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Your Lie in April
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Oct 31, 2014 11:21 PM

Dec 2007
I see a handful of trolls trying to turn anything enjoyable into guilty pleasures on here. They keep trying to nit-pick by making people feel silly for enjoying something they genuinely enjoy. Well, sucks to be them if they're just going to pretend they know everything, drop, or speed through episodes then bash things because they felt like trolling more.

I had my fun with the first four episodes that I ended up getting painfully addicted to this show. Every moment was genuinely enjoyed thanks to the quality, pacing, and the fun the characters had. Even the nice advice Arima was given. Everything so far being beautiful and worthwhile. Having Kaori and the gang force Arima to perform sure was interesting. Not the best, though it did produce results which allowed for the show to be paced interestinly like poetry or even more appropriately music itself. Everything felt like it was needed, even the "music is freedom" part, which is true, along with forcing Arima to face his fears.

That scene where you finally see Arima's fear kick in with the piano notes being drowned out......nice attention to detail. That was so well done that I actually remember tapping on pianos in that exact manner. Maybe not with the water deafening the notes but how notes don't make sounds by simply making flat wood knocking sounds.


Kaori pausing to get Arima to play with the ghost of mother's past sure added onto the fear. One fear onto the next to only storm through it nicely by improvising with imagination to then play their hearts out. Perfect! I'm glad the performance wasn't a straight out fail, nor a victory, but with this middle route both both defeat and victory. He tried with her help which makes it all poetic.

I'm however sad to see Kaori having health issues. You could see subtle expressions on her face showing her exhaustion from ep 1 all the way to ep 4 until she collapse. She was panting like crazy with all the sweat and tears, as was Arima. Signs were clearly there for all too see.

Now for being made felt guilty for this show......This show earned every emotional bit we viewers give it. If we can't watch what we enjoy then we might as well all live in the monotone boring world that Arima was in. Enjoying Anime such as this is somethign I'm damn well going to do in full force because I'd otherwise be a stupid lemming of a locust pretending to enjoy what I do not. Too emotional? It's proper. Don't guilt trip.


I especially want the proper soundtrack with all the BGM with those two tracks that play from 4-7:16. Both of those were awesome leading up to the awesome Saint-Saens. The first OST we're getting on November 19th doesn't seem to contain these so I'm hoping the real OST shall pop up after the first one a few weeks or months later. If it doesn't then that sucks.
EuroSubstanceOct 31, 2014 11:24 PM
Nov 1, 2014 2:29 AM

Apr 2009
Yeah, the trolls on here are real.
Nov 1, 2014 2:44 AM

Jul 2013
Ugh now that I see it Arima's trauma looked even more ridiculous than it sounds. Talk about over-dramatizing. I don't know, I just can't empathize or care about him feeling "suffocated". In fact I seriously felt like slapping him.

I hope they don't drag his trauma up till the end because I'd rather they focus more on the music than the forced drama. The violin was beautiful at least.
Nov 1, 2014 2:58 AM

Feb 2014
-Skyleo- said:
Haha, yeah, it's a bit problematic since I'm french but... I just love french composers from the 20th century lol, I just can't help it. You can make fun of me, I'll don't blame you for it.

No no, thats nice. Frenchman studying orchestra, you could be the next Ravel (I think he was really good when it comes to orchestration, he should have saved Debussy while he could)

SolvitePriest said:
All the fedora tipping and "trust me guys im a concert pianist" lying going on in this thread is proof that this show targets the pretentious crowd

*tips fedora*
Nov 1, 2014 3:39 AM

Sep 2012
They're a perfect duo, that was so intense.
Kousei played the piano again on stage, the audience was so impressed, me either.
Gonna wait again for a week T.T
Nov 1, 2014 4:21 AM

May 2009
Are you fucking retarded?
Nov 1, 2014 5:03 AM

Jun 2014
I felt it, this episode.
Nov 1, 2014 5:21 AM

May 2010
I liked the girl who was all nervous on being told to come out on top.

"Music is freedom." That hithard.

Ah man I love Nodame's Kaori's playstyle (you know who she reminds me of)

Ah man Kousei don't give up... Kaori gave up too. No more like

These two are so cool together, the tension! Freaking loved it! The chemistry is rocking!

This episode was insane. The performance was insane. No doubt, a masterpiece.
TragicRomanceNov 3, 2014 2:46 AM
Nov 1, 2014 5:38 AM
Jul 2018
surfboard_ said:

No no, thats nice. Frenchman studying orchestra, you could be the next Ravel

Huhu, no, I think you overestimate me, but, quite honestly, to be as good orchestrator and musician as him is one of my dream. But I guess my ultimate goal is to become like a Ryuichi Sakamoto, lol, to be able to integrate elements of classical, jazz, electronic and whatever I want in my music, because I dig a lot 'rich' things in art in general.

