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Akame ga KILL!
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Sep 22, 2014 10:53 AM

Oct 2013
Susanoo and Chelsea seem really cool. Cooler than most the other characters in the series so far, in fact. lol

Nice episode.

Sep 22, 2014 12:02 PM

Jan 2014
If you sneak up behind me again while i'm bathing... i'll chop it off ^__^
D: chop what off!?

hah so awesome, yup the two new characters are quite something.
Sep 22, 2014 12:10 PM
Oct 2013

Anyone knows how to post the pictures itself?
Sep 22, 2014 12:22 PM

Aug 2014
Yoyo1124 said:

Anyone knows how to post the pictures itself?

Use img tags?
Sep 22, 2014 12:31 PM

Apr 2008
Chelsea is love. Chelsea is life
Sep 22, 2014 1:21 PM
Jun 2014
Seryuu can be so adorable - when she's not brutally killing people and Coro's eating them alive.
Same for Esdeath.

Man, I love this show.
Sep 22, 2014 3:36 PM

Dec 2011
Hmmm, Chelsea looks really cute and it seemed that Mine and Lubbock were not having fun at all lol.

LOL, Chelsea's treating Akame like a little cute kid and gave her a lollipop and lured her to welcome her XD.

Hahaha, so Susanoo's a neat freak eh.

Damn, Susanoo's got epic skills when it comes to building houses and doing the household chores.

Well... Seryuu was originally mentally broken beyond repair so it came as a surprise that she cried...

Awwwww, a comforting moment between Esdeath and Seryuu, just a few of the people that people they're on the side of justice... freaking hilarious...

Poor Wave... his dreams were crushed...

LOL, Susanoo just said that Najenda looks his old master, a general, a guy, so she looks like a guy XD.

Hmmmm, Chelsea's Imperial Arms can alter the way she looks eh... it looks just like a make-up/cosmetics box...

It's really cool that Tatsumi can now use that spear that comes with the armor Incursio.

Duh f-ck lol, a month has already passed, time sure flies by in this anime XD.

Chelsea shouldn't have said that about Sheele and Bulat...

Hahaha, I was sure Lubbock would propose something like Tatsumi using Incuriso's invisibility to sneak on Chelsea while she's naked or something... dat ulterior motive doe...

Tatsumi was the one surprised for real and it seems Chelsea really cares about their well being, hence what she said earlier.

Love at first sight... Tatsumi x Chelsea is the deal now!

Hmmm, it would seem that Run's a lot more shady than I first believed.

Yeah... well another weird guy is going to visit the capital that's for sure lol.
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall."
Sep 22, 2014 7:20 PM

Aug 2013
More than capable to protect me, will cook and clean for me, will build me a home...holy crap I want to marry Susanoo!
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Sep 22, 2014 7:21 PM

Jul 2012
Ok, so the introductions for the new characters.....nice....nice... :3

So, Chelsea is pretty annoying, especially towards Mine, but we later found out that her past team members were all made me rethink about her, and now she's a pretty cool character, what with her transforming into "anything"

Susanoo......he's a bad ass. xD
LOL! Nothing much to say but he's OP as hell. xD looks like Seryuu was crying about the loss of one her you crazy bitch!! :P bad character? The Bad Guys are gonna fight some pretty weird characters.....woot woot!
Sep 22, 2014 7:22 PM

Jul 2012
Susanoo best waifu 2014
Sep 22, 2014 9:00 PM

Jul 2013
Susanoo will always be a better house wife than most woman lol

Liked that yuri moment where Esdeath and Seryuu were hugging cheering each other up. Poor wave. lol couldn't be the first to cheer her up. Had Kumero (probably spelled it wrong) cheering him up XD
Sep 22, 2014 11:36 PM

Apr 2014
Not much of actions going on but it was a good episode. Some funny moment among NR members. Susanoo such waifu material lol, even the rice beside Akame's mouth has more priority than the danger beast in front of him. Chalsea, errmm... Chalsea > everyone??

