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Haikyuu!! Karasuno Koukou vs. Shiratorizawa Gakuen Koukou
Jun 21, 2017 5:56 AM
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Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru.
Feb 28, 2016 10:08 PM
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All Comments (46) Comments
King's Avatar was great. The production values are decent, but the overall writing was impressive. The characters aren't anything too special, but they're enjoyable enough. AoT S2 was great! They did a great job with the adaptation, and I'm happy that the season finally aired. I'm excited for the third season. MHA S2 is easily AOTS, and a candidate for AOTY along with Gintama and Shouwa Genroku S2. MHA is adapting my favorite arcs from the series, and I'm so excited to see them animated.
It was cool to finally get some info on what Whis is, never really thought he'd be regarded as an "angel."
Haha XD.
Wow congrats dude. I have heard great things about Uncharted although I have never played any of the games.
True, the first semester took time to introduce and develop its characters, but the second semester won’t need to do that. I think the series might end by chapter 170-180 (maybe).
Hahaha lol XD. You are right though, stuff like that happens only in anime.
I'm loving the manga and so far the second semester part has being going well. I'm liking how Hishiro's changing as a character. I'm guess the series will end in a year or two though.
Nisekoi had a whole lot of padding to it. If the pacing was improved and all the "filler-ish" moments were cut out, I think the series could have had less that 100 chapters. Agreed, when it solely focuses on the romance aspect, a lot of it feels unoriginal. That being said, even the non-romance parts lacked originality, but they were still fun. There were some chapters that were really enjoyable, despite the fact that plot progression was barely there. Marika's chapters were the funniest of the bunch. I ended up liking almost all the characters though, and yeah, Chitoge got more likable near the end. I would say that Nisekoi was at its best in the first 60-70 chapters, but the chapters after that felt a little lacking. But there were some moments here and there that were quite fun.
From what I've heard, it seems like he's on a vacation or something. He'll come online someday though, lol. Yeah, I was busy with some stuff so I wasn't able to come online for a while. But I'll never vanish permanently XD