In this sense, I think music can really be one of the door to freedom, because it allow you to portray any emotion and mood in an infinite number of ways, "the only limitation is your imagination".

This is why I don't understand people like SolvitePriest, who seems to think that musicians with classical background constitute a "pretentious crowd". Who seems to think that classical music is an elitist thing, while this is just false assumptions.
A lot of jazz, electronic, or even pop artists have a classical music education/background, because come on, this is like any kind of music dude, it's loads of fun. =)
Nov 1, 2014 5:39 AM

Apr 2009
That was one nerve-wracking episode, I feel so much stressed out like Kousei drowning in the dark in one of my own life experiences, I might as well have shot myself just to end the anxiety and agony of it all. I got over that for my own sanity's sake so yup I'm moving on.

Oh crap here comes the foreshadowing of why she went to that university hospital last episode. >_< Waiting for next week's episode is gonna drive me bonkers for several more days!!!
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Nov 1, 2014 7:22 AM

Feb 2008
Chised said:
Great episode, Arima went ham *cough*the zone anyone? The cliffhanger is kinda worrisome but it was expected since she has a frail body, just hope she doesn't have to get hospitalised or anything of such. .__.

Ha,ha, I thought exactly the same thing, Arima must have entered "the zone".

Don't talk to me about character development if Kaizuka Inaho or Slaine Troyard are in your favorites.
Nov 1, 2014 10:12 AM

Jun 2010
seeing this animated makes the feels 10 times hyper
<--- Who Your Waifus Look Up To --->
Nov 1, 2014 11:47 AM

Oct 2011
The performance scene was amazing, leaving me at the edge of my seat when Kousei started screwing up. Kind of reminds me of what I feel like sometimes when performing and trying to concentrate. Glad they were able to pick it back up again. I hope Kaori's okay.
Nov 1, 2014 11:52 AM

Aug 2008
This was probably once of the best episodes so far for this series. I really like the direction is taking. It would be on my top 3 for this season for sure. I'm still not sure if it will be able to be on the top 1 position. I really love the music, the OST is a great companion to the series mood. A-1 Pictures is really giving a lot of care to this series, I just hope it continues this way.
Otaku no naka no Otaku, Otaking ni narimasu -- Otaku no Video, Gainax, 1992.
Nov 1, 2014 3:36 PM

May 2009
Ah this show keeps me so freakin entertained. For me it's probably the best show this season. I am curious about the next episode!
check out my twitch:
Nov 1, 2014 5:13 PM

Mar 2013
Another amazing episode,
Kousei back on is feets again,
Amazing performance and team work,
Kaori didnt let go and keep it up to the entire play
until her body couldnt hold it anymore and she collapsed :(
Cant wait to see what happend next.
Nov 1, 2014 10:13 PM

May 2013
I don't think there's an easier way for a show to alienate me than to pull the "terminal disease" card. It's such a cheap way to manufacture drama and typically writers who have the gall to use it have no idea how to make it into a compelling part of their narrative or characters. I don't even know why the writer decided to utilize it, since they've already got plenty of drama to work with as it is. I hope to fucking Christ that isn't what we're dealing with here, and the collapse and hospital visit aren't indicative of a terminal disease, but goddamn it's hard to stay optimistic.

As for the other elephant in the room -- ie the show's oversimplified take on overcoming trauma and the perhaps abusive and insensitive actions of the girls towards Kousei -- I think while there's some validity to the complaints, it might be a little too soon to really condemn the show for them.

I certainly don't think the girls were in the right in how they approached getting Kousei back into piano, but I won't say for certain that the writer thinks they were either. Time will have to tell, but so long as there's acknowledgment that the approach, while with the best intentions, wasn't the right one and was instead a bit cruel and ham-handed, then that's one less problem to worry about.

As for Kousei overcoming his trauma so easily -- well he really didn't did he? He still can't hear himself play, he still isn't exactly in top form, and he still has all that emotional baggage from his abusive mother. There was a breakthrough -- he overcame a barrier, that's for sure -- but I don't think it's all hunky dory quite yet.

