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Feb 14, 2016 8:30 PM

Mar 2012
not enough Yume.....

can never have enough Yume.......

gawd dayum she sexy....xD
Feb 14, 2016 8:33 PM

Jun 2013
Ranta is straight up annoying yo! and hold up Mary is being such a bitch because some friend of hers died in a battle like why are they trying to make that seem like a big deal
Feb 14, 2016 8:47 PM

Jul 2009
OurFaketomorrow said:
Mary is best grill.

Why because she likes to grill the others or because she's good with a grill?

LOL i jk, I know it was an innocent typo, it made me laugh though.
Feb 14, 2016 8:50 PM

Apr 2013
Ranta is the best LMAO
Feb 14, 2016 8:52 PM
Aug 2015
I actually saw the new OP stills coming out this episode since there weren't any OP last week. I think.
Feb 14, 2016 9:11 PM

Jan 2015
shuryukan said:
Mascera said:
Now that you mention it, I guess she more resemble Shihoru than Mary. Looking at the short hair and its pattern. BUT WAIT... If it's really Shihoru, doesn't it mean that the "current" Shihoru is somehow old? I mean she has white hair, and so far I don't see any hair salon in the Episode. Aah, forget it and also thanks for the new character Info.
where do you see white hair?
At current Shihoru's hair color comparing with that picture of what supposed to be Young Shihoru. It's got White, grey, or whatever color you want to desscribe it at least it's more pale looking than the young one. I guess that's it.
[url=]convert gambar online
Feb 14, 2016 9:38 PM

Jan 2013
Well done episode focusing on Mary
Feb 14, 2016 10:34 PM

Nov 2011
kyle8998 said:
So Mary has a similar story to Manato

Yeah, watching her say that just breaks my heart.
Reminds me of a certain someone on this forums ranting how useless she is...
Yeah im calling you out Deleth.
Hate Keeps me warm
Feb 14, 2016 10:48 PM

Jan 2013
Mascera said:
shuryukan said:
where do you see white hair?
At current Shihoru's hair color comparing with that picture of what supposed to be Young Shihoru. It's got White, grey, or whatever color you want to desscribe it at least it's more pale looking than the young one. I guess that's it.
Are u sure it's not just lighting? Looks purple to me
Feb 14, 2016 10:50 PM
Dec 2013
I really liked this episode compared to the others. Good to get some background on Mary.
Feb 14, 2016 10:55 PM

Jan 2015
shuryukan said:
Mascera said:
At current Shihoru's hair color comparing with that picture of what supposed to be Young Shihoru. It's got White, grey, or whatever color you want to desscribe it at least it's more pale looking than the young one. I guess that's it.
Are u sure it's not just lighting? Looks purple to me
Hhmm... I guess yeah. But no matter how I see it, it's still look paler than the Young Shihoru. Maybe just like you said about lighting or it's just something wrong with my eyes, I don't know.
[url=]convert gambar online
Feb 14, 2016 11:19 PM

Jan 2013
Last week, people be like "DAMN.PROGRESSION.SLOW.AS.A.SNAIL"

And now I'm reading comments about how rushed the episode went....
Feb 14, 2016 11:32 PM

Mar 2015
Omg Grimgar stop giving my feels. I want my heart in one piece and my god i freaking love Mary. XDD
Feb 15, 2016 12:28 AM

Apr 2014
kevkn said:
Last week, people be like "DAMN.PROGRESSION.SLOW.AS.A.SNAIL"

And now I'm reading comments about how rushed the episode went....

What are you talking about? Literally every complaint here is mostly about the slow plot progression.
Feb 15, 2016 12:32 AM

Dec 2015
The behaviors evolutions in this épisode were good enough to go beyond the seemingly lack of imagination of the novel writer. Seriously? Twice the same poor careless priest story in a short lapse? It was disappointing. That explains her battle strategy and her will to avoid relationships but then she decides she won't even share her views on how to fight... then the party will have troubles too, what is the point ? Does she want to prevent the past to happen again or does she work secretly to trigger it again?

