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Log Horizon
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Nov 29, 2014 12:52 AM

Nov 2011
Pretty intense episode.

Gotta admit the boss was pretty OP this episode compared to some of the previous at least. If Shiroe's team is having this much trouble....

Lol, the weapons they are using are quite classic though. X-Men like claws, bow & arrow, magic, etc. So yeah, I thought the episode's momentum was pretty well done with this and the past few episodes. The bosses also were god-like. Wish they didn't use some of the same frames this episode but what can you do. Pretty solid first half still.
Stark700Nov 29, 2014 12:58 AM
Nov 29, 2014 12:55 AM

Nov 2007
Very difficult and annoying enemy... When the evil side is broken, it will absorb other outnumbered enemies. Somehow other enemies from other areas appeared. So they were burnt to death.

Main guy's turn to see that another world like Assassin girl did. Being lonely and thinking about how he should have done. Then to a space that met her, but from his point of view.

Battle continues.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Nov 29, 2014 2:39 AM

Jul 2014
Decent episode with a decent battle~
Nov 29, 2014 4:59 AM
Nov 2013
tons of recycle animation

fuckin DEEN
Nov 29, 2014 5:24 AM

Mar 2013
BeomSik said:
Decent episode with a decent battle~

Agree, seems like they enjoy staying on this virtual world.
Nov 29, 2014 5:36 AM
Nov 2010
Interesting, I suppose the next episode will be from Shiroe's perspective, as well.
Nov 29, 2014 5:39 AM
Jan 2014
The start of the episode didn't waste any time at all. Luseat looked pretty cool, and storming through his second mode is not an easy task. Talt and Ibrah's intrusion was unexpected. Demikas achieved more than one thing with that kick.

I'm not very happy with reusing frame sequences from previous episodes. It's an NHK anime so we have to give it some slack for that. Though at least Shiroe's character was fleshed out in a decent manner. He was in desperate for that.

With some of his regrets out of the way, I hope Shiroe will be more open to his party members. They're going to need more than just basic strategy, in order to defeat Luseat.
Nov 29, 2014 5:42 AM

Mar 2013
Nice monologue. Don't remember such a long one since a certain Hunter x Hunter episode.
Nov 29, 2014 6:00 AM

Jan 2014
Pretty tough spot. 3 Raid bosses. Let's see how Shiroe gets out of this one.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Nov 29, 2014 6:00 AM
Feb 2014
judging from the preview, it looks like the next ep is going to be a build up for a huge fight. Can't wait!
Nov 29, 2014 6:04 AM

Sep 2010
Not sure how to interpret that next episode preview, but it looks like Silver Sword's morale just took a nosedive. I think, if Elder Tale is a good game (and it seems to be), then taking on one enemy should be noticably easier than taking on two that each hit half as hard.

As for how they're going to defeat this raid... maybe they won't? Or maybe the solution is to finish off Luseat before Taltaulgar and Ibrahabra show up.

Interesting look at the shortcomings Shiroe sees in himself. Makes him a more rounded character than the "perfect strategist" he seemed to be portraying.
Nov 29, 2014 6:24 AM

Aug 2010
No wonder they lost. That was pretty much an impossible game to win O_O 3 raid bosses in one room XD

Real Shiroe looks pretty ugly lol...well nice self exploring he did there.

Anyway most of the rest was the same as Akatsuki's death. I don't mind actually. Seeing it from both perspectives ^^

Time for some planning nxt :3 I wonder what they're gonna do about this situation?

Loved the OST this ep though.
Nov 29, 2014 6:36 AM

Jul 2009
I enjoyed this episode. Love the fight with the boss. It reminds me of a time when I was playing a certain JRPG game where you need annoying tactics to beat the boss.

Shiroe's real counterpart really looks different that I was kind of shocked to see. Didn't realize he'd look like that in real life.
This is a signature.
Nov 29, 2014 7:06 AM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
3 raid bosses at the same time. Did the rules somehow change?

