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May 29, 2009 4:50 PM

May 2008
Great episode, Duke Orleans is such an asshole. Can't really feel sorry for Jeane that much though, she was evil XD
Feb 27, 2011 4:29 PM

Sep 2009
I still can't get over how Andre "heard" Oscar call out for him lawl.
Mar 4, 2011 10:46 AM

Apr 2009
That Rosalie is such an idiot to fall for that... if Polignac accused Oscar on the grounds of her relationship with her the only thing she needed to do was name her as her mother and Polignac would fall with them... Polignac would never dare...

And rip Jeanne... you were a bitch... but at least you were an interesting character...
Alas86Mar 4, 2011 11:39 AM
Aug 20, 2011 8:04 AM

Feb 2009
blackmailing ur own daughter to love you?.. lol who does that =|
Sep 9, 2011 12:11 PM

Feb 2010
So this is the end of Jeanne and Nicolas. Fitting and somehow dignified. She was truly a strong character.

And Polignac seems to have lost it completely by now, what does she think to achieve by forcing Rosalie to call her mother?

And I was definitely also thinking it was Orleans, but as the narrator said we can never know for sure.

Another very good episode. The second half really seems to be even better than the first. And there's still many episodes left, I'm really excited.
I probably regret this post by now.
Oct 11, 2012 4:33 AM

Sep 2008
-valkyrie- said:
blackmailing ur own daughter to love you?.. lol who does that =|

A twisted and power-hungry individual.

But Alas86 makes a really good point. It would be so easy for Rosalie to turn the tables on Polignac if Polignac went through with her little blackmail scheme. Perhaps Rosalie is naïve to a certain extent, too. Whatever the case, I'm curious to see why Polignac thinks it will benefit her in some way to drag Rosalie into her house and home.
Feb 19, 2013 6:06 AM

Sep 2010
Even though Jeanne was a bitch she sure was an great antagonist for a little while. I admit I almost did tear up when she was about to die.

Polignac being even more of a bitch.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Oct 21, 2013 12:09 AM

Jul 2008
Well goodbye Jeanne, will not be shedding any tears for you, but Polignac is back with an even worse vengeance. Ugh she needs to die too.
Nov 3, 2013 7:54 PM

Apr 2012
I think Jeanne is such a great character. Yes, she was a bitch but it's not like she was complete evil.

I think it's Orleans or Robespierre...nah fuck it. It's Orleans.
Jan 2, 2014 3:12 PM

Feb 2012
I'm going to miss Jeanne and Nicolas. They were a great evil duel.
Oct 6, 2014 3:08 PM

Mar 2012
Good riddance Rosalie >:D

Also no pity felt for Jeanne.
Jan 1, 2015 9:29 AM

Jun 2013
Unless Polignac has other intention by blackmailing her own daughter to stay with her, I found her motive ridiculous. Jeanne's by far the best antagonist of the series so far. Such a fitting end for her.
Mar 10, 2015 1:30 PM

Apr 2014
I think Polignac went insane after seeing her daughter die, so even by force she needed someone to replace her daughter

god please tell me Oscar falls in love with Andre in the end or something....I really doubt it though, I think Andre will die for her and in that moment she will probably recognize his feelings for her

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Jan 8, 2016 3:12 PM
Nov 2014
RIP Jeanne. She was a great antagonist, she went out with a bang.
Jun 11, 2016 11:03 PM

Jan 2013
Has to be my least fav episode so far. Every single thing, from Polignac's very own existence to how the whole thing with Jeanne ended was so-so.
Cmon RoV you can do better...
Kagami_Hiiragi said:
Idc if you think its weird, I have a life and friends and an income of money.

Aug 9, 2016 4:32 PM

Oct 2012
Jeanne turned out to be a really standout character. I hope we'll get more Andre/Oscar developments soon.
Dec 24, 2016 1:38 PM

Oct 2012
Andre hearing Oscar's faint cry for help has to be one of the weakest point I've seen so far in this series. Still, everything else was top notch. So hard to see Oscar put up with this mess of affairs.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Apr 20, 2017 9:56 AM

Jun 2016
In this episode: Polignac Secures an Heir, by hook or by crook. And a mysterious stash of gunpowder is found in the cellar of a monastery. Coincidence? I think not. Smells like a Revolution!

R.I.P. Jeanne de Valois. Master con woman, who managed to trick an entire nation.
Jul 11, 2017 5:03 AM

Jul 2015
"You still hate me, don't you?" No fucking way.

Polignac's blackmail was so easy to counter, just tell them she's her mother.

Andre "being able to hear Oscar" was the last bullshit I needed, Rose of Versailles never fails to deliver.
Oct 11, 2017 11:40 PM

Jun 2016
As much as this anime tried I have no sympathy for Jeanne. Funny how they tried to draw sympathy by pointing out how she was unhappy with her life while Rosalie was happy. No shit, Rosalie didn't have to resort to con and theft to find herself a comfortable life, so why should I feel bad for Jeanne when she didn't even need to do what she did? Jeanne merely received her just desserts, and the supporters of the soon-to-be Revolution were able to benefit from her case.

Of course it goes without saying that the real Jeanne didn't die by blowing herself up in a monastery's powder magazine (because as we all know every monastery in France stored a fortress' worth of gunpowder to light all those candles they use or something). She did escape prison (as was shown). Reportedly she was able to disguise herself as a male and made her way to London before publishing her memoirs (which did slander Antoinette). She only lived until 1791 when she took horrendous injuries after falling out of her hotel window. Her husband, Nicholas, was able to stay hidden (and alive) until the French Revolution when he was able to return to France.