The new opening has pretty drawings, but why are they wearing swimsuits? And thosee girls pictures? They could have chose better.
Feb 15, 2016 12:34 AM

Jan 2016
The start of this episode is really funny. We finally get a back story on Mary and she opens up a bit too(slightly). I'd like to see here happy/cheerful but I also like the cold Mary so somewhere in the middle, imo, would be a good fit for the party. Anyway great episode
Feb 15, 2016 12:38 AM

Feb 2013
yay for more Yume's -na :3
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Feb 15, 2016 12:41 AM
Nov 2015
While Mary's backstory was predictable, at least it makes her recent actions make more sense. One of the things I was afraid in this series was characters acting a certain way for no good reason at all (sort of like how tsunderes in a lot of show has no proper reason as to why they act like a tsundere) kind of thing.
Feb 15, 2016 12:51 AM

Aug 2012
So Mary was the same as Manato, willing to do everything even stuff she shouldn't be doing as a healer for the party. The only difference is she wasn't able to defend her party.

Assumed Mary learned to not heal slight wounds through common sense but it was through experience that she learned not to.

Mogzo is finally getting a damn helmet. Now he could go all out. Hopefully he'll start tanking like I've been expecting him too.

The noobs seem to be turning around. Cant wait for the next episode.
Feb 15, 2016 1:19 AM

Jul 2015
i just had a feeling it was something technical related to magic preservation. she would heal people, but would try to dismiss the smaller wounds. i like the realistic components in this fantasy environment
Feb 15, 2016 1:21 AM

Sep 2013
This episode was pretty good,we understand why Mary is like that now but what chocked me is that she said in the flash back that she was out of mana,in this universe they dont have mana potions or something like that?Or maybe its expensive who know...
Deep dark fantasies
Feb 15, 2016 1:30 AM

May 2009
This anime makes me remember way back when I was in high school playing mmorpg game (SAO, Log Horizon & etc fails to do so).

It's great that they learn about priest tho, priest should not be in front line. They should learn more about each other classes too.

Yume best girl confirm.
Feb 15, 2016 2:24 AM
Jul 2007
yuliyana29 said:
Haruhiro's reaction to Ranta's loudness and annoyance pretty much sums up mine to Ranta. I hate that brat! Just die already!

Amen to that. I really want to see him get owned. I feel Haruhiko's party is very n00by. Other groups seem to progress much faster to higher ranks. They don't understand what a tank or backline job is, so these n00bs keep yelling at a pro healer to over heal and tank mobs... pathetic. Clearly this group is not playing the 'game' properly.
Feb 15, 2016 3:28 AM

Jan 2014
rsc-pl said:
Z4k said:

People were talking about Mary since episode 1 and I still don't see why everyone likes her so much. I'm genuinely curious how anyone can even stand her when she's annoying just as much as Ranta. Not even that 5 minute predictable backstory with a bunch of stills redeems her character

Thanks God I'm not the only one. Exactly my thoughts about her.
Same here.

I don't give a fuck about her circumstances: they might be sad but that's no excuse for her shitty attitude. She's essentially been acting like a bitch, B.I.C.T.H. (and in that order) and not much else thus far; I really don't see how little sob story is supposed to make up for her being genuinely mean with every single fucking member of the party. Even goddam Ranta almost seems tolerable compared to her.
Emotional distance is fine, but that? That's just being a gigantic turd. But it's alright folks; since she's a cute girl with a tear-jerking backstory, all shall be forgiven and forgotten by next week.

Fuck it, I didn't like this episode.

ps: also RIP in pepperoni, Grimgar budget: that little sequence around the 14:30 mark was all kinds of not awesome.
SapewlothFeb 15, 2016 3:33 AM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Feb 15, 2016 3:41 AM

Nov 2013
I thought that Grimgar was doing a pretty good job with Mary: as soon as it was shown that she wouldn't heal every minor wound, and that she would still protect her teammates, I immediately thought "she ran out of mana once and it had disastrous consequences", so I expected the show to use this as a way to subtly and slowly bring Mary closer to the group. Maybe she could have jumped in on a conversation about Manato, by saying something insightful about loss... or whatever, and the others would have started picking up hints in order to understand her.

... and then I realized that I was giving too much credit to a show that feels obligated to make a flat-chest joke every episode.
Like... a sappy backstory about characters I don't care about, told by other characters that I don't care about? For real?
Feb 15, 2016 3:49 AM
Aug 2008
The animation took a nosedive.

The framing also changed...

It's as if they selected the most efficient frame for each scene (in term of animation)
Feb 15, 2016 4:32 AM

Dec 2014
I kinda like slow pacing but on a side note seeing Mary in a different light now
Feb 15, 2016 4:59 AM

Jul 2015
Thai777 said:
I have a question... from her backstory, didn't Mary buy a soldier badge after 10 days with her former party? Why did she become a volunteer soldier again?