There's some clunkiness to this show: the comedy is poor, the slapstick is poorer, Kaori is just a little too Manic Pixie Dream Girl for my taste, and the writing is looking a tad iffy. But despite all those issues, I'm still enraptured. It's directed superbly, the animation ad OST are both stellar, and the characters remain likable despite their faults. I'm hoping desperately that this doesn't fall to pieces and soapy bullshit: please show, make my concerns for naught.
Nov 1, 2014 10:50 PM

Jun 2013
I absolutely loved that scene when Kousei's sweat dropped down and the whole piano was submerged underwater. Followed by the sounds of the keys being swallowed by the water, just spectacular.

I knew something was going to go wrong during the performance, but I was so surprised to see that it took up more than 3/4 of the episode. Still a good thing nonetheless XD.
Nov 2, 2014 12:17 AM

Dec 2010
This episode was painful and hard to watch... Not because it was bad, far from it in fact! But I just knew it wasn't going to go well, and watching Kousei freak out hurt me on the inside. But they pulled through and made it spectacular although they aren't the best team as of yet.

Best show of the season (that's not a sequel!)
Nov 2, 2014 1:46 AM

Dec 2012
Oh man the underwater effect of no sound was awesome. I was scared for him the entire time. That performance was amazing toward the end.

And that last scene wat just happened.
Nov 2, 2014 2:09 AM

Jul 2011
I don't know why I'm doing this to myself and I'm still watching this. Ugh.
Nov 2, 2014 3:53 AM

Nov 2013
Jinrou said:
I don't know why I'm doing this to myself and I'm still watching this. Ugh.

Hello friend
Why be Someone Else .When the only thing you know is how to be Awesome and Fantastic!
Am I right or What?
Self Five!
I Thank You guys for having the
time to read my sig
Nov 2, 2014 4:01 AM

Jan 2013
iAmZiro said:
As a piano player I was getting nervous as hell for Kousei to perform. Anyways amazing episode as always, can't wait for next week.

Nov 2, 2014 5:45 AM

Jul 2008
Amazing episode and the performance finish on a high :D
Nov 2, 2014 6:53 AM

Aug 2010
Amazing performance.
Nov 2, 2014 7:55 AM

Sep 2008
The true irony would be if she has the same disease as his mother. I'd lol.
Nov 2, 2014 7:57 AM

Dec 2012
Wow- awesome performance. It seems Kousei closed the relationship gap too.
I hope Kaori is okay.
Nov 2, 2014 7:59 AM

Oct 2013
That performance... just wow. For some time I stopped breathing. Intense episode.
And what the .... That ending. I hope nothing is seriously wrong with Kaori.
And what she meant when said that she is about to lose her heart? I hope it's not related with her collapsing...
Nov 2, 2014 8:13 AM

Mar 2014
That was really well done, I liked the way they portrayed that suffocating feeling that made him unable to play.
Nov 2, 2014 8:14 AM

Jan 2013
Thespacepope said:
The true irony would be if she has the same disease as his mother. I'd lol.

that sounds just generic enough to be true.
Nov 2, 2014 8:47 AM
Jul 2014
Starmac said:
I don't think there's an easier way for a show to alienate me than to pull the "terminal disease" card. It's such a cheap way to manufacture drama and typically writers who have the gall to use it have no idea how to make it into a compelling part of their narrative or characters.
As you said, it's cheap but it works well. It's also backed up by strong visuals and set pieces and it caters to the masses.
Starmac said:
As for the other elephant in the room -- ie the show's oversimplified take on overcoming trauma and the perhaps abusive and insensitive actions of the girls towards Kousei -- I think while there's some validity to the complaints, it might be a little too soon to really condemn the show for them.
I'm not sure the show will ever address these issues in a reasonable way. It seems pretty clear that the show's take on the subject is to make Kaori the cure.
Starmac said:
I certainly don't think the girls were in the right in how they approached getting Kousei back into piano, but I won't say for certain that the writer thinks they were either. Time will have to tell, but so long as there's acknowledgment that the approach, while with the best intentions, wasn't the right one and was instead a bit cruel and ham-handed, then that's one less problem to worry about.
Acknowledged by whom? The show? Not gonna happen. Also, Tsubaki's behavior is somehow justified. She knows the guy since childhood and she seems to really care about him. Sometimes a push is needed. And she relies more on words than fists. Kaori, on the other hand, barely knows him as a person. She forces him for her own gain. She uses emotional manipulation and guilt as bait.
SolvitePriest said:
Thespacepope said:
The true irony would be if she has the same disease as his mother. I'd lol.

that sounds just generic enough to be true.
The shared disease setting will surely be used as a guilt trap for Kousei.
temp_usernameNov 2, 2014 11:25 AM
Nov 2, 2014 11:11 AM

Dec 2009
So the whole episode was the performance, and Kousei is able to play music with Kaori, only after stumbling.