Seryuu cried I don't know how to feel, she's evil but her voice(Hanazawa) makes me soft....FML~~ FML~~

Dat brat Minister's son is coming I assumed, means that Esdeath and Tatsumi will meet again very soon. Also, Bor's wife and kid....*sniff*
Sep 22, 2014 11:57 PM

Nov 2013
Something big is definitely going to occur in the next few episodes. I wonder what Esdeath said towards the end of the episode was foreshadowing a big battle that will happen soon? Chelsea's fucking adorable such a mischievous girl.

Sep 22, 2014 11:57 PM

Nov 2013
alphazero4um said:
I thought this episode was okay saw a couple problems though, but it was enjoyable. Oh I did find some spoilers by accident in a certain video title on the latest chapter and description. I got to be careful. I spoiled myself a lot already. X(
You gotta be careful when watching anime adaptations. Manga readers will not hesistant when spoiling stuff for the newcomers. I've already been spoiled a fair bit too.

Sep 22, 2014 11:59 PM

Nov 2013
xSanox said:
pretty good episode

dat susanoo

chelsea death flag already raised sigh...
I've got confidence in her. I really don't think she will die that easily. Her kill count is on par with Akame so keep that in mind.

Sep 23, 2014 12:01 AM

Nov 2013
StrawberryRain said:
I did not know how to feel when Esdeath started comforting Seryu...><
My feelings exactly. I hate justice bitch but love Esdeath. HOW DO I FEEL?!

Sep 23, 2014 12:02 AM

Nov 2013
Jerkhov said:
Time to add Chelsea to the waifu arsenal...
There are so many best girls in this anime that it's becoming increasingly difficult not for my loins to get moist.

Sep 23, 2014 4:09 AM

Aug 2014
Man, what the hell? I am seriously becoming a fanboy of this show. It's just... so good. So enjoyable.

This episode was full of lolz, but also feels. I don't hate Justice-san, and when Esdeath comforted her it was simply nice. And, of course, Wave has to get screwed somehow.

Susanoo and Chelsea are just as awesome as everyone. Too many great scenes to comment. Although, i am interested in Angel-san, seems he has some ulterior motives. And a new villain appears?

5/5. Big surprise there, huh?
~||Sky of the Night Light||~
Sep 23, 2014 4:24 AM

May 2012
I do like Seryu, she is cute. But I don't like her in her sadist form, she looks like totally different person.
Sep 23, 2014 7:41 AM
Jul 2018
Chelsea's so cute, especially when she was became a little kitten...
Sep 23, 2014 9:11 AM

Jan 2013
Hmm, run planning a revolt against esdeath? Didnt expect this..
Sep 23, 2014 9:54 AM

Dec 2013
This was a good episode~

The girls!!! The girls in this anime all look so good >.<

This episode was a good one.
"No one knows what the future holds. That's why its potential is infinite.” - Okabe Rintarou

"El Psy Congroo."

Kirino Kyousake Picture
Sep 23, 2014 10:22 AM

Oct 2013
God damn, Chelsea was best grill, until she reflected on her saying that Bro-faggot and Deredere fanservice emotional impact attempt girl were sh**y assassins. That was so true, she shouldn't reflect on that. And all those faggots in Night Raid, they ain't real assassin material.... too emotionally unstable and teenagers -,- and f***ing idealists for that matter.

Esdeath continues being best grill. Got I hope the Jaegers just kill the entire Night Raid, Esspecially the fag MC, cute grill, wannabe ex-general grill, the plot-armoured heroine, in that order.

God, they should really kill a character I actually (or anyone with half a brain) cares about.... Bro-faggot and the deredere were such obvious set ups for emotional impact. It was pretty obvious since ep 1 that they will die. If they killed the Green haired comedic relief whose name I almost remember (I remember only 3 character names, because the rest are faggots who would just waste storage space on my brain hard drive) then I would be sad, because he is a semi-good character. They should've killed him thought, I would've liked the series 10x more, a dead comedic relief character is - a better comedic relief character.

Esdeath loving the MC is such a load of BS that makes me want to fly to Tokyo, and strangle the guy who thought of that idea.

If this series doesn't end with the death of the entire Night Raid and the failure of the Retarditionary Army (revolutionary fags) then I am going to ragequit, those damn revolutionaries seem to be the main source of problems imo.