She is a volunteer soldier.... a oficial one, the rest of the party are just trainees... you need to buy you badge to become a norval volunteer soldier, so you can it's benifits.(like don't pay for those rooms that they live).
Feb 15, 2016 5:31 AM
Emerald Tempest

Jul 2009
I would suffer so much being in party with Ranta, I can't handle bratty, loud people.

Mary's backstory was expected to be something like that, but it was still sad to see what happened to her. Hopefully she warms up to the group over time.
Feb 15, 2016 6:32 AM

Jan 2014
Inugirlz said:
OurFaketomorrow said:
Mary is best grill.

Why because she likes to grill the others or because she's good with a grill?

LOL i jk, I know it was an innocent typo, it made me laugh though.
that wasnt a typo: 'grill' is a pretty popular way to intentionally (mis)spell 'girl' on the Internet.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Feb 15, 2016 6:40 AM
Mar 2010
Yume is pretty annoying with her cutesy gestures and speaking tone... >.<
Feb 15, 2016 7:00 AM

Nov 2014
Loved the piano music on the last part.
Feb 15, 2016 7:02 AM

Aug 2014
Well, that was predictable. I had hoped Mary's reason for being standoffish wasn't because of a previous party being annihilated, but eh... I'm not that upset, it's how it usually goes with these types of characters.

Not much to say about this episode, except that Haruhiro seems to be slowly adapting to being a leader. While I don't mind the slower pace, it'd be nice if some actual plot was presented. Yes, I know that it will happen eventually, but I really don't want it to suddenly appear in the last episode as if saying: "welp, that's that, better go read the novel, huh?"

By the way, is it just me, or is Yume using "na" in her sentences waaaay too much? It's becoming annoying.

I actually thought the ED would change Manato with Mary, but I guess not.


Shrimperor said:
It was better then the other epsiodes na, but still a little slow na. Can it move a little faster na?
And Haruhiro x Yume OTP na, and Santa is a Jerk na.

Apparently it isn't just me...

Stark700 said:
Hmm, it was okay, another slow episode though.

You still haven't figured out that all of the episodes are going to be with this exact pace? It's a story that for the most part focuses on the characters and the simplest interactions between them.
MaledictFeb 15, 2016 7:12 AM
~||Sky of the Night Light||~
Feb 15, 2016 8:02 AM

Jun 2015
Dab1za9 said:

Z4k said:
Lots of derps in the art quality this episode. Geez get a grip of yourself A-1. That's two episodes in a row.

The episode was outsourced, i guess A-1 cant keep up with this and Erased in one season.

derp, pretty background >>>> quality animation

Feb 15, 2016 8:40 AM
Jul 2015
PowerTearer said:
Dab1za9 said:

The episode was outsourced, i guess A-1 cant keep up with this and Erased in one season.

derp, pretty background >>>> quality animation

I also prefer when the show focus on its Art more than the animation but at least don't make it that bad.
Feb 15, 2016 9:35 AM
Sep 2013
Healer OOM, the bane of any raid party.

I'm glad that the MC asked everyone else to tag along, preventing this from being another shitty wish-fulfillment harem where the world revolves around the MC.

As much as I'm enjoying this series, I seriously hope its not only 13 episodes, cuz they're not gonna be able to get anywhere with that. I don't really care that there's no grand overarching plot, I can fully enjoy the series just focusing on developing the characters and learning more about that world, but if they're going that route, it has to be long.
Feb 15, 2016 9:42 AM

Jan 2014
I can see why people like Mary now.

She presents a very interesting dynamic and I like how it's influencing the group in some way. There's a lot more involvement, I guess I can say.

Haruhiro's internal struggle is one we've all seen a thousand times. I just hope they resolve that in a unique way, otherwise this show's asking for a good spank in the ass.

Well, we'll see what happens next week. (Or tonight, if I decide to read the novels)
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Feb 15, 2016 9:46 AM

Apr 2015
I just hate when an anime has really irritating and pointless characters, like Ranta. Seriously though, that pathetic conversation about the misunderstanding that were probably made for comedy by the author, actually made me want to drop the series even before the opening started (-_-)

Oh my Manato's ghost appear. Wow, the new priestess becomes softer. So interesting and unpredictable. This anime feels like a really bad...idk...a really bad anime? At this point I don't even understand what "the game" element does in the plot or any other element. There is no progression really. What if Ranta dies (I really hope it will happen btw :3), will the story start from the beginning?

