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Aug 21, 2012 1:54 AM

Oct 2011
The idea of a desire should be clearly defined in Kokoro Connect, or it would cause much speculation. So I'd like to be the one.

The portrayal of desires being unleashed is very nicely done in the anime, as shown as voices that gave a SHORT(key point) burst of emotion. I'm sure most of you realized, but the desires itself are not a full thought. People feel what is bothering them in a very immediate situation. Whatever bothers them RIGHT NOW would be their desire.
Take an example: A is arguing about some legitimate topics (politics, science, etc) and B disagrees with A. A knows B is absolutely wrong and lets say his/her desire to get B right is unleashed. B still resists A's reasons and rebuts.Now most likely A wants B to listen to him/her, therefore A's desire CHANGES into "subdue 'enemy'".
The immediate emotion and intention would be washed away by an aggressive longing of "LISTEN TO ME".

So desires change during the middle of an unleash, usually not for the better. That is why when couples argue, they get really off topic and eventually won't even know what they are arguing about.

Then it comes to the part of portrayal.
People talk. We have this thing called language that we communicate with, but is it perfect?
You see, we have this subconscious longing for flowery speech, repetition bores our brain and it reaches a point when it simply rejects the mundane message. We also have a crudeness department in language, swearing and other horrible matters.
When you really want to prove a point or have a desire to do so, the fastest approach our brain takes is to be aggressive and crude. Dominance wins the battle.Thought also gets really simple. This is the worst combination that could happen, for not only do you NOT pass on the message, but you offend people personally.

I hope the above cleared any confusion on feelings and desires. They are short, bursts, and they tend to be mistranslated through human speech ALL THE FREAKING TIME. Half of the desires the characters in KC are not even their true thought, even though they are convinced that they are..

PS. I <3 Inaba
Hello :D
Aug 21, 2012 4:55 AM

Mar 2012
Good episode.. I'm still waiting for Iori's desire to be unleashed, i mean I want an interesting scene, not just shouting in the middle of the class.. :D
Aug 21, 2012 4:45 PM

Sep 2011
I totally love Inaba. She has a headstrong personality on the outside, but it seems pretty clear that she's probably the most fragile of the cast. Like Inaba, I find it seriously hard to trust my friends and the people I love. It may seem like a really small thing to be worrying about, but to the person who feels that way, it's not. It's tough living in a world where you can't trust anybody. The person's inner feelings begin bottling up, and that's when they're about to break down.

I don't like Taichi at all, and one of the reasons is because he tends to assume things, like, he thinks he can just butt into peoples' problems and save them, and he often does so by seeing said person's outer problems / persona. He doesn't really examine a problem before going into it. For example, when Inaba mentioned she can't trust her friends, I can tell she has more depth to it (seeing how she hasn't gotten over it yet). Taichi thinks it's all over when Inaba can confess to her friends. Well, actually, now that I think about it, all Inaba did was tell her friends. She never began trusting them, though.

Another example is with Yui. She has androphobia. Taichi thinks he can fix it by giving her a defence mechanism. Well, according to the last episode, that didn't seem to help much. So I agree with whoever said that Taichi never completely pulls through. However, if that's the case, then why does he bother risking his life? It's better to help a person completely break out of their fears, isn't it? I can understand that it's also better for that person to only have a little push to overcome their fears themselves, though, but I can't see if that's what Taichi's doing or not.

And yet another example is when Iori was on "the brink of death". Taichi never looked at the problem deeply enough. It was obvious Iori would never forgive herself for letting somebody else die in her body. Even though the situation was a shock to them, I still think people would be, well, 'conscious enough' to understand THAT much.
Aug 21, 2012 4:46 PM

Apr 2012
Demigodrickli said:
The idea of a desire should be clearly defined in Kokoro Connect, or it would cause much speculation. So I'd like to be the one.

The portrayal of desires being unleashed is very nicely done in the anime, as shown as voices that gave a SHORT(key point) burst of emotion. I'm sure most of you realized, but the desires itself are not a full thought. People feel what is bothering them in a very immediate situation. Whatever bothers them RIGHT NOW would be their desire.
Take an example: A is arguing about some legitimate topics (politics, science, etc) and B disagrees with A. A knows B is absolutely wrong and lets say his/her desire to get B right is unleashed. B still resists A's reasons and rebuts.Now most likely A wants B to listen to him/her, therefore A's desire CHANGES into "subdue 'enemy'".
The immediate emotion and intention would be washed away by an aggressive longing of "LISTEN TO ME".