Well let's be honest, the idiot Raid squad is going to obliterate the Jaegers killing them all, or WORSE, making some of them join.... that will make me cry. I can already see which ones will join and which ones will die :l. GG Esdeath, join the idiots or die, what brilliant choices she has.....

Or better, Esdeath, get a f***ing brain and seize the capital using the Northern Army. Shouldn't be too hard since the northern army is basically veterans by now and I doubt the city garrison/police would stand a chance against veterans of many battles, It also seems they are very loyal to her. So utilise that loyalty, execute the minister, Capture the Prince faggot, install him as a figure head, have all the power > win. Or even make it easier... Let the revolutionary army fight the Minister's forces, after they finish, just capture the capital from either the retarditionaries or the minister, which should be a lot easier since they would both exhaust nearly all their strength by then. After her seizing the power, there would not be any organised opposition.... because all the opposition was already defeated, to rebuild the revolutionary army would take quite a while. Thought for the 2nd plan it would be hard to convince the minister that she didnt betray him, while convincing the Revolutionary army of their neutrality. In any case, Esdeath should have all the power, IMO I feel the most idiotic decision the minister took was giving Esdeath soooo many teigu and a damn squad of elite commandos who use them if she was smart, that fact alone would lead to the downfall of the minister.
I am a human.
Sep 23, 2014 10:54 AM

Apr 2008
AppoX said:
God damn, Chelsea was best grill, until she reflected on her saying that Bro-faggot and Deredere fanservice emotional impact attempt girl were sh**y assassins. That was so true, she shouldn't reflect on that. And all those faggots in Night Raid, they ain't real assassin material.... too emotionally unstable and teenagers -,- and f***ing idealists for that matter.

Esdeath continues being best grill. Got I hope the Jaegers just kill the entire Night Raid, Esspecially the fag MC, cute grill, wannabe ex-general grill, the plot-armoured heroine, in that order.

God, they should really kill a character I actually (or anyone with half a brain) cares about.... Bro-faggot and the deredere were such obvious set ups for emotional impact. It was pretty obvious since ep 1 that they will die. If they killed the Green haired comedic relief whose name I almost remember (I remember only 3 character names, because the rest are faggots who would just waste storage space on my brain hard drive) then I would be sad, because he is a semi-good character. They should've killed him thought, I would've liked the series 10x more, a dead comedic relief character is - a better comedic relief character.

Esdeath loving the MC is such a load of BS that makes me want to fly to Tokyo, and strangle the guy who thought of that idea.

If this series doesn't end with the death of the entire Night Raid and the failure of the Retarditionary Army (revolutionary fags) then I am going to ragequit, those damn revolutionaries seem to be the main source of problems imo.

Well let's be honest, the idiot Raid squad is going to obliterate the Jaegers killing them all, or WORSE, making some of them join.... that will make me cry. I can already see which ones will join and which ones will die :l. GG Esdeath, join the idiots or die, what brilliant choices she has.....

Or better, Esdeath, get a f***ing brain and seize the capital using the Northern Army. Shouldn't be too hard since the northern army is basically veterans by now and I doubt the city garrison/police would stand a chance against veterans of many battles, It also seems they are very loyal to her. So utilise that loyalty, execute the minister, Capture the Prince faggot, install him as a figure head, have all the power > win. Or even make it easier... Let the revolutionary army fight the Minister's forces, after they finish, just capture the capital from either the retarditionaries or the minister, which should be a lot easier since they would both exhaust nearly all their strength by then. After her seizing the power, there would not be any organised opposition.... because all the opposition was already defeated, to rebuild the revolutionary army would take quite a while. Thought for the 2nd plan it would be hard to convince the minister that she didnt betray him, while convincing the Revolutionary army of their neutrality. In any case, Esdeath should have all the power, IMO I feel the most idiotic decision the minister took was giving Esdeath soooo many teigu and a damn squad of elite commandos who use them if she was smart, that fact alone would lead to the downfall of the minister.

