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Jun 19, 2014 9:25 AM

Nov 2011
And a great finale to warp up this show.

So they finally meet in an official match. I was always looking forward to seeing the new improved Peco going up against Smile. The OST was awesome as usual. I am impressed at how well Peco is doing in the match as well. Overall, rating this 9/10. One of my favorites from this season :3
Jun 19, 2014 10:26 AM

Jun 2013
Great finish to the final episode, I was kinda wondering how they were going to finish this series but I'm really happy how it all turned out.
All the flashback were very nice during the episode, showing some of the characters when the where young was really nice. Also it showed them what they were doing in the future after that match against Smile and Peco.
Going to miss this series alot. 9/10
Jun 19, 2014 10:28 AM

Nov 2007
aaah,i will miss this masterpiece

(somehow i am really super-content that Wenge finally made it to Olympics:'))
Jun 19, 2014 10:32 AM

May 2014
Great as always. I thought it would become awkward by setting up so long before the climax final match. But everything was laid out so tightly, no second was wasted and still managed to bring home all the character motifs.

Smile is no longer a robot and now I get why "blood tastes like iron".

The climax itself was our hero and what he embodies.

And finally we get to see all our characters and how they turned out afterwards bringing closure to this adventure of human turmoil.

Masaaki Yuasa did it again! 8/10 because it's held down by its own premise unfortunately.
T3hSourceJun 19, 2014 10:37 AM
Jun 19, 2014 10:33 AM

Oct 2013
Wow...seeing Smile change like that was the gift of this anime
Jun 19, 2014 10:33 AM

Jan 2013
What an intriguing final episode, it wasn't how I imagined it to be.

I thought my highlight of this series was episode 10, where it sat at a solid 7/10, but now I'll definitely have to give it an 8/10 as I really loved that final episode!

This show did such a great job at sticking to its unique style throughout.
Jun 19, 2014 10:35 AM
May 2013
I'm glad I watched this show. In the end it became so much more than a sports anime. Definitely goes in my "would buy if I didn't live in Europe" category.
Jun 19, 2014 10:50 AM

Aug 2010
Beautiful finale :*)

Loved how they showed us that the outcome of this match didn't matter. I totally didn't expect the coaches to just go and sit outside somewhere chatting XD That felt really awesome to be honest. They did all they had to and now just let Peco and Smile enjoy :)

The match between Peco and Smile was so much fun :D Loved how Smile didn't hold back and went all out. And the scene when he just broke of the shells of a robot was so nice. Esp with Peco just continuing even after Smile fell down :D The scene when Smile tasted his blood was really awesome! Dat symbolism >.<

And the picture of the ceremony with Peco and the winner and Smile smiling even though he's second was beautiful :*)

Loved the epilogue a lot. Smile looks a lot like Wenge but with glasses and he's showing so many emotions now ^^ Kazama has become such a fun guy too :)...with hair XD Totally loved his conversation with Smile. So both of them quit :O

And really nice to see Wenge having become an Olympics competitor :D His efforts finally paid off ^^ So happy for him :) And Peco with a buzz cut looking BA! What a finale :D

Also The travelling afro guy was just friggin lol until the very end XD He went around the world and back to ping pong realizing he loves it XD Liked his reaction to seeing who the final contenders were ^^

9.5/10 and I'm still wondering whether I should give a 9 or a 10 on MAL >.< This show was tooo good!!
Jun 19, 2014 10:53 AM

Jul 2010
Heroes don't have weak points!
Peco managing to hit that even with his injury... Peco is pushing really hard to be the hero and play his best.
Smile breaking out of his "shell", those muscles with those colouring!!!
Really satisfied with the ending here! Smile smiled at the end of the match in the picture, it was a big one too!!!
Smile becoming a teacher, Peco being the national ace. That match was an intense life changing experience for them! All those flashbacks were great.
Even the old team are getting along well. As well as everyone else!

That throw at the end!!!!!!
Jun 19, 2014 10:54 AM

Feb 2014
:wow, this series hit all the right notes for me.
That was an amazing experience.
goshuJun 19, 2014 12:22 PM
Jun 19, 2014 11:06 AM

Sep 2013
Anime of the season.
Jun 19, 2014 11:09 AM

Jun 2012
The picture of the top 3 with Smile in second place with a smile on his face was just perfect.
Jun 19, 2014 11:11 AM

Jun 2014
That was a great ending. The gameplay wasnt quite as impressive as last episode, but i liked the moving-aerial perspective. I also love how they did a flashforward showing Smile coaching the next generation. But how is the Old Woman still alive?!
Jun 19, 2014 11:21 AM

Oct 2013
OH YEAH! Forgot to mention...that paddle at the end haha
Jun 19, 2014 11:22 AM

Jun 2011
Ending felt a bit rushed, almost as if it ended before it even began. A pity, because I liked it.
Jun 19, 2014 11:27 AM

Jul 2013
The ending did feel a bit rushed but oddly satisfying. Great series, really liked the characters and soundtrack.
Jun 19, 2014 11:30 AM
Jan 2013
God dam.... My blood taste like iron.... into, blood taste like iron...
I really love the development of how smile is a robot breaking his robot armor to see that he really is a human.
I still don't know what to rate this because im still in awestruck probably a 9/10 but still god dam. At least i can say i was here for ride :D.
Jun 19, 2014 11:38 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Loved the ending. Really cool way to wrap things up (and nice little Evangelion reference too!). The music and direction was top notch too.