I can see that they tried to make things more interesting for the story, but what they decided on was plain stupid, holy cellar bomb and all. Jeanne giving up after one too many liters of vodka was just anticlimatic. There were enough hints leading to it to where I'm not upset that she did it, but the set up behind it was clunky and unfocused, especially compared to Charlotte's suicide. André getting asspulled into the scene to save Oscar was a joke too. Now I'm worried to see how they butchered Fersen's story as he returns 3 years late.
Dec 13, 2017 3:31 PM

Nov 2016
First I thought there might be hope for Jeanne after she escaped prison, but this episode ultimately concluded everything for her,gotta say that despite all the things she did, I still felt really sad for her and even shed a tear. Great way for her to go out.

Excellent episode again overall and I'm dying to know who that mysterious person is,even if I have a slight clue..

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 21, 2017 5:16 PM
Nov 2010
Jeanne and Nicolas's stories were pretty nicely done overall.

André "hearing" Oscar is clearly not literal, as he obviously couldn't do such a thing. He was just worried about Oscar and I see no problem with the anime showing it and Oscar thinking of him in the moments of despair this way.

Polignac blackmailing Rosalie can make sense, as Rosalie certainly cares about Oscar (and herself) and would still care even if Polignac fell with them. So what Polignac is saying is basically "cooperate, or we'll all fall, and you care about it more than I do". Remembering that she had no qualms about giving her daughter away to a creep goes against this, though, but she might be more reckless now or at least Rosalie could believe it. Hopefully we'll see in the future episodes.
Sep 10, 2020 1:24 PM

Jul 2015
Really thought Jeanne rotting in her cell would be the end for her...well at least she went out by her own decision with a huge bang. Also thought Polignac learned her lesson after causing Charlotte's death... poor Rosalie has to suffer again... I hope she gets a good end

Feb 12, 2021 4:45 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Out of all the antagonists, I hate Polignac the most for some reason. At least Jeanne has a rags to riches story going for her.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Mar 31, 2021 1:48 AM

Aug 2018
Very good episode!
Though, Jeanne was so fierce, im surprised she ended up killing herself.

Nov 5, 2021 5:55 AM

Nov 2008
One thing I could do without in this anime is all the evil laughs. Or most of them. Polignac had no reason to laugh like that.

May 29, 2022 10:29 PM

Dec 2021
should've known the Duke of Orleans was behind the mayhem of breaking Jeannie out ..

.. and of course ,, the moment I ask for Polignac ,, she makes her return and is as big of a bitvh as ever
Sep 5, 2022 9:54 PM

Apr 2016
Not the biggest fan of how they decided to depict how Jeanne died but it fits in some way with her whole narrative that her actions brought her to this very situation when she had nowhere to run.

I did liked the exchanges between Polignac and Rosalie but I hope there is an actual reason behind for Polignac's blackmail, not surprised Rosalie went ahead with it since is not like she's that much of a thinker for lack of a better word.
Nov 30, 2022 12:26 AM

Apr 2016
Jeanne has the opportunity to change!
Well, Madame Polignac, perverse just!!! kekeke
Feb 19, 2023 9:52 PM

Oct 2019
Oscar, weakly: Andre
Muthafuckin Andre who knows how far outside the church: Ay, She callin muh name. Im cumin.

Rip Jeanne. Even surrounded by all this wealth, she wasnt really happy as she drowned out her unhappiness with the bottle. Also, we get to see Polignac storyline back after a few eps. Jeanne and du Barry are dead. Polignac lives and so does the Master manipulator, Duke Orleans, on top of Robespierre stirring up the revolution.
"Perfection is perception. For me, humanity's imperfections is what makes it perfect"

May 31, 2023 4:14 AM

Jan 2021
I really want Madame Polignac to die a horrible death for God's sake. Whatever her intentions were in taking back Rosalie must have been bad.

Dec 5, 2023 8:39 AM

Apr 2017

These two are trash! But they're sort of cute...

Guilty pleasure.
Apr 1, 2024 12:06 PM

Aug 2019
"now call me mother" ... followed by maniacal laughter

Dec 1, 2024 12:11 PM
Jun 2023
Jeanne escaped prison easily and is helped by a stranger, since the first time I saw him I knew that was Duke Orleans and I was right. 5 volumes about Jeanne's history, I wonder how many lies are there. Polignac is back only to take Rosalie with her, fuck Polignac the things were better when she wasnt around, she deserves every bad thing. As I suspected Orleans betrayed her and I'm very dissapointed about Oscar, what a bad job she did only for her feelings, that Jeanne being the worst but Oscar still wasnt go after her for Rosalie, not very professional and she managed the situation so bad, was almost killed and let Jeanne kill herself, at least everything about Jeanne is over but about Polignac not yet. Really Rosalie and Oscar are dissapointing for how sentimental they are, Rosalie could confess to Oscar the threats Polignac say to her and she could end with that, she is also powerful but no, she rather being humiliated by a random noble, at least with DuBarry she made she respect her.
Jan 2, 8:22 AM
Jul 2024
Bad ass Jeanne and silly Oscar.
The episode ended with unravel mystery, I like it.
Feb 20, 12:45 AM

Jun 2020

Everything surrounding Rosalie and her family is honestly batshit insane. I can’t wait to eventually read up on all of it. Jeanne had a very beautiful death, after being glad that Rosalie still had her back, she decided to finally also trust in the man she’s been leading along her whole life.

I like that the show admitted Jeanne’s supporters were anonymous and didn’t try to spin it into something it wasnt

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