starting to make sense and starting to have an actual emotional pay-off now. That being said, I get what happened to Sonozaki with the initial Kizna experiment, but what I don't get is WHY that happened to her; everything we've seen and been told about the Kizna system means that what happened to her simply doesn't make sense outside of some bizarre catastrophic failure.

Also, that teacher is a complete dickhead and and tool to an unbelievable extent, but then he's been an asshole throughout the experiments anyway.
Jun 12, 2016 1:17 AM

Oct 2009
@James278 : well that makes sense. But those 2 still involve shipping, so sinking ships would still make them us salty even if we didn't watch the show solely for the ships. Same case happened with Erased.

2. Oh I didn't notice the part where you said they were using another reason. I think they're doing that just so it would lessen the negative connotation of their comments. Less fans would bash them lol.

Jun 12, 2016 1:46 AM

Feb 2016
Thug_Gou said:
well that makes sense. But those 2 still involve shipping, so sinking ships would still make them us salty even if we didn't watch the show solely for the ships. Same case happened with Erased.
Yep that's completely correct. The shipping culture is not what I was against at all. I also feel sad when my ships sink and feel happy when they sail. Sorry if I made it sound like that. My criticism was directed solely towards the second category of people.

Thug_Gou said:
2. Oh I didn't notice the part where you said they were using another reason. I think they're doing that just so it would lessen the negative connotation of their comments. Less fans would bash them lol.
Yeah lol exactly.
Jun 12, 2016 2:07 AM

Jul 2013
What I don't understand is why did she jump? She couldn't bare with all the pain anymore? And also that scene where she is looking at the bridge which is the mark of the city and admiring it, what's up with that? We still don't know her feelings about the experiment, because it seems like she's the one who is pushing it the most.
Noir… It is the name of an ancient fate. Two sisters who watch anime. The peace of the newly born, their black hands protect.
Jun 12, 2016 2:32 AM

Oct 2015
James278 said:
1. The difference would be that you are shipping certain characters because you like their chemistry in the show or some other reason whereas the other case would be that the only reason you are watching the show is because you want to ship the characters.

2. I rest my case then. If you think that is a valid reason then so be it. I think it is BS. If they hate Chidori because she is in the way of their ship then they should say that, instead of making up some reason to justify their hate is all I am saying. I am not saying that having the reason to hate somebody is wrong (of course). I am saying that making up a reason because you don't want to admit (or show) the actual reason why you hate the character is wrong.
In this case, the fact that they ship Katsuhira and Sonozaki so they hate Chidori because of her being the third wheel. But instead of admitting that, they are making up some other reason to justify that hate (which doesn't even make sense, at least to me)

I'm not sure if you're directing this at pairing fans or just general criticism of Chidori, but if its the former then you can ignore the below.

Jun 12, 2016 2:50 AM

May 2015
Quirkiness101 said:
Tenth said:

Bitching about bitching... lets not embarrass ourselves ok....

It's like going to a movie theater and some twit in front of you is loudly complaining about how much the movie sucks. You really shouldn't be surprised by complaints.
No, no one is complaining while you watching it. It's more like people that finished watching it complain on the way out of the theatre, they might have disliked it while you liked it but you don't go to him and say "shut up twit, why did you even come here and then complain". Like you can say how awesome it was for you, others can say how awful it was for them, what's the issue?

Shimai_ni said:
What I don't understand is why did she jump? She couldn't bare with all the pain anymore? And also that scene where she is looking at the bridge which is the mark of the city and admiring it, what's up with that? We still don't know her feelings about the experiment, because it seems like she's the one who is pushing it the most.
I can think of 2 reasons. She thinks that by dying he will get the pain back or that by feeling a lot of pain some will go to Katsuhira.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 12, 2016 3:26 AM

Aug 2015
Loved this episode, super excited to see what happens in the next two, Nori-chan's smile was adorable, I hope we see it again!
Jun 12, 2016 3:46 AM

Oct 2009
zal said:
Quirkiness101 said:

It's like going to a movie theater and some twit in front of you is loudly complaining about how much the movie sucks. You really shouldn't be surprised by complaints.
No, no one is complaining while you watching it. It's more like people that finished watching it complain on the way out of the theatre, they might have disliked it while you liked it but you don't go to him and say "shut up twit, why did you even come here and then complain". Like you can say how awesome it was for you, others can say how awful it was for them, what's the issue?