Easily one of the best anime this season.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jun 19, 2014 11:42 AM

Nov 2010
An anticlimactic ending to that match, wasn't totally expecting it though it isn't uncommon. I feel like they still achieved their goals with the characters. The characters which were the most important part of the anime. Loved the song, seeing them all as kids hitting the ball like in the PV, Smile breaking free, and seeing Smile well, smile.

I am really teetering between 9 and 10.
Jun 19, 2014 11:43 AM

Aug 2013
Good stuff is good stuff.
Like... seriously. Ping Pong was pretty awesome.

Jun 19, 2014 11:44 AM

Jun 2013
Truly the hidden gem of this season: 9/10
Jun 19, 2014 11:46 AM

Feb 2012
Marzan said:
Loved the ending. Really cool way to wrap things up (and nice little Evangelion reference too!). .

"I won't run away" indeed. It was a well placed reference.

I Knew the traveler would come back to ping pong, but I wish there was more to him.

The ending didn't feel rushed at all to me, if anything it really captured the fleeting nature of our lives. 'Rushed' is usually when things don't feel natural, which is not the case with ping pong. When old friends catch up, you usually end up going over a lot of stuff. The results of the match weren't shown initially because it wasn't important, the two friends got to play to their hearts content.

I love how in the end, ping pong is not just a sport, but something that draws us together as humans <3
Jun 19, 2014 11:47 AM

Nov 2013

the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Jun 19, 2014 11:55 AM
Jan 2011
Thanks Mr. Yuasa.
Thakns Mr. Matsumoto.

Jun 19, 2014 11:57 AM

Jan 2008
It was perfect. Def. one of the best series this season (if not the best).
Jun 19, 2014 11:58 AM

Sep 2012
It will be hard to top this this year.

Jun 19, 2014 12:03 PM

Nov 2010
Anyone notice ocean guy at Peco's Germany match?
Jun 19, 2014 12:05 PM

Sep 2013
Smile's crash and instant comeback was amazing. What an insane fight.

And another great show ends.... For now, I guess.

Edit/ oh wait, there's no more source material.
artemis37Jun 19, 2014 1:10 PM
Jun 19, 2014 12:06 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
That was beautiful. The flashback was touching, you really get to see how Peco is a hero (or Smile's hero). The significance of the phrase "blood tastes like iron" is really interesting. We didn't know what it really meant and neither did Smile until he finally figured it out. I love how much Smile changed, as with Kazama, in the end. Both of them who were either serious or stoic are now able to show lots of emotions, and you can really hear it in their voices as they converse. I'm glad that Peco's knee held out and history didn't repeat. I definitely enjoyed this the most this season because of the storytelling as well as the refreshing style. An amazing experience.
Jun 19, 2014 12:08 PM

Sep 2013
This episode was beautiful, OMG <3
It was just a great ending, wrapped everything up very nicely.

Smile's transformation was incredible. Hearing him talk as a grown up --- soo hot <3 kyaaa! LMAO

I'm glad Peco won the match. This is such a beautiful anime.
Jun 19, 2014 12:22 PM

Jun 2012
Not bad. I would have preferred if we could have seen the whole match and if the time skip was explored a bit more but overall it was good. And I really love the sound of when the ping pong ball hits the table. It gives me chills. Oh yeah! I'm glad wenge finally made it.
Jun 19, 2014 12:23 PM

Aug 2008
Very satisfying ending, in every way!
Really loved the sequence with the children chorus!

I should really watch more anime from Yuasa Masaaki, can't go wrong.
Jun 19, 2014 12:25 PM

Jul 2013
The final match was great and the flashbacks were well-placed. Watching Smile smiling during the award ceremony was touching. I will miss this show. It was probably the best thing this season had to offer and not just another sports anime.

IntroverTurtle said:
Anyone notice ocean guy at Peco's Germany match?
I noticed him, too. Awesome little detail
Jun 19, 2014 12:35 PM

Jan 2013
Loved every second.
Great message, perfectly executed.
Jun 19, 2014 12:44 PM

Mar 2012
Match playing was slightly underwhelming. Well, not the animation but the lack of playing. Apart from that, one of the greatest shows I've seen. God damn.

Personally, it's a show for me, and in preferences it fits mine. And on top of that, it's just a piece of art that should be viewed by lots. The ending did well to connect the past and present, as well as the future, and had absolutely lovely execution (dat song).

