“A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.”
― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
oh rock climbing thats pretty neat
guess i have to train my fingers more often then my grip strength also needs to improve
btw are you in hs or college?
either way i wish you ultra good luck and im sure you can overcome whatever you're having problems with soon since you got anime on your side AYAYA Clap
nothing fun tbh there aren't many good anime this season
attack on titans s3 part 2 is amazing, opm s2 is a letdown FeelsBadMan
other than those,im craving for sarazanmai (which basically is a fusion of penguindrum and flip flapper) but its ended already PepeHands
summer season is even worse i think, the only two shows i might watch are vinland saga and dr.stone
well, any insight on the next wave of seasonals :pog: ?
ayy finally
its a long trip for me peeposad
but ay im out of the cave now!
and thanks for your wish it was a gainful hiatus FeelsGoodMan Clap
@the conv
climbing! POG
you mean climbing mountains right? are you referring to the competitive one or the casual one?
im not really sure if youre talking about rockclimbing
injuried knees monkaOMEGA
but ay its been months im sure youre fine now right?
anyway good luck!!!
well its been a while since we talked is everything going well in your life? i hope so notkappa
and ive spotted some gems on your last updated list POG
hows graves of the fireflies?
its quite a touching movie isnt it
DUN DUN DUN... I swear I'm a human sponge I soak up what everyone says ooof !!
That’s a tough question I think about on a daily basis but can’t answer since i’m not sure:( I remember I used to have a passion for the arts but I sort of lost that touch over the past years. I guess i’m a bit of a lost person rn aha.
Hmm tbh the only goal I have in mind rn is to quickly get a decent or good paying job that will be able to support myself and my parents. but even if I do manage to reach my goal, it still feels like i hit a dead end because it’s like “now what?” I understand why people have been telling me not to do something i probably won’t enjoy because i’ll just burn out and if somehow, I do manage to finish, i’ll just live hating my job for the rest of my life.. but my dumb self won’t listen rn…
That’s a very smart and stable plan:0 it seems like many engineers seem to have a similar mindset. You guys are all a bunch of hard workers:3 But I think it will work out for you! the outcome (travelling!) after all that gruelling work is definitely gonna feel rewarding I’ll hope the best for youc:
Aww dude that sucks:(( are you taking internships or coop or just summer courses probably?
p.s you really got me thinking in this reply and so, I really appreciate it peco<3
omg recently i've been using dundundun a lot when texting and on mal and idk where i caught it from but now i know... DUN DUN DUN
...hmmm... maybec:....
hard question! ack the truth is, i'm not necessarily interested in them but rn tech, business jobs are all in demand so I guess i'm stuck there,-, i think i'm setting myself up for failure but oof i'll just pray for now that I won't burn out
dangg engineering!!:0 how do you like it so far? i guess your schedule must be very packed!!
grrr you parasite u better start it soon before it leaves on netflixxx!!!
yesyes i'm super excited for you!! I forced 3 of my friends to watch it and they loved it:P aha i'm not in uni yet but hopefully next fall i'll either by studying cs or business
what do you study?
Haha, I have a similar line of thoughts, I think at least? I don't see La Dispute as music I listen to to entertain myself, or have in the background while I'm working. They create a story, an experience, and it's something I need to dedicate myself to to get "the most out of it". It doesn't really help that almost all of their songs are sad, but that's the appeal too in a way. I tend to enjoy songs I can relate to more than the ones I can't, I suppose it's the same for you judging from your picks, all of which are great songs tbh!
The new album is good! The mix on the vocals is so low and that annoys me, obviously, I seriously don't think they gained anything by making them so low compared to the instruments. I like hearing Jordan's voice tbh, make it louder!
But man listening to it was a wild ride for me. At first I had a feeling it was somewhat impersonal since the narrator wasn't the one faced with a tragedy like it often is. He's either a complete spectator or the protagonist of the story, but they've successfully shown the impact of loving someone who's suffering.