So ON POINT. d(οΏ£β–½οΏ£)b

Jun 12, 2016 3:58 AM

Mar 2014
JkayW said:
Episode is shit like all the others. You expect me to care about a character you did nothing with for 9 episodes. Fuck off.

Assuming you're talking about Nori-chan, exactly how did you expect the creators to...."do anything" with the character when they just explained that she HAS no character, she's more or less an empty shell. I mean, the entire point of that last scene is to show the fact that the way she is now is in itself incredibly sad.

But I have to wonder why you're one of the first to respond in this thread when clearly you're not enjoying this show.

Anyway I just want to say I loved the scene with Katsuhira, Hisomu and Nico. Character wise Nico's part here makes so much sense, she doesn't really care about the whole Kiznaiver thing and she probably considers Tenga to be a lost cause at the moment, but her wanting to make friends with as many people as possible despite what happened really fits her character. Also glad to see a bit more Hisomu screentime, he sometimes almost acts like a parent or something. The little dance made me smile
LauraBirdieJun 12, 2016 4:10 AM
Jun 12, 2016 4:05 AM

Jul 2015
zal said:

Another thing I find difficult to accept is how they are treating sensations and feelings like something materialistic and they can move them from a person to the other which doesn't make sense to me. Also why isn't possible to undo the kizna to the old kids like they did with the new teenagers?

Genre: science-fiction
Jun 12, 2016 4:05 AM

Mar 2014
>Katsuhira crying

Shut up Yuki Kaji
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Jun 12, 2016 4:07 AM

May 2015
BlueBalls said:
zal said:

Another thing I find difficult to accept is how they are treating sensations and feelings like something materialistic and they can move them from a person to the other which doesn't make sense to me. Also why isn't possible to undo the kizna to the old kids like they did with the new teenagers?

Genre: science-fiction
Science fiction is more interesting when at least an explanation of how the technology works is given. Since the function is not intuitive for me I would like to know more about it.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 12, 2016 4:26 AM

Feb 2014
LauraBirdie said:
JkayW said:
Episode is shit like all the others. You expect me to care about a character you did nothing with for 9 episodes. Fuck off.

Assuming you're talking about Nori-chan, exactly how did you expect the creators to...."do anything" with the character when they just explained that she HAS no character, she's more or less an empty shell. I mean, the entire point of that last scene is to show the fact that the way she is now is in itself incredibly sad.

But I have to wonder why you're one of the first to respond in this thread when clearly you're not enjoying this show.

Anyway I just want to say I loved the scene with Katsuhira, Hisomu and Nico. Character wise Nico's part here makes so much sense, she doesn't really care about the whole Kiznaiver thing and she probably considers Tenga to be a lost cause at the moment, but her wanting to make friends with as many people as possible despite what happened really fits her character. Also glad to see a bit more Hisomu screentime, he sometimes almost acts like a parent or something. The little dance made me smile

Though I don't particularly feel frustrated by it, I do wish they'd at least presented Nori as a more likable character. cos I'll have to agree that I didn't feel any sentiments for her. Though it all depends on where they go from here.
Jun 12, 2016 4:27 AM
May 2014
I was so glad to see some 'past-story'... no shit. And the whole thing with how Nori-can (are we calling her Nokia-chan now??) ended up taking the pain of 19 kids together... damn. As a character she leaves me uninterested (partly because I believe there is no character development in her) But I felt really sad.

Then... the voice acting in this episode was amazing. My little white panda crying at the end... it sounded SO genuine. Not a fake "perfectly made" cry. I thought of it as excellent.
As for the rest... I feel like the only characters that are "feeling it" so far are the happy team of Hisomu,Nico and the Panda... The others... although (don't get me wrong) I love ALL the character I feel that they are STRAIGHT UP butthurt! ! Or at least Chidori and Honoka. Tenga obviously tried to get things roll again but Chidori decided instead to let out a totally unrelated (although I believe there was some meaning behind it) monologue.
Then Honoka... she was always like this I guess, but come on. 😧

To finish this long shit, am I really the ONLY one worrying about how they are going to finish this in only TWO FN EPISODES?! I mean.. there's a LOT of things to explain (or maybe I want story, IDK BLAME ME I GUESS) and I'm not sure how they're going to pull it off in just two episodes. I'm afraid that they might just stuff it up and rush it and that will be just-- I wont accept it.