And of course, let me guess, Mary will become a lot friendlier in the next episode. Is it a spoiler?
Feb 15, 2016 9:52 AM

Oct 2013
Good episode.
However the sound and animation still sucks. Quite a few times I wondered if the video got stuck because there was no movement (especially between "Mary, you have a set way in how you work as a healer" and her "What?". The pause was way too long). It's really cheap.
And the background music during Mary story... It was supposed to make the mood but for me it was just a distraction.

I liked how Mary acted when goblin appeared out of nowhere - it shows she actually has head on her shoulders and can be flexible.
Although I am not exactly sure what happened. The scenes were changing way too fast.

The action is too slow when it should be faster (like when they stare blankly somewhere and nothing happens except for music playing in background) but when there is actually some action we only get blink of eye worth snapshots and have to guess whats going on. Honestly... They save money on animators.

Mary story was predictable and actually made me like her less. The old her was way too cheerful. What's up with female characters in this anime? I am thankful for what happened to her. She might be irritating now but at least she doesn't use those happy go lucky face expressions anymore.

Erneste said:


if only she wasn't so autistic

How is she autistic?
Feb 15, 2016 10:01 AM

May 2009
Kiriae88 said:
Good episode.
However the sound and animation still sucks. Quite a few times I wondered if the video got stuck because there was no movement (especially between "Mary, you have a set way in how you work as a healer" and her "What?". The pause was way too long). It's really cheap.
And the background music during Mary story... It was supposed to make the mood but for me it was just a distraction.

I liked how Mary acted when goblin appeared out of nowhere - it shows she actually has head on her shoulders and can be flexible.
Although I am not exactly sure what happened. The scenes were changing way too fast.

The action is too slow when it should be faster (like when they stare blankly somewhere and nothing happens except for music playing in background) but when there is actually some action we only get blink of eye worth snapshots and have to guess whats going on. Honestly... They save money on animators.

Mary story was predictable and actually made me like her less. The old her was way too cheerful. What's up with female characters in this anime? I am thankful for what happened to her. She might be irritating now but at least she doesn't use those happy go lucky face expressions anymore.

Erneste said:


if only she wasn't so autistic

How is she autistic?

Autistic means nothing these days. It's just deregatory term when someone has problems with describing character with intention to shit on them.
Feb 15, 2016 10:02 AM

Jun 2015
Dab1za9 said:

I also prefer when the show focus on its Art more than the animation but at least don't make it that bad.

Outsourced from cheaper Korean animation studio maybe?

Kiriae88 said:

How is she autistic?

Sore de ne, Yume wa........ soshite sore de ne........ ato sore de ne....... XD
Feb 15, 2016 11:25 AM

Dec 2011
Ugh, Ranta gives me a headache as soon as he opens his mouth. So loud & annoying...
Feb 15, 2016 12:10 PM

Jul 2015
Ehhhh, hopefully this becomes a little more... charming?
Feb 15, 2016 1:27 PM

Jun 2014
pablomc said:
Thai777 said:
I have a question... from her backstory, didn't Mary buy a soldier badge after 10 days with her former party? Why did she become a volunteer soldier again?

She is a volunteer soldier.... a oficial one, the rest of the party are just trainees... you need to buy you badge to become a norval volunteer soldier, so you can it's benifits.(like don't pay for those rooms that they live).

Oh so they are trainee and she is a volunteer soldier? I got lost for a little bit, I see I see.
Feb 15, 2016 2:14 PM

May 2009
This is such a great show, and a good episode as always. It's a little slow, but I'm enjoying every moment of it, which is always a good sign.

Mary's past explains it in my opinion... it must be devastating, a wonder she continued coop at all. I don't like her attitude at all, but I think I could understand better now.
Too bad I have to wait a week for the next ep :)
Feb 15, 2016 3:28 PM

Aug 2015
The start of this episode was kind of funny. We also learn more about mary, I really like btw.
Feb 15, 2016 3:29 PM

Jul 2009
Sapewloth said:
Inugirlz said:

Why because she likes to grill the others or because she's good with a grill?

LOL i jk, I know it was an innocent typo, it made me laugh though.
that wasnt a typo: 'grill' is a pretty popular way to intentionally (mis)spell 'girl' on the Internet.