A desire might be expressed strongly like the reactions of the characters in Kokoro Connect; however, defining desires as such is misleading. I also initially believed that Heartseed was removing a person's self control when their strong desire popped up. Taichi and Inaba prove that hypothesis incorrect: both argue succiently and rationally (without concern for the others' feelings) their point under Heartseed's influence. How would it be possible to express oneself rationally while being emotionally high? What I instead think you mean is that desires are tied with one's welfare. The stronger desires, the ones the five express through Heartseed's influence, tend to be ultra crucial to their own welfare. Taichi had a intense desire (felt the need to rest his body over his sister's shouts) to fall asleep. Taichi had an intense desire (he needs to help Yui to feel good about himself despite hurting Inaba's feelings and not understanding her problems) to scold Inaba. In both instances, Taichi would have normally calculated his welfare differently, realizing that his strong desire to help Yui should take into consideration his desire to not hurt Inaba. Instead Taichi pursued his single desire to its conclusion. Heartseed doesn't play with one's normal urges, but rather, desires crucial to one's own welfare.

MissileSoup said:
Calling Taichi fake is indeed a matter of definition, but I don't agree that Taichi's altruism is of a degree opposite of Inaba's. They merely have different approaches. Disregarding that point, I disagree with what you said about altruism. First of all, I didn't deny the existence of altruism, and your example doesn't prove the existence of psychological altruism. In the proposed case, why are you saving the child? Stated again, what is the motivation, "doing the right thing"? This supposed value system, is it not ultimately set by oneself? Unless you're claiming it's biologically inherent, it's not too different from Taichi. By your definition of non-selfish, consider Taichi's case. Does his acts benefit others more than they benefit himself? You can say it does not, but he genuinely thinks it does. Is his self-satisfaction more or less then what the others receive from him? While her core problem isn't completely solved, Yui certainly feels that Taichi has helped her sufficiently. As does Iori. I don't think you can weigh that. His methods may be wrong, but altruism is within oneself. That's why I attributed it to his inexperience, and why I don't find your reason the more likely one. He may not have put his something he values above helping others, but considering the things he value, that doesn't really make him any less altruistic. As for Inaba's reasons for avoiding the group now, I would hesitate to make conclusions until later, unless there was something substantial that I missed.

I'm really not qualified to argue about the existence of psychological altruism, but many arguments seem to indicate its existence. For that, I would refer one to the Egoism article on the Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy. What I wish to emphasis is that Inaba's desire to help others is different from Tachi's desire to help others. Ultimately, it is difficult to use some form of consequence as a basis for altruism. Rather, altruism depends on one's intentions. Inaba desires the welfare of the other four because that is the only thing that holds her together. Taichi, on the other hand, only desires the perception of welfare of the other four to satisfy his natural desire to help others. Dumb Taichi only goes as far as to solve the girls' problems temporarily, but never seeks to understand and solve their deeper problems. By opposite, I meant that Inaba seeks to solve the girls' problems by understanding them; whereas, Taichi needs to be spoon-fed about the girls' problems and their symptoms. If he really desires to solve others' problems and not just problems he perceives, shouldn't he go out of his way to understand Yui's insecurities, Inaba's trust issues and Iori's identity crisis instead of indulging in some masochism, revelations and sophistry. I might have to concede that Taichi does so because of his inexperience, but that doesn't excuse him, especially since he has no qualms about Inaba's 'selfless freak' labeling of him.
Aug 21, 2012 5:10 PM

Jul 2012
So basically Heartseed just removed the limiter of behaviour i.e. the frontal cortex of the brain. The rest is just happening normally. He isn't actually the one controlling the time when hidden desires come to the surface but rather the intensity of an emotion at a particular point in time.

Inaba was just scolding Yui like she normally does but she got more infuriated with Yui answers and since there's no behavioural limiter in place to control emotions the hidden desire (she sees yui as a crybaby) was triggered by her frustration.