Nevertheless it was good. Like I said though I hope theyll pull this off properly. If they rush things- and mind me, but ESPECIALLY the love part, I'll be greatly disappointed. The story has a lot of potential in my opinion and I'd hate to see it fail the ending.
Jun 12, 2016 4:35 AM

Oct 2014
Hey, Tenga actually did what I said.
LuZeke said:
Hopefully Tenga has the decency to stop freeloading off of Katsuhira now, at least. Even if Katsuhira probably wouldn't mind either way, even though Tenga assaulted him.

We'll see.

Finally some more detailed explanations about Katsuhira's and Sonozaki's past. Some retreading about the experiment that we already knew, and some added bits we didn't. Still no explanation at all for the "Why" of the experiment. I figure that the whole spiel about the experiment, and the kids as Kiznaiver's, being necessary to protect the city was all just a grand lie to get them to play along with the sadistic experiment. Why else would they simply just let the Kiznaivers be for the rest of the summer?

Nico befriending Katsuhira and Hisomu again was touching.

thebrentinator24 said:
And jesus christ does Chidori only care about herself?! Correct me if I'm wrong, but Tenga wanted her to reject him so he could get some sense of closure, right? I'm sure his intentions were good, and he just wanted a straightforward answer, yet she somehow took that and made it all about herself. All she ever seems to do in this anime is cry and play the victim card.

Yeah, that's what I got from it too. It kinda seemed that he was trying to get her to reject him so he could feel better about going to Nico. The way he talked about not being able to answer someone else's feelings gave me that impression. But of course Chidori makes it all about her, wallowing in self-pity.

I was gonna say this in the thread for the last episode, but I think it's more poignant after this episode. I don't believe Chidori actually loved Katsuhira at all. First off, she kept telling him that she didn't love him -anymore-, and as I've mentioned several times, she's known him the longest yet never bothered to actually understand him. I would liken her to someone telling a person with depression to "just be happy/cheer up".

The main thing that makes me think that she doesn't really love Katsuhira is how she reacts to Sonozaki. Sonozaki appears and suddenly she likes him again, when there's a rival. She doesn't love him, she just wants Sonozaki off her territory. This is further galvanized with the following line: "I can't win." As well as the interaction with Tenga in this episode. As much as I dislike Tenga's actions in the previous episode, I can appreciate what he was trying to do in this one, wanting to face the rejection head on.

Milk_is_Special said:
Why does Katsuhira crying sound like moaning?

You'd be surprised by the sounds that can come out of a person when they're under so much agony or stress that what comes out is just guttural noises.
LuZekeJun 12, 2016 4:52 AM
Jun 12, 2016 4:47 AM

Oct 2009
Blackcrowsora said:
I was so glad to see some 'past-story'... no shit. And the whole thing with how Nori-can (are we calling her Nokia-chan now??) ended up taking the pain of 19 kids together... damn. As a character she leaves me uninterested (partly because I believe there is no character development in her) But I felt really sad.

lmao. I just call her that cause I h8 her guts. she could be normie-chan for all I care but nokia sounds fun :> teehee

Then Honoka... she was always like this I guess, but come on. 😧

Same. I was like " WHERE MY YUTA X MAKI AT?!" *bawls* Yuta went 2 steps forward and 3 steps back </3

Jun 12, 2016 5:10 AM
May 2014
Thug_Gou said:

lmao. I just call her that cause I h8 her guts. she could be normie-chan for all I care but nokia sounds fun :> teehee

I meant I love itπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ when I saw it I thought it was brilliant (idk why I liked it so much but you knoww)

Same. I was like " WHERE MY YUTA X MAKI AT?!" *bawls* Yuta went 2 steps forward and 3 steps back </3

