I have a deep shame in regards to all of my anime watching habits, but like all shameful dirty secret activities, I continue them unrepentant. OOOOOOH WELL.
I rate my anime on more of a 1-5 basis than a 1-10 one -- mostly because anything I consider below a six is not something I'd usually take the time to complete. Though to be honest, the older I get the more ranking and assigning numerical scores to things sort of rubs me the wrong way. Things are more nuanced than just a straight number from 1-10: a seven might describe two shows of wildly different strengths, weaknesses, goals and well,
So yeah, take the numbers with a grain of salt.
In depth descriptions of my scores are as follows:
1-5: Garbage of varying degrees. What nuggets of good may be in these series are typically far outweighed by the awful.
6: A deeply flawed work with a few redeemable qualities. Still watchable.
7: Competent series go here, along with those possessing greatness but with a few significant blemishes.
8: Great works. The series accomplishes what it set out to do quite well, though perhaps not as well as it could've.
9: The cream of the crop, fantastic on several fronts, few to no flaws -- these shows are the elite.
10: An indisputably timeless work. These are the true classics, and oftentimes are the pinnacles of their genre. In light of the rest of the piece, flaws no longer matter an iota.
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