Esdeath doesn't care about taking over. She just wants the fight and the hunt. She wants to go up against powerful forces that could give her a challenge. The Empire is nothing but a tool towards that end.
Sep 23, 2014 2:38 PM
Jun 2014
lol and once again i see appox being a fucking idiot and going around and hating on everything

That guy at the end seems like a global enemy, with how the end trailer showed both sides fighting him, if I remember correctly, or at least the Titan ogre things he *probably* created.
Sep 23, 2014 3:49 PM

Jan 2014
Darklight0303 said:
Esdeath doesn't care about taking over. She just wants the fight and the hunt. She wants to go up against powerful forces that could give her a challenge. The Empire is nothing but a tool towards that end.
If Tatsumi had brains he would get married with Esdeath and he would make her take over the Capital and become king or whatever to bring real peace...Because she didnt deny the fact that minister is bad while rejecting to join Revolution army...Well,whatever in the end this is a shounen and story needs to keep going...
Sep 23, 2014 3:52 PM

Apr 2008
LonelyWizard said:
Darklight0303 said:
Esdeath doesn't care about taking over. She just wants the fight and the hunt. She wants to go up against powerful forces that could give her a challenge. The Empire is nothing but a tool towards that end.

If Tatsumi had brains a lot of things would've turned out different
Sep 23, 2014 5:18 PM

May 2013
Oh man, I knew that was Chelsea when Tatsumi tried to sneak in. LOL

Good ep. I like the new characters so far especially Susano0o0 ;D

Sep 23, 2014 11:13 PM

Sep 2014
It was good. So we get two new replacement characters? And what's up with the title of the next episode? Kill The Newcomers? Does that mean the two new guys could be bad or are they such a threat that the focus will be on trying to kill them first before moving onto everyone else?
Sep 24, 2014 3:27 AM

Jan 2014
Fredo_p said:
It was good. So we get two new replacement characters? And what's up with the title of the next episode? Kill The Newcomers? Does that mean the two new guys could be bad or are they such a threat that the focus will be on trying to kill them first before moving onto everyone else?
:I it simply referred to the conflict between the newcomers(Shapeshifter) and other 3(Tsundere,Stringer,MC)...If you watch the episode you will understand...
Sep 24, 2014 8:29 AM
Aug 2014
Really cute and funny episode. Love the build up and introduction of a new villian. Chelsea is so freaking cute especially, when she turned into a cat. Mein is so adorable too, ahh. Love this show!
Sep 24, 2014 1:00 PM

Jan 2013
Nothing really happened, but Chelsea is indeed kind of annoying.
And seriously, an imperial arm make-up set?

Also, episode makes me wanna pity justice girl for losing her beloved Doctor, but since Stylish was all about killing the NR members, I can kind of understand why they killed him.
Sep 25, 2014 6:45 AM
Jul 2018
I thought this episode was absolutely amazing. 10/10. so good.

even with not much action or plot advancement it was completely entertaining, and had amazing animation and music. Anime cant get much better than this.

So many funny parts, chelsea messing with akame and mine, esdeath comforting seryuu, lubba convincing tatsumi to peak and him thinking that lubbock is doing a good deed by letting him go by himself, house wife susanoo (I mean this is amazing and all but.. what the hell?.. haha perfect line), riding on top of the manta and chelseas comments to tatsumi, esdeath longing for tatsumi and seeing a bit of the real run.

I especially like it when wave wanted to comfort seryuu and kurome said he wouldnt hes all hype "my mom said.." then gets depressed because a superior officer had already taken care of it... kurome just shakes her head and puts her hand on his shoulder. so hilarious.

when he talk about his mom, and kurome goes hmmm... makes me wonder if there will be some wave x kurome action sometime!! i hope so!!

Man. I was thoroughly entertained from beginning to end.

Don't see how people cant like this showl

It kinda reminds me of gurren lagann with all the crazy characters and action, good comedy but then itll get serious.

my fav chars are tatsumi, akame, and esdeath (as a villain)

It is a perfect anime for me.
removed-userSep 25, 2014 7:01 AM
Sep 25, 2014 8:19 AM
Aug 2014
I really like the two new members that have been added to the group, but man, do I miss Sheele. She was a really sweet individual and I believe that there was a strong connection between her and Tatsumi.

On another note, I am also glad to start seeing a different side of Esdeath.