Forget about steps T.T. We have the "cool" high-minded snob dropping his ego and shit AND WHJDOEKDHDJSJSNB SHE LIKE WALKS AWAY LIKE FEEL SORRY ABOUT HIM. And I don't know... I understand for Tenga, Panda, Chidori and Nico to feel kinda off (considering what happened) and want to distance themselves -except Panda-(Although Chidori seems to be the problem now) but Yuta and Honoka...!! Honoka especially. I thought she had dropped down that "defensive wall" (for say) she had. Why is she acting so lone-wolf likey again😒
Jun 12, 2016 5:20 AM

Nov 2014
Holy shit, what an impactful episode. I actually got teared up at the end, Kaji Yuki done really good to deliver Katsuhira's feeling, it was so sad and full of misery. And as usual, the animation is astonishing this week and the scene where Katsuhira start tearing up is awesome af.

I feel really bad for Nori-chan :'( no wonder she's that empty. I mean, receiving 19 times pain from other people? That gotta hurt like hell. It's even more heart-wrenching seeing that Nori-chan used to have such an adorable smile.

On the other hand, Chidori really need to get her shit together. I still feel bad for her unfortunate love story, but that shouldn't hinder your ability to care about that said crush. She really need to make a priority list. The person you love is hurting right there. And forget a crush, it's your duty as a friend to support each other.

By the way, the interaction between Nico and Hisomu is so entertaining. They should've talked more to each other. I'm glad we have someone like Nico in this gloomy situation.
Jun 12, 2016 6:01 AM

Oct 2009
Blackcrowsora said:
Thug_Gou said:

lmao. I just call her that cause I h8 her guts. she could be normie-chan for all I care but nokia sounds fun :> teehee

I meant I love itπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ when I saw it I thought it was brilliant (idk why I liked it so much but you knoww)

Oh...great then! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ˆ *high fives*

Same. I was like " WHERE MY YUTA X MAKI AT?!" *bawls* Yuta went 2 steps forward and 3 steps back </3

Forget about steps T.T. We have the "cool" high-minded snob dropping his ego and shit AND WHJDOEKDHDJSJSNB SHE LIKE WALKS AWAY LIKE FEEL SORRY ABOUT HIM. And I don't know... I understand for Tenga, Panda, Chidori and Nico to feel kinda off (considering what happened) and want to distance themselves -except Panda-(Although Chidori seems to be the problem now) but Yuta and Honoka...!! Honoka especially. I thought she had dropped down that "defensive wall" (for say) she had. Why is she acting so lone-wolf likey again😒

Damn right. My poor Yuta ~</3. Just when I was making a fanart of them, the ship slowly sinks again. Haha #SOSAD :'(

Well, their story is getting so messed up rn that idgaf anymore unless Chidori somehow redeems herself. I mean I understand that she was hurting, but why hurt Tenga too? :'(

yeah... I also don't understand why she had to put her walls back up and waaay higher. It's not like she got her heart broken. (No hate though, i love Maki)
I was thinking that as one of the logical ones in the group, she'd help patch things up with the broken people. lol

Comic_Sans said:
>Katsuhira crying

Shut up Yuki Kaji

ahahaha I neither like nor hate Yuki Kaji, but why do you hate him so much? LOL πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Jun 12, 2016 6:01 AM

Nov 2009
I am not sure what some people expected...

Since episode one, this series has been all about EMOTIONS and FEELINGS...and it is staying true to that until the very end (and getting far better at it at that)...

So if you didn't like this type of series since the beginning, it's not like you got anything why did you continue watching..?

Of course, no use dropping it now...but certainly this series is not as bad as you make it out to be.
Jun 12, 2016 6:14 AM

Mar 2014
Thug_Gou said:
ahahaha I neither like nor hate Yuki Kaji, but why do you hate him so much? LOL πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I don't hate Yuki Kaji

I just don't think he's good at voicing non comic relief/deadpan characters or does crying scenes well
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Jun 12, 2016 6:22 AM
Feb 2016
I'm an horrible human being
Jun 12, 2016 7:04 AM
May 2014
Thug_Gou said:

Damn right. My poor Yuta ~</3. Just when I was making a fanart of them, the ship slowly sinks again. Haha #SOSAD :'(

(You make fanart??) Well, I don't suppose you have to worry about that. YutaMaki is a sure thing (I suppose). I'm the one suffering. Tenga doesn't seem so into Nico and I'm dying... [ALTHOUGH HE WAS LOOKING AT HER IN THIS EPISODE!!!]

