I like Anime for what it is, not what people want it to be. I enjoy it for the story, music, the freedom, and the atmosphere it tends to give off. I also enjoy the hunt in finding the like-minded folks who enjoy Anime as genuinely as me, weeding through the pricks that think they like Japan or Anime. I find Anime music also enjoyable, engulfing myself in Anime music due to the often over-looked emotions that assisted various Animes in adding that unique atmosphere.
I dislike the zombies that worship Anime blindly, destroying it through their blind "love" of Anime. I also dislike lemmings that allow others dictate what they should and shouldn't watch. Just watch what you want when you want without anybody telling you what to do. I also dislike people bashing anime or acting like Sages when they're just regular silly people.
I prefer my anime uncensored (+18 or not) because Anime is supposed to express itself freely, more so than American media. If Anime gets censored then it is no longer the Anime I know and love from back in 2000.
All Comments (15) Comments
Would it be crazy if that boy gets diamond for his Shinki.
how did you like and why or why not no reason for asking this just curious about how you feel please respond if you want ok also if you want to ask me a question look at my anime list and ask about one i am watching or have already seen and ask about if i like one or not if you want.
And yeah, enjoying it. There are quite a few I want to go back and rewatch (mostly Haruhi and the efs), but I'm not sure I'll ever get time to.
but damn... seriously the MIO MADNESS is huge!
Watch Nijuu Mensou =)
Hirano Aya as a smart detective =P
tis shotdown... former PG'er