The purple raid boss reminded me a bit of Orgoth the Relentless from Yugioh.

I would be annoyed too if I faced a monster that recovered HP if their initial armor broke into HP recovering goblins. That boss was pretty OP. Heavy attacks, can recover HP, and it has 2 other bosses to back it up, KILLER battle right there.

Doesn't Shiro have any type of defense lowering or attack increasing spellcasters in his group?

Shiro's past was pretty sad. He's all by himself, no friends, parents working all day/night. He looked very tall when he was at the moon with Akatsuki. Idk, maybe it's the usual white clothes make Shiro look small.

Nov 29, 2014 7:08 AM

Aug 2013
The "real-life" scenes were great, but very different from that of Akatsuki's.

Whilst Shiroe's world was quite calm and had a lack of action, Akatsuki's was convoluted and disorienting.

I guess it was the difference of their mindsets as they died in-game.
Nov 29, 2014 7:15 AM

Jun 2014
All these raid bosses made me remember Vindictus.

Nov 29, 2014 7:18 AM

Aug 2013
SweetKotomi said:
He looked very tall when he was at the moon with Akatsuki. Idk, maybe it's the usual white clothes make Shiro look small.

Well, things tend to appear bigger when placed near small objects. :P
Nov 29, 2014 8:18 AM

Jul 2010
It was nice to see how they would deal with a raid boss, all those aoe attacks were pretty nice to witness. Two more raid bosses joining in and wiped the party!

Shiroe witnessing the feelings of death, it was nice to see just who he was in the reality. He also looking different too.

Meeting Akatsuki again, it was nice to see Shiroe saying all that.
Nov 29, 2014 8:24 AM

Jan 2014
dobinz said:
tons of recycle animation

fuckin DEEN

LOL, yeah, its DEEN being high as fuck.
Nov 29, 2014 9:05 AM

Oct 2014
Shiroe dead, but got revive, back to the game.
Nov 29, 2014 9:09 AM

Sep 2014
I'm super stoked to see what tricks Shiroe pulls out of his enchanted hat given how high the odds are stacked against them with 3 raid bosses. Haven't seen alot of the true 'villain in glasses' persona for quite a long while, so I can not be more pleased.

Sadly, it seems like the next ep will be alot to do with pep-talking and speeches, etc, given the preview and the title.
Nov 29, 2014 9:32 AM
Aug 2012
I pretty much feel i see nothing in this chapter, also, why is Akatsuki so freaking cute? cute, cute CUTE, CUUUUUUTE.
Nov 29, 2014 9:40 AM
Jul 2018
Three raid bosses in the same room are too hard for Shiroe and others to handle.

Shiroe looks okay in real life.
Nov 29, 2014 10:03 AM
Oct 2012
StevenHu said:
SweetKotomi said:
He looked very tall when he was at the moon with Akatsuki. Idk, maybe it's the usual white clothes make Shiro look small.

Well, things tend to appear bigger when placed near small objects. :P

Since it now is pretty clear that they are not going to explore Akatsuki's back story, this is a good time to explain it.

Akatsuki in real life IS that small (while her game body is closer to her real seize it is still larger). Though 23 she looks like a middle school student (not just short, but also looking extremely young - this is why they didn't show her in "real world" - I think NHK was a tad uncomfortable with the idea).

This is why she has such a complex and is socially mal-adjusted. Imagine going to college while looking like you are 13, no guy (except for those with extreme loli complexes) could ask her out because it would just be overpowering weird. The first time she WAS asked out was when she was 20 (her suitor was 13 and thought she was younger than him). Women also had a hard time knowing how to deal with her for the same reasons.

Because everyone else is so utterly focused on how she looks, no one ever bothered to know who she was, hence her confidence has been totally shot because she never knows if people actual respect what she did because the quality, or rather because they are praising her like they would a child.