Taichi's gets switched on whenever he's feels helpless and frustrated that he can't save the day.
Aug 22, 2012 12:29 AM

Nov 2011
s2012k1993 said:

The psychology, as well as philosophy, behind atruism is quite a popular debate, with insufficient substantial evidence to tip the scale either way. I'm just leaning towards psychological egoism. As for your other other points, if you want to label Taichi's approach to dealing with the girls' problems as fake and opposite to that of Inaba's, fair enough. I can agree with that. That is indeed a significant contrast between the two. I was more addressing the source of their altruism, rather than the result. Using your words, Inaba desires the welfare of others because it's the only thing that holds her together, and Taichi desires the welfare (ignoring "perception of" temporarily) of others to satisfy his desire to help others. The altruism of both, while different, are motivated by selfish desires, and on that point is where I consider them similar. Labeling Taichi's desires here as fake, while Inaba's as real, is where I would disagree. But that's because I deny (until I'm shown something more substantial) a correlation between his motivation and his methods. That is, I don't consider his malpractice of altruism as taking away from his selflessness. While interesting, I suppose this topic ran sufficiently tangential to the rest of the discussion. I can hardly recall the specific content of their conversations at this point. Ultimately, I don't find neither characters enough to despise, and my initial intention was merely to address the misconceptions of Inaba.
MissileSoupAug 22, 2012 12:33 AM
Aug 22, 2012 1:24 PM

Aug 2008
-Tsukkomi said:
I totally love Inaba. She has a headstrong personality on the outside, but it seems pretty clear that she's probably the most fragile of the cast. Like Inaba, I find it seriously hard to trust my friends and the people I love. It may seem like a really small thing to be worrying about, but to the person who feels that way, it's not. It's tough living in a world where you can't trust anybody. The person's inner feelings begin bottling up, and that's when they're about to break down.

I don't like Taichi at all, and one of the reasons is because he tends to assume things, like, he thinks he can just butt into peoples' problems and save them, and he often does so by seeing said person's outer problems / persona. He doesn't really examine a problem before going into it. For example, when Inaba mentioned she can't trust her friends, I can tell she has more depth to it (seeing how she hasn't gotten over it yet). Taichi thinks it's all over when Inaba can confess to her friends. Well, actually, now that I think about it, all Inaba did was tell her friends. She never began trusting them, though.

Another example is with Yui. She has androphobia. Taichi thinks he can fix it by giving her a defence mechanism. Well, according to the last episode, that didn't seem to help much. So I agree with whoever said that Taichi never completely pulls through. However, if that's the case, then why does he bother risking his life? It's better to help a person completely break out of their fears, isn't it? I can understand that it's also better for that person to only have a little push to overcome their fears themselves, though, but I can't see if that's what Taichi's doing or not.

And yet another example is when Iori was on "the brink of death". Taichi never looked at the problem deeply enough. It was obvious Iori would never forgive herself for letting somebody else die in her body. Even though the situation was a shock to them, I still think people would be, well, 'conscious enough' to understand THAT much.

I can't agree. I'm the complete opposite, I myself relate more to Taichi. But I can't relate to Inaba(much anyways).

The way I see it is that you just don't like him because he helps them but not completely solve their problem. I think what he's doing is fine, Taichi did help them. Although it wasn't all the way, he did what he could. No one said it was his job
KenjuAug 22, 2012 1:29 PM

Aug 22, 2012 8:11 PM

Jul 2012
I love the intense discussions that heat up over these episodes. It really shows how far people are willing to dig into the story and characters to get more out of it.

This series is great at separating drama from melodrama, and not having out of place comedy. Another fantastic episode. 5/5 Next week seems to be heating up.
Aug 23, 2012 9:36 AM

Jul 2012
ihateeveryone said:
I love the intense discussions that heat up over these episodes. It really shows how far people are willing to dig into the story and characters to get more out of it.

This series is great at separating drama from melodrama, and not having out of place comedy. Another fantastic episode. 5/5 Next week seems to be heating up.

I know, right? It's definitely one of those shows that makes you think, sometimes well beyond the characters and story. The argument between Taichi and Inaba is a conflict of ideology as opposed to who's right and who's wrong. What I like about it is that it's all suggestive; in the presence of the unknown, there is no one right way of going about it.

Even the phenomena itself is a great topic for discussion, ie. is unhibited inhibitions truly who you really are? I personally believe during the episode when they act out, it really is what they feel. However, while I believe it is their true self, it's not the whole truth. For example, I believe Inaba really did feel that Yui is irresponsible by shutting herself away like that, but I highly doubt that's all she feels about it. Empathy, jealousy, and concern might be among the numerous feelings one can have at the time, none of which are spoken aloud. Anger was probably the dominant feeling Inaba had, but that's not to say she wasn't also worried and a little bit jealous at the same time.
Aug 23, 2012 11:41 PM
Jul 2018
Another great episode. And when I started watching this series, I thought they would be body-swapping the whole series. But this new factor of having their desires unleashed has been great and really interesting. The way this show is so emotionally driven is just great. Love it!