This series is definitely heading towards the tragic end. Kaori is clearly not in good health. Could Kousei keep playing even after losing Kaori and with his mom's shadow over him?
Nov 2, 2014 2:59 PM
Jan 2014
Hell, that was an amazing episode... that piano scene felt much better than the manga...

But she passing out at the end just broke my kokoro...
Nov 2, 2014 7:49 PM
Jun 2010
blazehero said:
So the whole episode was the performance, and Kousei is able to play music with Kaori, only after stumbling.

This series is definitely heading towards the tragic end. Kaori is clearly not in good health. Could Kousei keep playing even after losing Kaori and with his mom's shadow over him?

Nah, this type of story only got good endings, earn your happy ending kind :)
Nov 3, 2014 1:02 AM

Feb 2012
I think Kaori collapsed because she slipped on her own sweat. She sweated from her performance so much that it made Kousei drown.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 3, 2014 8:00 AM

Apr 2009
Wow, can't believe I managed to last this long without ranting:

This anime is full of horrible women and the writer is an idiot.
Why is the concept of fucking psychotherapy foreign to anyone in Japan The dude has serious mental problems, yet the authors thinks that a cute companion can somehow cure these severe issues through sheer "love and attention"? This is not how it works...


- Violent behaviour towards a mentally damaged person.
- Stalking and bullying him into joining activities he doesn't want to do.
- Making him relive the most traumatic experiences in his life.

Are we supposed to feel sympathy for the female main characters here? Because all I see are some people who use a fake altruism to foster highly egocentrical goals while putting their supposed friend through suffering. And even worse is the fact that the anime's messages seem to support these girls. Even his friend joins in on the "disbelief at his lack of accompanying ability" train despite better knowledge. Why!?
It's baffling how the author thinks we can be supportive of such a rotten personality just because she is good at playing music and looks cute? Oh, because she has a disease! Give me a break: Another way to add cheap drama and make her sympathetic despite our better knowledge.

Everything Kaori did was egocentric so far (She only wants a good support for her violin and even gets mad when he actually gets better at the end of the performance because he "might steal her thunder"!) and it is baffling to see so many people both in-universe and here being supportive of her. And Kousei's sickness gets downplayed simply because
a) the author is too incompetent to write it more realistically or
b) the author is a giant asshole who thinks psychological trauma is not serious and is fun to mock.

I think it is a mixture of both.

Ironicallly enough though, the anime mirrors Kaori: Nice looks and presentation, but rotten content. But since apparently appearances matter more than content, this criticism will not garner much attention.
NidhoeggrNov 3, 2014 8:10 AM
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Nov 3, 2014 8:16 AM

May 2009
Nidhoeggr said:
Wow, can't believe I managed to last this long without ranting:

This anime is full of horrible women and the writer is an idiot.
Why is the concept of fucking psychotherapy foreign to anyone in Japan The dude has serious mental problems, yet the authors thinks that a cute companion can somehow cure these severe issues through sheer "love and attention"? This is not how it works...


They even put comedic filter for autists so they would understand that slapstick shouldn't be treat seriously.

Too bad, there are always harder cases.
Nov 3, 2014 8:19 AM

Apr 2009
Using these issues as slapstick is part of the problem...
It's part of the condescending and biased attitude it has in general.
NidhoeggrNov 3, 2014 8:23 AM
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Nov 3, 2014 8:33 AM
Apr 2014
Nidhoeggr said:
Wow, can't believe I managed to last this long without ranting:

This anime is full of horrible women and the writer is an idiot.
Why is the concept of fucking psychotherapy foreign to anyone in Japan The dude has serious mental problems, yet the authors thinks that a cute companion can somehow cure these severe issues through sheer "love and attention"? This is not how it works...


Dafuq did i just read, LOL - anime | manga | reviews
Nov 3, 2014 8:37 AM

Jan 2013
Reyxe said:
Nidhoeggr said:
Wow, can't believe I managed to last this long without ranting:

This anime is full of horrible women and the writer is an idiot.
Why is the concept of fucking psychotherapy foreign to anyone in Japan The dude has serious mental problems, yet the authors thinks that a cute companion can somehow cure these severe issues through sheer "love and attention"? This is not how it works...


Dafuq did i just read, LOL

Someone who sees more when they watch anime than pretty colors.

Kaori guilt tripped a damaged person into playing Piano for her and you chumps are saying its ok because shes a cute girl.