This is why Akatsuki has such hostility towards perverts (because she attracted far more than her fair share of them), why she is so attached to Shiroe (like Nureha, he was the first person who honestly respected her for what she was, not who she looked like, and she is desperate to retain this judgement and attention since it was the first time in her life she has received it), and why she had problems dealing with other people.

Should add, the art is growing on me. It seems appropriate for the change in the tone of this season form the previous season. It's not Dean's fault that Tea Party Kanami had a far better character design than current Kanami.
Nov 29, 2014 10:42 AM

Dec 2013
The raid was good and so was the nice slow second part. Good epi, raising the score.
Nov 29, 2014 11:14 AM

Apr 2013

Good god. Shiroe looks soooooooo Asian irl. He's making that face being like: "I faired agrain. Only got an A- on test."

Oh... and the episode. Just meh again. Classic DEENing.
TyrelNov 29, 2014 9:32 PM
Nov 29, 2014 11:50 AM

Feb 2014
That boss looks insanely hard without any addons (looking at you DBM). Sure they use one guy to count the cooldown of one ability, but with 3 bosses simultaneously... Normally you'd dedicate one tank to each boss and tank 2 of them separate from the raid. Say main boss in the middle, one to the left and one to the right. Ranged stack so healers can reach all tanks, and melee stack in front of the boss. Spread momentarily if an ability requires it, but otherwise stay stacked for AoE protections and healing.

That wouldn't work here though, in Log Horizon tactics I'd probably split the group into 3. Send a tank and a couple healers to each of the doors where the other bosses came from. They'll run in before the bosses comes out and tank them there, thus preventing the bosses from entering the main raid room. That way the rest of the raid can finish the main boss in peace while out of range from the other bosses' abilities. Once he's down you bring in one of the others, take him out then bring in the last one.
I rarely revisit threads, so if you're after a reply you should PM me or post a comment on my profile.
Nov 29, 2014 11:59 AM

Dec 2009
Raid is too hard, pls nerf.
Nov 29, 2014 12:05 PM

Apr 2011
Just when one boss fight is hard enough, another 2 bosses join in. Yup, they got screwed so bad.

Good to see the real face of Shiroe. Hoping to see Akatsuki next since she wasn't fully shown in past episodes.
Nov 29, 2014 12:21 PM

Apr 2012
Didn't like the recycled scenes at the end, but pretty exciting episode. Loved the different phases and mechanics the boss has. I wonder how they'll deal with 2 other raid bosses. Need some off tanking and split dps action :3.

Nov 29, 2014 12:24 PM

Nov 2012
wtf shiroe are you japanese or chinese?
lol dem 'asian stereotype' face
my animesongs chord thread : here bro
Nov 29, 2014 12:40 PM

Dec 2013
Raid too op pls nerf.

Seriously I almost forgot that there's the 3rd party that brought them into the game world.
Stay in yesterday 時を止めて
Nov 29, 2014 1:38 PM
Mar 2014
Are Enchanters of any use in boss fights? I'm assuming their roots, binds, etc. don't work on bosses because that would be too OP.
Nov 29, 2014 1:55 PM
Oct 2012
dirtyuncle said:
Are Enchanters of any use in boss fights? I'm assuming their roots, binds, etc. don't work on bosses because that would be too OP.

Enchanters have spells that weaken enemies and strengthen allies (think of when Shiroe strengthened Akatsuki's sword blade back in episode 3), but what sets enchanters apart (and makes them very useful even in boss fights), is that their skills require that they be strategic and tactical leaders. I think they explained this several episodes ago, but during each boss fight they have to learn the strengths and weaknesses of their foes through a trial and error approach, and Shiroe has been the boss at this all important skill.
Nov 29, 2014 2:11 PM
Jul 2018
Takuan_Soho said:
StevenHu said:

Well, things tend to appear bigger when placed near small objects. :P

Since it now is pretty clear that they are not going to explore Akatsuki's back story, this is a good time to explain it.

