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Days: 145.9
Mean Score:
- Watching457
- Completed366
- On-Hold139
- Dropped21
- Plan to Watch200
- Total Entries1,183
- Rewatched0
- Episodes8,844
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 29.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries501
- Reread0
- Chapters5,215
- Volumes217
All Comments (221) Comments
Harem & Ecchi Club Nuns
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besides I've seen people doing the same thing and as long as you point out that it's NSFW beforehand I don't think they'll do anything
and for the staff to check an account for an image or something has to do with profile traffic, which, as you can see, I don't have
lol I whoreheartedly agree. No, seriously, I'm kinda sick of those and how regularly they pop up to me during my search
and yeah, scat is a no-no for me as well, as well as blood and vomit and whatnot
I mean I don't kinkshame if someone's into them but I kinda dont want them shoved into my throat
but I kinda am into piss so I'm not completely vanilla :v
yeah I mean I like vanilla as much as i like my fetishes so its no problem :D
さめるぱ is really good his artstyle improves over the years and i think he went by a different nickname before and drew only sketches before he really got into digital painting hes amazing really
and I love Zako because he chooses the best girls to draw and the same goes to instantIP and GAO :)
ive seen a few works of カナ on danbooru and i liked his style but i dont really know the characters he draws since theyre mostly all niche so its a little hard for me to judge
good choice with Norasuko there :) proves your refined taste sir
Norasuko has been my fav artist for a few years actually. i discovered him/her through his/her 2014 shota h-pic where he made a collaboration proj with characters from a blogger :) it was really nice and heartwarming and the pic was hot too so no complains
CyanCapsule is one i dont know so i had to scroll through their works
i honestly cant say im a big fan of this style or fetish but there are more humanized works of theirs i see below that are really good so thanks for introducing them to me
this one i dont know as well and i gotta say his choice of characters is really really great
and i wish there were more works of JK :) i discovered him through his recent BnH illustration and its so cute
and むーにゃん is amazing!!! that one i didnt know about as well but im sure i came across some of his works before because i can remember seenig this
his enthusiasm towards haganai is really inspiring
and エロエ original characters are really hot <3
none of the works of the last artist appealed to me unfortunately
but i didnt know you cared about the art the most, since you did that i can send some really good artists with very fancy graphics though i wont guarantee youll find them hot because theyre only "drawn" good, let me know if u want
and i just recently found out about one who really likes big boobs and feet
this as well
ざいざい (loves yuri and futa)
明 aki (simple art but the positions are so hot)
Zheng (this is the closest to 23 there is, but not art-wise, of course 23 works look much better)
ジョッチ@お仕事募集中 (really really good art)
Yup, that's why I'm always looking for similar artists. I'm hoping we'll at least get to see more artists like him in the future.
tan girls are great =w=
do you happen to know other good illustrators with the same author appeal?
gotta love 23's style man