There were a lot of good tracks! It starts out strong with Fulton Street I, then it slows down a bit and I gotta admit I wasn't impressed by those too much, but by the end with Footsteps at the Pond, There You Are (Hiding Place) and finally You Ascendant I was sold. You Ascendant might be my favorite. It's such a strong, well-rounded song and such a great way to finish the album.
What about you? Have you had a chance to listen to it a bit more? What are your thoughts? :D
All Comments (334) Comments
― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
gachi HYPER im always strong gachiHYPER
oh rock climbing thats pretty neat
guess i have to train my fingers more often then my grip strength also needs to improve
btw are you in hs or college?
either way i wish you ultra good luck and im sure you can overcome whatever you're having problems with soon since you got anime on your side AYAYA Clap
nothing fun tbh there aren't many good anime this season
attack on titans s3 part 2 is amazing, opm s2 is a letdown FeelsBadMan
other than those,im craving for sarazanmai (which basically is a fusion of penguindrum and flip flapper) but its ended already PepeHands
summer season is even worse i think, the only two shows i might watch are vinland saga and dr.stone
well, any insight on the next wave of seasonals :pog: ?
btw haHAA i finished shouwa genroku recently POG
I like you
ayy finally
its a long trip for me peeposad
but ay im out of the cave now!
and thanks for your wish it was a gainful hiatus FeelsGoodMan Clap
@the conv
climbing! POG
you mean climbing mountains right? are you referring to the competitive one or the casual one?
im not really sure if youre talking about rockclimbing
injuried knees monkaOMEGA
but ay its been months im sure youre fine now right?
anyway good luck!!!
well its been a while since we talked is everything going well in your life? i hope so notkappa
and ive spotted some gems on your last updated list POG
hows graves of the fireflies?
its quite a touching movie isnt it
That’s a tough question I think about on a daily basis but can’t answer since i’m not sure:( I remember I used to have a passion for the arts but I sort of lost that touch over the past years. I guess i’m a bit of a lost person rn aha.
Hmm tbh the only goal I have in mind rn is to quickly get a decent or good paying job that will be able to support myself and my parents. but even if I do manage to reach my goal, it still feels like i hit a dead end because it’s like “now what?” I understand why people have been telling me not to do something i probably won’t enjoy because i’ll just burn out and if somehow, I do manage to finish, i’ll just live hating my job for the rest of my life.. but my dumb self won’t listen rn…
That’s a very smart and stable plan:0 it seems like many engineers seem to have a similar mindset. You guys are all a bunch of hard workers:3 But I think it will work out for you! the outcome (travelling!) after all that gruelling work is definitely gonna feel rewarding I’ll hope the best for youc:
Aww dude that sucks:(( are you taking internships or coop or just summer courses probably?
p.s you really got me thinking in this reply and so, I really appreciate it peco<3
...hmmm... maybec:....
hard question! ack the truth is, i'm not necessarily interested in them but rn tech, business jobs are all in demand so I guess i'm stuck there,-, i think i'm setting myself up for failure but oof i'll just pray for now that I won't burn out
dangg engineering!!:0 how do you like it so far? i guess your schedule must be very packed!!
yesyes i'm super excited for you!! I forced 3 of my friends to watch it and they loved it:P aha i'm not in uni yet but hopefully next fall i'll either by studying cs or business
what do you study?
The new album is good! The mix on the vocals is so low and that annoys me, obviously, I seriously don't think they gained anything by making them so low compared to the instruments. I like hearing Jordan's voice tbh, make it louder!
But man listening to it was a wild ride for me. At first I had a feeling it was somewhat impersonal since the narrator wasn't the one faced with a tragedy like it often is. He's either a complete spectator or the protagonist of the story, but they've successfully shown the impact of loving someone who's suffering.
There were a lot of good tracks! It starts out strong with Fulton Street I, then it slows down a bit and I gotta admit I wasn't impressed by those too much, but by the end with Footsteps at the Pond, There You Are (Hiding Place) and finally You Ascendant I was sold. You Ascendant might be my favorite. It's such a strong, well-rounded song and such a great way to finish the album.
What about you? Have you had a chance to listen to it a bit more? What are your thoughts? :D