You're joking right? Well anyway i went to urban dictionary to check and the 3rd entry says "What nerdy virgins call a girl." OurFaketomorrow are you a nerdy virgin lol?

I don't know about "common" first time i've ever seen that and I'm on the internet 24/7, must be visiting the wrong forums.
Feb 15, 2016 3:31 PM
Jan 2016
Rei366 said:
The behaviors evolutions in this épisode were good enough to go beyond the seemingly lack of imagination of the novel writer. Seriously? Twice the same poor careless priest story in a short lapse? It was disappointing. That explains her battle strategy and her will to avoid relationships but then she decides she won't even share her views on how to fight... then the party will have troubles too, what is the point ? Does she want to prevent the past to happen again or does she work secretly to trigger it again?

The new opening has pretty drawings, but why are they wearing swimsuits? And thosee girls pictures? They could have chose better.

She's been in many parties thereafter. They all kicked her without giving her a chance; of course she isn't going to be that open-hearted or wanting others to get close to her.

You guys are just way too hard to please.

Characters that just are random-acting and rash? No backstory, superficial, one-dimensional.

Characters with at least some exposition and backstory for their development? Too cliche, boring.

Characters with some complex past? Too many flashbacks. Trying too hard to be pretentious.

Plot that talks and talks? Slow, too slow, snail-pace, I have no attention span.

Plot with all action protagonists that defeat a villain and another villain and another villain? Too cliche, no plot, same high school kids taking over the world crap.

A side-kick character that always acts the way he was made to and a few sexual remarks made by teenagers? Ugh, too much fanservice. Lame.

A kid with superb intelligence, magical abilities and everything? So unrealistic, pandering to a specific audience that fetishizes kids.

This anime has X, Y, Z tropes. It's sooooo unoriginal. What other anime does not have tropes? What plot has not been done yet? Would it still be anime if it didn't have those tropes that make it anime?

Seriously, just watch something else if it is unbecoming enough to cause you great agony and boredom.

The only other decent show I found this season was the suspenseful-thrilling mystery 'time' phenomena anime.
Feb 15, 2016 3:36 PM

Jan 2014
Inugirlz said:
Sapewloth said:
that wasnt a typo: 'grill' is a pretty popular way to intentionally (mis)spell 'girl' on the Internet.

You're joking right? Well anyway i went to urban dictionary to check and the 3rd entry says "What nerdy virgins call a girl." OurFaketomorrow are you a nerdy virgin lol?

I don't know about "common" first time i've ever seen that and I'm on the internet 24/7, must be visiting the wrong forums.
Welp, no, i'm not. The fact remains that it wasn't a typo ^^" (you know, just like 'dood' instead of dude or 'naab' instead of 'noob')
I've seen the word used quite a bit around these parts.
SapewlothFeb 15, 2016 3:40 PM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Feb 15, 2016 4:04 PM

Jan 2013
Sapewloth said:
rsc-pl said:

Thanks God I'm not the only one. Exactly my thoughts about her.
Same here.

I don't give a fuck about her circumstances: they might be sad but that's no excuse for her shitty attitude. She's essentially been acting like a bitch, B.I.C.T.H. (and in that order) and not much else thus far; I really don't see how little sob story is supposed to make up for her being genuinely mean with every single fucking member of the party. Even goddam Ranta almost seems tolerable compared to her.
Emotional distance is fine, but that? That's just being a gigantic turd. But it's alright folks; since she's a cute girl with a tear-jerking backstory, all shall be forgiven and forgotten by next week.

Fuck it, I didn't like this episode.

ps: also RIP in pepperoni, Grimgar budget: that little sequence around the 14:30 mark was all kinds of not awesome.

You're missing the point.

She wasn't being mean. We're seeing the plot through Haruhiro's eyes. This episode was about Haruhiro coming to terms with his role as a leader, and actually paying attention to the other people in his party. If you consider her saying "Don't care" when someone asked her what her favorite food was, I'd think you're thinking of the wrong word. That's being dismissive. Being mean would be saying something like "oh you like chocolate, that reminds me of shit every time I see it. I hate it." I don't know. I need practice being mean.

Mary's just being dismissive. You can tell because Yume and Shihoru don't particularly dislike her, and Shihoru's still trying to be considerate of her.

Mary only comes off as mean because she doesn't want to form any close bonds, but she can't help but protect people given the opportunity.

If Mary was a guy I would've had a better opinion of that character because of this episode.
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