Epic "Yahoo!" and sleep mode this episode.

I really wonder what's going to happen with everyone and what sort of things they might do without being in control. It seems like the group is slowly getting tore apart.

And Taichi's little sister continues to be epic cuteness.
Aug 24, 2012 3:53 AM

Nov 2010
episode kinda boring, i am getting tired of them over-dramatizing things, sooooo long, dropped...
have fun guys

Over-dramatizing things? Sorry, I am contaminated by heartseed and can't resist a desire to see your profile and laugh when I saw the title of one of your top anime.

Okay ,I'll stop that.

Aside of that, I guess I will love to hear Kokoro Connect BGM album. A lot of BGM played right, without that I could see many people will see the script to be much more forced than what we enjoy right now. Gotta props for that.
Aug 25, 2012 10:52 AM

May 2011

Iori's awesome, lol.

I'm starting to see why Heartseed does what he does; these tense situations are so captivating. Can't wait to see what happens next episode, "Then There Were None."
Aug 26, 2012 4:07 AM
Jan 2010
Turn your back on a friend, will you? WELL I'VE GOT A FEW CHOICE WORDS TO SAY TO THAT.
Aug 26, 2012 3:49 PM

Jul 2012
ahhh, every morning i have the desire to sleep... Heartseed, is that you?!

Aug 26, 2012 9:45 PM
Aug 2012
Kenju said:
-Tsukkomi said:
I totally love Inaba. She has a headstrong personality on the outside, but it seems pretty clear that she's probably the most fragile of the cast. Like Inaba, I find it seriously hard to trust my friends and the people I love. It may seem like a really small thing to be worrying about, but to the person who feels that way, it's not. It's tough living in a world where you can't trust anybody. The person's inner feelings begin bottling up, and that's when they're about to break down.

I don't like Taichi at all, and one of the reasons is because he tends to assume things, like, he thinks he can just butt into peoples' problems and save them, and he often does so by seeing said person's outer problems / persona. He doesn't really examine a problem before going into it. For example, when Inaba mentioned she can't trust her friends, I can tell she has more depth to it (seeing how she hasn't gotten over it yet). Taichi thinks it's all over when Inaba can confess to her friends. Well, actually, now that I think about it, all Inaba did was tell her friends. She never began trusting them, though.

Another example is with Yui. She has androphobia. Taichi thinks he can fix it by giving her a defence mechanism. Well, according to the last episode, that didn't seem to help much. So I agree with whoever said that Taichi never completely pulls through. However, if that's the case, then why does he bother risking his life? It's better to help a person completely break out of their fears, isn't it? I can understand that it's also better for that person to only have a little push to overcome their fears themselves, though, but I can't see if that's what Taichi's doing or not.

And yet another example is when Iori was on "the brink of death". Taichi never looked at the problem deeply enough. It was obvious Iori would never forgive herself for letting somebody else die in her body. Even though the situation was a shock to them, I still think people would be, well, 'conscious enough' to understand THAT much.

I can't agree. I'm the complete opposite, I myself relate more to Taichi. But I can't relate to Inaba(much anyways).

The way I see it is that you just don't like him because he helps them but not completely solve their problem. I think what he's doing is fine, Taichi did help them. Although it wasn't all the way, he did what he could. No one said it was his job

Well Taichi is helping them by giving them the push they needed. Inaba and Taichi are almost alike in this matter both are selfless freaks who want to help their friends...........Taichi just does it directly and Inaba does it behind the scenes.

Aug 27, 2012 11:11 PM

Jun 2012
Well this is something unique- having their desires unleashed. It seems really interesting, having never seen it before. The preview for the next episode made it seem as if the same thing, but amplified and by multiple characters at the same time, so I'm looking forward to it. 5/5

Sep 14, 2012 4:45 PM
Jul 2012
The begining is not good. But the end was great.
Group starting to falling apart.
LegendGoldDarkSep 14, 2012 4:49 PM
Oct 20, 2012 11:17 AM

Sep 2011
Lurkerkiller said:
Not sure why people like Inaba so much and this episode didn't really help either. Much prefer Iori instead.

Because... she masturbated to Taichi. C'mon.
Oct 22, 2012 3:13 PM

Apr 2012
Yui's insistence on staying cooped up in her room is starting to bother me. I mean, it's fine that she wants to wait the whole thing out, but she doesn't have to act like bitch towards her friends because of that.

