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Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Air/Magokoro wo, Kimi ni
Nov 23, 2019 12:09 PM
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There's also anime coming, so I'm excited about it too :)
It was alright for the most part. Ending was confusing and bad. They could have done a lot, well thought ending could've made it a decent show. I didn't dislike 02, I just prefered Ichigo in design and personality.
I really disliked Franxx. I wish I dropped it.
Well, at least one of us is happy about graduation. Mine is soon too but I'm more clueless what to do afterwards than ever. I was hoping that I'll come up with something but I feel like I'm nowhere with my ideas and that I'm running out of time and pressure is building up. Feels bad. By the way I find this meme more accurate than ever, even though I'm not 25 yet:
It's just so pianfully accurate :P
Yeah, I agree. There's nothing truly special about My Hero Academia. But they did the basis exceptionally well and there's no denying that. It resulted in fun and gripping show and unless you absolutely hate shonens, it's at least good for you.
I see, you're also watching FMA, too. It's not mainly shonen in my opinion, though. It's a nice mix of everything, I really liked it.
Both are really, good you should check them out. Violet is pretty slow but personally I love it. Every episode has that nostalgic tone to it. I don't know, it just clicks with me. I love the show.
Oh, you haven't seen NGNL at all, I didn't realise that. Well if you want to watch it, you should start with TV series. It's not bad if you just want to sit back and relax, as a fun premise. Beware though - it's overloaded with fanservice.
Oh, Cowboy Bebop was decent, even though I dropped it. Lately I just can't muster attention towards episodic shows with only a couple of exceptions.
You watched My Hype Academia? Nice, it was a good show. One of few that really got me hooked lately. Fights were really good and well animated, it's hard to pick my fav, but it'd probably be Uraraka vs Bakugou.
As for me, Violet Evergarden is probably the best one I'm watching right now, I like it a lot. No Game No Life Zero was pretty good too but at the same time it was a bit disappointing. Also Ancient Magus Bride continues to deliver each episode I manage to watch, unfortunately ever since I stopped watching it weekly I had a hard time catching up.
Other than that Tsurezure Children and Tsuki ga Kirei were sweet romances, I just need to watch 3 final episodes of the latter
Watched anything nice?
Nice. To be honest, I'm envious because it's been a long time since I had anime encounter like that.
That's what I thought. It was not bad but nothing amazing. But hey, sometimes all that's required to make a good show is good characters thrown in together. Basically whole Monogatari is like that. All about character interactions and it's noice.