My list. | Eggroll is the greatest ty :)
Sep 25, 2014 11:11 AM

Jan 2010
This anime is an excuse for fanservice. There is some intriguing plot, but it is somewhere down in the priority list.
Sep 25, 2014 11:26 AM

Mar 2013
nice episode :)
no progress in the story but
more info on the 2 new members,
and justice girl show some Emotions,
loved Akane reaction when Chelsea give her
the candy and on the fishing scene.
Chelsea teasing Mine was also really funny.....
will have to wait and see what going
to happen next.
Sep 25, 2014 2:23 PM
Jul 2018
jonnyhan said:
This anime is an excuse for fanservice. There is some intriguing plot, but it is somewhere down in the priority list.

Not really... they only show fanservice once every other ep or so.

This series is all about epic fights, bloody violence, fanservice, quirky characters, political intrigue, and in later parts romance. All rolled into one beautiful package ;)
Sep 25, 2014 6:03 PM

Apr 2012
Enjoyable ep, lots of funny moments. Which probably means things are about to get dark real soon again.

I love the new characters. Susanoo best imperial arms, I need him (although he would probably go crazy once he sees my room, hahaha!)
Chelsea best girl.
"Fortress Maximus has come himself. Okay! Then I shall get Fortress Maximus to fight me, huh huh huh!"

Sep 25, 2014 10:49 PM

Oct 2013
bastek66 said:
After another likeable character death in manga I just don't care anymore about this shit.

the game of thrones aspect is strong in this
Sep 26, 2014 4:56 PM

Jul 2013
Susanoo has an OCD!

That blonde Jeager member is plotting something behind Esdeath's back.. don't tell me that he's really a revolutionary soldier or something?
Sep 26, 2014 5:23 PM
Jun 2014
Run is too cruel to be a RS, I'm pretty sure he's another villain, just planning to take the spotlight.
Sep 26, 2014 8:31 PM

Aug 2013
Chealsea and Mein duo is so damn great. But is it just me or Chealsea somehow look like a informant..? She have the perfect profile to be a spy. She was also the only survivor of his last team. But I like her, I hope she survive more than 4 episodes :P

Susanoo is... an architect? No seriously, he seem damn powerful. He can keep the moral of his team with delicious food!

Climax in the war is coming! ......In probably 12 episodes.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Sep 27, 2014 8:03 PM

Jan 2013
Is there gonna be 25 episodes?
Sep 27, 2014 8:38 PM

Jun 2011
Fun stuff. Not much happened, but getting to know the newbies is important. Chelsea was always ok to me, but I've always liked Susanoo better. He's a great character.

Also, I love me some Esdese love.

ibrahim2712 said:
Is there gonna be 25 episodes?

Yes there will.
Sep 27, 2014 8:56 PM
Mar 2014
minouneetzoe said:
Chealsea and Mein duo is so damn great. But is it just me or Chealsea somehow look like a informant..? She have the perfect profile to be a spy. She was also the only survivor of his last team. But I like her, I hope she survive more than 4 episodes :P

I can see what you mean, but at the same time she seems a bit too caring IMO.
Sep 28, 2014 3:08 AM

Apr 2013
Lovely episode. I think they didn't leave anything out... (I read a lot of chapters of the manga a while ago.)
Sep 28, 2014 4:46 AM

May 2013
Susanoo and Chelsea have been finally introduced properly!
Susanoo is great for household chores, while Chelsea has Gaea Foundation!
Also, we get some fanservice from both of them.

Aw, Esdeath misses Tatsumi. Hopefully, they'll see each other soon.
New villain guy appears in the end. That smile makes me hate him already.

Teigu Count: 18 Named, 1 Unnamed, 29 Unknown.
I’m always searching for something, for someone. This feeling has possessed me I think, from that day… That day when the stars came falling.
Sep 28, 2014 11:37 AM

Oct 2013
Good episode,but nothing really interesting happened

Sep 28, 2014 11:43 AM

Jul 2013

Seriously, both Night Raid and Jaeger character development episodes are as good as plot/action oriented episodes!

I'm gonna be crushed when the inevitable final battle between the two happens :( I don't want anyone to die :(( hell I still haven't even gotten over Sheele </3
The best anime is the Road to El Dorado
Sep 29, 2014 12:51 AM

Jul 2008
I'm curious how Esdeath will finally be dealt with. Their fight can't come soon enough.
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