Inaba is also starting to annoy me, with her moodiness and dark viewpoints.
Nov 3, 2012 4:45 PM

Jul 2009
Things are getting pretty intense. I mean Iori's shouting and Taichi's sleeping were funny, but then we've got Inaba saying all that to Yui and her locking herself into her room. Honestly I agree with Inaba - I don't think that Yui doing that is going to help at all, but I can't say I particularly like how Inaba is dealing with it either. Preview looks like it will be more of the same with everyone's frustrations starting to get out of hand. I wonder how this will be resolved?
Lol @ how Yui opened up when Inaba threatened to reveal her secrets though XD Also it was nice of the class rep (Fujishima?) to help Iori out when she needed it :3
Dec 20, 2012 5:41 PM

Nov 2012
I loved the moments with Iori in this episode. 'Is this a new form of bullying?'

and man, Taichi's scary when he's pissed..
Jan 11, 2013 11:35 AM

Dec 2010
Best episode to now, this show really became something as ep count increased.

iLostReason said:

Yeah, me as well :D
Jan 14, 2013 12:54 PM

Oct 2011
I feel like Fujishima is going to have a much bigger part as the episodes go by. I like her, she cares for Iori a lot. I feel really bad for Inaba, the whole "unleashing" desires thing is breaking her apart and it's not nice to see. Next episode should be good.
Jan 23, 2013 10:04 AM

May 2012
I don't like the current development so much, the body swap concept was a bit better as it wasn't this anger towards everything and everyone pushing their thoughts to the test! Although it might become interesting later on!
Feb 12, 2013 8:37 AM

Jan 2012
If this was a more serious anime this arc alone could make a whole series, if people were actually this impulsive and did whatever they wanted we wouldn't have society at all, I really like this arc and would love to see other works that expanded on the idea.
Apr 13, 2013 5:31 AM
Nov 2012
First Yui then Inaba. Who's next? Aoi? I hope not.
Sep 21, 2013 5:49 AM
May 2012
More drama??


This is interesting I want more so let's see what's next
Jan 24, 2014 8:16 AM
Dec 2009
Wow. I am amazed as to where this is going. It does have funny moments like when Iori went "Yahoo!" But then the characters would let our their personal desires and the drama does get heated. It make me want to hate that son of a bitch Heartseed for doing this to the main characters.

And I know this may sound silly to some. But having to experience what's going on in the anime, I can sometimes be afraid of my own desires if something like this were to happen in real life. I know something supernatural like that won't happen in the real world. But still, it's scary once you think about it.
Apr 3, 2014 6:14 PM

Nov 2012
Nothing like your kawaii imouto laying on top of you to wake you up...


Taichi's desire to save unleashed.Though it seem more like a self-righteousness type of thing.

The drama just keeps escalating and the group is falling apart.
Apr 30, 2014 5:39 PM

Aug 2013
It look like their group is slowly being shattered. This situation put out a lot Inaba crude honesty, Taichi white knight freak, Aoki lack of self-control and confidence, Iori difficulty herself as an individual person and kung-fu Yui accumulating trauma xD

Anyway, it started out funny and got pretty dark at the end. The train scene at the end felt really morbid in some way. ''I'm sorry that I'm not good enough for you, Taichi'', ouch, right in the feels :(

Damn, Heartseed, what are you trying to do? Getting this poor girl inserted in psychiatric care because of a nervous breakdown? Stop that shit already!
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Jun 10, 2014 12:36 AM

Oct 2013
characters are so harsh on themselves and each other. so intense
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Oct 15, 2014 7:24 AM

Oct 2013
I'm surprised Inaban is holding off her desires for Taichi. Inaban, why are you the best girl? ^^
Jan 1, 2015 3:57 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Yeah, i'm pretty sure now that this might be for a greater good for the group. Of course though, the way this is happening...very honest and brutal. :/
Jan 5, 2015 6:17 PM

Sep 2013
Yahooooo! Hahahahaha
Jan 25, 2015 10:16 AM
May 2014
Woah, I didn't think I'd like this anime that much.
Really good episode, liked the whole drama and complications.
I hope someone hugs Inaba tho.
Oct 16, 2015 12:20 PM

May 2015
It'd be nice for male character development and back story, but I get this is the typical harem anime. Solid episode. I also would like to see what Iori's inner desires are.
Nov 24, 2015 3:38 PM

Jul 2009
Yui is having a hard time and Inaba is also losing control.
Dec 15, 2015 5:30 PM

Mar 2014
Unleash your Desires .
The need of suppression .
Driven moments .
Responsibilities .
Detrimental effect .
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 24, 2016 5:26 PM

Jan 2016
Yahoooo!!!! lmfao.. couldn't stop laughing after that perfect scene
Dec 14, 2016 2:14 PM

Dec 2013
The desire to sleep can be really strong.
Dec 22, 2016 6:59 PM

Nov 2016
Episode 07 - Falling Apart:

"A desire to sleep" (Taichi) Well I can understand him.