I dunno what else to say. Or rather, I got too much to say. 9/10 though, a rare score especially in anime today.
Jun 19, 2014 12:53 PM
Apr 2014
HIDDEN GEM, I was skeptical at first on watching the series because of the animation that aren't familiar with my taste but I kept on watching and here I am, finished watching probably best anime for this summer. 10/10
Jun 19, 2014 12:53 PM

May 2011
Gosh, they were so precious as children, even Akuma there! And I was happy to hear how he is living his life with some happiness. Most of all, I cheered about Wenge's success. And once again it was wonderful seeing the guy go on his journey only to return to his love. All these other characters getting the right amount of attention really brought it together well.

It was wonderful seeing something of Peco bringing Smile into the game. I remember looking at the light through my hand as a kid all the time as a kid. I'm mostly happy with how things have ended up. I wish there was maybe something a little more at the end but still, I'm glad I watched this.
Jun 19, 2014 1:04 PM
Jan 2014
When I saw the framed picture of the top 4 players, my heart skipped a beat. What a beautiful way to end things. I love endings where the characters are matured.
I like the new Kazama, he has a very relaxed personality now. The strain from table tennis is gone. Wenge and Peco living their dreams. That final toss from Smile looked gorgeous. Going to miss this so much. The OST was amazing throughout the anime as well.

-9/10 overall.
Jun 19, 2014 1:05 PM

Apr 2013
AOTS definitely. Will miss Ping Pong and its amazing characters. Damn this was brilliant. 10/10 for me, great characters, music, art and I love the fact that the show taught so much, great messages.
Jun 19, 2014 1:13 PM
Sep 2011
So, what's the verdict from watching the show? One cannot go wrong when picking to watch an anime directed by Masaaki Yuasa. The premise was simple, so were the characters. What, however, Yuasa managed to do (again), is to give a meaningful approach to another anime genre which has become stale. I guess, that is his purpose as a director : re-inventing stale genres. Kudos to a refreshing show, made by a brilliant director.

7/10, the best of the season until now.
Jun 19, 2014 1:20 PM
Jan 2013
Didn't know there was a live action movie of this in 2002!
Jun 19, 2014 1:22 PM

Mar 2013
I'm gonna miss this show. Probably anime of the season, and definitely one I'd recommend to literally everyone. I hope this art style will lead to more creativity in future anime too. 10/10
Jun 19, 2014 1:30 PM

Dec 2013
i'll be REALLY surprised if i enjoy another anime this year as much as i have this one. the whole show was so thoughtfully and lovingly executed and this last episode tied the whole thing up even better than i imagined.


if only there were more directors like yuasa maasaki...
Jun 19, 2014 1:41 PM

Apr 2008
Incredible!! It was so inspiring to see such character development. I'm really moved. Would recommend!
Jun 19, 2014 1:43 PM
Apr 2013
I want to thank whoever recommended this show to me for doing so. It was wonderful.

I honestly did not see Smile losing coming even when Peco began to make him sweat. That timeskip was even more surprising. My how everyone changed. Some people moved forward (Kazama's ex, Peco, Wenge) others progress was more subtle (Smile, Kazama) but overall the conclusion was incredibly satisfying.

It's anime like this that keep me inspired. A story is truly only as good as the characters that people it. Steins;Gate taught me that and this show only reinforces this belief. I feel all warm inside despite the fact that no one saved the world and got the girl.

That was an incredible journey.

Jun 19, 2014 1:52 PM

Nov 2013
We now have come full circle. Smile found his hero again, Kazama is finally free, Peco is a ping pong superstar, just like their respective coach but in a happy way.

Smile seems happy now, i'm still amazed Peco beat him because i'm sure he didn't let him win.

A really great ending for a great anime, 9/10.
Jun 19, 2014 2:31 PM

Jul 2007
This was pretty awesome. No complaints. I loved the opening, ending, the characters, the story everything. Peco <3
Jun 19, 2014 2:34 PM

Apr 2013
Ping Pong, the show that is less about ping pong, but about the characters. And it was an amazing ride!

I actually rooted for Smile, but Peco winning still makes me happy! And Smile smiling again was really heartwarming, as was seeing more of their childhood together.
Really, that's how character development should be done, even a side character like the traveling guy got his share. Also nicely done, how everyone who was shown as an antagonist got so much development, that you get to understand them and even like them. Like Wenge, in the first episode I didn't like him, but very early he got my favourite character, and I'm happy seeing him succeed at ping pong again!

This anime deserves more attention. I don't really see any weak points, the art was different, but consistent and well executed in its style, and I liked it. This show as a whole really was an refreshing experience!
Jun 19, 2014 2:40 PM

Apr 2013
Thank god I picked up this anime. I was pretty hesitant at the beggining cuz' I don't really enjoy sport animes but this one really was something different. Very inspiring match.

I wish NGNL and Ping Pong could switch scores ;)
Jun 19, 2014 2:43 PM
Feb 2013
Unexpectedly great stuff all the way. Probably 9/10

AOTS unless NGNL last episode blows my mind.
xikarraJun 19, 2014 2:46 PM
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