Akatsuki in real life IS that small (while her game body is closer to her real seize it is still larger). Though 23 she looks like a middle school student (not just short, but also looking extremely young - this is why they didn't show her in "real world" - I think NHK was a tad uncomfortable with the idea).

This is why she has such a complex and is socially mal-adjusted. Imagine going to college while looking like you are 13, no guy (except for those with extreme loli complexes) could ask her out because it would just be overpowering weird. The first time she WAS asked out was when she was 20 (her suitor was 13 and thought she was younger than him). Women also had a hard time knowing how to deal with her for the same reasons.

Because everyone else is so utterly focused on how she looks, no one ever bothered to know who she was, hence her confidence has been totally shot because she never knows if people actual respect what she did because the quality, or rather because they are praising her like they would a child.

This is why Akatsuki has such hostility towards perverts (because she attracted far more than her fair share of them), why she is so attached to Shiroe (like Nureha, he was the first person who honestly respected her for what she was, not who she looked like, and she is desperate to retain this judgement and attention since it was the first time in her life she has received it), and why she had problems dealing with other people.

Should add, the art is growing on me. It seems appropriate for the change in the tone of this season form the previous season. It's not Dean's fault that Tea Party Kanami had a far better character design than current Kanami.

That made me feel a little bad for her. It's not really a enviable situation.
Nov 29, 2014 2:41 PM

Dec 2009
Shiroe's RL character design looks quite Japanese. Still surprised me a bit.

Anyway 3 raid bosses at once. Brutal this is.

Can't wait for the next episode.
Nov 29, 2014 3:30 PM

Apr 2012
Am I really the only one that absolutely hates this character focus in the second season? This backstory shit this episode and 6 or 7 with Akatsuki was so damn boring. Also how everybody is stroking each other shafts with their nakama power and compliments. Good god this shit better stop and focus more on the fights/tactics and world secrets like in S1. I got so close to dropping this shit a dozen times already this season, and its bloody S2. If it where S1 this thing would have landed on the dropped pile real quick.
Nov 29, 2014 3:39 PM

Nov 2011
What was up with the Shounen-ai art style. Pacing is still horrid bad.

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Nov 29, 2014 3:54 PM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
That Luseat was OP to begin with, and when the 2 other raid bosses appeared; it became an impossible quest!

Democracy-san was finally able to get back at Shiroe, even if a little with that kick. XD

Loved Shiroe's monologue once he died. A lot of self-reflection there. Good thing he decided to open up more to his close people.

Although they used the same frames from the previous episode, Shiroe and Akatsuki meeting in the moon was pretty nice to see again; especially how she was rejoicing to see her Shukun after so long. (^^)

Good episode. It'll be interesting to see how Shiroe plans the next counterattack.

Nov 29, 2014 3:59 PM
Jul 2014
I still feel like there must be some significance to the hair-cutting thing that I'm missing.

3 bosses at once, they must really not want anyone to win that raid. On the other hand, Shiro is doing it in order to steal stupid amounts of money via an unintended exploit, so this is probably not unexpected.
Nov 29, 2014 4:02 PM

Nov 2014
baki502 said:
Am I really the only one that absolutely hates this character focus in the second season? This backstory shit this episode and 6 or 7 with Akatsuki was so damn boring. Also how everybody is stroking each other shafts with their nakama power and compliments. Good god this shit better stop and focus more on the fights/tactics and world secrets like in S1. I got so close to dropping this shit a dozen times already this season, and its bloody S2. If it where S1 this thing would have landed on the dropped pile real quick.

Nah, I concur. It's a completely different anime than season 1 was. I'm all about character-driven shows, but that isn't what I signed up for with this one. You can't just change course halfway through a thing.
Quality Queen.
Nov 29, 2014 6:08 PM

Nov 2014
An anime about mmorpg with real scenes of a mmorpg battle, awesone. And hahaha an anime with japaneese characters who look like real japaneese hahahaha. Great Episode!
Nov 29, 2014 7:34 PM

Dec 2013
This episode reminded me of Tokyo Ghoul's ending so much...Amazing way to flesh out Shiroe's character.

