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Naruto Gaiden: Nanadaime Hokage to Akairo no Hanatsuzuki
Apr 28, 2015 12:20 PM
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Best Female Character of 2014 Nominations
The Slice of Life Club now has Candy Cane Grams! What's a Candy Cane Gram you ask? A Candy Cane Gram is a Christmas card that you
can request to have sent to your friends on MAL along with a message. It's the season of giving, so why not send your friends a card?
Click here to visit the Candy Cane Gram request thread!
This is just a reminder to everyone who is participating in the Secret Santa Event to please have your gifts sent to toridoshi by the 23rd!
Also, please stop by our chat thread to meet new friends!
The Slice of Life Club has a new layout! To help our members get into the Christmas spirit, we've put a little something festive up. We hope that all of our members have a happy and safe holiday season!
Male Competition Updates Newsletter
Male Character Competetion Update News
The Slice of Life Club will be hosting a couple events to celebrate the Christmas season with! We will be doing our third annual Secret Santa event and a Christmas themed MAL Scavenger Hint! More information on the events and links to their threads can be found under the spoiler tag:
Male Character Competition Updates:
The Slice of Life Club has a competition going on/upcoming events! Our current competition is the Male Character Competition. For more information on that, please click the spoiler tag below. As for our upcoming events, we have a few fun things planned for December/Christmas. Those things include our third annual Secret Santa gift exchange, seasons greetings to send to your friends and more! We'll be releasing more information on our upcoming events in a couple of weeks, so stay tuned!
Now without further adieu, onto the Male Character Competition stuff:
Cute Competition update and October club event news
[spoiler]Championships: Gold Round is now open for voting!
[u]Championship Match:[/u]
Nico Yazawa vs Erio Touwa
>>>Click here to vote on the polls!<<<
It all comes down to this! Who will be our champion of cute?
Will it be our beloved idol and mascot of Muse, Nico Yazawa? Or will it be our cute little "alien investigator," Erio Touwa? You decide!
The Slice of Life Club will be hosting our second team event. This event will have a Halloween theme to it, if you didn't gather that much from the name. Members who signup for the event will be divided into two different Halloween themed teams. Through the whole month of October, members will want to try to earn points for their team so that their team will win at the end of the month. The winning team will get to request all of the Halloween edition cards and help pick out two of our weekly editions for November. We're going to have lots of fun stuff planned for our members to do, such as special games, a test of courage, trick or treating (for small prizes from our card makers), daily riddles, a poem writing contest, a Cards Against Humanity tournament and more! Please join in on our festivities.
Spookafest will start on October 1st and end on October 31st.
To signup for Spookafest, post in this thread.[/spoiler]
Man, I don't think I am even going to watch any Summer anime for quite a while haha. Not sure about next season either besides Selector SPREAD WIXOSS. I start school this Monday and I'll still be working, so I'll basically have no free time whatsoever.
I've read some stuff about the older Elder Scrolls but haven't actually played them. I heard you can kill literally anyone in the older games even if it messes up the main story. Sounds very frustrating but I actually like that. Wish they'd keep that type of stuff in, or make the story change if you do kill of importants like that.
I dunno if I'll be getting TESO though. I've never been a fan of MMOs.
I've only heard great things about Oyasumi Punpun. I've been meaning to start reading it forever but still haven't. I'm sure the hype is real, haven't heard anyone say anything negative towards it.
Cute Competition update and Male Character Competition Info
Cute Competition Update News and Banner Making Contest Reminder
Here's a little reminder about our banner making contest. For more information on the banner making contest, click here.
September's theme is "Friendship" and the deadline is September 20th.