Well, their story is getting so messed up rn that idgaf anymore unless Chidori somehow redeems herself. I mean I understand that she was hurting, but why hurt Tenga too? :'(

Daddy got hurt x'(. Tbh I'm worried about Chidori. I'm mad jealous about Tenga liking her but I can't help it but worry about her too. Though the whole romance thing is really messing me up. If Nori-can ends up with Panda then Chidori...? With Tenga? I'm not keen on that for... OTP reasons (mentioned above). Yuki Maki is a sure thing... I really don't know how they will make it work when it comes to the couples...

yeah... I also don't understand why she had to put her walls back up and waaay higher. It's not like she got her heart broken. (No hate though, i love Maki)
I was thinking that as one of the logical ones in the group, she'd help patch things up with the broken people. lol

Exactly! That's what I was saying- it's not like she was hurt! I mean... Hisomu seems fine!?? (Then again... Hisomu is kind of a special character so maybe he doesn't cpunt) <-- However Yuta tried to patch things up!! She could try... Didn't she say she wanted to be friends?
I swear things progress in such a way...
Jun 12, 2016 8:05 AM

Oct 2009
Blackcrowsora said:
Thug_Gou said:

Damn right. My poor Yuta ~</3. Just when I was making a fanart of them, the ship slowly sinks again. Haha #SOSAD :'(

(You make fanart??) Well, I don't suppose you have to worry about that. YutaMaki is a sure thing (I suppose). I'm the one suffering. Tenga doesn't seem so into Nico and I'm dying... [ALTHOUGH HE WAS LOOKING AT HER IN THIS EPISODE!!!]

Yeah, a bit. xD I just started though.

I hope so. They could all end up forever alone except for my NOtp </3 ouch.
Yeah, he did mention her name in this ep. There is hope for you haha :)

Well, their story is getting so messed up rn that idgaf anymore unless Chidori somehow redeems herself. I mean I understand that she was hurting, but why hurt Tenga too? :'(

Daddy got hurt x'(. Tbh I'm worried about Chidori. I'm mad jealous about Tenga liking her but I can't help it but worry about her too. Though the whole romance thing is really messing me up. If Nori-can ends up with Panda then Chidori...? With Tenga? I'm not keen on that for... OTP reasons (mentioned above). Yuki Maki is a sure thing... I really don't know how they will make it work when it comes to the couples...

Me too.

That's why I've started giving up on ANY of the ships sailing aside from Yuta x Maki, but then my NOtp starts sailing. wtf. *flips tables* (β•―°β–‘°)β•―οΈ΅ ┻━┻ ... so yeah.. salty af hahaha
Let's start flipping tables together when our NOtps get together in the future lmao

yeah... I also don't understand why she had to put her walls back up and waaay higher. It's not like she got her heart broken. (No hate though, i love Maki)
I was thinking that as one of the logical ones in the group, she'd help patch things up with the broken people. lol

Exactly! That's what I was saying- it's not like she was hurt! I mean... Hisomu seems fine!?? (Then again... Hisomu is kind of a special character so maybe he doesn't cpunt) <-- However Yuta tried to patch things up!! She could try... Didn't she say she wanted to be friends?
I swear things progress in such a way...

hahahahah Hisomu who doesn't get enough character development sucks ass so much, but I'm glad that he's still so genki.
ikr. She probably felt betrayed again...or something. geez Maki. smh. Welp, here's to hoping they get together in the last 2 eps. They're pretty much the only thing that's gonna save my shipper heart, since 20% of the other ships are sinking so hard. </3

Faragoo said:
I'm an horrible human being

No you're not. (γƒŽ^_^)γƒŽ BANZAI BANZAI! γƒŽ( ^_^γƒŽ)
senpai approves

Comic_Sans said:
Thug_Gou said:
ahahaha I neither like nor hate Yuki Kaji, but why do you hate him so much? LOL πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I don't hate Yuki Kaji

I just don't think he's good at voicing non comic relief/deadpan characters or does crying scenes well

oh ok. I thought he did some bad shit. D:
Not familiar with his works though except for Yukine (not sure xD), so I really can't say much. :|

Jun 12, 2016 8:42 AM

Feb 2014
This episode was a roller coaster of emotions for me.