Nice to see so many desperate virgins on MAL who would do anything a pretty girl tells them to because they might get some romantic attention.
Nov 3, 2014 8:42 AM

Apr 2009
SolvitePriest said:

Kaori guilt tripped a damaged person into playing Piano for her and you chumps are saying its ok because shes a cute girl.

Nice to see so many desperate virgins on MAL who would do anything a pretty girl tells them to because they might get some romantic attention.

The day I agree with Solvite. Indeed, that is what it is.

- Kaori needs someone to boost her popularity.
- Ryouta just want's Kaori.
- Tsubaki uses misguided altruism, but at least she seems to be more honest than the rest.
They are all pretty selfish in their desire "to help".
NidhoeggrNov 3, 2014 8:59 AM
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Nov 3, 2014 8:43 AM

Jan 2013
Nidhoeggr said:
SolvitePriest said:

Kaori guilt tripped a damaged person into playing Piano for her and you chumps are saying its ok because shes a cute girl.

Nice to see so many desperate virgins on MAL who would do anything a pretty girl tells them to because they might get some romantic attention.

The day I agree with Solvite. Indeed, that is what it is.

We agree quite often, i just dont bother telling you.
Nov 3, 2014 9:49 AM

Aug 2011
but it's okay for her to be abusive since she's dying or something!
Nov 3, 2014 10:04 AM

Apr 2009
parfaited said:
but it's okay for her to be abusive since she's dying or something!

Just like his abusive mother! How ironic! How deep! Now, imagine the message this series could present us at the end:
"Abuse is ok as long as the abusive person is a cute girl!"
I really think this is a postive message and not at all problematic.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Nov 3, 2014 10:08 AM

Sep 2011
i have to agree, the way they are playing off this legiitiment mental problem the MC has for laughs is pretty insulting, i was enjoying the show up till now but i cant deny that now having read nid's criticism i cant find anything to refute it, this is a major issue that can possibly destroy the entire show,

This is kind of a parrallel to how chuuniybyou ended up being, nice on the outside but look at what its saying and it borders on sickening, i actually dont think ive had such a 180 outlook on a show since....well chuunibyou
JizzyHitlerNov 3, 2014 10:12 AM

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Nov 3, 2014 10:36 AM

May 2009
parfaited said:
but it's okay for her to be abusive since she's dying or something!

All female characters in this anime/manga are abusive by your logic.
Nov 3, 2014 10:53 AM

Sep 2011
bastek66 said:
parfaited said:
but it's okay for her to be abusive since she's dying or something!

All female characters in this anime/manga are abusive by your logic.
so far out of his mother, kaori, and tsubaki, then yes they are all VERY abusive,

his mother beat and treated him like shit in compensation of her limited life left,

kaori selfishly forces him out of his comfort zone for her own personal gain and berates him for not going along with it if he choses not to, selfishly guilts him into doing what she wants even when it leads to him experiences a full on mentals breakdown

and tsubaki who orchestrated this and is disgustingly enough projecting what she things will be best for watari based off of her misguided judgement leading to the kid coming face to face with his problems whether he likes it or not

So yes, they ARE all abusive, and insultingly enough they are gonna feed us bullshit about the MC getting better from all this because all mental patients should just be bullied until they grow the fuck up, its always their fault for their trauma and no one elses so lets put that shit all on them.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Nov 3, 2014 10:59 AM

Apr 2009
bastek66 said:
parfaited said:
but it's okay for her to be abusive since she's dying or something!

All female characters in this anime/manga are abusive by your logic.

As Jizzy said, they all are.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Nov 3, 2014 11:06 AM

Feb 2014
Nidhoeggr said:
[...]Everything Kaori did was egocentric so far (She only wants a good support for her violin and even gets mad when he actually gets better at the end of the performance because he "might steal her thunder"!) [...]

The "might steal her thunder" part is actually interesting. Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso is a piece for violin AND orchestra (in other words, everything the orchestra [in this case, the piano] plays is meant to solely support the violin, which is literally the "thunder"), so is there any problem in thinking that way? Afterall, Arima is there to accompany her, not outshine. Yeah, we all know that Kousei can't hear himself and Kaori was playing lively as fuck, so its only natural to go on and try to do the same for the sake of the performance, even if you have no idea how quirky or out of tempo you're doing it. What is left for us to interpret is "Does Kaori really understands Kousei' situation?", I'm pretty sure she knows his problem but she can't fully comprehend/feel it (its her fault and Kousei's mates for forcing him to help Kaori, but would they do that if they really understood it?). At least we get to see what happens when you perform something without rehearsing first, even if the direction tried to make it sound like a sucessful one, we know the final result is always bad.

I hope more people read your post and realize that this anime is completely flawed.
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