Aoki name five good thing about Yui "She's cute! She's cheerful! She's strong! She's super cute! Her hair's pretty! She's tiny! She's pure! She's childish, but in a good way..." (Aoki) so is cute and super cute, understand.

"I have to save her" (Taichi) how typical of him, but I think is a good trait.

"Quit playing the victim" (Inaba) it seems like she is in real pain. That she does not even get the strength for help a friend, she must feel lonely, and Taichi impulses did not help either (anyway, he could help Iori itself)

Feb 25, 2017 11:37 AM
Jan 2016
May 27, 2017 12:08 PM

Feb 2015
Starting to feel more like Kokoro Disconnect at this rate.
Jun 13, 2017 12:22 AM

Sep 2013
They're going to wreck their relationships by trying to protect each other.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Oct 8, 2017 2:47 AM

Sep 2012
A desire to sleep that heavily lol

Iori Yahoo (embarrassing) lol

i half to Admit Inabas words to Yui were true, she is right

Yui doesn't think at all that her actions could cause more trouble then her getting out of her room, right new she is being selfish & if something worse happens cause of that she will regret it for rest of her life

Shigs said:
Yahoooo!!!! lmfao.. couldn't stop laughing after that perfect scene

same here lol
Sugram22Jan 23, 2018 6:54 AM
Apr 21, 2018 12:58 AM

Jan 2018
I'm gonna start saying my desire to sleep was unleashed when I oversleep.
May 9, 2018 12:30 PM

Mar 2018
It looks as though the story is evolving away from the very Taichi-centric first arc, with especially Inaba taking on a larger role. That makes me happy. I like Taichi, but it is more engaging to watch a group of characters achieving things together than to watch one hero save everyone else. Go go Inaba arc!

Inaba is being very sweet and caring in this episode. I am growing to love her.

Rito2Ru said:
And lol, Taichi is a sis-con now in Inaba's eyes?

I don't think she really means this. I think she was being harsh with him because she is frustrated - she is under a lot of stress, plus she is jealous because she has feelings for Taichi.

AirStyles said:
Knowing Inaba, she might actually be secretly plotting to harm her friends to entertain balloon vine to end the whole thing and save her own skin... then self loathing over it and contemplating suicide...

Now that you mention it, it would be very fitting for Inaba to attempt suicide during this arc. I hope she doesn't, though, because then I fear it will lead to Taichi having to save her, and as I mentioned I am tired of seeing Taichi save the others.

funkotaku said:
Lurkerkiller said:
Not sure why people like Inaba so much and this episode didn't really help either. Much prefer Iori instead.

Because... she masturbated to Taichi. C'mon.

I think Iori did too. :)

aidoru said:
I feel like Fujishima is going to have a much bigger part as the episodes go by. I like her, she cares for Iori a lot.

I agree. Fujishima is a good character. :)
Aug 16, 2018 3:47 PM

Oct 2012
Man, I just realized the situation like this would be the horrible thing to go through for someone with suicidal tendencies who thinks the world would be better place without them.

Well, in case of Inaba who tries to well and control everything inside, always caring for others, never for herself, except she is also in dire need to be saved. Have to be pain to always her Kiriyama this and Inaban that when nobody (from her perspective) cares about her (because she won't let them).

I bet she craves for being saved in her deepest desires. I really wonder how her emotions shows out.
Dec 1, 2018 5:47 PM

Nov 2016
Most "friendships" I know of wouldn't be able to handle such a situation.

It's an interesting arc and the drama is great.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 22, 2018 7:11 AM

Oct 2013
wew... nothing like unleashing your desires to fuel your teenage angst.

This episode was too much for me. Too much melodrama and too much over the top anime bullshit.

I ephemerally thought Inaba was going to throw herself in front of the train. UNLEASH YOUR TRUE DESIRES AND OFF YOURSELF.

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Jul 7, 2024 1:42 PM

Poll: » Kokoro Connect Episode 8 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 )

Stark700 - Aug 25, 2012

212 by bakakisima »»
Mar 9, 2024 11:20 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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