The female researcher lays it to Katsuhira, Hisomu and Nico about the whole Kizna experiment and why it's failing over and over again. Seeing Katsuhira break down in front of his former friends was really painful. It also explains in a way about the change of hair colour for Katsuhira and the other kids, except for Nori.

Shame then, that her fellow colleague is still acting like a playground bully. ¬_¬

Nico made me smile a lot though. Despite what happened in the last episode, she was able to become friends with Hisomu, who's really understanding, and Katsuhira. =)

I do have sympathy for Chidori, but she's only digging a larger hole for herself with her snappy response to Tenga. He's trying his best to get some sort of closure for himself, but Chidori snaps at him with no hesitation. I hope she calms down and can redeems herself soon.

Honoka, admittedly, is starting to annoy me a bit. Poor Yuta tried his best to start a conversation with Honoka, only for her to walk away without responding. She's almost back to square one again, simply avoiding her problems by running away from it. Save her Yuta!

Nori's smile at the end was really adorable, but it also makes me feel sad for her too. No one should ever suffer the way she had gone through, with up to 19 times more pain than normal, it's no surprise that she's emotionless. Admittedly, it's hard to understand, despite what's she been through, her determination to keep the whole Kizna experiment going.

Well, I hope there can be somewhat of a good ending for most of the cast. Thanks to this discussion giving Nori a new nickname, I can't look at my mobile phone the same way again! >__<
Jun 12, 2016 8:53 AM

Dec 2015
Not getting any better. But it is still "okay". I hoped it would get better near the end. And yeah ... some more background info got revealed.

But was that supposed to be sad somehow? I think it felt more like a bit forced drama and I did not really feel with the chars. I did not care. But that is mainly because it was about Nori and Katsuhira and all the episodes before it was more about the other chars.

They were chars I did not care about. Bad pacing. Opening is good. Story and char-wise it is still "okay". But far away from Kill La Kill niveau I'd say. Might go with 6 or 7 while I have Kill La Kill at 8. I have been at 7. Might keep it or change it -1 depending on the next episodes. I am sure it won't be 8 or higher for me.
Jun 12, 2016 8:57 AM

May 2009
Darkconfidant7 said:
We see more forced relationships, more unrelated plot lines, more plot convenience, and more plot holes. In other words a pretty standard episode for a train wreck of the season.

And you just throw random buzzwords and expect everyone to eat up your shitty post.
Jun 12, 2016 9:45 AM

Oct 2009
Luthandorius said:
Not getting any better. But it is still "okay". I hoped it would get better near the end. And yeah ... some more background info got revealed.

But was that supposed to be sad somehow? I think it felt more like a bit forced drama and I did not really feel with the chars. I did not care. But that is mainly because it was about Nori and Katsuhira and all the episodes before it was more about the other chars.

They were chars I did not care about. Story and char-wise it is still "okay". But far away from Kill La Kill niveau I'd say. Might go with 6 or 7 while I have Kill La Kill at 8. I have been at 7. Might keep it or change it -1 depending on the next episodes. I am sure it won't be 8 or higher for me.

lmao same. My scores went from initially a 6 to a 7 to an 8, then back to 6 again because of the latest ep and like what you said, mainly because it was about Nokia-chan and Ketshup-kun.

Jun 12, 2016 10:00 AM

Apr 2015
I see why Hisomu was needed. He provides balance

Last scene was strong but the trasition to the ED is shit which ruins the experience a bit.

100% buildup so we'll need to see
Jun 12, 2016 10:25 AM

Jan 2009
God, how will this turn out? This wasn't a happy episode that's for sure, even though there were some hilarious things said a couple of times.

Also kinda surprised the summer's already over in the show, but thinking now - it's a pretty good thing for the pacing, I guess.

Ought to be great next week.
Jun 12, 2016 11:17 AM

Jul 2015
bastek66 said:
Darkconfidant7 said:
We see more forced relationships, more unrelated plot lines, more plot convenience, and more plot holes. In other words a pretty standard episode for a train wreck of the season.

And you just throw random buzzwords and expect everyone to eat up your shitty post.

Spot on, what pass for criticism on this forum is astounding.
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