If you don't remember much of the original I say try it. I thought they would rush it to cover new material ASAP, but the 13 episodes that have been aired so far all cover the same who was covered in the new season of the original anime with some small changes and unadapted material that wasn't there. I watched the original a few years ago and I basically remember the most basic stuff, so for me it's like watching the entire from zero again. The OST is good and Holo is cute too. If you liked the original show I think you will likely like this one.
Ah well, I suppose the reason is just as simple as ''Hey, this is pretty different than the usual popular anime of the season or whatever & and it is written pretty well too!"
People just feel more attached to the more out there kinda shows I guess.
Tatami isn't the deepest show ever or anything, but it more or less nailed what it was going for, as a very aesthetically pleasing bite sized anime; which is pretty cool.
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You must watch peak again. And with that of course I mean re-watching the entire Fate franchise once again.
People just feel more attached to the more out there kinda shows I guess.
Tatami isn't the deepest show ever or anything, but it more or less nailed what it was going for, as a very aesthetically pleasing bite sized anime; which is pretty cool.
Man, I wish people weren't so gatekeepy with these kinds of shows...