Recycled animation aside, a wonderful episode.

PriestSlayerNov 29, 2014 7:38 PM
FragOutFire said:

Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
Nov 29, 2014 7:53 PM
Jun 2012
RAWRfizzz said:
baki502 said:
Am I really the only one that absolutely hates this character focus in the second season? This backstory shit this episode and 6 or 7 with Akatsuki was so damn boring. Also how everybody is stroking each other shafts with their nakama power and compliments. Good god this shit better stop and focus more on the fights/tactics and world secrets like in S1. I got so close to dropping this shit a dozen times already this season, and its bloody S2. If it where S1 this thing would have landed on the dropped pile real quick.

Nah, I concur. It's a completely different anime than season 1 was. I'm all about character-driven shows, but that isn't what I signed up for with this one. You can't just change course halfway through a thing.

You're not alone. It feels like the last 3 or 4 episodes have been nothing but the same characters moping about their pasts and spouting clichéd lines like "I want to become stronger" to themselves. This wasn't what season 1 was about. I loved the fact that LH1 focused on the world and the cast as a whole. It gave the series a sense of continuity and made you want to root for them as they tried to survive in an unfamiliar world.

Sure, the first season had personal conflicts (the kids escaping Hamellin, Leinessia and her upbringing, Shiroe avoiding starting a guild), but they were always tied to a bigger conflict connected both with the larger cast as well as the overall world (stopping slavery and starting the round table, establishing the alliance between nations, and stepping up to change the world). The story arcs for season 2 so far (murderer in Akihabara and ridiculously hard raid bosses) don't really seem to serve a purpose besides giving the characters something to butt heads with and angst about.

I want the old Log Horizon back...
Nov 29, 2014 8:43 PM

Aug 2014
Finally can see Shiroe and also real life version and at least the raid boss battle was exciting to watch.
Nov 29, 2014 11:23 PM

Sep 2010
Minor question: What's that shot of Shiroe getting up out of the snow about anyway?

Unrelated: Still not sure how Shiroe arrived at the 80 trillion gold figure when the guild hall cost only 5 million up front, and Akiba's facilities somehow cost only 10 million per month to maintain. O.o? Maybe he wants to buy all of Yamato?
Nov 30, 2014 12:47 AM

Jun 2013
This episode was amazing, getting to see Shiroe's side of it
Nov 30, 2014 3:10 AM

Dec 2011
To be honest, that raid boss looked rather awesome.

That Luseat raid boss is freaking strong and now I can understand how their raid party was defeated...

LOL, Shiroe took a Tetora to the face XD.

Ah, so two more raid bosses came to help Luseat and that's why the raid party was defeated... damn...

LOL, so that's how Shiroe looks in real life eh... XD?

So Shiroe had a rather sad childhood and he refused the help of others T.T

Shiroe... dem feelings bro T.T
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall."
Nov 30, 2014 4:06 AM

Jul 2012
I liked the raid boss fight at the beginning, 3 bosses at same time is too powerfull LOL. The last part of the episode felt slow paced, and it seems like we have seen this kind of scene several times before?
Tom's Hardware graphics veteran++ (Legacy)
i7 6700K@4.0 GHz, ASUS Z170 PRO GAMING, RTX 2080, G. Skill RipJaws V 3200MHz 16GB,
Noctua NH-D15, CorsairRM 850x, Win10x64, 1920x1080

Nov 30, 2014 6:04 AM

Sep 2014
Another great episode! I'm really happy now. 3 great episodes in three weeks. :D
This week's raid was damn intense and great. This is exactly what I loved about Log Horizon and I'm glad it's made a comeback. Guessing the raid'll last another couple of episodes. All in all, Log Horizon's back on track and I couldn't be any happier.
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